nightskyhoseok - ✧ 過去を捨て去ろう ✧
✧ 過去を捨て去ろう ✧

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The Beginning Paragraphs May Have Some Triggering Content That Discuss Assault, Death, Murder, And Kidnapping

The Beginning Paragraphs May Have Some Triggering Content That Discuss Assault, Death, Murder, And Kidnapping

⚠️The beginning paragraphs may have some triggering content that discuss assault, death, murder, and kidnapping ⚠️


I guess I should first say ye that’s me up there ⬆️🙄I promised myself I’d post a selfie once I hit 1K

I hit 1,000 followers a while ago and I never really properly announced it, not that it’s really a big deal for some of you. But for me, it’s huge. The only social media account I’ve gotten 1K on was my Dan and Phil Google+ account from seventh grade (don’t ask), so this is a real accomplishment. I gained followers from work - my work, and that is one of the most tear-jerking moments I’ve ever experienced in my short life.

As I’ve told you, I’m not the happiest I can be right now. I struggle with social anxiety, extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, and from time to time, voices will haunt me during the late night hours when I can’t fall asleep. It’s becoming more of a problem now, to the point where if one little thing goes wrong, I consider all possible ways to hurt myself. I know I’m strong, but I can’t help but feel weak at times. I already have such a hard time leaving the house because of my fear of being murdered, kidnapped, or assaulted, and even though I barely know anyone that can understand, I’m able to find comfort right here.

I’m gonna be honest: social media is not my thing. It’s full of hate, whether directed towards me or someone else. However, Tumblr seems to be the once place where I haven’t been attacked (yet). This small community that we’ve created has served as a safe haven for all of us. I’ve found new friends, and new reasons to keep fighting for the future. My closest friend, Brian, is one of the few people that are keeping me alive today, the others being my family, BTS and my girlfriend. He’s basically my big brother, and I’m just so glad I got to meet him through here.

I checked my follower count and it literally just spiked up to 1.1K. I’m so incredibly grateful that you guys like my work, and I’m even more grateful to the people who inspire me to write, or just make me smile in general! I’d really like to thank everyone who sends in requests, and I know that I can be super slow with them, but they help spark my creativity, and it’s super fun to let you participate.

So, without further ado, here’s nightskyhoseok’s first Follow Forever!

