needsmoresleepwrites - needsmoresleep

fanfiction writer. or at least i try. from fluff to smut. problematic content. pro-shipper. don't like, don't interact. hibernates often because of life. too many unfinished stories. maybe they'll get finished... Pages and Links About Tags Stories AO3↗ Carrd↗

309 posts

How Should A New Artist On Tumblr Get Their Art More Recognized?

How should a new artist on Tumblr get their art more recognized?

I think the main thing for getting recognized  is exposure. It’s not that your art isn’t good enough, it’s just that not enough people are seeing it!

-I find drawing for fandoms guarantees more exposure. It’s like being a part of a community/ gallery. 

-Tag your stuff? Some people actually overlook this. Your art is now in every tag you associate it with, tags that a lot of people are browsing!

-Original art is just a big hit or miss if you haven’t already established your name. The only way that seems to work is art that corresponds to some recent trend (memes/ events/ etc) 

-Think about people on tumblr! Every website has a trend in what goes around fast. That’s why you could post a drawing to instagram and hit 10k but on tumblr it wouldn’t reach much of a number. 

-Look through popular artists works. You’ll notice some obvious trends (especially in terms of aesthetics). Drew a trending character in a trending fandom, tweaked them up by adding a cute ponytail? Notes^2

These are a couple of things I’ve noticed while being here. 

Of course, I could be completely wrong. Don’t give up your style or the things you enjoy drawing to follow trends! Sometimes you just need time and consistent art posts to gain steady recognition. :)

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More Posts from Needsmoresleepwrites

7 years ago

It's been nearly a year since the incident that changed Yuuri's life (Victuuri)

Cuddles, tickles, and laughter, Ch2

Read Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Ao3

It's been nearly a year since the incident that changed Yuuri's life

He no longer lives in Viktor's apartment, having moved back to his family's home. Minako was very supportive about the whole thing (everyone was actually) but she pushed him to not give up. He went ahead and continued skating, leaving everything to his mother's capable hands, and really, he wouldn't trust anyone else with something so delicate. He managed to make it to the Grand Prix again, but it wasn't the same. Yurio made just as great an impact as the prior year, JJ had gotten his bearings back even though he'd get overly nervous sometimes, and Phichit was...well, he was Phichit. The three of them had amazed the crowd while he'd been too busy worrying about home

Viktor would probably scold him if he'd seen something so disgraceful

The only constant he's had as of late was the beeping in the guest room. He hugged his knees close to his chest, I shouldn't have rushed him, I should have told him to stay another day until the weather cleared up

There's a knock at his door and his mother walks in, a sweet smile on her chubby face, "Did you finish your meal Yuuri?"

Yuuri smiles guiltily, "I wasn't very hungry," and he knows she can see his half eaten food. She doesn't say anything and moves to Viktor's bed, making sure that everything is fine. Yuuri knows it's all ok since he'd made sure to fluff up the pillow under Viktor's head, he'd changed the man's clothing, wiped him down, and opened the curtains for him to get some light

His face looks peaceful and Yuuri feels tears well up in his eyes. How many times had he wished to see Viktor sleeping? To see his chest rise and fall while he lay in bed comfortable. It was such a huge contrast to how Viktor was when awake. Now Yuuri wishes he'd never see it again, or at least not like this.

His mother seems to be satisfied with his care and Yuuri thinks she'll leave now, but instead she sits next to him

Even sitting he's taller than her

They sit in quiet for a few minutes before Yuuri feels her hand gently petting his head, "It's okay to hurt Yuuri."

And he can't help it this time. The tears come down freely and he feels snot forming under his nose, he feels like he's suffocating, and Viktor becomes a blur. He tries not to make too much noise by clenching his teeth but it only makes breathing harder and the crying worse. He hates the fact that he's so selfish, crying while Viktor can't do the things he loves anymore

A gentle tug pulls him over to his mother's warm embrace and he holds onto her tightly. She's still petting his head with one hand and he remembers how Viktor liked to thread his hands into his hair, to ruffle it because it was soft. His mother starts humming a tune that he vaguely remembers as a child

He's healing remarkably well, all things considered. The only issue now is the deterioration of his muscles as we don't know...when he'll wake up. We do have some nurses we can recommend if you need any help with his care

"Don't worry Yuuri, Vicchan is strong, he'll come back to us soon"

And Yuuri wanted to believe her, but how much more time would soon take?



so it's been awhile (oops) but here's the next mini-fic

I decided to follow up on the “previous chapter” because I couldn't bare to just leave it at "and yuuri waited for viktor's call..." and because of that I added Prompt 6 to this. The prompts there just fit better than "comfortable place". enjoy and let me know what you think!

Prompt 1: In bed / On the couch / Comfortable place Prompt 6: While someone is crying / Sick / Reassurance

/runs away/

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8 years ago
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings
Drawing Process + Brush Settings

drawing process + brush settings

aka i talk as if i know what im talking about

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8 years ago

started watching Haikyuu last night (s2) but i couldn’t figure out where i left off! i started watching it around the time it was airing but i had also been keeping up with the manga before then. now that i watched it i couldn’t remember if i’d seen the episodes or had read them so i may or may not have rewatched like 9 episodes before i felt i’d finally found my place xD

i think my favorite part of s2 so far has been the training camp (the parts with Tsukki, owl dude, and Kuro) and the bathroom scene where Iwaoi, ushijima, date tech, and hinata are having this major showdown by the bathroom bc stuff like that always happen when hinata’s trying to relieve himself LOL

i was up until 3am just watching, then i got to bed and read some fanfiction. i ended up falling asleep until nearly 6AM #lisirecordofstayinguplate! and i still surprisingly got up around the same time as usual, Noice

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8 years ago

There’s three main groups: the flexors and extensors each take one half of the forearm, and the ridge muscles sit on top like a little tiara. Each group has it’s own unique form. Learning their anatomy will help you design awesomely dynamic arms.

Let’s try to make forearms manageable to draw. This is a body part most artists don’t quite understand. It can be real intimidating if you don’t know the muscles.


The arm has a simple chain design and the forms interlock down the arm.


To avoid the snowman effect, use straight, angular lines and look for asymmetries. Compare the apex of both sides of the forearm to understand the curvature better. Notice that the flexors reach lower on the wrist than the extensors and ridge muscles.


Look for this kind of thing when you’re drawing the gesture of the muscle groups. A wave rhythm where the curve on one side leads into the next curve on the other side.


I’ll explain more in-depth in the video -

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8 years ago

never considered myself mentally ill but i feel all of this everyday 

just little mentally ill things

being exhausted even after laying in bed and doing nothing all day

requiring an extensive amount of time to rest in between simple tasks because it takes a lot of energy out of you 

constantly feeling like you’re running a never-ending race while everyone else is ahead of you 

being categorized as “lazy” “oversensitive” “childish” and/or “crazy”

always worrying about your future and what’s going to happen to you

feeling like you’ll never be “normal” and capable of functioning like other people your age 

being misunderstood by everyone you come into contact with

unable to form close, healthy relationships with other people due to trust or abandonment issues