not-playable-character - just an npc in the world
just an npc in the world

Hi, my name is Megan, I created this tumblr to help my anxiety.  I may not post a lot but thanks for visiting anyway!

413 posts

Not-playable-character - Just An Npc In The World - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

Replaying DA:I in anticipation for Veilguard remembering that I cannot give Cassandra Pentaghast the love she deserves because I only play female characters.

Replaying DA:I In Anticipation For Veilguard Remembering That I Cannot Give Cassandra Pentaghast The

(Also I find it funny that the odd number games have gender/race specific romance but the evens dont)

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7 months ago

Out of all the theories I've seen on Melina's backstory, I'm suprised I haven't seen one saying that she's an offshoot of Marika like how millicent is an offshoot of Malenia. (Not saying it doesn't exist just saying I haven't seen it)

Like there are quite a few parallels,

Melina and millicent (and millicents sisters) wear similar outfits

We know that to become a God one has to shed parts of themselves (re. Miquela) and those parts can become living beings of their own (re. Malenia)

Melina has intimate knowledge of Marika (even words she said to Radagon in private re. The Melina dialog in the queen's bedchambers)

Melina is the only NPC that knows Marika's unique spell she made for the shaman village

Melina herself follows Marika's path in abandoning the Erdtree and the Greater Will (Marika shattering the ring and Melina burning the tree)

Heck there's probably even more but I can't think of anything else rn

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7 months ago
Just 100% Completed Elden Ring, Love This Game. Frenzy Flame Was My Favorite Ending But For My Character

Just 100% completed Elden Ring, love this game. Frenzy flame was my favorite ending but for my character the Canon end is perfect order. I did stars and frenzy on a second character to not have the dlc be ng+ lol

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9 months ago
Found This Little Girl In The Middle Of A Rainstorm, I Can't Keep Her But I'm Fostering Her Till She
Found This Little Girl In The Middle Of A Rainstorm, I Can't Keep Her But I'm Fostering Her Till She
Found This Little Girl In The Middle Of A Rainstorm, I Can't Keep Her But I'm Fostering Her Till She
Found This Little Girl In The Middle Of A Rainstorm, I Can't Keep Her But I'm Fostering Her Till She
Found This Little Girl In The Middle Of A Rainstorm, I Can't Keep Her But I'm Fostering Her Till She

Found this little girl in the middle of a rainstorm, I can't keep her but I'm fostering her till she can find a nice home!

Edit: my friends and I have been calling her BB (big boss)

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11 months ago

I was warned about season 4 but i still wasn't prepared

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11 months ago

So im watching Supergirl (because I wanted to see if supercorp was an exagration or not; its def not) and like ok im enjoying the show but Jesus how are the characters so smart but so dumb. Especially Lena, girly figured out Rhea by "Thank the gods" and that Alex is DEO but she can't get past a pair of glasses and a ponytail??? For real??? Like ok I get it's a plot thing but come on, it just makes no sense, especially when cult man figured it out. Also Kara has some pretty insane double standards ie. I can have secrets but you can't (so glad she got called out for that btw)

I am only on s3 ep 18 so maybe it changes (or gets worse)

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1 year ago

Ya know I really love how ambiguous Rebirth is in terms of shipping, like I ship Aerith and Tifa and throught the game I was like "dang this kinda fruity, cant wait for the fanfics/art" I also saw more than plenty for the Aerith/Cloud, Tifa/Cloud, heck even some Yuffie/Cloud (of the one sided pining variety). Picking Barret or Red in the play is just gold, they get all cute and blushy. All the interactions are so good that it fits just about any ship you could want. Can't forget to mention all the buff dudes gripping Clouds tiny feminine waist like the slut he is (joking). I just love the interactions in this game so much

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1 year ago

My post game AU

!Warning spoilers for Rebirth ahead!

Canon differences:

Aerith asked Tifa out on the Shinra 8 and their first date was in Costa

Cloud went on his "date" with Red while the girls had their own date

Tifa helped save Aerith by leveraging Cloud's sword to deflect Sephiroth's blade

Aerith was saved but has a scar on her back from where masamune grazed her

My Post Game AU
My Post Game AU

^approximate scar locations for the girls

Post game:

As a reward the Planet revives/heals several loved ones for the gang; Ifalna, Myrna, Seto, Brian Lockhart, the Avalanche trio, Zack, Sonon, & Claudia Strife

Aerith and Tifa live in the plains outside of Kalm where Aerith grows a variety of flowers and vegetables

Tifa works in Kalm as a bartender and eventually comes to own the bar

Cloud and Jessie reunited and finally have their date

They never truly settle, but Jessie picks up acting gigs at the Saucer while Zack and Cloud are traveling mercenaries (though Cloud tends to stay near Corel)

Barret and Myrna pick up where they left off and she helps him reintegrate into Corel's society where they both work to improve the town

Marlene is skeptical of Mryna at first but warms to her quickly, she has a brief depressive period when they have a son but Barret reassures her that she isn't a lesser member of the family

With Seto returned to flesh, he takes time to connect with his son and really teach him about their history and how proud he is.

