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A Quickie

A Quickie

You find me wanton and waiting Wanting and wailing No time skip the foreplay whale me Nail me Masturbation isn’t enough I am wet and willing I need fulfilling Felling, laying, filling Feeling, fornicating, forcing I spread my legs Give me all the dregs My pussy begs, eggs you on, pegs you out And draws you in… My cunt takes the brunt of every shunt, each punt of your blunt to my front. Your grunt finally ends this hunt. Unt-!! Alas your stunt has finished this runt -il next time… 

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9 years ago

Tumescent Tenderness - Chapter Two: Counteraction

“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.” -James A. Baldwin I let him lead me downstairs and into the kitchen without resisting, figuring that if I at least followed him I’d be able to get some answers. We went through the hall, him walking in front of me. I wondered when he’d had time to put on trousers. As we reached the front door I made him stop to let me put on a coat. He sized up mine and guffawed a little hysterically. My mind trailed back to the ring on the desk and I said nothing… beginning to wonder. He handed me his coat and I complied, wrapping it around me before we stepped out into the night air. I hopped over the gravel driveway, not before getting the end of trailing coat stuck in the door, and allowed him to open the car door for me, unable to stop a smile there. Even when this silly man was in a rush he still couldn’t help being courteous. I felt a surge within me, emanating love towards him and my heart skipped a beat as he hopped in and fired up the engine. I tried not to let my affection show and gazed out of the window until I had composed myself. As we tore down the motorway towards the laboratory, well beyond the speed limit in his boy toy, I saw that he kept glancing at me, eyeing me up and down, nervously. ‘Uh oh’, I thought to myself, realising that he must be anxious at how quiet I was being. I cleared my throat and began to make half-hearted sounds of protest. The engine roared and he didn’t notice me speaking at first. ‘You gorgeous dope you’ I reflected, and considered kissing him, but as he looked over I thought better of it and raised my voice again. “Can’t this wait? Why are we taking off in the night?” I said, only teasing him a little with an doe-eyed flutter of the lashes. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there. We’re making good time.” He responded, pumping the accelerator a little harder. “Thank the saints for the new parking area.” He muttered. I wondered at this point what it was that awaited me. My mind flashed back to the papers on the desk and the ring, going over the scenario and then unbidden to the bin. Unromantic as it might seem, that little discovery had given me the confidence I needed to, well, satisfy my man, and then some. I began to recall that, only a few minutes past, when something came to mind. I opened the coat and looked down, expecting to find a mess on the back lining. The idea of his cum leaking out of me was pretty hot, but I was a little bothered since this was his smart work coat. I was dumbfounded to see not a drop. We zoomed past the open gate and towards the underground parking lot. The tall building before me gleamed in the light of halogen lamps shining off the outer walls. We jolted down a ramp and I deliberated to myself why he was in such a rush. I went through a mental calendar of things we had done as he stopped the vehicle and got out, ripping the door open violently. That took me aback. He was always so careful with it, polishing the red two-seater often enough for me to tease him about touching it more than me, and here he was chipping the paint on a pillar and not even closing it as he hustled me towards the lift.

