nguyetdahuong - Trash

A meme trash

238 posts

Nguyetdahuong - Trash - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

just do it

realizing that sticking to the "do it bad" "do it scared" mentality implies theres also a "do it bored"

A stick figure, doubled over on all fours so its face isnt visible. Tears stream from its face, and its head and the floor below it are covered in blood.
5 months ago
6 months ago

sam winchester after he outlived everyone on that stupid show:

Sam Winchester After He Outlived Everyone On That Stupid Show:

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6 months ago

T_T the acting

the raw emotion


Lazarus Rising “It’s okay, Sammy” scene without music

Somehow the crispness of their voices just adds to the emotion here. How the harshness in Dean’s voice just fades when he realizes how desperate Sam had been to save him and he just barely talks above a whisper to essentially apologize for putting that on Sam, while Sam’s unsteady breathing shows how quickly those awful memories came flooding back into Sam’s mind. His helplessness is so raw. Goodness, boys.

6 months ago


“And talking to fans, [I] hear that kind of echoed where they’re like, “Hey, why won’t Sam do for Dean what Dean does for Sam?” And part of me wants to like go, “Sam went to the hell box as Lucifer for his brother. What are you talking about he doesn’t do the same thing?“”

— Jared Padalecki dropping truth bombs

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6 months ago

Please give me some mystery spot fic but in Dean's POV 😭😭😭

Meme time.

Meme Time.
6 months ago

I think Sam might like it

Hell, I like it a lot

Christopher Chiappa: Lazy Boy Crucifix (2000)

Christopher Chiappa: ‘Lazy Boy Crucifix’ (2000)

6 months ago

Nothing but respect for MY gayest supernatural character

Nothing But Respect For MY Gayest Supernatural Character

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6 months ago
Desktop Background For Samgirl(s)

Desktop background for samgirl(s) 😍

Instead of hunting things/ saving people

We: hunting deadlines/ saving pennies 😬

Original pictures from:


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6 months ago

tumblr is so good. whole website dedicated to BITCHING and MOANING. and television

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6 months ago

deangirls and samgirls should be kissing with tongue. why are you fighting

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6 months ago

It just be like that

from the beginning

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

Ah yes. The good old days when shipping wars hadn’t been invented yet. Before the existence of antis when we all lived in harmony -

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

No, no. Tumblr and twitter had *created* puritan culture. I mean before then.

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

No no no before then. Before social media poisoned everything-

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

Before then….?

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When


Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

Well surely shipping wars didn’t exist before the internet-

Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When
Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When
Ah Yes. The Good Old Days When Shipping Wars Hadnt Been Invented Yet. Before The Existence Of Antis When

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6 months ago
6 months ago

haha for real tho

why are you american :(

weird question. Obviously because this is where the apocalypse was meant to happen

6 months ago

#average samgirl kinks <3

Choose Your Fighter

choose your fighter

6 months ago

I can actually see this happening in canon

hat off to you, mate

when john was making 17 year old sam a fake id sam said could you make me a year older and john said what you wanna buy cigarettes? and sam said so i can vote and john and dean said what the fuck

6 months ago

mental note to check out this episode

this had no reason to be this cute😭

6 months ago

Now I need to buy me sum stuffed dinosaurs to cuddle and squeeze


I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing

6 months ago

Challenge accepted!

nguyetdahuong - Trash
6 months ago

Yes I love my boi a lil bit psycho and brutal

we as a fandom need to get real and admit something to ourselves: that sam is a bit of a psychopath. and i'm not saying this as a gotcha moment but we have to be honest with ourselves. that man is so calculating. that man is so fucking ruthless, especially in the later seasons. he is more like john than dean ever dreams to be cause he comes by this cold, relentless, focused determination that dean had to try hone from scratch. sam was born into this. grief turns him into a brutal version of himself. he makes his worst decisions when someone he loves is taken from him. but that's not even the extent of it. cause when we take the later seasons, where it seems like sam's given up, it's mostly him giving in to his true nature. one he tried to hold back from so many years. and we see this version of him he made hidden with this sense of empathy and affability distilled to it's core with soulless!sam. cause that is not sam replaced with something. that is sam without the moral conscience. and he still knows how to work a room and garner trust and empathy from others. it's fucking wild. i love that crazy, crazy man.

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6 months ago

why he so small T_T

nguyetdahuong - Trash

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6 months ago

When ur so mad u have to start textual analysis of the script

Saw Annoying Tags On The Cas Family Poll So Have This Color-coded Breakdown Of The Exchange In 11x18.

Saw annoying tags on the cas family poll so have this color-coded breakdown of the exchange in 11x18.

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6 months ago
nguyetdahuong - Trash
6 months ago

Every caption is so on point

[samdean being married parents in 6.2]

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

fighting in the supermarket with their baby crying in his cartwheel and getting weird stares

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

parenting in the car ride home (love dean the genius keeping himself in the shade and blasting the baby in the sun)

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

sam looking in love with dean bein a mom (he wanted to raise a kid with him so bad)

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]
[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

dean protecting the baby with his body and sam protecting them both & coming to the rescue at the right time

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

flirting while their toddler sleeps in the back then start arguing (why do they keep doing this)

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

dean refusing to hand down the child or let him from his grip till sam tells him it's ok

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

guy tries to pick a fight with dean but sam shields him with his body and slaps the mfer back down to his place. that's sam's wife he's beefing with

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]

just an alpha protecting his omega or a husband protecting his wife or whatever Incestuationship they're on

[samdean Being Married Parents In 6.2]