mysticstarlightduck - ✨majestic✨

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Out-of-context Line Tag

Out-of-context Line Tag

Thanks for tagging me for this one, @winterandwords!!

Here's another bit from Untitled Teen Romcom:

You know what? Screw her. Screw her and everyone else like her that make working out look effortless. Glamorous. People shouldn’t be allowed to look this good after a run.

Tagging these guys next: @mysticstarlightduck, @clairelsonao3, @gummybugg, @she-who-fights-and-writes, @leisoree, @jay-avian, @mjparkerwriting, @raevenlywrites, @rbbess110, @janec23, @kaylinalexanderbooks and @fire-but-ashes-too.

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More Posts from Mysticstarlightduck

9 months ago

Roast your OCs tag

Cheers @diabolical-blue for the tag. Looks like a fun one

The goal in a nutshell: Reduce my OCs to the most basic, mundane, stereotypical/archetypical tendentious of themselves and making it Fit into a Title!

Time to roast the main cast of A Feather in the Forest

• Protagonist bearing a Secret Identity reluctantly thrown into the role of Child Hero

• Parent who dies between the Prologue and the Main Story for the sake of causing angst and sorrow for the Protagonist

•Absent because trauma and grief overcame them Father

• Seer and Wise Elder who’s cryptic words hold truths other characters only find out about after thinking them over

• Tomboy companion of the Protagonist who gives up their dreams so that the Lead can pursue theirs

• Mentor and Drill Sergeant who cares about those they are tutoring

• Side Characters that are there to act as Sidekicks, Friendly Rivals, Less Than Friendly Adversaries, Foils, and Comic Relief

• Villain who can be interpreted as a symbol of Imperialism and is more of presence than an actual Adversary

Tagging @illarian-rambling @kaylinalexanderbooks @poethill @theeccentricraven @splashinkling @jakkon-and-rose-topic @little-peril-stories @talesofsorrowandofruin @mysticstarlightduck @winterandwords @eccaiia @leahnardo-da-veggie and open tag

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9 months ago

Two truths and a lie tag

Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling

Let’s do Opal for this one

Tagging @melpomene-grey @talesofsorrowandofruin @diabolical-blue @thewritingautisticat @tildeathiwillwrite @corinneglass @eccaiia @winterandwords @mysticstarlightduck @whatwewrotepodcast @jay-avian @poethill and open tag

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9 months ago

Wild Rushes

Wild Rushes

A @flashfictionfridayofficial fanfic, original work.

This rocky pool was one my mother had warned me from using for laundry or swimming several times, but I always wondered why. It looked so warm and inviting even in the winter. I often sat on sunny and cloudy days alike watching its waters ripple as though there was something inside it beyond just minnows or frogs. Until a few moons after my nineteenth name day when I heard singing from it.

The voice was high, beautiful, and almost seemed to echo. I approached it carefully from our house nearby when I first noticed the sound, but after a few steps I lost myself to the melody that enticed me. The one who held the voice was beyond anything I had ever seen: long, sea-green hair that curtained over bare blue skin; eyes that looked milky but narrowed into a glance of understanding when they saw me; and an outstretched spindly hand with fingers that seemed far too long for any other creature I knew.

I did not understand the words of the song but I knew I was being called to the water. I did not bother undressing. I did not think of my mother's warnings. The only thing I did was reach out in return for this creature to whom my heart entirely belonged in that moment.

My clothes clung to me almost as desperately as she did when our lips met. Her melody seemed to hum through her blood, her hair wrap around me. I was up to my neck in this pool— indeed it was warm, like I knew it would be— and then she pulled me under.

I scrabbled around while she clutched me tighter than I thought possible, but her body slipped out of my grasp. The pressure of being underwater was pulling the air out of my lungs as I spluttered through the kiss. But she did not let go. When she finally loosed her grip on me I saw her smile. It was ruthless and jagged like the monsters I had heard sailors describe when they talked about what they called “rusalka”.

My body demanded I get up to the surface but she had dragged me so much further than I had realized; how far did this little pool go? I struggled to move both arms and legs, too late realizing my feet were tangled in her hair. She gave me a once-over like I was a lover she was courting in private, bared her body to me, and bubbles escaped our mouths: Mine in horror, hers in a laugh.