They work together to find a cure for the Gi

Claudia settles down in Corel wanting to remain close to Cloud and also not wanting to return to Nibelheim

Brian and Ifalna settle near Kalm as well (separately they just live near each other)

Ifalna helps Aerith learn about her culture and helps out with the plant business

Brian works as a farm hand at Bill's

Tifa and Jessie were the ones to propose, Aerith said yes before Tifa finished and Cloud thought Jessie was joking (but said yes once it was cleared up)

The kids:

Rosalind Ifalna Gainsborough-Lockhart: goes by Rosie, the older of the twins, black hair and green eyes, she takes more after Aerith physically and in personality but has very little connection to the Planet and magic so she learned Zangan martial arts and the Bo staff, she was a very sick child her parents thought she wouldn't make it into adulthood, while very outgoing she suffers from self-confidence issues and often puts herself down, she is shorter than Lily and hates it (~5'4" while Lily is ~5'8") the twins have middle names because their moms couldn't decide what names they wanted so they gave them names to honor their mothers and flower like names at Aerith's request

Lillian Thea Gainsborough-Lockhart: goes by Lily to her friends and Lillian to everyone else, the younger twin, brown hair and red-brown eyes she takes more after Tifa, she is nearsighted and wears glasses, not as physical as her sister she gained a higher affinity with magic and their Cetra bloodline, she uses bracelets and finger claws just incase an enemy gets too close, she prefers tai chi since it is not combat focused but can perform some basic strikes, seeing the suffering her sister went through caused her to mature faster than her parents wanted from her but she never regrets helping take care of her sister, serious and quiet she often comes off as cold and emotionless but truly cares about all life and has a dry sense of humor, she is very sure of herself and her abilities so she tries her best to raise up her sister whenever possible, they developed a fighting style to synergize her magic with Rosie's physical abilities

Dyne Wallace: Born shortly after the events of the game making him the oldest of the kids, very much takes after his father in personality and physicality but decided to have long hair that his mother loves to style, around 6'4", he is more humble than his dad but still over the top and goofy, not a fighter at all he wants to become an ecological preservationist, becomes an older brother figure for the twins and Cloud's daughter, though he is easily convinced to make mischief

Claire Strife: Born the same year as the twins coincidentally, soft blond hair and brown eyes she looks like her dad but has her mother's personality, about 5'6", to Cloud's excitement she shows no interest in fighting and wants to become a performer like her mom though she is very skilled with the buster sword, she develops a crush on Lily (which is reciprocated) but neither of them are convinced the other likes them, she has a very close relationship with both of her grandmothers and loves to cook with them

Might add more later but add your own thoughts if you'd like!

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1 year ago

Still can't believe that No Promises to Keep makes me cry everytime but the ending makes me feel nothing

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1 year ago

I finally finished Rebirth yesterday and I have so many thoughts most are good but there is one big negative one.

I'll start with the bad. That ending. I was not happy with the ending, yes I'm upset we won't play with Aerith in the third game (I'll call it Reunion for ease) but more that it was such a cop out. She's both alive and dead?! Bruh... just pick a side. Instead of being elated or heartbroken I literally sat there saying "Huh??? Wait so is she dead or not??" It had no impact to me and I was frustrated instead of whatever emotion they wanted us to feel. I'm not even excited to play Reunion, I will to complete the story and see how they go with the world's uniting again thing Zack said but im not optimistic.

Now onto the good! Everything else was flawless, I loved the characterization throught the game. The banter, the growth, the fact that they are actually friends, and you see it! The combat was amazing, I loved seeing the synergy abilities and combos, it had me playing characters I never would to see the moves. I'm not sure how popular it is but I really liked the relationship system (I got red for my date funny enough lol I was really trying to not get aerith or tifa). The world also seems so alive, seeing the various cities and the destruction that Shinra brought but also the good they can do. The 7th infantry being a highlight for Shinra for me (my boys 😭😭😭) and the Turks oh how I love to hate them, they made them so much more evil in this than in the 1997 game where they were just kinda goofy failures (imo, it has been a while). Sephiroth brings out such a rage in me and I love it, I feel so inspired to bring him down.

Anyway it's a fantastic game 9/10 except for that ending.

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1 year ago

I had so many notes for my cyberpunk au....I've lost almost all of them 🙃

I'm devastated...

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1 year ago
It Took Almost 2 And A Half Hours But I've Done It. I Perfected The Piano Minigame. I'm So Hype For This

It took almost 2 and a half hours but I've done it. I perfected the piano minigame. I'm so hype for this game

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1 year ago

Is it worth it to romance post patch 5 Minthara? I really want to cuz I enjoy her character but it's so hard to get her approval up, she just keeps disliking everything I do so I'm stuck at neutral.

