Hi, my name is Megan, I created this tumblr to help my anxiety. I may not post a lot but thanks for visiting anyway!
413 posts
Oh God I Know Its Been An Age And A Half Since I Posted A Story, BUT I Finally Finished My Alcina & Sherry
Oh god I know its been an age and a half since I posted a story, BUT I finally finished my Alcina & Sherry fic! I don't think its quite up to par with what I originally wanted but I'm satisfied with what came out. I hope you enjoy!
The first thing Sherry Birkin encounters when she enters the Blue Umbrella lounge room is the tallest woman she has ever seen. She unconsciously let out a small wow alerting the woman to her presence.
Alcina turned in her chair to see the new arrival, “Oh hello, you must be one of the United States agents we have been called to meet.” She says removing her reading glasses and setting down her book.
Sherry continues to gape at the woman for a few seconds before realizing she was being spoken to, “Oh, yeah! I’m Sherry Birkin, federal agent for the Division of Security Operations.” She says as she walks closer and sticks her hand out for a handshake.
Alcina takes her hand, “A pleasure, I am Lady Alcina Dimitrescu. I hope you don’t mind me remaining seated, the ceilings aren’t quite suited for someone my height.” She chuckles. “Please join me.” She gestures to the chair across from her.
Sherry takes a seat, “Thank you my Lady. It’s nice to meet you as well.”
Alcina waves off her formality smiling, “Oh no, no, please call me Alcina, my dear. The title is simply a formality for the men wo have no manners, and it sounds much nicer with the castle.”
“Ahh…” Sherry says before sitting awkwardly in silence, “So, do you know any of the company gossip?”
Alcina covers a laugh with a cough, “Why no, I don’t believe I know much of anything. Most of the lovely employees here don’t enjoy speaking with a ‘monster’ like me.” She rolls her eyes at the thought.
Sherry gasps in shock, “Oh my god, you are missing out! Okay, so did you hear that Claire Redfield and Jill Valentine are totally a thing now?” She gushes with a wide smile at the chance to gossip with someone.
Alcina feigns belief at the rumor, “Truly! I had no idea; they don’t seem like the type.”
Sherry nods her head, “Oh yeah, I heard they are keeping it on the downlow because Chris is crazy obsessed with Claire ‘continuing the Redfield bloodline’.”
“Wouldn’t he want her to have a relationship with a woman? She wouldn’t be able to ‘continue the bloodline’ with a man. It would be his bloodline not hers.” Alcina says confused.
Sherry throws her arms up, “That’s exactly what I’ve been saying! No one seems to care though; they just keep repeating that ridiculous joke.” Alcina nods along as Sherry continues to rant and gossip. “You don’t believe anything I’m saying do you?”
“Not a single word, but I didn’t want to interrupt as you seemed so passionate about it.” She explains as Sherry slightly deflates.
“Damn, what gave me away?” She asks.
Alcina chuckles, “I have met both Ms. Redfield and Agent Valentine, while I doubt they would commit to a relationship to each other, they are both private people. Neither of them would allow rumors to spread about them, they are far too careful for that, especially Agent Valentine.”
Sherry smirks, “They would make a nice couple though.”
Alcina laughs, “Yes they would, Agent Valentine would make quite the pair with either of the Redfield siblings. I can only imagine the children they would produce.”
“Speaking of relationships, would you happen to have a Lord or Lady of your own?” Sherry asks curious about her new friend.
Alcina’s smile falters before recovering, “Sadly it’s not quite so easy for someone my size and with my…. affliction to date. Everyone who is privy to my unique features is out of the question.”
Sherry tilts her head curiously, “Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Not at all, simply put, Moreau is a lovely man, but we are not very close. No disrespect to him, but he is simply not my type either. Donna is lovely as well, though I see her as a close friend only. She is a touch to young for my tastes and we are possibly too close for a relationship. Finally, Heisenberg, ugh, He is Heisenberg and I refuse to even get near that man. I would kill myself before subjecting to any sort of intimacy with him and it is very difficult to kill me, I’ll have you know” Sherry chuckles at her explanation.
“He can’t be that bad.” She says knowing the tall woman is exaggerating.
Alcina rolls her eyes, “You clearly haven’t met Karl Heisenberg. He is the most sanctimonious, annoying, unkempt, vile man I have ever met!” Sherry is struggling to hold back her laughter at Alcina’s anger towards this man. Towards the end of her continued rant, Sherry can’t hold back her laughter and breaks. Sherry startles her at first, but the contagious laughter soon infects her as well. After a couple of minutes of laughter, they both calm down and regain composure.
Alcina delicately wipes a tear from her eye, “Ahh, I haven’t laughed that hard in years.” Sherry nods in agreement still recovering from the giggles. “Since you brought it up, I must ask about your previous trysts.” Sherry immediately stops giggling.