The doors pinged open and we clambered in. I giggled a little, though my mind still worked to think why it must be at – I checked his watch, which he had put on earlier while we were going down the main road – Seven minutes past midnight on the eleventh of May. I was feeling a little bashful, but thought it couldn’t have been such an important date if I couldn’t even remember it. I licked my lips and, tentatively taking hold of his sleeve, told him “Honey, you don’t need to rush so much. Listen, it doesn’t matter if we’re not there exactly–” The floor numbers ticked quickly, and he tapped his foot. “Ok look, my love, we’ll be on time, before it gets too far!” he said, voice hushed with excitement. ‘Well that’s good, because I’ll be damned if I have any idea what for.’ I thought, shifting a little. He looked so sweet and jumpy. I couldn’t believe this was it, he was going to ask me to marry him! I wanted to scream yes, to let him take me in his arms, to… He was edgy as my hand shifted from his downwards. He jumped a little as I grasped the front of his pants, but a bulge came to meet me almost immediately. I looked at the remaining numbers. A quicky then. Unzipping his fly. I grasped his cock through his pants, feeling the setting contours, and moved in front of him. There wasn’t time to play around. I unceremoniously flicked it from between the nuisances that were the sides of cloth and enveloped it in my mouth. It tasted good and I looked up at him, my eyes meeting his. His were still full of apprehension but he did nothing to prevent me. I worked the shaft, feeling him grow in my mouth, stretching down into my throat. I relaxed my gag, and began to suck. My horniness drove me, and I bobbed back and forth, smoking his pole, feeling a strange desire creeping back. I thought it was supposed to be newlyweds who were constantly at it, but I guess I couldn’t wait, huh? God, this was brilliant, I needed more, I moaned in satisfaction, and clamping my hands around his bottom, I pulled him towards me, relishing the taste and sensation. Lapping his cock had never felt so good. A fervour came over me, and peeking at the watch I saw I had already spent half a minute doing this. With a new zeal I sucked harder, twirling his cock in my mouth. With one hand I cradled his pendulous balls, and with the other I pressed lightly just below them. I pushed against the lift door with my feet, pressing him against the opposite wall. It felt easy when you were already this aroused, and my vehemence must have been more than I thought, because inconceivably, for the second time tonight, I felt the gargantuan swelling. His balls clenched and with a strangled “God damn it!” he blew his load again into my mouth. I gulped down the liquid eagerly, still moving back and forth sucking. He had really been holding out on me, it tasted great, and filled me with a satisfaction I could not describe. I slumped to the floor looking up at him again, and licking my lips laughed aloud when I saw the expression on his face. As I wobbled a little to regain my footing, I gave him a peck on the cheek and began to readjust my coat. Now by now I guessed he knew something was up with me, so I decided to keep it low key from now on. As I began trying to put the coat back on properly, the door pinged again and he gave my arm a tug. It was a strong one, really more than it needed to be, and I was turning to tell him so when it hit me. My fingers ceased their struggle to close the toggles on the coat front, and I swivelled to look at my soon to be fiancé. Something was off. I looked around, and felt another insistent tug on my arm, this time with even greater force. Off balance I tumbled out of the lift into my boyfriend’s laboratory. “Hey, what was up with that?” I said angrily, working to regain balance and get up from all fours. But he was already gone, across the floor and was typing madly at an interface. I walked up to him, passing assortments of strange and fantastical machines and devices of the modern age and the next, not looking at any of them. My hands on my hips I called over to him, “Oi! That was really unnecessary you know! I–” I felt an odd feeling, like before in the lift, hot and heavy. A deep resonance far within blossomed outwards, and I gasped, with pleasure as much as surprise. I could still think rationally, no matter my mood, but this was weird. I looked down at myself, and gaped as I saw the coat hanging several inches off the ground. I looked at him, then followed his gaze back at myself to the tightening garment. I felt the elbows and shoulders become a little awkward before I turned to examine them. I was perplexed by possibly shrinking clothes and the intense feeling within me. “What’s going on with these?” I said, my voice askew as I watched and felt my chest push out from the confines of the coat. I knew before he began his reply. It wasn’t the clothes. It was me. He stood staring and then turned quickly back to the computer he was using. The literal growing feeling was still increasing within as it manifested without. I was getting taller! Slowly but steadily, I was moving up inch after inch. I was about