Edit: I should clarify im at the start of act 3 just got into the lower city

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1 year ago

Another headcanon post but this time for jobs the party would have in different situations. (It'll make sense in a minute)

Lae’zel (if the gith were nonmilitaristic/ she was literally any other race): a florist/gardener. In game she loves to point out the beauty and majesty of nature (then say something bad cuz girly is the worst at expressing herself) not to say she wouldn't still like fighting but I think had she even able to grow from a child without that stict culture she'd be softer

Gale: a professor. Had he not gotten the orb/ gotten involved with mystra. He's just so passionate about magic and teaching that he'd be perfect as an instructor for both children and adults.

Shadowheart: a rancher. Had Shar not been a dick and kidnapped her. I see her and her parents opening a ranch where they could raise animals and care for abandoned ones. She in canon loves animals and in her good ending wants to live away with tons.

Wyll: as I said in a previous post, a writer/adventurer. Homie is a poet at heart and could spread such positive messages had he not gotten involved with Mizora or the cult of tiamat's shenanigans.

Karlach: tavern owner. Had she not met gortash. I don't remember where I saw it but swear I've seen post that say she in canon wanted to open a pub, but I think it fits her personality well. She so open and personable that she'd be great at it.

Astarion: a politician/duke. Had he not been turned or captured by cazador. I can really see him rising the ranks of politics (either for good or not) he's just so charismatic and suave that you can't not love him. He said he was a magistrate before he was bitten too (but who knows if that's true, I think it is tho)

Halsin: a woodworker/ craftsman. Had he not become a druid and the shadow cursed not happened. I can see him just living in the woods near Reithwin whittling away chatting with Thaniel and nurturing the animals with the money he makes helping the town.

Minthara: Drow Matron. Had the cult not gotten her. She is the one I see changing the least. She's so confident in who she is and her ideals, she'd easily claw her way to the top of Menzoberranzan culture.

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1 year ago

Since the game said Raphael smells like roses and cherries ( and Sulphur, but im assuming that's just hell scent), I came up with some ideas on what the party could smell like cuz im weird.

Shadowheart: orchids and lime (lime is canon too)

Lae’zel: metal and almonds (which is apparently what space smells like)

Wyll: wood smoke and pine/fir

Halsin: honeysuckle and tobacco

Gale: parchment and tea (according to Tim Downie (gale himself), its sandalwood and woodsmoke)

Astarion: red wine and wintergreen (some soft mint) and an undertone of blood (Apparently its canon bergamot, brandy, and rosemary, thanks for letting me know (: )

Karlach: smores and honey (just warmth and chocolate)

Jaheira: Magnolia and rain

Minsc: oud and musk

Minthara: earth and coffee

Mizora: jasmine and sandalwood

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1 year ago

Not sure if this has been said already, but post story (and DLC whatever that may be) Wyll should become a writer/adventurer (maybe with Karlach and Tav if they arent romanced by someone else). Now hear me out, he already comes up with fun names for his adventurers, speaks in flowery eccentric language sometimes, iirc he loved to read with his father, and even made up his own main character (in the Blade as he really loves to talk about the Blade in the 3rd person). I feel like it just fits so well with his character, spreading the positive message of the Blade, keeping it alive even as a devil (assuming we don't fix that in a DLC). I swear this boy could create a great serial just writing down his adventures and exaggerating a little bit. Wyll deserves all the best regardless.

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1 year ago
Yuuuhh This Is Some Fire Dialog (I Knew I Shouldn't Have Messed With Mods, Ive Had Non Stop Issues)

Yuuuhh this is some fire dialog (I knew i shouldn't have messed with mods, Ive had non stop issues)

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1 year ago
So Does Anyone Know How To Fix This/where To Find The Choices? I'd Rather Not Lose All 258 Hours Of My

So does anyone know how to fix this/where to find the choices? I'd rather not lose all 258 hours of my playthroughs re installing the game fresh

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1 year ago

Writing my formal apology to Bee and Cinder for butchering their characters lol.

Hi there, I finally finished my Mia fic. I dont love it but i tried my bestest :( anywho heres the link (i hope it works lol)

👀 mcmia stans, come grab y'all's food


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1 year ago

I've got my route run-through planned (if that's the right term).

Gonna do it: Angie, Dani, Cass, Bela, Alcina, Donna, Miranda.

Now to find the time to play 😔

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Not Me Making Yet Another Tav To Romance Laezel Yet Again. But This Time, She's A Githyanki Red Dragon

Not me making yet another Tav to romance Lae’zel yet again. But this time, she's a Githyanki red dragon ancestry sorcerer

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