“Ugh, it’s been uneventful. I’m only 35 and the only relationship I’ve had was barely one at all. His name was Jake, we met during one of my missions, I was supposed to get his blood to stop the C virus. The whole situation spiraled, and I guess we just spent so much tense time together we just were drawn to each other. After everything calmed down, we went on a few dates. I thought he would be nicer outside of a war zone, and he was but not to the degree I was hoping. He refused to stop with all of his sexist comments and honestly was just kind of a dick a lot of the time. Without the tension we stopped being drawn together, though we are still friends. Definitely glad I never slept with him.” Alcina just gapes at her.
“Well now, that was a bit of a rollercoaster. I wasn’t expecting that answer, though if you are still looking, I believe my middle child would be quite the match for you. She seems very similar to your Jake but much better towards her lovers. She can be quite passionate about her work, which extends into her relationships.” She chuckles, “I may be a bit biased though as she is my daughter.”
“Ahh, I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested dating women.” Sherry says a bit awkwardly trying not to offend.
“Oh, I apologize I didn’t realize. Still if you ever discover that you have an interest, you know how to contact me through Agent Redfield.” Alcina says checking the time, “It seems our break time is over, now we must attend a nonsense meeting to inflate little men’s egos.”
Sherry looks at the clock as well feeling disappointed their time is ending, “Wait! Do you have a cellphone? We can exchange numbers to keep in touch without the middleman.” Alcina nods pulling out her modified phone. “Oh, wow that sure is something.” Sherry says noticing the unusually large phone.
Alcina chuckles, “Yes, I cannot use a regular cellular phone, so Agent Redfield had something called a ‘tablet’ converted into a phone for me to use more comfortably. My girls had to get me modified accessories for my home computer as well, even if I refuse to use the blasted contraption most of the time.”
“I get ya. Here let me put my number in, then I’ll send myself a text, so I have your number too.” Sherry struggles a bit with the large device, but eventually programs her number. Alcina takes back the phone and poses Sherry for a picture. “What are you doing?” Sherry asks as she is being manipulated.
“My girls say I have to have an image for everyone in my phone, so I am posing you so I can take a photograph.” Sherry makes a noise of understanding and strikes a pose for her contact image. After Alcina takes the image, Sherry pulls out her phone as well.
“Your turn! If I have to take a photo so do you.” She says aiming her camera at the still seated woman. Alcina poses regally in her chair and Sherry snaps a photo. “Great! Thanks for this. Its kinda hard to make friends in this line of work so I want to stay in contact with those I do make.”
Alcina finally stands into a hunched position, “I’m glad to be considered a friend. As you can guess friends are a rarity for me as well.” Sherry gives a sympathetic nod. “Now we really must be going, the boys won’t be happy if we are late for this little ‘meeting’.”
As they make their way to the meeting room, they continue to talk about Alcina’s girls, Leon, and many other things before joining their superiors.
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I was hoping to see my mirlena fic on my phone's word app. Not there but I did see that I apparently have a document called death....
Edit: it was an assignment for my forensics class
New Beginnings CH.1
Its the Mirlena fic boiz! or at least chapter 1. Hope you enjoy!
AO3 link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/32607286/chapters/80885854
“And finally, this is where you will be working.” Chris gestured towards a laboratory door before stopping Elena with a hand on her shoulder, “If anything goes wrong, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Even if you just feel like you can’t handle working with her, I will pull you out and assign you somewhere else.”
Elena nods with a small smile feeling a small amount of comfort from his words. The duo then make their way into the lab with Chris leading. The room, while not small, was not spacious, it was enough for two people to work comfortably at the chemical hoods lining the left wall and the island type counters in the middle of the room. Miranda doesn’t react to them entering the room, intensely focused on her current work. Chris waits for her to come to a stopping point before announcing their presence by clearing his throat. Miranda jumped slightly at the noise before turning towards them.
“Agent Redfield, I told you that I didn’t need an assistant. I appreciate the gesture, but you know that I am not what you would call popular around here.” Miranda said as she continued working.
“I know you said that, but I feel like you need help. This is too much work for one person alone, and I need someone closer to keep an eye on what you do.” Chris explained to her in a matter of fact manner.
Miranda sighed and fully gave her attention to Chris and Elena, “Ahh I see what you mean. A pleasure to officially meet you Ms. Lupu. Please call me Miranda or Dr. Cel Tradat , I prefer Miranda, but I understand if that makes you uncomfortable.” She stuck her hand out to Elena.
Elena takes her hand shaking it, “I’m surprised you know who I am Mo-uh Miranda. I was just a villager.” Miranda winces at Elena’s slip up but ignores it.
“I took pride in knowing all of the people in my- ugh- the villages. Sadly, it was for less than wholesome matters. The mycete wanted to keep a record for every possible host though the small presence of my mind wanted to remember all of the victims of my experiments. So, yes, I know who you are, I know pretty much everything about you. Which sounds very creepy now that I say it aloud.” Miranda says blushing a bit. Elena giggles at her awkwardness welcoming the break in tension between them.
“Well, I won’t ask about the specifics you know. I’m excited to get to know the real you and not the goddess. Though I’m going to apologize in advance if I slip up and get a bit cultish.” She says keeping the mood light.
