novadreamer648 - Welcome, Traveler...
Welcome, Traveler...

I post my art in no specific order; I just post whatever comes to my mind. That's why you might see art from 2018/2019 in 2020, and so on!

305 posts

Ok Ok I Havent Found One Yet, But If There Was Some Sort Of Internet Famous Fic For Pjo Pls Reblog It

ok ok i haven’t found one yet, but If there was some sort of internet famous fic for pjo pls reblog it or whatever i DONT KNOW. ill just combust, because because

Percy is a twitch guy definitely, a gamer definitely and plays a variety of games with his friends. he’s a faceless cc and is relatively known in big bad blue app, but not really famous or anything. Just streams for fun. streams an unholy amount.

Grover doesn’t stream, but is in probably every percy stream ever. he’s been known in percy’s little community as an enchilada monster. a tik tok user, creates shorts on how to save the environment. shamelessly self promotes on percy’s streams. “its for the environment” he says, “follow me on my tiktok/ twitter” percy: 🤨 “for the environment. honest”

Annabeth doesn’t stream, but she’s a youtuber who gives tutorials on yt, pretty well known because of her thorough explanations. she occasionally shows up in percy’s streams. an inside joke about her is that whenever her voice appears, chat goes “huh? i see nothing at all.” like she isnt there as if she was invisible. because the community refuses to accept that he’s got a gf. percy finds it hilarious. no one really knows that the tutorial girl and her are the same person tho.

jason is a youtube live person and plays with percy on streams. plays a variety of games too. plays roller coaster tycoon way too much. has an alt account where he says that its purpose was for chill streams, in reality it has become his unofficial account to play roller coaster tycoon. he’s pretty popular especially because of that suspicious resemblance to the old actress… and because of his good looks. has a lot of thirst trap videos, he’s cool with it *nervous laughter* not really *nervous laughter* (piper saved a lot of it on her phone)

leo is a variety streamer through and through. he barely hosts games, but when he does, its always jackboxs. radiates quackity vibes, like literally. has one of the most beautiful set ups one could ever lay their eyes on, but his green screen is trash. always invites jason or piper to irl streams. on latenights he would randomly leave his stream on to stream himself create something or do his homework, sometimes piper would join in call as he works and talks about the most random shit.

piper is a vlogger and is a commentary youtuber. similar to kwite, she also reviews stuff that she really likes. or drama to make fun of. her vlogs consists of trips or sometimes dates with jason or a hang out with her bff leo. always, without fail would show up to every jackbox games leo would host and almost every time would dominate in rap battle. her greatest challenge was against annabeth. shes pretty famous and has millions of followers.

frank is a minecraft youtuber/ streamer. owns a very popular smp with the seven and co. makes archery tik toks and is relatively famous in music notes app. blew up thanks to among us.

hazel has a youtube channel diary (i dont know what its called) where she would record herself talking about her day and stuff. rarely streams or is active on social media, but she can be seen playing mc with frank or talking in the background in a percy stream.

nico is a mythomagic streamer main. lets say that mythomagic can be played online now. streams about 7-8 hours a day because he can. He interacts with chat a lot (make fun) treating them like his subjects because thats king shit right there. On youtube he gives tutorials, strats and game reviews from mythomagic tournaments. Basically GothamChess but make it mythomagic.

might make more but i ran out of ideas

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More Posts from Novadreamer648

2 years ago

*Soft Class 1a things*

-Shoto always, always, uses his fire side, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him, whenever someone from class1a is cold.

-Tsuyu was bullied for the Ribbits she subconsciously adds after her sentences so Kirishima makes it a point to do the same whenever they speak to make her more confident in them.

-Uraraka and Aoyama get queasy after using their quirks a lot, so Momo learnt how to make some stomach medicine for them to take after an exhausting training session.

-Iida gets stressed out easily when Bakusquad are up to their shenanigans, again. Of course, they mean no harm. But, Katsuki notices and makes sure to scream extra hard at the idiots to settle down, until they do, for class rep's sake.

-Denki hands out free chocolate for all of the girls when one of them is on her period. It became a secret between them and till now no one in class 1a knows why Denki always carries ridiculous amounts of chocolate on him.

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2 years ago

I read Way of the Househusband!

I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!
I Read Way Of The Househusband!

