not-playable-character - just an npc in the world
just an npc in the world

Hi, my name is Megan, I created this tumblr to help my anxiety.  I may not post a lot but thanks for visiting anyway!

413 posts

God I Regret Not Pre Ordering The White Snow Version Of Nier Replicant While I Could Cuz Now Its On A

God I regret not pre ordering the white snow version of nier replicant while I could cuz now its on a waiting list despite being a pre order

  • yeetusdeefetus
    yeetusdeefetus liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Not-playable-character

Coming back to Life is Strange, after several years and many fanfics. I literally cannot bring myself to finish even episode 1, its so bad. How did I ever finish all 5 chapters multiple times.

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Was it just me or was the River quest ending weirdly flirty, like I was playing my V as only attracted to women so it was kinda weird to me (I could have accidentally hit a wrong dialog option too). I dont remember Judy's being so overtly flirty without my input but I could have just not noticed.

Also full on no hate to anyone who romanced River he just ain't for me

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Me: *has never played Dead by Daylight and only watched John Wolfe stream it*

Also me when I see huntress:

Me: *has Never Played Dead By Daylight And Only Watched John Wolfe Stream It*

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Me: "Oh no! Looks like I'm the last survivor! I sure hope no big evil Huntress will come and attack me or put me on a hook!"

Huntress: ....*immediately kills me*

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