Follow Forever - Tumblr Posts

⚠️The beginning paragraphs may have some triggering content that discuss assault, death, murder, and kidnapping ⚠️
I guess I should first say ye that’s me up there ⬆️🙄I promised myself I’d post a selfie once I hit 1K
I hit 1,000 followers a while ago and I never really properly announced it, not that it’s really a big deal for some of you. But for me, it’s huge. The only social media account I’ve gotten 1K on was my Dan and Phil Google+ account from seventh grade (don’t ask), so this is a real accomplishment. I gained followers from work - my work, and that is one of the most tear-jerking moments I’ve ever experienced in my short life.
As I’ve told you, I’m not the happiest I can be right now. I struggle with social anxiety, extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, and from time to time, voices will haunt me during the late night hours when I can’t fall asleep. It’s becoming more of a problem now, to the point where if one little thing goes wrong, I consider all possible ways to hurt myself. I know I’m strong, but I can’t help but feel weak at times. I already have such a hard time leaving the house because of my fear of being murdered, kidnapped, or assaulted, and even though I barely know anyone that can understand, I’m able to find comfort right here.
I’m gonna be honest: social media is not my thing. It’s full of hate, whether directed towards me or someone else. However, Tumblr seems to be the once place where I haven’t been attacked (yet). This small community that we’ve created has served as a safe haven for all of us. I’ve found new friends, and new reasons to keep fighting for the future. My closest friend, Brian, is one of the few people that are keeping me alive today, the others being my family, BTS and my girlfriend. He’s basically my big brother, and I’m just so glad I got to meet him through here.
I checked my follower count and it literally just spiked up to 1.1K. I’m so incredibly grateful that you guys like my work, and I’m even more grateful to the people who inspire me to write, or just make me smile in general! I’d really like to thank everyone who sends in requests, and I know that I can be super slow with them, but they help spark my creativity, and it’s super fun to let you participate.
So, without further ado, here’s nightskyhoseok’s first Follow Forever!
@papa-seokjin @z-alien @ask-witch-jiminie @dangerouslycasualchild @jeon-coconut @hixtaape @bangtans-baby @ohbabyitsbts @studioghibli2001 @hijoonie @nai-has-jams @btstextfake @bulletproofwhalien @justtextmeoppa @sarangtaee @bangtan-insfired @jiminsasscracck @ihearteyesmilesss @rainygguk @hngbkhj @forever-young-got7 @taichoushadow @please-baby-calm-down @manyjamsmuchfun @lolethlovesbangtan @kthsdrug @btsgirlfriends @bangtanjaemi @hoseoks-hoe @sweetersuga @gotmonstabangtantrashmelanin @miss-noo-na @sweatae @bangtanofarmys @btssmutandfluff @armyctzenscenarios @textmeillbuyyoufood @jimlingss @yoongisbbydoll @army-author @sextdabangtan @taestykth @justanemptydream @solastia @btsfiles @sexonextdoor @heungtanbts @jheartseok @sxltandsvga @yoongsigh @kpopstarsreact @skin-of-potato @vintaege @mint-tape @hayjeon @taeinmycup @remembeo @wonhopes @lunarimagines @avveh @little-bts @itsbtsreacts @textmejimin @kiwiscript @ibyoonprofen @versigny @jungee @sugasgrowl @btsfakesnaps @yaja-time @lilyjhs @multifandom-hoes @noir0neko @kpop-text-messages @sweetdreamydelusion @oppafeels @fightmejeonkook @deathbyyoongi @jooheonster @onlylovekpop @imaginethisbts @mygsjjk @fortheloveofbangtan @tayegi @hyunglinetexts @hanarue @drquinzelharleen @junkfoodkpop @btsbullshit @bangtanbtsmut @aegyo-yoonseok @kpop-muses @fireheart-namjoon @idoltxts @no-more-cream @noonachronicles @jcmguk @houseofbangtaninternational @googlebts @bangtanboysboo @namjoonilicious @dirtybtsgot7 @btexts-got7 @gummygyeommie @textmebangtan @smallkpoplove @k-reations @kpopreacting @igotbanginreactions @bangtantextboys @btsimaginesfordays @sugaminxx @wang-banana @thisfoolishdestiny @lonastic @official-yoongi @btsgroupchat @sugaswagboy @tinytaetown @jhopehatesnakeu @sugaspiano @kpop-snaps-and-chats @taepott-archive @ayo-suga-baby @mintbunnytea @nsfw17bts @bangtan-writing @namjooniebun @taeguboi @kimlisamarie @sugas-kookies @bangtanhmu @callmebcby @slay-jimin @moonscriptx @infireation @nchu @yuudetama @your-miss-right @btstextsnmore @minttexs @iwilltextthemforyou @fyehjungcock @bangtan-wishes @trulybts @suga-lump @mint-kook @yoonified @seoulscapes @bngtnonline @gukblush-archive @textme-kpop @anything-and-everything-bts @kookmejeon @lmaobangtanboys @thetextingbangtan @naughtykpopimagines @bangtansmut @schmudt @btextswriting @ttylbts @dreamscript @ellieljade @chinnychimchim @bxebxee @seokline @lolbtsaus @daebak-bts @jungk0oksthighs @inktae @btsfanficsandscenarios @jungkxook @bangtan-spells @imsarabum @textsandaus @sopewriters @kpopfanfictrash @k-p-p-d @kimvtae @zephyoongist @triptaech @workofteaguk @happy-meo @bangtan-bananamuffin @dom-joonie @jeonjagiya @cloudsofsonder @kpop-reads @kittae @noona-la-la-la @siranghae @deesficrecs @kpop-bts-smut @universitykpop @sugar-for-my-suga @dx-nxt-clxck @smuttybangtans @thumino @xhixtape @pleaseseokjin @hobibliophile @floralseokjin @themoodykwriter @aexthetic-suga @btsmutimagines @saltysugabts @btssmutgalore @omgbigbangtanboys @dailydoseofdia @the95liner @gukvory @deerguk @baeseoul @jiminniemouse @kookingtae @theboysofkpopreactions @ricepot-jisung @justbangtanreactions @smuttyassholes @sugamonstae @hmu-bts @instakpop @btssexualfantasies @taechubs @minsuxga @got7-bangtan-network @kbopz @boyfriendvibess @bulletproof-reacts @kpoparmyreaction @imagine-bangtan-boys @bangidiotscenarios @tumblingtae @yoongiisii @jungblue
Well, that’s my list. I don’t know what else to say soo… I really want to get back into writing for you guys, and I’ll try my hardest to get those damn requests finished that have been waiting in my ask box for like 13 years. I’m probably not the most reliable author out there, which is why I’ve listed all of these wonderful authors here! I spent so long going through my ‘following’ list and of course @jungblue was one of the very first blogs I followed. If you don’t know her, which would be very unlikely because she’s so damn popular (and I understand why), go check out her writing right now. It’s far better than mine. Seriously, just go bless yourself. I’m looking forward to the future with you guys ❤️


So I recently (like two months ago) hit 2000 followers and I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile so. Again I’m only tagging people I’m mutuals with so I don’t embarrass myself and to everyone who follows me thank you for getting me here I love you all! #-C @10cloverfieldlane, @abbeyleeskershaw, @adamdouglasdriver, @aiirdd, @alicavikander, @aliiciavikander, @amazingfuckingamy, @americanshoney, @amy-peohler, @amyduhnne, @andreii-tarkovsky, @angryassmexican, @any-good-urls-for-sale, @anyataylorjoys, @aqentclaricestarling, @areyoufilmingthis, @aryastarqe, @asilversnake, @avaduverney, @belfortss, @berthemorisot, @blackharleyqueen, @blue-valentine, @boinkbonk, @boyega-john, @brielqrson, @brielrason, @brilarson, @carol2015, @carol2015dirtoddhaynes, @carriefisher, @chadwixkboseman, @chanw00kpark, @chiwetelejiofor, @cinemphatic, @commanderrlewis, @communistdanceparty, @cscarisaac, @csevignys D-I @darkbeachboys, @davidbronenberg, @davidfincherings, @davidfinchher, @davidslynched, @deadwright, @debasered, @dykejonze, @elizabethoslen, @emilyblunts, @emmanuelubezki, @evredeens, @exemachina, @fathomsofrubies, @film-bitch, @filmandtelevision, @filmeditors, @filmmuff, @filmsucks, @gael-garcia, @georgeluccas, @giltynight, @ginlucgodard, @godblum, @gonegirlofficial, @goswinding, @guillermosdeltoro, @gvllenhalls, @gylleenhaal, @hardcockforhitchcock, @highsmith, @hoedameron, @hughjackmans, @iamawakee, @imadoe-sawday, @inarrithoe, @inglouriousliv, @isaacsoscar, J-P @jakegyllcnhaal, @jakegyllenbae, @jakegyllonhaal, @jennnyslate, @jessicaachastain, @killblll, @kubricksodyssey, @kubrickoid, @la-lune-a-un-metre, @ladykubrick, @lenny-abrahamson, @leonardodicapiro, @les-silence-des-agneaux, @lesbianrey, @lil-kozy, @lorellaigilmore, @m-onicagellers, @madfilmstudent, @marlonbrandos, @marxiststevenhyde, @matthiasschoenaerts, @meghillbilly, @minniecastevets, @mittland, @mondo-video, @mrbeniciodeltoro, @mulhollandlane, @mulhollandroad, @naataliesportman, @nolans, @oscarisaachernandezestradas, @oscarisaacsgf, @pkchanwook, @ponyboys-girl Q-X @qusfrinq, @ramimalekin, @raymondburr, @reyrenfinn, @rideitslut, @rooneys-chippedtooth, @rosmundpike, @ryangosssling, @ryansgosling, @rylances, @sapphicfaithlehane, @saulauslander @scullyspanties, @sculptureoflimitations, @shelleyjohnscn, @siochembio, @sissy-spaceout, @snorlaxatives, @space-demmentia, @spankjonze, @spooky-rey, @spikejounze, @sppikejonze, @stankykubrick, @stanleykubricky, @stay-faraway-so-close, @stevemcqueened, @tarantinosdeathproof, @tarantinowned, @tarantinyes, @tarntinos, @tendrecuriosities @texaschainsaw1974, @thepiano1993, @thestepfordwifey, @timroths, @ufgay, @uglybetty, @undicaprio, @veryfeminist, @videodromess, @violadavvis, @vmpirecash, @witchguardian, @wscravn, @xaveirdolans, @xavier-dolame, @xavrdolan If you’re not following any of these guys i really recommend you do! I love all of you and thank you so much! <3

Happy Holidays Everyone! This year I’m going to give a big shout out to my mutuals out there that have been amazing this year. I’ve been following some of you all for months and some only a week but that’s not important. Thank you all for making this year better when we all needed it. I hope you all know that you can come to me for anything that you need. <3 If you aren’t here, please let me know!
@amyduhnne @barbaragordan @batdaddies @batdaddy @batgirls @batswayne @batwomans @benafleck @bhatgirl @bhucewayne @billy-batson @boosterg0ld @bruceselina @buckys @cam-howe @cassiansandors @ccavill @clark-jkent @clarksbruce @connerkent @cpine @crownkillers @dantrachtenberg @darkofilms @davdfinchers @diannasprince @dickraisin @dona-troy @enchvntress
@flezramiller @flordewitt @gabrielryes @grysn @halbarry @halseyquinnn @harleenfrancs @harleyquinnism @harleenquinzel @henry-cavill @hoecanary @jaimereyse @jasonsstodd @jeangreys @jessemccere
@katckane @karaszorel @karazcrel @kingofthesevenseas @kittyypryde @kubricksodyssey @kveykur @laurelcastillo @leespace @leiacroft @lorddeathman @lornahs @marqotrobbie @minniedriver @mistahrobot @mtchells @namor @natchois @nikolajwaldau @newdscamander @ohbatsy
@palpattine @pamelaislei @pauldrake @poison-ivys @poisonyvi @punishrer @queensofthemyscira @realdamianwayne @redrobins @reinshardt @richpenis @rifften @robb-starks @ryanreyolds @selinakyls @sheskik @sonnycrocketts @star-sapphire @starlvrd @suisidesquad @supermans @taliatate @television @tfa @tighttwing @timskon @timwyne @tomosakus @travisfimel @tumdrake
@wesandesons @wonderwomn @xaveirdolans @xavier-dolame @zacksnydered @zatanazatarra @6pm
A special shout out to @bruce-affleck. They totally belong in this post but tumblr’s dumb ass decided to fuck up. I’m so sorry!
Tag dump #1
#🗡↱ ic ↲,#🗡↱ ooc ↲,#🗡↱ headcanons ↲,#🗡↱ musings ↲,#🗡↱ wishlist ↲,#🗡↱ asks ↲,#🗡↱ submissions ↲,#🗡↱ memes ↲,#🗡↱ scenery ↲,#🗡↱ aesthetic ↲,#🗡↱ music ↲,#🗡↱ rules ↲,#🗡↱ save ↲,#🗡↱ follow forever ↲,#🗡↱ promotion ↲, #🗡↱ Thanks for the ask ↲ , #🗡↱ PSA ↲, #🗡↱ visuals ↲,

So I open this blog last month and I just want to thank you all for the support. Here are some people that inspired me and that I love. One more time, thank you all!
@bahrsik @tomhrrdy @aranoburns @preachyblinders @peakysgrace @peakyblinded @peakymurphy @ckare @bljnders @pcllygray @blind3r-bxtch @prettieparker86 @shelbydingle @crownthesword @shelbycompany @peakystitches @peakyblinderss