After All - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

sam winchester after he outlived everyone on that stupid show:

Sam Winchester After He Outlived Everyone On That Stupid Show:

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After suddenly disappearing for quite some time, finding a lover, getting bangs (yet again) disowning my parents, and spontaneously moving into a new place, I finally had some time to doodle for a little bit ^-^

Here are some funky watercolour trees!


And an equally funky jackdaw I saw at the station (it's walking distance now???) the other day :D


That being said, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ^-^

Yours truly, Stickbug 🪲

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Lokean Parable: Let Baldr Be the Best (Baldrs Draumar)

Baldr was a prince of the Aesir. He was handsome and well liked, but also very insecure. Even though he was a prince, he didn’t feel like the other Aesir respected him as much as he deserved. Everyone knew that Thor was the best warrior, and that Skathi was the best hunter, and that Heimdall was the best at following the rules. But there was nothing that everyone knew Baldr was the best at.

One evening, after Thor had regaled everyone with another of his great tales about roaming the outlands, Baldr went to his mother, Frigga.

“I can’t stand it.” He said. “Why are there no great tales of my bravery and daring?”

Frigga smiled lovingly and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Because my dear, you are a prince, and you are too important to send roaming the outlands.”

This cheered Baldr for a moment. Being important was a good thing. But the he realized he wasn’t the most important, so it was just one more thing that someone else was better at.

“If I’m so important, how come I’m not the best at anything?” He asked.

“You are the best at being my son.”

Baldr shrugged. “That’s not much. That only means I’m better at it than Hothr, and he is bad at everything.” He said, and walked off to his hall to sleep.

Frigga thought all night about this, and in the morning, she decided to do something about it. She went to everyone and everything and made them promise that they would let Baldr be better then them. She made the deer promise to let Baldr run faster, and the steel promise to let Baldr be stronger.

“Thor” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr win when you two spar.”

Thor shrugged. “That seems weird. But you asked it, and so I will promise.”

“Skathi” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr hunt better than you.”

Skathi looked at Frigga with eyes like pine shadows in winter. “If that is how it must be.”

“Heimdall” Frigga said, “I want you to promise to always let Baldr follow the rules better than you.”

Heimdall nodded sagely. “I don’t know what that means, but you are in charge and I will always do as you command.”

In this way, Frigga made sure that Baldr was the best at everything and that nothing bad would ever happen to him. Baldr had great fun, challenging Thor to wrestling contests and winning, going hunting with Skathi and getting the most deer, and making up new rules that Heimdall couldn’t follow better because he didn’t know about them.

But all this happened while Loki was away on a long journey in the outlands, and one day, he came back to Asgard. He found Thor, covered in bruises and drinking mead.

“Thor,” asked Loki, “while I was gone, did everyone lose their fucking minds?”

Thor shook his head. “No, but Frigga made us all promise to let Baldr be the best at everything.”

Loki took the horn that Thor was drinking from and downed the rest of it. “That is so much worse.”

Thor shrugged. “It’s not so bad. Baldr will get bored of it sooner or later.”

Loki looked over at Baldr, who was wearing medals representing all things he was best at, including a medal that read ‘medal for having more medals than anyone else in Asgard.’

“I don’t think he will.” Loki said, and left the hall.

The next day, Loki found out that Frigga hadn’t exacted any promises from the mistletoe plant because it wasn’t good enough at anything for her to bother with. Loki made an arrow from the mistletoe wood and poisoned it with a poison made from the white berries. That afternoon, Baldr was showing everyone again how he was stronger than arrows or swords, and telling them to ‘take their best shot.’ All of the Aesir indulged him, except for his brother Hothr, who was blind.

“Hothr,” said Loki, “You should honor your brother as the other Aesir do.”

Hothr shook his head. “It is too embarrassing. Yesterday, I missed and hit a cow instead. Everyone laughed at me, and Baldr won’t stop calling me ‘slayer of cows.’”

“That’s ok.” Loki said. “Take this bow and arrow, and I will guide your shot true. No one will make fun of you after that.”

“I would like that. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Loki said, and did as he promised. The mistletoe arrow struck Baldr in the heart and killed him instantly.

This caused great confusion among the Aesir. Odin made the journey to the afterworld where Baldr was feasting, and demanded the Hel send him back to Asgard. Hel was Loki’s daughter, and while she didn’t want to offend Odin and the Aesir, she was suspicious of the demand. She agreed to return Baldr, but only if everyone in Asgard agreed that he should come back.

Odin and Frigga gathered everyone together and they all agreed that Baldr should come back. All except Loki.

“Will you release everyone from their promises if he returns?” Loki asked Frigga.

“No.” She said. “And this time I will get everything. Even the mistletoe. Even you.”

