Hello, I (21) have this blog where I post random fandom stuff. I write.Yeah, that's pretty much it. Have fun scrolling (I wouldn't recommend it)

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Its almost a year since me and my boyfriend met. I was cosplaying Riza Hawkeye and he was cosplaying Roy mustang at Birmingham MCM he ran up to me shouting ‘Lieutenant!’ To get my attention and we spoke in character for a bit before introducing ourselves Its MCM Birmingham again in just over a week so to honor tradition we’re going as Royai

Whats great is we have always refered to eachother as ‘Lieutenant’ and ‘Colonel’ and his family call me Riza.

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More Posts from Mysteriouslysparklyglitter

Rations for various RPG Races

[[ Source. Original creator: wats6831. Additional information and images linked under each one. ]]



Homemade artisan herb bread, home grown and dried apples and prunes, uncured beef sausage, munster cheese. Made a small bag from cheesecloth and tied it closed.

Discussion thread here.



Garlic chicken livers, smoked and peppered cheese, spiced pork sausages, hard tack, dried vegetables, dried wild mushrooms.

Discussion thread here.



Top left to right: Evereskan Honey Comb, Elven Travel Bread (Amaretto Liquer Cake with custom swirls), Lurien Spring Cheese (goat cheese with garlic, salt, spices and shallots), Delimbyr Vale Smoked Silverfin (Salmon), Honey Spiced Lichen (Kale Chips), and Silverwood Pine Nuts.

Discussion thread here.



From upper left: “Honeytack” Hard tack honey cakes, beef sausage, pork sausage mini links, mini whole wheat toast, cranberry cheddar cheese mini wedge, mini pickles, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lower right is my homemade “travel cake” muesli with raisins, golden prunes, honey, eggs and cream.

Discussion thread here.



Wrapped in cheesecloth and tied in burlap package. Forest strider drumsticks, molasses sweet wheat bread “black strap”, aged Munster, hard boiled eggs, mixed wild nuts.

Discussion thread here.



Orcs aren’t known for their great cuisine. Orcs prefer foods that are readily available (whatever can be had by raiding), and portable with little preparation, though they have a few racial delicacies. Toughs strips of lean meat, bones scavenged from recent kills, and dark coarse bread make up the bulk of common orc rations.Fire roasted rothe femur (marrow is a rare treat) [beef femur], Strips of dried meat (of unknown origin) [homemade goose jerky], foraged nuts, only edible by orcs….nut cracker tusks [brazil nuts], coarse black bread, made with whatever grains can be pillaged [black sesame bread], Pungent peppers [Habanero peppers stuffed with smoked fish and olives].

More images here. Discussion thread here.



Pan fried Delimbyr smelt, spiced goat cheese (paprika crusted hand pressed Fontina), Gnome shortbread (savory pistachio), glass travel jar filled with Secomber Red (wine), hard boiled quail eggs packed in rolled oats (to keep safe), dried figs from Calimshan, and Southwood smoked goat sausage (blood sausage).

More images here. Discussion thread here.



Lizardfolk are known to be omnivores, forage for a surprising variety of foods found within the confines of their marshy environs, in this case the Lizard Marsh near Daggerford. Fresh caught boiled Delimbyr Crayfish on wild chives, coastal carrageen moss entrapping estuary brine shrimp (irish moss, dried brine shrimp), Brackish-Berries (blackberries), Blackened Dart-Frog legs (frog legs) on spring sprouts (clover sprouts), roasted bog bugs on a stick!

More images here. Discussion thread here.



From top left: Menzoberranzan black truffle rothe cheese (Black Knight Tilsit), Donigarten Moss Snails (Escargot in shallot butter sauce), Blind cave fish caviar in mushroom caps (Lumpfish caviar), faerzress infused duck egg imported from the surface Realms (Century egg), Black velvet ear fungus (Auricularia Black Fungus Mushroom).

More images here. Discussion thread here.