@papa-seokjin @z-alien @ask-witch-jiminie @dangerouslycasualchild @jeon-coconut @hixtaape @bangtans-baby @ohbabyitsbts @studioghibli2001 @hijoonie @nai-has-jams @btstextfake @bulletproofwhalien @justtextmeoppa @sarangtaee @bangtan-insfired @jiminsasscracck @ihearteyesmilesss @rainygguk @hngbkhj @forever-young-got7 @taichoushadow @please-baby-calm-down @manyjamsmuchfun @lolethlovesbangtan @kthsdrug @btsgirlfriends @bangtanjaemi @hoseoks-hoe @sweetersuga @gotmonstabangtantrashmelanin @miss-noo-na @sweatae @bangtanofarmys @btssmutandfluff @armyctzenscenarios @textmeillbuyyoufood @jimlingss @yoongisbbydoll @army-author @sextdabangtan @taestykth @justanemptydream @solastia @btsfiles @sexonextdoor @heungtanbts @jheartseok @sxltandsvga @yoongsigh @kpopstarsreact @skin-of-potato @vintaege @mint-tape @hayjeon @taeinmycup @remembeo @wonhopes @lunarimagines @avveh @little-bts @itsbtsreacts @textmejimin @kiwiscript @ibyoonprofen @versigny @jungee @sugasgrowl @btsfakesnaps @yaja-time @lilyjhs @multifandom-hoes @noir0neko @kpop-text-messages @sweetdreamydelusion @oppafeels @fightmejeonkook @deathbyyoongi @jooheonster @onlylovekpop @imaginethisbts @mygsjjk @fortheloveofbangtan @tayegi @hyunglinetexts @hanarue @drquinzelharleen @junkfoodkpop @btsbullshit @bangtanbtsmut @aegyo-yoonseok @kpop-muses @fireheart-namjoon @idoltxts @no-more-cream @noonachronicles @jcmguk @houseofbangtaninternational @googlebts @bangtanboysboo @namjoonilicious @dirtybtsgot7 @btexts-got7 @gummygyeommie @textmebangtan @smallkpoplove @k-reations @kpopreacting @igotbanginreactions @bangtantextboys @btsimaginesfordays @sugaminxx @wang-banana @thisfoolishdestiny @lonastic @official-yoongi @btsgroupchat @sugaswagboy @tinytaetown @jhopehatesnakeu @sugaspiano @kpop-snaps-and-chats @taepott-archive @ayo-suga-baby @mintbunnytea @nsfw17bts @bangtan-writing @namjooniebun @taeguboi @kimlisamarie @sugas-kookies @bangtanhmu @callmebcby @slay-jimin @moonscriptx @infireation @nchu @yuudetama @your-miss-right @btstextsnmore @minttexs @iwilltextthemforyou @fyehjungcock @bangtan-wishes @trulybts @suga-lump @mint-kook @yoonified @seoulscapes @bngtnonline @gukblush-archive @textme-kpop @anything-and-everything-bts @kookmejeon @lmaobangtanboys @thetextingbangtan @naughtykpopimagines @bangtansmut @schmudt @btextswriting @ttylbts @dreamscript @ellieljade @chinnychimchim @bxebxee @seokline @lolbtsaus @daebak-bts @jungk0oksthighs @inktae @btsfanficsandscenarios @jungkxook @bangtan-spells @imsarabum @textsandaus @sopewriters @kpopfanfictrash @k-p-p-d @kimvtae @zephyoongist @triptaech @workofteaguk @happy-meo @bangtan-bananamuffin @dom-joonie @jeonjagiya @cloudsofsonder @kpop-reads @kittae @noona-la-la-la @siranghae @deesficrecs @kpop-bts-smut @universitykpop @sugar-for-my-suga @dx-nxt-clxck @smuttybangtans @thumino @xhixtape @pleaseseokjin @hobibliophile @floralseokjin @themoodykwriter @aexthetic-suga @btsmutimagines @saltysugabts @btssmutgalore @omgbigbangtanboys @dailydoseofdia @the95liner @gukvory @deerguk @baeseoul @jiminniemouse @kookingtae @theboysofkpopreactions @ricepot-jisung @justbangtanreactions @smuttyassholes @sugamonstae @hmu-bts @instakpop @btssexualfantasies @taechubs @minsuxga @got7-bangtan-network @kbopz @boyfriendvibess @bulletproof-reacts @kpoparmyreaction @imagine-bangtan-boys @bangidiotscenarios @tumblingtae @yoongiisii @jungblue

Well, that’s my list. I don’t know what else to say soo… I really want to get back into writing for you guys, and I’ll try my hardest to get those damn requests finished that have been waiting in my ask box for like 13 years. I’m probably not the most reliable author out there, which is why I’ve listed all of these wonderful authors here! I spent so long going through my ‘following’ list and of course @jungblue was one of the very first blogs I followed. If you don’t know her, which would be very unlikely because she’s so damn popular (and I understand why), go check out her writing right now. It’s far better than mine. Seriously, just go bless yourself. I’m looking forward to the future with you guys ❤️

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More Posts from Nightskyhoseok

7 years ago

Hi! I adore your stories and wanted to know if I can make a request? I wanted a hardcore Suga fanfic where he is punishing y/n after she was flirting with the other members and make them witness her punishment. Please and thank you!!!

Thank you anon! Shame that I know who you are, AND since you wanted to tease and pick with me AFTER I told you not to send any asks.. Oh yeah, this gonna be a real punishment. It’s AMBW guys. I hope you all enjoy. ;)


Warning: A lot of orgasm denials, over-stimulation, dirty talk, rough play, gagging, it’s going to be pure filth and it will be raw. So don’t read if you can’t handle it.

Show Time(AMBW Smut):

Yoongi was fuming by the time that dance practice was done. Mindracing with what to do he wasn’t sure where to start but he was for certainwhen he was done with you, it would be a while before you tried him again. Hepushed you down against the bed roughly after practically dragging you from theother members as you all came back to your house. Yoongi was grabbing at youtrying to scoot you up the bed and you thrashed against him trying to get up.