“Hard pass.” Said Loki.

Frigga leveled her finger at Loki. “Fine. You aren’t even one of us anyway. Everyone who isn’t a half breed and a traitor has agreed. Hel must send Baldr back.”

But Hel refused. When the reply came, Frigga was furious. She found Loki getting ready to return to the outlands.

“Someday soon,” she said to Loki “you will pay dearly for this.”

Loki slung his pack over his shoulder and looked around at Asgard, at the halls, and at all the Aesir and Vanir who lived there.

“Someday soon,” Loki said “we will all pay dearly for this.”

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6 months ago

Talk to the broken ones. They will teach you what is real, how to live alone. How to finish and how to start all over again.

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8 months ago

Thank you so much for tagging me! 🩷 I rarely get mentioned in tag games, so this means A LOT to me. 🥺🥹🫶

5 happy/positive songs that describe me are (media included):

1. No Roots - Alice Merton (perfectly describes my tendency to never settle & my whimsical nature)

2. You Don't Own Me - Lesley Gore (this isn't exactly "happy", but it still perfectly describes me)

3. Ghungroo - Arijit Singh ft. Shilpa Rao (this is a Hindi song about dancing like no one's watching & I relate to the chorus SO HARD lmaoooo🤣🤣)

4. If You Love Her - Forest Blakk (again, not really a "happy" song, but when I listened to it for the first time, I just knew this was my song. Like, they wrote this for me.)

5. Watermelon Sugar - Harry Styles (I KNOW what this song actually talks about and NO I've NEVER experienced that, but this song feels personal because of that one line: "...Baby, you're the end of June." Why? Because my birthday's around the end of June😭)

Tagging: @whatmyheartdesires @ashlakh @maintohthakgayibhaishaab

okay I think I should do some happier songs that describe me instead of those five depressing ones, so here are some others

Dream - Priscilla Ahn (the first verse literally describes my childhood)

Lush Life - Zara Larsson (literally my teen years)

Still Falling For You - Ellie Goulding

Enchanted - Taylor Swift

Mean - Taylor Swift


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Worst art advice I ever recieved was that I should never use green in anything. (this was not in reaction to anything I showed them btw, just unprompted)

The reasoning was that since the human eye had more color receptiors for green than any other color I could never possibly get the shade and hue right as an amateur and therefore should never try.

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11 months ago

posting tiny snippets of fanfic until someone finds it interesting and i am motivated to finish it, part 4

content warning: gore, drowning.

[MARI - 25]

Mari plummeted through the grass, soil swallowing her up, suffocating her with darkness, she was drowning just like he did. Her hands disappeared and the Puppeteer’s gnarled fingers wrapped around her throat, yet you still did it you still did it you still did it you still did it

Mari gasped for air, choking in an inky black ocean, and the Puppeteer tightened its grip. She tried to scream out, but no words could be heard, her ears filled up with swollen water, leaking into her mind, fading out, the Puppeteer’s limbs tangled with her, pulling her down, lower and lower and lower and lower…

Mari crashed onto solid ground. The Puppeteer was gone.

She looked around, picking up her shovel. A small note was written on the handle.

A shovel for burying your sins.

A movie theatre. Everything was dark like the ocean. Rows of seats stretched on forever, down to a brightly lit stage. The stage had nothing on it.

Shh! The movie is about to start!, said No-One. The theatre was empty. 

Mari moved down the stairs, shielding her eyes from the light. Something drew her to it. Her fingers were missing. 

Shh! The movie is about to start!, repeated No-One. Shh! The movie is about to start!

Her hands were missing. She dropped the shovel, but she kept walking.

Shh! The movie is about to start! A chorus sang those words piercingly, like a choir at a church. Shh! The movie is about to start!

Her arms were missing. She reached the stage.

Shh! The movie is about to start!

Mari looked down. Her body was missing. She was missing. 

You are meant to be here.

A man with a crooked neck stared at her with harshly dyed black hair. His eyes were white scribbles. He was the movie.

You were born to be here.

The man reached into her neck and pulled out her throat.

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4 years ago

When your sad sometimes you hide

Under a cover.

Crying, about what could've been done

What should've be done.

So cry for an hour and half and then you

Start thinking about your comfort


And then you get yourself from under the

Cover, only to realize that you aren't ready.

Then your sister taps the blanket

And your greeted with spicy hot


She asks you if you're okay you say

"I don't know"

And she seems fine with that but

She asks you one more time

"Are you okay?"

"Don't wanna talk about,maybe tomorrow"

But she couldn't hear that last part

So she asks you to repeat it.

"Maybe tomorrow."

And she gives you kiss then leaves.

So here you are, eating the spaghetti

And feeling how you were before.

But its somehow warmer, and fluffer than it

Ever was

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