Misogyny \_()_/ - Tumblr Posts
yes!!!! this is exactly it!! grrrrjxisjidkiwknx whYYY is it tHiS wAYY >:(
first it was girls' locker rooms vs boys' locker rooms then it was the feminine urge to vs the masculine urge to now it's girl dinner vs boy dinner when will it end when will we escape i feel like maybe some of you guys dont even want to escape doesnt anyone else want to escape

#YesAllWomen tweets reveal persistent sexism in science By Fiona MacDonald via ScienceAlert. | Image Credit: First three images via ScienceAlert via Twitter, fourth image via Twitter.
Reading through the tweets on the #yesallwomen hashtag is heartbreaking, illuminating and frustrating all at the same time.
And if you’re a woman, you’ll be nodding along to nine out of 10 of them.
The hashtag started after it was revealed that 22-year-old Elliot Rodger, lead suspect in the Isla Vista shooting, had shared extremely disturbing and misogynistic views in a video posted shortly before the attack.
Instead of flooding the internet with Rodger-specific fury, Twitter took the discussion to the next level and remind the world that sexism is still very much present across society, and #YesAllWomen experience it.
Among those tweets were many honest and confronting admissions of sexism from female scientists, students and communicators.
This isn’t the first time the issue of misogyny in science has been brought up, but it’s always sad and shocking to see certain opinions persist when females have come such a long way in the field.
As ScienceAlert is staffed almost entirely by women, we though we’d add a few of our own:
Because only 44 out of 835 Nobel Prize laureates are women.
Because senior scientists would still rather hire males, and pay them more.
Because people are still shocked when we tell them ScienceAlert is run by women.
Because that last tweet I screenshotted, via Hannah Hart, really hits home for myself and so many women I’ve talked to over the last few days [much less ever] when it comes to pointing out sexism in general, especially within the STEM world.
Your tea tastes like pure misogyny. What do you mean with "work for that shit"? Cosmetic surgery? Makeup skills? Nice clothing? Oh, I get it, women are just pretty dolls for you! Not actual human beings! So womanly of you to think like that!
here’s your tea for the day trans womanhood is more valid than cis womanhood because trans women actually have to work for that shit
International Women's/Men's Day is unfair.
Why are WOMEN the ones milked by Corporations for profit?!

"Would you rather be alone in the woods with a man/woman or a bear?" 🤓
Stupidest fucking question ever. I specifically went to the woods to get away from people and die of a preventable disease.
Elliot Rodgers, Misogyny, and “Not All Men”
Hey Tumblr, so I made this to kind of get a few thoughts across.
But I wanted to know if ye had any thoughts about it before I upload fully tomorrow, innit.
stop using lesbianism as an excuse to hate men. Stop using feminism as an excuse to hate men. You just hate men, full stop.
stop using being gay as an excuse to hate women. You just hate women, full stop.
Get over your hatred and grow as a person.
let women be butch. let women be feminine. regardless of if they're trans or cis, both or neither, let women present how they feel most comfortable without worrying for their safety, or whether they're 'enforcing gender norms'.
trans butch women aren't 'not trying hard enough' and feminine trans women aren't 'mocking womanhood', they're just expressing in a way that's most comfortable like cis women are.

—“I’m a transgender woman and a tomboy. What’s the harm?” by Kaylin Hamilton
I told the main clerk at a trading card store that my best friend was just now getting me into the Pokemon TCG and all I mentioned was that I ‘have not played a tcg since I was a teenager’.
This white, male, middle aged gatekeeper fuckface proceeded to condescendingly mansplain how it was ‘really good’ I was ‘starting out with a game like Pokemon, because it’s sooo much easier and you can just play the game- as opposed to have to worry about all these checks and counters with a more complicated game, like Magic”.
... The card game I played HEAVILY as a teenager and was very good at? WAS MAGIC: THE GATHERING.
I’m so tired of this shit and even my friend, who’s white but a GAY male, has issues hanging out with self-professed members of the ‘nerd’ subculture because of the rampantly toxic attitudes towards women, non-whites, and p. much anything that’s also NOT WHITE STRAIGHT MALE.
That’s NOT EVEN SCRATCHING THE GODDAMN SURFACE of the Asian fetishization and sexual harassment I’ve fucking suffered in comic book shops, conventions, video game tourneys, and cosplay meet-ups.
This shit needs to STOP.