“Shut the fuck up!” Yoongi growled out in a booming tone,his eyes were dark and you knew not to mess with him when he was like this. Hestarted to work at your shirt, trying to get it undone and when your hands slidup to stop him, he slapped your hands away gripping at your neck to slam yourbody down, his forehead pressing against yours as he looked deep into your eyestightening his hold around your neck..  “Ifyou move one more fucking time, I swear to you that you will not get to cum forat least a month- you will be lucky if I even let you touch me since you wantto be a slut with my band members. Now make your choice slut, and make it good.”Yoongi never called your name when you pissed him off it was always something provocativeor degrading and it made your skin crawl which he knew it would. Slowly yourelaxed your body against the bed looking up at the male as his grip finallyreleased around your neck.

Yoongi moved back to the task at hand, gripping at yourshirt to take it off. The fabric was too much and it was becoming a hassle to getyou naked so he started to tug and pull on the fabric even if it ripped he didn’tcare. You made a gasp of protest, but when you looked at him he paused hismovements, his icy stare causing you to shudder as you lay there afraid to evenhelp him take off your clothes. Yoongi made sure to discard you of everything, maneuveringyour body until you were laying on your stomach with your feet pressed down againstthe floor, your body bent.

“Look at you, a fucking gorgeous little slut.” Yoongi hissedslapping at your chocolate ass cheeks watching them jiggle as your body joltedlightly. He did it again, gripping at your hips to steady you digging his nailsinto your skin. “Don’t fucking move!” He urged once again. Once your body wasstill, Yoongi leaned down softening himself for a moment as he flicked his tongueagainst your plump ass cheeks before taking a bite on your flesh causing you tomoan out loud. The sound sent the blood rushing south towards his member, hiseyes hooding with lust as he watched you. He was going to let you off just maybetease you a bit but hearing the sound of feet shuffling he let his head snap quicklyto the right seeing both Jimin and Taehyung trip over their feet trying to movefrom the room door. Like a switch his anger was back on, he was going to do a lotto them and you. But then the perfect revenge set in for them too because yesthey were just as guilty as you. Yoongi chuckled darky moving towards yourcloset, staring to grab toys and restraints in his hands until he had to go sitone batch of things down and come back for the second one. Once he had everything,he gripped for the silver spreader bar first, bending down to place each sidecuffs on your legs pushing them far apart so that you couldn’t close your legsat any time. He next gripped at red bondage rope moving to place your hands onyour lower back binding them together making sure it was tight enough aroundyour wrist.

Yoongi went towards the front room,  looking at the other men who were sittingaround the area. He bit on his bottom lip as he watched the rest tried to makesure that they weren’t in his line of fire. Opening his mouth, he raised up afinger as he finally caught Namjoon and held his eye contact. He started tospeak. “I’m very disappointed in all of you. And honestly, I can go up to amonth ignoring all of you.”


“Shut up Jimin!” Yoongi barked sighing as he pinched hisindex and thumb finger as against the bridge of his nose. “I don’t want to hearany excuses especially when I see Taehyung and you both trying to run away fromthe scene without tripping over your feet. So, I have an idea a way that youcan make things right. I want you to watch me punish y/n.” Yoongi paused seeingthat he grabbed everyone’s attention. Some watched him with curiosity and somelooked at him with disbelief. “I’m not kidding. This is a one-time opportunityand if you don’t take it then I don’t ever want to see any of you looking ather or I promise you will have to deal with punishment of your own. If I wereyou, I’d take what I could get and be grateful because you don’t deserveanything.” Yoongi turned on his heels to walk back towards the room looking athow your body stayed in the same position. Your legs trembling slightly fromstanding up so long, smirking he walked closer to you running his fingertips upyour bottom legs softly looking back as he saw his members one by one start tocome into the room. They moved to line up against the wall, eyes avoiding youfor the most part instead looking at him.