Chris clears his throat again interrupting the two women, “I’m glad you two are getting along so well, but I need to get going. Elena you are to stay here and just observe for today, you can get started with training tomorrow. Miranda, you can finish up what you were doing and take an early day.” Both women nodded and Chris left to go back to his work. The awkward air returned around the women. Miranda stood in front of her workstation as if she were waiting for permission to continue.
“Oh, uh, don’t mind me. I’ll keep out of your way. Oh! I forgot to mention earlier but please call me Elena.” Elena said finding a chair and moving it to a corner so she could observe. Miranda simply nodded and continued her work.
After setting everything up to settle over night Miranda decided to end her day, “Did Agent Redfield give you the full tour?” She asked washing her hands and removing her lab coat putting it in her designated lab laundry bin.
Elena shook her head, “His er…tour, if you would like to call it that, was pretty limited. He mostly just pointed out what each room was while on the way here. He seemed to be in a hurry, I don’t blame him, but this place is still like a maze to me.”
Miranda rubbed her forehead in irritation, “Please tell me he at least told you where you would be staying.”
Elena flinched at her tone, “Yes, he said I would be sleeping with you.”
Miranda immediately felt guilty at making Elena flinch, “How presumptuous of him, I’m not the type to put out for strangers.” She joked trying to lighten the mood.
The strange sentence confused Elena for a second before she realized Miranda was joking with her, Elena laughed, “I never took you for a joker.”
Miranda smiled softly at her, “I normally am not, I felt bad about scaring you and wanted to lighten the mood. You should know that you don’t have to be afraid of me, I am monitored at all times through this collar. If I act aggressively the watcher on duty will shock me into submission.”
Elena was shocked, “That seems so cruel! What if you are just defending yourself or if the watcher decides to have a grudge against you?”
Miranda placed a hand on Elena’s shoulder to calm her down, “It is a necessary evil for everyone’s safety. Now let’s get on with a proper tour, please stay close to me I don’t want you getting lost.”
Miranda’s tour was much more in depth than Chris’. She showed Elena every important room for their work and what they would be used for, after that they explored the relaxation and general use rooms, finally they stopped at the cafeteria to get dinner before going to their room. Elena was introduced as a new research assistant to the few employees that regarded Miranda with less hatred and just wary indifference. Most of them enjoyed her presence, many warned her about her new ‘boss’, and some decided she was just as bad as Miranda. After dinner, they finally retired to their shared room. Miranda seemed hesitant to open the door.
“I wish that Chris had told me in advance that you would be staying with me. The room is a bit of a mess, I never imagined anyone would be staying with me.” Miranda said softly with a blush.
Elena chuckled at her, “First jokes now a mess, you really are subverting all my expectations of you today.” Miranda grimaced at her. “Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad.” Elena said pushing past Miranda and into the room. The room was in fact that bad, papers were thrown all around the room with seemingly no rhyme or reason.
Elena gaped at the mess, “Okay then, ummm, I mean it’s bad, but I’m sure the both of us can get this picked up in no time.” Elena moved out of the doorway to assess the situation and for Miranda to explain what everything is and how it should be organized.
Getting over her initial embarrassment, Miranda got to work explain her system of organization to Elena and working together to put her notes in her filing cabinet. After about an hour and a half, they finished cleaning up and got ready for bed. Sleep didn’t come easy for either of them, both uneasy at the prospect of sharing a room due to the issues caused by their traumas.
Soon both of them fell into a fitful sleep. Elena began to shift and whimper, waking Miranda. She knew the nightmares well, she faced her own every night. She got out of bed and moved to crouch next to Elena’s bed. She watched her for a few seconds worried that waking the other woman up would be worse than leaving her to her dreams, deciding to risk scaring the woman, she shook Elena awake. Elena did startle when she awoke.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay, it was just a dream.” Miranda whispered soothingly, caressing the other woman’s face. Elena calmed quickly due to Miranda’s actions.
“Thank you, I’m sorry I woke you up. You need your rest after a busy day.” Elena whispered back taking Mirada’s hand.
Miranda shook her head, “No, it’s okay. I have trouble sleeping anyway. I’ll let you get back to bed, please wake me if you need anything.” She stood up and turned to return to her bed before Elena grabbed the bottom hem of her shirt.
Elena began to blush, “Could you stay with me tonight? I’m afraid I won’t sleep without someone with me.”
Miranda smiled softly at her honest confession, “Of course, maybe we’ll both sleep better with a partner.” Elena slid towards the wall allowing Miranda to climb into bed. The women kept their distance from each other as best they could in the small bed. They both began giggling at their awkwardness, after they calmed down they allowed themselves to be closer to each other and drifted off into sleep.
Cel Tradat means The betrayed one in romanian
Welp i just got fired from my job randomly
Very much bold of you to assume nobody wants to Mirlena fic.
Hi!! I'm glad someone else is excited for my Mirlena fic, haha, its been a long time coming!

I was not expecting a full print to come with the pin!! Also I had no place for the pin so I stuck it on my olivander's bag 😅