five foot five, and the apt application of the past tense crossed my thoughts as a shoulder of the garment tightened further. This thing was uncomfortable, but I was far from that. Perhaps it was hysteria, but I was feeling… great. Waves of pleasure floated through me, exuding from my inner core and spreading to my extremities… just as they spread. By my estimation I was by now at least five eight, but oddly I was not only increasing in height I realised, as I felt the coat lift from the back, my structure was altering proportionally. As my butt pressed a little further still, I looked down at my tits, which were positively big jugs now, having gone up a fair few cup sizes. Ok, maybe not completely proportionally. “Oh shit.” I gasped, looking up again. He had been typing madly at the computer and was speaking frantically as he did so. “Hang on darling.” His voice was tinny with terror, but then I noticed something odd. His dick was still sticking out of his trousers, and I saw that it was hard again. Now don’t get me wrong, I was scared. I had no idea what was happening, my body was changing as I looked on, confused and unable to stop it, and weirder still it felt seriously good. Thoughts like ‘What the hell was going on?’ and ‘Where the fuck is my proposal?’ were definitely flashing through my head. However, seeing that erection distracted me a little, allowing me to concentrate on something else other than my swelling physique to speak. “What’s happening to me?” I cried out, as I sprouted another inch of height, bust, and around the pelvic area. I winced from the pleasure. He was standing now, waiting while a tube filled up with a green liquid. I looked around the lab. “Listen my love, I am so sorry. Believe me, I never meant for this to happen!” he said, looking at me pleadingly. He was scared, shaking as he put on surgical gloves. “A few days ago I was working in the lab when something went terribly wrong. I used the—there was contamination. I ran some tests, and have been working ever since to undo it.” I shuddered again, climbing to at least five foot ten. My breasts had burgeoned into a pair of DDs, and I could see my hips and ass flaring out under the coat. I also noticed I had thickened a little in the thighs and calves, with a little muscle protruding from the generous curves. “So–” I stopped for a moment as I felt another arousing wave go through me, then cut to the chase. “Am I going to die?!” I said, sharing in his terror, “No!” he said, horrorstruck, wrenching me from a mental picture of some kind of explosion. “Your body is just altering to–” He blushed, but his eyes widened when he looked at the tube “Look, the injunction infusion is almost completed!” “It was my cum you see. I didn’t mean to take the risk, but I’ve never… I told you to stop!” He looked away from me, his voice guiltstricken and down, and I saw his dick, the head glistening in the lab light above. I let him continue, exploring the new form I inhabited hesitantly. My skin was soft and firm, and I felt healthy, awake, and seriously hot and bothered. I was too nervous to say it, but somewhere in me I realised that, well, the growth itself was turning me on. Sure, some of it was physical, but as I looked on I knew that a heck of a lot was psychological. “Ok, it’s done!” he said, pulling the tube free and unsteadily fitting the needle on to a syringe, into which he then put the antidote. I had loved puberty, and was fascinated by the way my body changed and transformed. I liked the way boys had started looking at me. Later on, I had learned to loved feeling a dick get hard, growing, feeling his thinking about me fill him up, and maybe this was some part I had loved in myself. It excited me a little on those days where my tits looked bigger, and I loved dressing to flaunt and accentuate the things I liked about myself. And now well, it was all happening again, and yeah I liked it. “Wait a minute,” I said, holding out my hand as he approached me. It surprised me how much I had caught up with him. He was still taller than me by a few inches, but the height difference, or lack thereof, was really noticeable. I scrutinised the fingers of my hand, larger but still delicate, and closed them. “Is this ‘effect’ harmful to me?” I asked unevenly, partly because another bout of sensation had settled in my tits, sending me up another size. My nipples strained forward, and the coat tore a little more. “Well, not technically it isn’t, not at all in fact, but I–” he stammered. “Well then, would you mind if I could… indulge in a little more?” I slowly asked, feeling my pussy grow damp. He gulped. “Besides, there’s no way I’m letting those erratic hands of yours stick a needle in me!” I smiled. He looked down at them, and stepped again towards me. “You… want to grow?” he asked, incredulous. “Yes. Yes I do.” I replied in a gradual tone, not letting the euphoria I was experiencing creep into my voice. I was seriously turned on, gaining another half inch in height and feeling my ass expand out like a small crinoline behind me, lifting the hem further off the floor. I noticed too, as the material slid over my rump, that I was