“Everyone wanted to flirt with and touch my girl. Now no onewants to look at her?” Yoongi asked as he landed a harsh slap against your asscausing you to release a soft yelp. “Is her ass not plump enough?” He askedgripping on your cheeks spreading your ass apart to show your pink insidescausing you to feel flustered as the men looked at you. “Does she not have apretty pussy? What about how nice and tight her ass looks?” He asked moving tolet one finger slide from your puckered asshole down towards the slit of yourpussy and he slapped it pulling back to let your cheeks go. “is she notfuckable?” He asked gripping at your hair tugging your body upwards and backagainst his chest, he used his hand to turn your head to the front at the othermen in the room. Watching their eyes roam over your body stopping at different parts,your body heated up. You felt beyond exposed to them, and even more ashamedthat you were getting wet. “Now now kitten. You wanted a show and well guesswho fucking gets one?” Yoongi asked you growling against your ear. His freehand moved around to grip at your breast pinching your nipples harshly beforehe let them go only to repeat the same thing on both sides.

You let out soft whimpers as he played with your nipplesuntil they were hard, he moved to lean over, pressing his lips against your leftbreast first he started to suck on puckered nipple and around the plump moundsmarking them with hickeys and his spit. He reached down to grip at the nippleclamps, placing them onto your nipples that had a chain connecting to them. Hepushed you back down against the bed, trying to not break a laugh because heknew you were beyond pissed but you deserved it. He gripped at a pink vibratorthat had ridges on it, he pressed it on your lower back and used his hands tospread your ass cheeks apart. His mouth watering at the contrast of your pinkflesh against your brown skin. He moaned softly to himself, moving to flick histongue up and down your slit slowly to taste you. He shuddered at how yourjuices were quick to coat your pussy, his tongue ghosting over your clitslightly, he pressed his tongue flat against your pink bud. He pulled back,letting his tongue ghost around the entrance of your pussy tasting the wetnessthere as well, he gripped at the dildo turning the vibrations on low, hepressed it inside of your pussy. He pushed it until it was deep inside of youthe buzzing sound starting to cut through the silence. He pulled back lookingaround the bed he gripped at a feather smirking as he sat on his ass. Slowly,he worked the feather up towards your leaking pussy until he saw the watergushing down your parted thighs, his tongue darting out to taste it all andclean your skin. He moved back from you dragging the feather up your spine,watching as your skin became littered with goosebumps, his free hand moving toturn the vibrator on medium.

He saw your pussy tightening around the vibrator and he wassure to grip at the end starting to thrust it in and out of you at a quickpace, your back arching as you cried out for him to do more. “Oh, that’s rightyou fucking dirty slut. Show them who owns this pussy. Be louder I fucking knowyou can.” Yoongi dropped the feather onto the bed starting to slap at your asscheeks with his hand not stopping until your skin was red and his hand print wasstarting to form as he bruised you.

Your body shook and you had your head pressed down againstthe bed, tears sliding down your eyes from the pain mixed with pleasure and thenipple clamps were not helping at all. Yoongi was always brutal whenever youdisobeyed and you knew tonight wouldn’t be any different. Your toes curled ashe flicked his wrist at a different angle landing against your spot, your moanschanged and you were getting closer to a release. “Cum. I dare you.” Yoongichallenged as he continued to assault your pussy with his thrusting of thedildo. He pulled it out completely to watch as all the juices from your pussygushed out like a stream, he could feel the confines of his pants tighten up ashe watched the sight not even cleaning your legs but letting the juices make atrail down your body until it was resting at your ankles. Yoongi moved to grabat a row of black anal beads. At the same time he plugged up your other vibratorto the wall, walking behind you one of his hands cupped your chin bringing yourbody back against him once again, you mewled in pleasure bucking your hips downagainst the toy trying to ride it as Yoongi held the beads to your lips. “Suckit if you don’t want them to enter you raw. Fill that mouth up, I know you likeit when it’s stuffed.” Yoongi slapped at your cheek before he used his thumb topush down your chin.

