hi I’m nihyun, i write for svt (mainly)

602 posts




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More Posts from Nihyunluvskookie

4 years ago

airport farewell


“Minho one shot”

Pairing: Lee Minho x female reader

Genre: Angst,

Warnings: If you can’t deal with angst please don’t read

Word count: 1.1 K

[3:13 am]

You suddenly woke up; you didn’t know why. You looked at your side, Minho wasn’t there. You looked at the time, it was 3:13 am. You saw his phone wasn’t on the side table. You went downstairs in the hope that he must be in the kitchen, you hurried down but he wasn’t there. You went to check the rooftop but he wasn’t there too. You were scared, you tired calling him. You thought maybe he went to dorm but why now? He could’ve told you once that he was going. He wasn’t picking up the call, you texted him but he wasn’t replying. You tried calling him again and again.

“Darn it. Why isn’t Minho picking up” you were getting worried. You weren’t sure if you should call Jisung or not because it’s very late.

Notifications made it’s way to your phone, your eyes widen. You looked at the date, you cursed yourself for forgetting to check the date; Minho was supposed to leave Korea today for concerts. You called Minho again in a hope that he will pick up. You went to your bedroom and changed into white tee and black jeans, fast. You took your car keys and went out of your house.

You didn’t realize at what speed you were driving your car, there was just one thought inside your head and that was, you need to meet Minho anyhow. You were still calling Minho but he wasn’t picking up.

For a second you thought you should call Jisung and tell him to give the phone to Minho, you tried calling him but his phone was unreachable. You gave it few tries but it wasn’t working at all. You tried calling Minho again but still no response.

It usually takes 45 minutes to reach airport but luckily you made it in 30 minutes, and those 30 minutes were hell to you. You parked your car quickly.


You were trying to call Minho; he wasn’t picking up. You were trying to find Minho in between their fans, media and staffs. After running for 20 minutes, you were devastated. How much you wanted to ask him, why didn’t he let you know he was leaving? why didn’t Minho let you know the flight timing? Why wasn’t he picking up his phone? Why didn’t he tell you anything? You found it in news.

Your tears making ways to fall, you couldn’t think straight; the thought of you won’t be able to see him for months was killing. You were trying to call him continuously; he wasn’t picking up in purpose, you were sure of it now. He never does this unless he is dead busy and right now, he is in airport.

You were worried that you won’t be able to see him and say goodbye, you looked at the call log, you called Minho for 30 times but he didn’t pick up. You started running to check people who are checking in, you were running carelessly, you tripped on your shoelace; you fell and your phone too.

“Shit, why now?” you cursed.

You quickly picked up your phone, you thought of calling Minho but then you spotted them, you could recognize him from his back. He was talking to Jisung. You were facing their back. You ran towards them, in a hope that Minho will notice you and maybe talk to you. You tried calling him again just in hope that he might pick because you know you can’t just go and drag him from them here, that would cause a mess. You saw, him looking at his phone, you tried your best to make him see you. You texted him, that you are here.

He turned to you and he was taken aback, he looked at you and your tears coming out, you were relieved that you saw him. You were wiping your tears but they were unstoppable. You saw him coming, towards you; you were smiling but tears were telling you to cry. He held your arm and dragged to a corner, looking at his adorable face you hugged him tight. You couldn’t care less even if his shirt was getting wet.

“how- how could you?” only you know how tight you were holding him. He hugged you back, you felt warm.

“How could I possibly tell you? That I’ll be leaving for few months? And you won’t be able to see me.” He spoke, his voice was soft as usual. His voice was always calming.

“Minho, why were you picking up my call? Tell me, do you hate me that much?” your cries were louder and your grip was tighter on his shirt; you didn’t want to look at him.

“I was scared to say goodbye to you” he replied caressing my hair, “I was scared to make you cry. I hate to make you cry. This is my first time leaving you for few months like this. I was scared to hurt you but you found me before I left.” He continued.

“You could’ve told me, but this isn’t fair. I will surely miss you but leaving without a goodbye is absurd Minho. Do you know how worried I was, I felt helpless; I was worried what if I won’t be able to make it on time or because I have no idea when is your flight. I… I even tried calling Jisung but his phone was unreachable. I- I was just scared of losing you Minho, you know that.”

“Now look at me and stop crying, okay?” he said, you weren’t ready to look at him because you know once you do, you will cry again, he slowly lifted your chin and wiped your tears with his thumb.

“My baby, shh. Don’t cry, I’ll be back soon” he said and pecked your lips. You weren’t ready to let go his warmth but you have to.