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2 years ago

thoughts on the friendzone

when i was 5 years old my best friend was a boy named kyle who didn’t know how to knock on doors so he made dinosaur noises outside my window to wake me up in the summer until i demonstrated how to ball his fists and slam them against my doors.  we collected caterpillars in my trailer park and built them houses while we traded pokemon cards.  he wasn’t the only one.  there was ben, and mitch, and noah—but kyle’s the only one who hurt me, because when he tried to kiss me and i asked him why, he told me “because you’re a girl and i’m a boy, shouldn’t we like each other?”

i missed him so much and i wondered why he couldn’t just be my friend like he always was

in the first grade there was rich and joseph and i got sent to detention with them almost every day with a smile on my face.  we built block towers and sang to my teacher’s lion king soundtracks when she’d turn the lights off during lunch time.  one day they got in a fist fight over me at recess, and i wondered why they felt they needed to share my friendship, like it was something they owned.

in the second grade zach and i played yu gi oh under our desks during free time and i got moved for talking to him constantly.  everyone in the class would tease him and i for talking, asking when we were going to date already, asking him if he’d kissed me, and he stopped being my friend.

when i was 11 i met a chubby boy with the name of a colour who wore puffy vests and unwashed t-shirts, with greasy hair and bright blue eyes and a smile that hid hurt behind it.  people didn’t like him because he was silly, but i liked him, because i was also silly.  he became my friend the day he bought me 5 giant roses and asked me to be his girlfriend, and i politely declined but promised him i’d be his best friend because i’d always wanted a best guy friend that stuck around. we burnt our feet on the concrete during the summer and walked home with the sunset silhouetting us.  he talked often about how he loved me, but never blamed me for being me, even though he refused to move on. that boy dyed his hair jet black and sat on the end of my bed playing songs to me on guitar, and all that pent up rage from before didn’t show until the first time he slapped me across the face and called me a dumb cunt.

in the 7th grade there was a boy named ryan who sat next to me on the bus and talked to me about manga.  he’d ask me personal invasive questions but i didn’t mind because it was attention and i liked attention.  i was dating another guitarist with curly brown hair, one who was much more kind-tempered than the other, and ryan mentioned how much of an asshole he was every day.  i wondered, why, why does he think the love of my life is an asshole?  but whenever i asked him, he just told me, “girls only date assholes.  there’s no room for nice guys like me.”

i wondered, if he was so nice, why did he say such mean things?

he never stopped with me, taking me to movies, hanging out with me, you know.  being friendly.  i thought we were friends.  but then, how many times had i thought that before?

how many times had i bonded with a boy, thought they got me, only for them to ask me if i wanted to make out?

how come when i told ryan i was coming out as a lesbian, he stopped being my friend, and said “damnit, the one girl i really want to pound into a mattress, and she’s only interested in chicks!”

there was a boy my junior year who stayed up all night with me until the sun rose, talking about life, past loves, hopes, dreams.  beneath a million twinkling stars spanning forever, he brushed long brown hair out of his eyes and listened to me talk about the history that made me. then he asked me if i’d ever consider dating a guy, and complained about how he’d never get laid.

when i told him no a couple hundred times, he found new girls to listen to.

i would sit on the couch and play zelda with dakota, and he’d talk about all my favourite games with me.  he was the closest thing to support i had, and the letters and poems he wrote me were always so kind and friendly.  but he’d put his arms around me on the couch, and no matter how many times i told him i was uncomfortable, he’d still come over every day and do it.

“don’t you know how it feels to love someone and not have them love you back?  don’t you know what it feels like to be friendzoned?”

when i meet guys who talk about the friendzone, who talk about the girls who don’t give “nice guys” like them i chance, i always want to just say

when i was 10 years old i met a girl whose brown hair fell across her shoulders and whos eyes sparkled when the sunlight hit them, whose voice was like velvet and whose scent was like mountain smoke, who made me dizzier than a fly climbing a sugar hill.  and i’m 18 years old, and i still love her, and she knows, and she doesn’t love me.

but my first thoughts upon hearing her rejection were not “what a bitch,” were not “she just wants a douchebag and not a nice girl like me!” were not “im going to keep pushing her until she dates me,”

they were

“she is the best friend i have ever had, and i am the best she’s ever had, and i would hate to take that away from her.”

so before you play the victim, mr. Nice Guy, before you angrily throw your fedora on the ground and blame the girl you claim to adore so much:

put yourself in the shoes of a girl who thought she made a wonderful friend, only to find out that he just wanted her for sex.  that he just wanted her for a relationship.  a girl who was just an object to win, a prize.  a girl who’s trust you’ve just shattered.

maybe she friendzoned you.  but you girlfriendzoned her, first.

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