Eventually I felt myself give up, though my mind still told me to swim. I sank to the depths of the pool still half-aware of the movements I made. My captor circled me once more before I remembered my mother's words. ”She drowned a long time ago and she's looking to have someone join her. Be careful, boy. I don't want it to be you.“

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9 months ago

OC Interview Tag!

Thanks for the tag, @agirlandherquill (here)!!!

I'll go with Sam Delaways from Enchanted Illusions for this one, because I want to talk more about him and because I think you guys will really like this character! (:

Are you named after anyone?

"Nah. At least not that I know of, that is. I like my name just fine either way, though I don't think my parents put that much thought into it."

When was the last time you cried?

"Pretty recently, but why do you wanna know? (chuckles mischievously) You little rascal. I'm not telling ya that."

Do you have kids?

"No, but I take care of my little brothers - I'm all they've got since neither of our parents are around anymore. They're little kids, so one could say I'm raising 'em. Or at least that I'm trying my best to."

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

"Only when I'm trying to be funny - or when I really wanna annoy Augustus (laughs). That uptight necromancer needs to get a sense of humor and quick, haha. I never use sarcasm to be rude, though, there ain't no need for that - unless someone really deserves it. In that case, I can make an exception."

What is the first thing you notice about people?

"If they're dangerous in some way or another - and if they are, I try to find out ways to avoid gettin' in their way. I also try to notice if they're confident or shy, if they're arrogant or humble if they're temperamental or calm - these things can tell me a lot about whom I'm interacting with."

What's your eye color?

"Dark grey, I think."

Scary movies or happy endings?

"I tend to prefer stories with happy endings, though I like my fair share of scary stories, on occasion. Depends on my mood, mostly. I don't have much time to spend reading anymore, though I like to, and I ain't ever gone to the local theaters to see any of the plays and operas, but I hear they're awesome."

Any special talents?

"I'm not sure, haha. I think I'm quite good at climbing things, and I can hold my own in a fistfight if I need to - but I hate having to. I'm good at navigating the city and using my surroundings to get around faster, and I can build things pretty quickly. Otherwise, I know how to do a lot of stuff, but I dunno if they'd be considered 'special talents' - shoe-shining, fixin' boats, selling newspapers and matchsticks, that sort of stuff. It's what has kept us alive so far - cause the factory sure ain't paying me enough for that."

Where were you born?

"I was born in the outskirts of Ansburke. Y'know, the capital city of our land, and all that. But we moved to Strystead after our parents died - more factories willing to hire a nonmagical teenage street rat, you see. I dunno if it was a good plan in the long run, but it's too late to be thinking about that though."

Do you have any pets?

"Nah, can't really afford to right now. But if I could I would love to have lots of dogs, because they're adorable! Maybe one day I will."

What sports do you play?

"I'm not really the sporty kind. Seems like a waste of perfectly good time and energy for me. I've seen some rich folks playing a game called cricket, I think - and it looks very fun, I'd like to try it one day! I also know how to ride a horse, and I know people consider horseback riding as a sport, but it isn't something I do that regularly so I don't think it counts."

How tall are you?

"I think I'm average height, compared to my friends."

What was your favourite subject in school?

"Never went to school, but I think I would have liked history or magic classes, those seemed fun!"

What is your dream job?

"Ain't got time for dreams in Strystead - dreams don't pay your debts, neither can dreams put food on your plate at the end of the day. Learned that the hard way a long time ago. Currently my 'dream' - if you could call it that - is to pay my debts and get the heck back to Ansburke before these factories finish breaking my spirit too, but unfortunately, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that any time soon. Eh, that's life though."

Tagging (gently, no pressure):@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @late-to-the-fandom, @eccaiia @willtheweaver @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites @illarian-rambling @kaylinalexanderbooks and OPEN TAG

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10 months ago

List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ❤️

Thank you so much for the ask, @elsie-writes!

Writing and developing my story ideas. I've just had two new story ideas - one that could potentially be a neat standalone dark fantasy fairytale book and another that is more of an urban fantasy/teen horror sitcom style series. Plus I'm just so excited about my current main WIP, Of Starlight and Beasts! I can't wait to share more about it!

Watching good movies, listening to music and drawing!

Playing DnD with my friends, watching DnD related content including Critical Role

My two adorable cats and my three doggos 💕

Spending quality time with my loved ones and feeling generally happy with life again (:

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