becoming more sensitive too. I licked my lips a little, wetting them. He was closer now, and I wondered if he liked me like this. Doubt suddenly pricked through me, and I bit the inside of my lip. “I mean, you can stop it if you like.” I said. The words traced with fluttering unease. Wait… What if he didn’t like me like this? I wanted him to want me. I liked feeling his eyes on me, knowing that it was those assets I liked that he liked, knowing he wanted to taste them again and again, no matter how many times he had done before, like it was the first time. I loved it. I loved him. I didn’t want to be a freak for my husband. What if it were too late? If I were too far gone? The stir of lust and the responsiveness of my body sent a jolt of fear through me. “Please, forget I said anything. Fix me.” I said, my face fraught with worry. My eyes brimmed with tears. “Of course darling.” he said, stroking my hair. He raised the syringe, and halted in mid-air. I was now only an inch below his height, and easily weighed as much if not more than him with my new, thick attributes. “I do like you like this, you know.” He said quickly, his eyes and stance apprehensive. “Oh.” I said. I was silent for a moment. “Umm… How much?” I added, trying to keep my tone casual. The tension had suddenly flooded out of the air, replacing it with a sudden awkwardness again, even more so by the various parts of me peeking out from his coat. It was like being acquaintances again, hinting to the other that you liked them in fact as more than friends. The needle was still frozen in his outstretched hand “Well, quite a lot.” He replied. He stopped, and then cleared his throat before confiding “A real lot actually.” I knew it had been out of place. Now don’t get me wrong, a buxom lass in a coat ought to elicit that kind of thing normally, but well, he seemed so oddly conflicted as he had sat there at the computer. A distant memory surfaced, of an old online dating profile he had shown me, and in the ‘Looking For’ section under the ‘Physical’ bit I had seen terms like ‘Tall’ and ‘Voluptuous’, before he skipped right over those and did his best to end the embarrassing affair. “So then,” I said softly, gently moving closer as I hit the six foot mark, “It wouldn’t bother you if I were… bigger than you? If I grew—” My boobs seemed to respond at this moment, pressing out into his chest “…Even more?” “Nuh-uh” he replied a little dully, as if mesmerised for a moment before he blinked. “Especially not the growing part.” My thighs and hips visibly broadened again, I was caught off guard for a moment. “What do you mean? ” I asked, looking him straight in the eye, puzzled. My voice was faint, velvety, embroidered with mounting emotion, perhaps hope? “In all honesty, if you must know, it’s the, well, the growing that I like too. ” He declared. “I loved you at your old size, but this, and well, imagining more…of you. And I’ll be frank, there isn’t really a cap to it. ” The last part was croaked, almost a whisper. I didn’t reply. Turning to myself, I considered things. So, I had a man before me who liked me growing, was desperately in love with me, possibly even more now that I had literally become his living fantasy. I personally had come to the epiphany that this was something I wanted too long before knowing it was his desire, so there wasn’t pressure from him but merely encouragement to fulfil my own wish. I looked gently down now at the man I adored, and kissed him fully on the lips, gently pressing into him further. “I love you. ” I whispered, taking the cure from his hand. I stepped forward past him, then leaned back and hurled it with full force at the computer. The glass shattered, smashing the container and spilling liquid all over the machine, which sparked and fried. I turned back around. He couldn’t speak. I advanced, shrugging off the tattered remains of the coat, feeling the rising buzz within me, expanding me outwards and towards my heart’s desire. I stopped before him, and felt the uproarious sparks flicker their last within me, leaving me at six foot two, with an hourglass figure popping out well over forty inches where it mattered, if not more. We embraced, and kissed, long and deep. It was bliss. After a minute, I broke away for a moment. “I don’t want to stop it. I want to be big for you. I know you like it. I like it too, love of mine.” I said, evenly, and only the naughty glint in my eye gave any warning before I smothered his romantic ‘You’re beautiful, I love y-’ with another spell of making out. These words had apparently been quite titillating for him. I felt a rise from him gently prod me. Still tongue-tied by the kiss, I looked down out of the corner of my eye and was stunned to see that perhaps I was not the only one who had jacked up a little in size. ‘Now officially a little afraid of the monster again’ I thought to myself. Now it was his turn to break away. “Look, my love, I’ve been meaning to ask you something, and don’t think I’m asking now because of all… this, ” he gestured at my new frame. “Yes? ” I asked, my voice small and high, actual tears leaking from my eyes now. He bent down on to one knee…