“Y-Yoongi ahh~” You moaned out as your mouth was opened. Helooked in your eyes a pure look of ownership on his features. He slowly loweredthe beads into your mouth starting with the smaller one letting them push downuntil they were buried down deep into your throat. He smirked as he took a lookat the members, the tents in their pants making it obvious that they liked whatthey saw. He waited until your mouth was full, too stuffed to even shut yourmouth. He moved you back down until your body was rested against the bed, heopened your cheeks again, running his tongue over your puckered hole this time.He teased the rim of your asshole, dipping his tongue inside of your tight assteasing you as he pulled back. He repeated the same thing for minute, watching fromthe corner of his eye as Jin and Hoseok moved to see him feast on you. When hepulled back, he gripped at the beads pulling them from your mouth, he enteredthe wet beads press inside of your hole slowly, filling you up from thesmallest to the biggest letting them all rest inside of you with the stringattached to it handing against the space between your asshole and your pussy.He reached his hand down to turn the vibrator up to the highest setting earninga cry from your lips. Yoongi stripped himself of his clothes, walking in frontof you he looked down at you watching your face contort in pleasure.

“Hoseok pull the vibrator out of her.” Yoongi told the maleas he got on the bed, crawling in front of you gripping at your soft locks ofhair lifting your mouth up to hover over his shaft. Hoseok was ever eager to doit, finding the excuse to touch you exciting especially since he got braggingpoints. You let your moans ring out, you were so close, but right when your eyebrowsknitted together the vibrator was taking from you and your orgasm completelywashed away from you. Whimpering in frustration, your eyes watered as youglared up at Yoongi who stuffed your mouth with his cock, sliding himself tothe back of your throat. “Fuck- push it back inside of her.” He commandedHoseok to do, he pulled his hips from your mouth before he slid himself backinto the warm wet cavern starting a slow thrusting pace inside of your mouthuntil he remembered why he was pissed off at you. Gripping your hair tighter hestarted to surge his hips forward letting them slap against your face as hisballs hit your chin, little growls leaving from his lips as he reached a handover to slap at your ass cheeks once again causing you to cry out around hisshaft causing you to choke. Hoseok slid the vibrator into you fast, causing youto moan out once again causing Yoongi’s cock to brush the back of your throat,your eyes teared up once against as your hips rolled back against Hoseok’shand. Even he was surprised that he was thrusting the dildo inside of you butseeing you act so needy for Yoongi and become completely submissive had himharder than any porn scene he had ever watched before. Yoongi snarled as hewatched Hoseok fuck you with the dildo and you react. He slapped at your cheekas he gripped at your hair harder watching the spit fall from the corner ofyour mouth and your chin, hitting his balls.

“Look at you! Such a fucking mess you are. Just fuckingtaking that dildo like it was my cock fucking into your wet heat. Abusing yourspot, making you scream my name. And then you’re taking my cock so good. Is itbecause you got everyone here watching you hmm? A fucking vixen that wantsevery fucking cock. I bet if I let every member line up and take you, you’d cumon everyone’s cock because you’re my dirty slut.” Yoongi growled. “Hoseok now!”Hoseok slid the vibrator from you as Yoongi slid his hips forward and pinchedyour nose shut cutting off your air. You looked up at him hearing your ears popass the oxygen was taken from you. Your body convulsed and you gagged lightlyas your eyes dropped closed. You didn’t even fight it because you were so usedto the asphyxiation with him. Your pussy was needy, your senses were heightenedand you wanted to cum so bad. Juices gushed down your thighs re-staining thelines that were dried up from the previous mess you had made. Yoongi let yourhair go after he saw your eyes drop close pulling back to watch you. Your chestpounded hard and heaved for air, your eyes saw stars around the edges as youlooked around the room. You felt like a ruined mess, the words he said to youwere all true and that made you feel slutty but you weren’t ashamed and themere thought alone that he put in your mind had your back arching more.

Yoongi walked around the bed, lifting you up, he gripped atthe end of the beads, watching you he slowly slid his shaft into your tightasshole to rest against the beads causing your moans to turn into loud screamsof pain.

“I need you to fucking- relax.” He urged pathetically tremblingas he felt the warm heat around his shaft. You were so tight it was hard forhim to push deeper to rest beside the beads, and the feeling of him stretchingyou out made you want to cum all over again. Yoongi buried himself slowly untilall of him was inside of you, he wrapped his arm around your body to hug you tohim, gripping at the vibrator he turned it off sliding it to lay on yourtongue. “Suck it.” He commanded you. Your mouth wrapped around the dildo tastingyourself as he let you adjust to his size. Slowly he started to thrust in andout of your tight puckered hole, moaning around the toy in your mouth youtasted yourself and cleaning the toy. Yoongi shook his head at the sight ofyou, even in the midst of him being pissed off at you he couldn’t help but findwhat you did past seductive and breath taking. He let his hand thrust the toy inand out of your mouth until his arm got tired. He felt your hands press downagainst his lower stomach. He reached up to grab at your hair again afterthrowing the vibrator down against the bed, his hands moving to grip at yourplump ass cheek as he lowered you back to the bed after some time.