“Minho, I will miss you. Do well in your concert.” You said him and tried to smile. He hugged you one more time and let you go.

“Don’t stress too much while I’m away, be safe and take care. Okay?” you nodded, he came and kissed you softly, you didn’t hold back and kissed him back. Your tears started falling again, making your lips wet. This was a come back soon kiss, you wanted to give him all of you. After you parted, he looked at you.

“I’ll be back, goodbye. I love you.” He said

“I’ll wait for you to return; I can hold myself well. I love you Minho” you said and he left. You saw him walking away, your tears couldn’t stop and you cried your heart out. You walked out of airport.

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4 years ago


KPOPSCAPE is an abbreviation for the words ‘kpop’ and ‘escape’. As we all are aware, KPOP took the world by far from Wonder Girl’s Nobody until now. Millions and millions of fans around the world were enthralled by KPOP. And that resulted to many and exciting things to happen in the Internet World. One of those is the adaption of fans to the famous fanfiction writing where in you would use the face of your idol when writing a story. The idol is commonly paired with the y/n (y/n is the shit) or with a co-member, or a gender neutral reader.

KPOPSCAPE is a network to help authors of any race and gender to get their work into a wider audience. We are all aware of the feeling whenever you’ve poured all your heart out in a fic just to get little feedbacks from it. That is why with our KPOPSCAPE team, we will do our best to get the rightful attention for your work.

In KPOPSCAPE, we prioritize our members more than anything. So every month, we will have an ‘Authors of the Month’ event from the fandoms that we cater (one for SKZ, one for ATEEZ, one for NCT). They would be on our header or on our pinned post for the whole month until the next AOTM would take place.

Also, in KPOPSCAPE, we treasure your skills and passion in writing. That is why every month, or with every change of the season, we would hold different collaborations for the three fandoms that we are catering for to further practice and enhance the skills of our members.

REQUIREMENTS — read this first!

Must have at least two (2) published works

There is an available masterlist linked in your description box in your blog.

(optional) Follow the admins: for easy communication for all of your concerns @jungcity​​, @mjlkau​ , @legendnct​

To apply for the network click the JOIN NOW button as STEP ONE.

Read STEPS PROPERLY and you’re done!

This is only the start of the amazing things KPOPSCAPE has stored in for you. So what are you waiting for? JOIN NOW (MEMBER) JOIN NOW (ADMIN)!

4 years ago

MOBILE MASTERLIST | last updated: 08.09.2020



@jungcity (nyx) | masterlist

@legendnct (hana) | navigation

@mjlkau & @blushwoo (anie) | navigation

@dreamystuffers​ (rach) | masterlist

@neoyoungho​​ (cole) | masterlist

@seongghwaa (vivi) | masterlist

@xiaocvlts​​​ (vera) | masterlist




@adoniachoi (donia) | masterlist

@alayatxt (alaya) | masterlist 

@ardenthyuck (janna) | masterlist 

@bubblyrensung (mika) | masterlist

@bumblebeenct (milly) | masterlist 

@cinanamon (stephanie) | masterlist 

@cirrus-lily​​ (soph) | masterlist


@danishmiilk (xing-yi) | masterlist

@essantial (rue) | masterlist

@ethaeriyeol (bea) | masterlist

@fairvtale (keia) | masterlist

@fullsuuns (dreamy) | masterlist


@hcneyymark (soji) | masterlist

@hereisleo (leo) | masterlist 

@hunnyuwu (yuki) | masterlist

@insomni-writing (somni) | navigation


@jaeminscoffee (lyra) | navigation

@jimjamjaemin (mona) | masterlist

@lelenoir (camille) | masterlist

@lovelyjsuh (miah) | masterlist


@meow-bebe (cosmo) | masterlist

@moondustis (moon) | masterlist

@namluve (daria) | navigation

@navyhyuck (vee) | masterlist

@ncteaxhoe (indrani) | masterlist

@neo-shitty (toffee) | masterlist

@neoiovebot (bree) | masterlist

@nihyunluvskookie​ (nihyun) | masterlist

@notnctu (joyce) | masterlist


@puppywritings (william) | masterlist


@suhpressed (elaida) | navigation

@sunwuism​ (neha) | masterlist

@the32ndbeat (qiu) | masterlist 


none yet


@yangyanghater (cal) | masterlist

@yongiefilms (june) | masterlist

@yukwonghei (samantha) | masterlist

@yunocity (meg) | masterlist

@zerojisung (annabel) | masterlist


none yet

4 years ago

Finally added theme, after thinking for two days. I spent hours to edit the pages lol. HTML things are difficult

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4 years ago

I'm sure Jeongin stans died here


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