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shading colour tips

hey yall its me the Art Mom™ to help you shade pretty


red- shade with a slightly darker shade of purple

orange- slightly darker and more saturated shade of red

yellow- i think like..a peach could work but make it a really light peach

green- shade with darker and less saturated shade of blue or teal

blue- shade with purple

purple- a shade thats darker than the purple you’re using and maybe a little pink (MAYBE blue)

pink- darker shade of red

white- a really light lavender or blue..or i guess any really light colour??

black- okay listen dont use pure black to colour anything unless you want to leave it with flat colours because you cant really shade black lol

grey- a slightly darker shade of purple or blue (less saturated)

brown- slightly darker and less saturated shade of purple or red

aaaaand thats all i got lol. let me know if there is anything i should add to this list!!

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Ok, I am officially DONE. I haven't seen this show but there's so much amazing fanart that I must write something. Like seriously, look at this! Fanart always sells the fandom. Hopefully the Miraculous fandom will forgive any OOC-ness or plot inconsistencies

It sounds like Chopin

"Make yourself at home, I'll be there in a minute."

He left her in his room before going downstairs to order some snacks for him and his good friend. Adrien had some school project that he was assigned to finish with Marinette, so the least he could do after leaving the planning to the more capable head is to make sure she's well fed.

As he opens the door to his room, he finds Marinette sitting at his piano, gliding her fingers over the smooth keys. She doesn't dare to press any and instead chooses to smile softly to herself for God knows what reason. He closed the door a tad more loudly, making her turn to him with her awkward, anxious smile. They stood like that for a moment before he forced a cough.

"What do you think?"

"M-me? Auhm, well, I don't really, It's beautiful, Adrien, the piano, but I had no idea you could play the piano, uhm, I just think thats.. neat."

"Neat?" He smiled at her words, but that didn't seem to ease her nerves and approaching her and leaning on the polished black surface didn't help either.

"I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since I played it, ehm, but my father insists that I practice every day."

"I'm, I'm quite sure you're good at it."

He smiles at her again and she jumps like she didn't expect it.

"Would you like me to play something for you?"

For some reason Marinette just kep staring at him, mouth parted, clearly wanting to say yes, but maybe staying silent because she didn't want to nag him.

"Scoot over."

She scooted to the very edge of the seat.

"Anything you'd like to hear?"

"Well, I, I don't really know much about classical music, but, I, listened to Chopin a few times, It's well, my grandmother can play a few songs, so maybe something from him?"

"Well, you really know what to pick, Chopin is, something."

"You don't have to if, if you don't want to."

"I do", he smiled, "I think I remember one that I used to like a lot"

His fingers brushed over the first keys before he breathed in and summoned the first notes. The room was soon filled with the sorrowful melody that could only be assigned to it's creator. Adrien closed his eyes, allowing himself to be led by his ears and hands. Just sounds, but arranged in such a way that pricked the heart of the listener.

Sorrow was Chopin's signature, after all.

Small hands, hands of a boy, on top of his mother's, playing the piano.

Adrien opened his eyes. The hands on the keys were only his. His heart jumped, but he kept playing, focusing harder.

He's lost a tooth last week. The kitchen still smells of apple pie. He's sitting in his mothers lap, watching carefully as his mother reads the mystical music sheets and translates them to music. He looks up to see her face only to catch her staring at him with a smile. Her smile. The kind that comes from the bottom of a person's soul. The smile of true happiness. The smile that would make even his father-

Wrong key.

He returned to the present, shaking.

Adrien, mama can't play right now.

Despite his controlled breath and slow blink, tears rolled down his face.

Don't be sad, we'll play some other time.


He covered his eyes with his hand. A sob escaped him. Marinette gently touched his shoulder and he turned to her, still wiping at the tears that just. Won't. Stop. Falling.

Marinette embraced him. He didn't register her at first until he felt warm hands caressing his hair. She didn't ask but he still felt the need to explain, at least partially, his sudden outburst.