Yoongi felt you tighten around his cock, he knew that hewouldn’t be able to last long especially with how good your lips around hisshaft. He let one hand grab at the vibrator turning it on he pressed the flatof the head against your clit. He made sure the power was on high, the lullingcausing your hips to sharply snap against the bed. His other hand moved to gripat the string on the end of the beads. Slowly he pulled the beads from you onefrom one as he also slammed into your tight assuming his hand to move thevibrator up and down your pussy. “You can cum now. Cum for me… Kitten.” Yoongicalled you that one name that had you releasing a loud mewl of pleasure deflatingagainst the bed cumming for the male, he slowly let the beads pop from you oneby one until they were all out of your tight asshole and only his cockremained.. You tightened around his cock, your eyes roaming to look at the membersthat were against the wall. They looked at you with want, seeing the hungrylooks of need blown out in their pupils made your orgasm slam hard into you.Yoongi let you ride out your orgasm,  butinstead of stopping he slid his cock out of your asshole and slammed himselfinto your pussy. He started to slam himself harder into you, fucking you intooblivion against the sheets of the bed. His hand continued to assault your clitwith the vibrator and you couldn’t move only take the treatment he was givingyour body. He held out for you, your body was a complete ruin against the bed,you could only stare with your mouth open and moan his name with other gibberishas your second orgasm slammed through your body. Your senses were all over theplace, Yoongi moved his hand to pull the nipple clamps by the chain in themiddle until it was snapping off of your breast. You were squirting in thematter of seconds when he started to roll his hips against your spot grindinghard against you not pulling back but making sure he was deep inside of you.

“No more! P-please Yoongi! Fuck daddy please I’m sorry!” Yousobbed out as the abuse continued. When Yoongi heard those words he nodded incontent, his hair sticking against his forehead with sweat that dripped down thesides of his face as well. Letting his head roll back he opened his mouthloosing himself inside of you. With a few more erratic thrusts he filled you tothe brim with his cum moving the vibrator from your sensitive pussy that wasgripping onto him like a vice. He slowed down his thrusts until both of yourorgasms were rode out. He leaned over you to pepper kisses along your shouldersbefore he kissed your lips gently nuzzling into you.

“You can all go now. And shut the door behind you.” Yoongi mutteredvoice low and guttural. You both heard the shuffling of feet out of the roomand finally the door shut. “You were good today. I hope you learned yourlesson.” Yoongi sighed softly, moving to pull out of you slowly watching asvery little of his cum slipped out of your pussy and that made him happy slappingyour ass cheek he moved to untie you and get the spreader bar from your legs.He moved to your bathroom to run you a warm but mostly hot bath throwing in yourfavorite galaxy bath bomb and other herbs.

Yoongi moved to grip at your body picking you up bridalstyle he carried you towards the tub, sitting you down inside and climbing inbehind you.

“I love you.” You muttered groggily not having the strengthto do or say much more.

“And I love you too.” Yoongi said softly as he held youstarting his aftercare so that he could love on you now that his point wasstated.

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7 years ago


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7 years ago


It's been a while, hasn't it? Let me explain myself. For the time I was gone, I had lost my inspiration for writing, and simultaneously had to deal with new social and mental challenges. It really took its toll on me, but now I'm back and feeling a lot better about myself as a writer and a person. I'm currently working on a Harry Potter AU, and this story will be special, as you, as a reader, will be able to make your own choices and shape your own personal story. You choose your fate, and every little choice will count to how the story develops. You can freely take your own path and choose who you want to get closest to. I'm really excited for this project and I think it'll be really fun to write different paths for you guys. I hope you'll like it ^_^

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7 years ago

Fans call Jin handsome, he gets flustered and hides in his mangers shoulder.

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