This thread is the experience of so, so many women in tabletop, tcg, and other related hobbies. I’ve been lucky in my DnD groups but encountered it elsewhere depressingly, enragingly often. I’ve sat at a table to play Magic: the Gathering only to have the guys I was playing with start critiquing my body and discussing what they’d like to do to me sexually. Few things have felt more awful and demeaning; I consider that a personal low point in the nerd portion of my life.
If you, too, have stories like this, I am here for you. Come sit with me. There is a place for us in nerddom, and never, ever let any gross creep tell you otherwise.
I think this all just highlights a bigger issue within our community. For all our "love" and "inclusivity," we exclude men and hate, or rather, have a bias against masculinity.
At least in the online queer space, it feels like fem presenting individuals are the only one's that receive credit for just being themselves. Even I'm guilty of being slightly disappointed when a guy (trans or not) happens to be especially masculine— but that's because I find feminity pretty and enjoyable.
Men have done terrible things; but, Women and NBs have done terrible things. When we actively supress or discourage masculine self expression, or push guys away (because they're not trying to be your pretty pink boyprincess) , we contradict the supposed inclusive nature of this community.
We can't, as a community, say that we love everyone and want inclusivity, while he disregard our own problems and exclude people that don't express themselves how WE want them to.
Trans men didn't sign up for exclusion when they transitioned. They signed for being themselves. Or, now that it suits you, is being trans suddenly a choice? That would make this shitty take a lot better for you, wouldn't it?
If the LGBTQIA+ community can't treat masculine identifying individuals with the same care and consideration we afford fem identifying people, it needs to drop the whole "gender roles" and "gender stereotypes bad" thing, because it starts to sound contradictory.
I hate that we're supposed to be a community that celebrates individuality but we've normalised condeming straight white cis guys. We place femininity and androgyny on a pedestal while expressing indifference or outright distaste for masculinity.
I hate that we're such a mess because one day a TURF or far right figure head with more than 2 brain cells will find an audience, and when they do, they're going to point at these real problems— none of the manufactured bullshit. This "community" will fall apart in seconds.
You know why tomboys have an easy time in right leaning places? Misogyny. They're aligning closer with masculinity and are thus less womanly. Why do femboys have an easy time in our community? It seems like misandry. We're just a reflection of what we supposedly despise.
tried to vent in a trans space about how, as a trans man who’s been on T for a long time (over 7 years now), i have noticed that the more i pass as a man, the less welcomed i am in queer spaces unless i go out of my way to feminize myself. and how that sucks! and it’s isolating!!! and it feels horrible to see ppl who used to like you and be close to you drift further and further the more masculine (& therefore more comfortable in urself) u become…
only to get ppl replying to me and saying “well if you dressed more fem then ppl wouldn’t be intimidated by you. you signed up for this”
i’m sorry but i didnt sign up for social isolation when i transitioned, i signed up for gender euphoria and comfort in myself and my life. and i had hoped that the ppl in my life would be able to see how much joy that brings me and continue to love me.

y’all read the entire thing it’s hilarious
ms. versus mrs.
Ok so I was thinking about how there’s only “Mr.” for men but there’s “Ms.” and “Mrs.” for women and I think I’ve FINALLY FIGURED OUT WHY
So back in the day when women were objectified and stuff, they were simply referred to as Mr.____’s wife. If we look back to the abbreviation of missus (meaning married), it’s Mrs. Mr’s. It’s literally signifying “This woman belong to Mr.____”
it’s so fucked up and misogynisitc but i’m honestly not suprised men found another way to “own” women
isn’t it funny how it’s “baby” when you agree and do as men say but it turns into “bitch” when they realize you have a mind of your own?
throughout history it has been a man's job to provi...
no, throughout history men have actively prevented the independence of women, they have actively prevented our mobility, rights to an education, and livable income. they're abused our reproductive capability and passed us around like properties, they're used religion to rationalize their hatred of use, and to put us in place of subordination. so y'all can shut the fuck up about men being "providers" like it was some benevolent gesture, in an attempt to rationalize sexism

Yet another situation where a woman of colour was questioned her femininity because she doesn’t fit into eurocentric ideals of what “woman” or “feminine” looks like.
Time and again women of colour are subjected to this ridicule and scrutiny and it’s downright disgusting as well as pathetically ignorant.
Woman of colour have more testosterone than white women. Women from low socio economic backgrounds sometimes look more masculine/physically fit than women from urban/wealthy backgrounds.
I’m sorry she doesn’t look like Barbie and can knock out her opponent in 46 fucking seconds. That doesn’t make her man. That makes her strong as fuck.
If you see a woman perform extremely well and possess God-like strength and immediately question whether she is actually a woman, maybe you’re not the feminist you think you are.
Maybe you just don’t believe in women at all.
PS - As always, fuck JK Rowling.