needsmoresleepwrites - needsmoresleep

fanfiction writer. or at least i try. from fluff to smut. problematic content. pro-shipper. don't like, don't interact. hibernates often because of life. too many unfinished stories. maybe they'll get finished... Pages and Links About Tags Stories AO3↗ Carrd↗

309 posts

Started Watching Haikyuu Last Night (s2) But I Couldnt Figure Out Where I Left Off! I Started Watching

started watching Haikyuu last night (s2) but i couldn’t figure out where i left off! i started watching it around the time it was airing but i had also been keeping up with the manga before then. now that i watched it i couldn’t remember if i’d seen the episodes or had read them so i may or may not have rewatched like 9 episodes before i felt i’d finally found my place xD

i think my favorite part of s2 so far has been the training camp (the parts with Tsukki, owl dude, and Kuro) and the bathroom scene where Iwaoi, ushijima, date tech, and hinata are having this major showdown by the bathroom bc stuff like that always happen when hinata’s trying to relieve himself LOL

i was up until 3am just watching, then i got to bed and read some fanfiction. i ended up falling asleep until nearly 6AM #lisirecordofstayinguplate! and i still surprisingly got up around the same time as usual, Noice

More Posts from Needsmoresleepwrites

8 years ago

Fandom Fic Rec Days

The Fandom Fic Rec Days are back!

It is easy to make people look at art; all you need is a reblog. But when it comes to make people want to read fanfiction, it can get just a little more tricky.

To give writers more recognition, and to celebrate their stories, we’ve decided to organize the Fic Rec Days.

On February 10th, 11th, and 12th, you’re invited to rec your favourite fics, from the all time faves to the WIPs you’re currently enjoying.

How? In any way you want!

Create a post saying why people should read the fic!

Draw some fanart!

Create graphics/aesthetics!

Make a fic rec list!

Make a mix!

And so on.

Anything, really; there’s no way of rec’ing worth less than another.

This way, you will:

Promote writers’ fic, and maybe get them new readers.

Make their day, they will be super happy!

Maybe encourage them to write more (win-win!)

Any rules/extra information?

Tag your posts with #ficrecdays

Tag your fandom/ship.

You can always queue if you’re not available!

Readers, please consider leaving a comment on the fics you liked!

Above all else, have fun, make people happy (writers and new readers alike!)

Reblog to spread the word, and see you then! :D

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5 years ago

do you know that feeling

when you find a new ship, but you don’t know the ship name

and you spend hours trying to find the ship name

and you dig so hard to find it

and then you do

and you are so happy


so happy


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5 years ago
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood

Bisexuality is a concept too often misunderstood 💖💜💙

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8 years ago

How should a new artist on Tumblr get their art more recognized?

I think the main thing for getting recognized  is exposure. It’s not that your art isn’t good enough, it’s just that not enough people are seeing it!

-I find drawing for fandoms guarantees more exposure. It’s like being a part of a community/ gallery. 

-Tag your stuff? Some people actually overlook this. Your art is now in every tag you associate it with, tags that a lot of people are browsing!

-Original art is just a big hit or miss if you haven’t already established your name. The only way that seems to work is art that corresponds to some recent trend (memes/ events/ etc) 

-Think about people on tumblr! Every website has a trend in what goes around fast. That’s why you could post a drawing to instagram and hit 10k but on tumblr it wouldn’t reach much of a number. 

-Look through popular artists works. You’ll notice some obvious trends (especially in terms of aesthetics). Drew a trending character in a trending fandom, tweaked them up by adding a cute ponytail? Notes^2

These are a couple of things I’ve noticed while being here. 

Of course, I could be completely wrong. Don’t give up your style or the things you enjoy drawing to follow trends! Sometimes you just need time and consistent art posts to gain steady recognition. :)

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8 years ago

Do you ever read a fanfic that is just so good it just sticks with you into days or even weeks after you’ve read it. Like you could be sitting in class or alone in your room and suddenly you’re just like, wow, that was a really good fanfic. Like it was really good.  

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