"I miss her, Marinette, I miss her so much, but she's, gone."

"It's okay Adrien, let it out."

"I'm, I'm sorry, Ma-"

"There's nothing to apologize for, I understand."

Adrien kept on crying, letting out parts of the grief his quivering soul held all this time. The memories, the hopes and regrets all threatening to choke him with each new breath.

Marinette didn't speak, just held him tighter.


… [x]

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I'm still learning how to Tumblr so forgive me for the messy answer

If you are still doing it, 💫

Okay, I was like: Imma write a drabble the way it’s supposed to be. I’m a pro.Spoiler: I didn’t, so this just turned out to be a weird oneshot. I got too much into it. Enjoy.Song: So Close - Jon McLaughlin“So close to reaching that famous happy end,Almost believing this one’s not pretend.”There she is, capturing something more than his view.Again, as if it took her no effort. But how? What was she doing here? Did anything other than her arrival matter anymore?Somehow, she looked more stunning than this morning, when they bumped into each other on the street. She made small steps trough the hall and he could see red shoes shyly showing their tips underneath her long dress. The dress swayed with each movement. From head to toe, the dress gradually turned from blue to red. Just the experience of looking at her seemed surreal.She noticed him, but then another man wanted her attention. She turned her head towards his black glasses and brown hair, then listened to his whispers and nodded until, finally, he walked away. Her gaze followed him before he got lost in the crowd.Her amber eyes met the black one again. She smiled. Resumed her pace towards him. Before he knew it, she was two feet away, the orchestra crept into the silence and he reached out.“Would you like to dance?” Pause. “Yes.”She gave him his hand and they both joined the dance floor.She placed her hand in his and spread her fingers across his shoulder. In return, his hand went underneath her shoulder blade and his eyes to hers.In the few steps that followed, the white-haired man noticed an unexpected security in her movements. It was almost as if the girl wasn’t the very klutz that spilt his tea. “You’re a pretty good dancer.”She looked away from the intense stare. An agonizing pause.“I thought I’d never see you again.”This statement made her tense and her eyes returned to his with a sheepish smile.“You’d want to?”The singer’s voice kept carrying them across the hall.“More than I’m willing to admit.”“Well, saying ‘yes’ is satisfying enough.”“Well, I guess that makes us both pleasantly surprised.”“Ehm, ‘pleasantly surprised’ doesn’t even begin to describe it”He chuckled.“What does?”Step, step, sigh.“I wish I could tell you.”He nodded in understanding. The conversation ended. They were both carried by the waves of the song into the waltz that was like a ship over the depths of each other’s eyes. Synchronised with the singer’s voice, like it was all planned outSo far, we are…The music started changing it’s pace.“Miss, if you don’t mind, I would like to try something”“I don’t.”“Hold tight.”Her expression showed how she read his intention and her grip tightened. His footwork became faster with each next step as they moved. She followed and her dress did too. The world became hazy. Guests. Marble pillars. Grand chandeliers. All gone.What remained was his smile and the bubble of laughter that wanted to escape her.It felt like-“Miss Bordeaux!”They stopped. The man with glasses from before stood as close as he had to be, looking displeased. Her partner gave them a confused glance. Glasses ignored him. His unpleasant attention was directed at the redhead. She turned to her partner and bowed.“I’m grateful for the pleasant dance.”“The feeling is mutual.”The brown haired man coughed and the girl hesitated before turning towards him. She rushed as she looked down at her feet.Her partner stood there for a few moments before walking towards the exit himself. Time to leave came too early. His friends will forgive him. As for the host, he’ll come up with an excuse.What about her?He’ll probably never see her again. Fate doesn’t give two chances so easily. Three is pretty much impossible. He knows how cruel it is. But…He can’t help but hope.Now he knows the name he yearned for all day.

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Absolutely stunning

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mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz
mysteriouslysparklyglitter - F/Random shiz