Chapter 3 is coming…

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9 years ago

could you write about a girl whose breasts and butt expands every time some one has a dirty thought about her? and the more she expands the more sexually sensitive her skin gets? (so basically the expanding is sexually pleasing) and the only way she can get back to normal is to orgasm. (is that to specific?)

Gosh, that’s hot.

9 years ago



9 years ago

I Want Him To Get Hard Remembering This

I slump before him in one swift, fluid motion. I pull him forward, and his dick hardens on my hot breath. I’m licking him now, and I feel him stretch as he enters my mouth. My lips part further and he moans. It’s intoxicating, this power I have over him. He stands precariously before my mercy. I am taking him, drawing in whole and engulfing him, and I am not inclined to cease. He shakes, and I feel his hands tighten in my hair. We are perfectly reversed. I it is I who kneel before him, and yet it is he who prays in ecstasy to me. I suck harder, working my tongue back and forth, twirling his shaft round in my mouth, flitting over the head. His demureness breaks in sharp intakes and gasps of breath. This compels me, countercommanding me, along with the pleading of a palm, to increase my ministration. I feel myself moisten, and I cannot help but smile, a mix of wry pleasure and giddiness at how turned on we both are. Fellatio is an overtly and implicitly sexual act, purely carnal, filling one with a certain rush separate from penetration. I could feel him tensing as I moved my head back and forth, back and forth, looking up into his eyes. My lips formed a perfect ‘O’ around his cock, and we were both conscious of the slightly wet sound of the sucking, an undertone beneath our moaning. Neither here are wholly master or servant. I am in control, and knowing it makes me wetter still. I soothe my own aching by inserting a finger downstairs. I begin to rub my clit, slippery already, in time. I swear I felt his dick bulge as he noticed what I was doing. His own measure of dominance is there too, standing in front of me, tall and imposing, expectant as I serve him. He worships me, his goddess, and I grant him my favour, bowing in turn. I’ve increased my speed, both for myself and for him. I move him round and round, lubricating him for what is to come. I start to work the shaft, and I more firmly grab his ass. Slowly I slide it in and out, going at the head. I can’t help but feel personal satisfaction, a big part of the turn on, at just how big and hard I have made this man. I push a bit further, little by little, and then, all at once, I take him by surprise, fully deep throating him. He moans, louder again, before suddenly quietening in slight embarrassment. This spurs me on, and I work him faster and faster, harder and harder. I can feel him shaking, vibrating with pleasure, unable to contain himself. It’s so good, and so fast. I look up and he can barely meet my gaze, his eyes are rolling back into his head in elation. I’ve told him that I don’t want to swallow, that I don’t like it. A simple ruse. Far away I feel him start to say something, but I know what it is before he can stutter it. His dick is beginning to swell, and there’s a salty taste on the edge of my tongue as it flickers around the swollen head. He tries to tell me again, with more urgency in between his ragged breaths, and I moan all the louder, tightening my grip on him. I can feel his nervousness, his inner desire to spurt all over me and down my throat, clashing with his sweet concern for me. I’m going to give him what he wants, and so much more. I want him to get hard just thinking about this. Taking one hand from his ass and the other from my clit, I grab my tits and rub my cleavage already taut nipples with my own juice. He’s still trying to warn me, trying to hold on, but just unable to tear himself away. Good. I want him to explode with all the sexual tension that’s building. The fantasy for him must be overwhelming. The girl who foreswore what is about to happen is bringing it on with all haste. I shove his cock between my tits, not letting it loose from between my lips for even a second, and begin to pump up and down, feeling his cock engorge to almost bursting point. I love this feeling, of sealing his fate and controlling his desire; fuelling it, becoming his erotic reverie. I moan, feral, and I can almost see in his mind the realisation that I must be unaware of what is to come on a conscious level, and that my libido is fully in control. Frankly, he is not too far from the mark. I no longer care, it feels so good, and I feel so forceful. I am going to make him cum, and I bet I can do it in seconds. I am in overdrive. His dick is so hard, riding up and down between mounds of tit and in and out of my hot, hungry, gaping maw, ready to devour him. Like some succubal nymph of legend told by fearing priests, I have come for his seed. One last time it expands. I am licking him all over, sucking for all I am worth. His hands, loose a moment before, have tightened in my hair. And then, he cums. I take it all, swallowing his hot cum as it rushes into my mouth, down my throat. I gulp it down, and for a moment his cock is free from my lips’ vice grip. Like a cannon he sprays my breasts with it too, and it dribbles down my tits, hot and thick, before I take him back into my mouth, determined to get every last drop. I keep sucking, and more semen issues. He looks taken aback somewhere in his mind, but is too busy crying out in absolute euphoria, unable to process anything but pleasure. His dick continuously spasms, and I continue to caress it. Eventually some of the bliss is a little too much for him, so I give him the occasional break while I dip a finger into the load on my chest and gently lap it up. Delicious… exquisite. 

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9 years ago

An Ample Anniversary - Part II

An Ample Anniversary - Part II

Now you lie for a moment, after you’ve both come, playing with one another. You would have said that her delineation was mind-boggling, but you are spellbound, too enraptured to think of anything but the senses at present. You look into her eyes, unfathomable as the currents of the deep ocean and the earth beneath forest leaves. Gently moving aside a tress of her locks, you whisper in her ear that you love her. She replies with a kiss, and you caress and fondle one another for a long time, travelling over one another’s bodies. The two of you are in complete harmony, each heart still racing for the other. This is complete bliss. 

