1279 posts
My Goals/plans For Writing This Year Are:
My goals/plans for writing this year are:
Make a finished first draft for Realms of Loss!!!!
Finish and edit Tales of Wilted Flowers (first draft)
Make a second draft for The Last Wrath
(this is more of an art goal, but it involves some scriptwriting, so here it goes!) to finally design, start and finish my Supernova Initiative webcomic!
Welcome 2024!
We’re in the final countdown until the New Year, and I’m so excited! What are y’all’s plans and resolutions for the next year? They can be related to writing or not!
Share in the replies or the reblogs, and everyone go support and follow each other!
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More Posts from Mysticstarlightduck
Happy STS, Mystic! My STS asks have been severely lagging recently, but hooray for the holidays and free time!
What’s the biggest burst of inspiration you’ve ever had writing-wise, and what was the result?
Happy STS, @clairelsonao3, thank you so much for the ask! (And Happy Holidays to you, whichever you celebrate, and a Happy New Year! 🎆)
What’s the biggest burst of inspiration you’ve ever had writing-wise, and what was the result?
I'm not sure which of my moments of inspiration was the greatest or biggest one, lol - my writing mostly starts or consists of multiple little bursts of inspiration and their ramifications. So, I'll go with the most recent ones!
I was working on some backstory for Tales of Wilted Flowers, and one of my biggest and most important moments of inspiration was figuring out the key moments for Caladin's backstory, which was much different than I had initially thought it would be - including the reason why he despises his powers and lives running from his bloodline. I think it was a very neat moment of realization for me as if all the pieces were coming together to create his story and pave the path for his current goals. Another important moment was deciding the final arc for Korbyn, the villainous dark magic apprentice of Lord Eldryc, who is more than it seems in many ways.
As a final one, I think that figuring out the main motivation/backstory for King Tieran Kallasen in a way that really fits his character - him being the heir of the "ancient heroes", but who never quite measured up to his family's expectations and name really fit the theme of the story, and was a nice subversion of the "Chosen One" trope (the descendant of a chosen one become a villain out of greed and despair) in my eyes. Living in the shadow of a legacy that had long since become hollow made him obsessive with maintaining his status and becoming the most powerful as a way to prove that he was going to be greater than those who came before him - even if it took slaughtering his enemies to prove a point and awakening an ancient sorceress to gain more power over those who denied him.
(For The Last Wrath, one of my greatest moments of inspiration came while developing Luciya and Fabian's backstory, as well as Quinn's own story)
Thank you so much for the mention, @rickie-the-storyteller!
Wow, this has been one heck of a good ride - from ever since I started out this blog at the beginning of this year, to today - and I can't wait to see where it leads me next! I have met many wonderful people here, finding a writeblr community that welcomed and supported my crazy ideas and WIPs since day one, and made many new online friends!
I want to thank every single one of you, and the 103 followers I gained so far - a number I would've thought impossible a few months ago when I first started out.
Here goes my shout-out to my amazing Online Friends -
@lassiesandiego, @clairelsonao3, @hrmkingizzy, @unstablewifiaccess, @rickie-the-storyteller, @jay-avian, @your-absent-father, @crowandmoonwriting, @writernopal, @elshells, @moonluringfrost, @the-mindless, @tabswrites, @oh-no-another-idea, @sm-writes-chaos, @exquisitecrow, @meerawrites, @doublegoblin, @gummybugg, @aziz-reads, @jasperygrace, @sam-glade, @anoelleart, @liv-is, @junypr-camus, @lola-theshowgrl, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @moondust-bard, @quisyop, @aalinaaaaaa, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @trancetales, @autumnalwalker, @stesierra, @lyutenw, @late-to-the-fandom, @pluttskutt, @macabremoons, @dancinginsepia, @cabbojage, @chauceryfairytales and all the others that supported me on the start of this journey here!
2023 is coming to an end so this is my annual I love my online friends so fucking much you wouldn't believe me if I told you post.
WIP Moodboard, Realms of Loss - The Far Reach
This wonderful mood board was made by @crowandmoonwriting for my WIP!
The Far Reach - a great divide between two warring realms, Avillore and Sarythea, built to keep the encroaching curse of the Lost Lands at bay, ruled over by a council of Lords and Ladies bound by an ancient pact - the last mighty string that holds the land together.

WIP Moodboard, Realms of Loss - Avillore
This wonderful mood board was made by @crowandmoonwriting for my WIP!
Avillore, a fortress kingdom where might and efficiency are the ultimate goal in their path to perfect their art of war. Land of virtue and ruthlessness, above all.

Ayo, this interaction had me rolling lmao
(Right after saving Minsc, very late in the game I must add)
Misnc: finishes his whole-ass explanation about how Boo is a mighty beast and not a normal hamster, but a miniature space hamster, and that we must show no fear of it
Tav: *blinks in visible confusion*
Astarion (pulls Tav aside, word for word): "I hate to judge a book by its cover, but that oaf may be all cover and no pages."
Minsc (blissfully oblivious of the world while standing right there, no thoughts, just vibes):😀🐹
I have never agreed more.