You stroke the curves of her titanic form, appreciating every subtle inch of the great camber. Her hips hook you, her thighs encompass your world, and her derriere forms it; her demure, slender waist decorously inclines towards it with a delicacy the eye cannot follow. Her breasts, teardrop velvet and soft, with their puffy, dark nipples always looking as if they ache for you, softly merge with your chest as you pull her closer and kiss those delicate, sculpted lips, the bow round and full. That is her, round and full, potent and encapsulating. She is yours, and you are hers, and you know this. Her hair trails on to your shoulder, a river of little cascading curls washing over the edge of her face, her features fine and striking. Her neck is lightly spotted with perspiration, and you lean in and kiss her deeply there. A hand trails around your midriff, and pulls you closer. The other strokes one of your thighs, the other between hers. You can still feel the secretion between her legs, and after a moment you stir, your body responding to the call of hers, a light and tinkling music. You stiffen slightly. The touch is haunting, full of dreams… and then all is swept away. You feel desire, raising its antlers in you, and she sees the fiery expression on your face as you lift your head to look at her beautiful face. You want her again, and you know she wants you too. You rise, still looking her in the face, virile and single-minded. Your cock is rigid. She must be sensing this in you, as you knew she naturally could not help but do, and you feel your member strain toward her. She pulls her hair back and then kneels in front of you, her curving rear flourishing behind her like two, smooth moons. She parts your legs, holding them open with both hands as she advances upon you on her knees, jiggling like an earthquake as she does so. Her curves bounce, hips, tits, thighs, and butt, as if electricity is running through them, and then she envelops your length in your mouth. She sucks, honing the stiff erection, making it bigger and harder. Sliding it in and out, she lubricates it, before slipping it between her tits. She titfucks you with gusto, encasing your cock between her mammories and shaking her rack this way and that, up and down, pleasuring you all over. She continues doing this for a few minutes, and it feels better than it has ever done. The elation from before, combined with a technique she has never before displayed, takes you well past rock and to titanium hardness. The head of your dick moves in and out of her mouth. She licks and sucks the head of your cock, all the while mashing her tits around your pole. You thought she was self-conscious because she said her tits weren’t big enough to do this properly… Well, no complaints here, far from it. It turns you on just that much more knowing she’s thrown all inhibition out the window, not that there’s any founding for any. These puppies are plenty big enough. The buxom temptress brings you to a degree of… delectable turgidity and stops, releasing something like a rod of veined adamant into the crisp air. You moan for her not to, but she only smiles and strokes your nose with a finger. Bemused, you smile back, momentarily softened by this familiar sweet gesture the two of you have between you, but this is backed by an inexorable shift towards her, your hand resting on her plum hamstring. Still smiling, She gets up, gigantic legs raising her, lissom as a cat. She moves, passing the kitchen counter to the mantelpiece, and you can only but look on as you are staggered by the sway, which you briefly wonder if she exaggerating with this very effect in mind (if such a thing is possible), of her immensity. Your feet take you after her unbidden, and you are then behind her, standing before this larger than life lion’s share of backside, though the rest of her is still at arm’s length. She turns, a sultry grin now coating her face, twisting her body just so, so that a generous amount of tit, accentuated by the complimentary arcs, also joins the display. Her hands above her hips, she winks at you. “Mmm… I have a good idea. I’ve noticed there’s a little left…” she purrs, her hand suddenly on your cock making long strokes. She turns, allowing you to see her buttocks in their fully glory. “Could you please help me… apply it sir?” she coos. You glance down at your dick as a strange, slightly hot feeling beginning to course through you throbbing, and you notice a green, thick substance coating it. She gives her tits a peremptory, encouraging, squeezing rub, and then smacks her behind, and lets the now empty phial drop to the floor. Epilogue: The idea to fuck against the mantelpiece in your old house, on which was perched the stand containing all the numerous phials of green and other varying colours, was either a reckless oversight or a stroke of genius. You’re beginning to think your wife is a number of steps ahead of you in more than just the literal sense… Time to go now, ‘Duty’ calls.

Part I: 

Inspirations are once again from Bootychekepete!

Edit of his pictures done by me.……

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