novastaree - Phee

lvl 15 he/she spn obnoxious currently

36 posts

Novastaree - Phee - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Being a supernatural fan is wild bc wdym the healthiest (and best) ship is comprised of an anti evil archangel who stopped because he fell inlove with a human so unimportant the show forgets he exists, 1 episode of screen time, the same actor x2 who overall played in like 5 episodes (once as a ghoul pretending to be lil bro), 1000+ years in prison together, and love so powerful it undid years of blind devotion to an absent father and when one died (poofed away) the other betrayed everything he learned just for the hope to get the other back.


5 months ago

realizing my supernatural obsession might be going too far when i started making my own hunting journal as a personal project

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5 months ago

I just saw a DNI for "evil intentions". nobody puts up a warding talisman anymore just a fucking DNI

5 months ago

The driver chooses the music, Cas. Accept it

The Driver Chooses The Music, Cas. Accept It

Reverse au, where the hunters Cas and Gabe

5 months ago

is it just me who noticed the boys got dumber as the show progressed?

in the first season they knew basically everything they were hunting and how to deal with it. The both knew a lot about the occult and legends but later they seemed to know nothing without research or calling Bobby or just asking someone else or the bunker books

some of that has to do with them dealing with things they never believed in but still these boys used to be so smart and they lost that along their way.

The reason they used to struggle wasn't because they didn't know what the monster was or what to do but it was because monsters were horrifying and clever

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5 months ago

#Justice to the forgotten Brothers

one of the funniest themes supernatural has that it could have never done on purpose is forgetting the third brother, the forgot Adam, they forgot Raphael, and most importantly they forgot Seth, who is Cain and Abels little brother from which most of the world spawned. I'm not joking Cain and Abel litterally have a third brother in the bible and he's themed as being the bringing of the life on earth and he is never mentioned in supernatural

5 months ago

If I was Adam Milligan after Jack restores the world I would kms in front of Sam and Dean or I would kill them no in between.

5 months ago

Y'all, I have been sitting on this one for a while.

Just hear me out. Warning for mentions of sex toys, but it's all crack and fun and games. Because holy shit I need to vent this somewhere. This thought has been in my brain for weeks and If I need to suffer, so do you. Micheal's sword. The righteous man. Heavens soldier. Not to imply anything angsty here, but those could deadass be sex toy names. Like. Micheal's sword? really? you're telling me that's heaven's nickname for Dean Winchester and not the name for a dildo?

Heavens soldier is clearly a vibrator. The righteous man is either a euphemism for viagra, or a but plug.

I fully believe that I could walk into a vaguely high end sex store (one of the ones where they would like to be high end, but they're really not. You know the one) and there will be a blue and silver dildo named Micheal's sword. You cannot tell me I am wrong.

Now imagine. Sam has to go into a sex store to interview someone for a case or something, idk. The point is. He sees the Micheal's sword dildo. He immediately buys one. No hesitation. Just surpressed giggles as he realizes he just found the perfect chrismas gift.

The only problem: who to gift it to. Does he gift it to Dean, as a 'see what you've become joke'? Or does he gift it to Cas, who now has two Michael's swords for his bedroom? Maybe it would be uncomfortable for Cas because Michael is is brother.

Talking about Michael, he bets Adam would get a kick out of it. In the end, he buys two, one for Adam, one for Dean.

Dean sends him a stare so hatefully disappointed, that Sam would have combusted on the spot if he wasn't distracted by keeping Adam from coughing up a lung laughing so hard.

5 months ago

in the supernatural that exists in my mind, the fact that sam and dean were created as the perfect vessels of the devil and an archangel makes them not totally human. there's a residual darkness and light inside them, respectively. sam especially so, after being fed demon's blood when he was a baby. it just comes up in tiny subtle ways so no one realizes there's something wrong with them

sam's ears always ring when he prays (he thinks it's a sign god is listening). rosaries feel peculiarly warm in his hands but he holds them tight anyway. chanting exorcisms leaves him lightheaded. he brittles any plant under his care no matter how many botanical books he reads. john jokes about how his weird drawings used to scare his preschool teachers but sam has no memory of making them. being inside devil's traps feels a bit like walking through water. he has always had a talent for making people and animals trust him, follow him - entranced like moths to a flame

dean on the other hand... there's an aura around him. he shines from within. people can feel it even if they can't put their finger on why he's just so charming. he wonders why he feels almost sleepy whenever he enters a church, he dislikes being so calm and unguarded. he unknowingly interferes with certain technology and makes it malfunction, like an overvoltage. babies love him but animals seem restless in his presence. when he's taking care of a wounded or ill person they heal a little bit faster but no one notices. reading enochian out loud gives him goosebumps. he thinks holy water tastes really good to everyone else too

5 months ago

random rant about Ben but a point i see get brought up a lot (very few times im just looking for it) about how Dean can't be Bens father is that Michael would have used him as a vessel instead of Adam if they were related.

And just no? First of all Ben was like what? 10 or so when they tried to end the world and i just don't think Michael would pick a little kid to fight the devil in and secondly It was about brothers. Michael had to fight the devil his brother not a kid related to his brother's vessel. so it had to be Dean or Adam from what Cas said

I don't even really think Ben is Dean's kid but this was just a weak argument in my opinion

(Also somewhat related thought Alistair once said it was supposed to be John who was the righteous man who shed blood in hell. If he did instead of Dean would he have been the vessel instead of Dean or was Alistair just spewing crap at Dean to make him upset?)

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5 months ago

coming across a midam edit naturally on my fyp is akin to a dehydrated man coming across an oasis in the sahara

5 months ago

#dean Winchester

congrats on your top surgery king

Congrats On Your Top Surgery King
5 months ago

im going to say what probably everyone on here has said but i need to say it somewhere anyways.

its insane that both brothers forgot about Adam

i kinda understand how Dean forgot about Adam kinda like he only really met the kid once. That meeting being the same one where they lost him to an archangel and the other not technically real meeting were he beat a monster that looked like him to death. But yk those are forgettable moments in spn world

but sam?? literally how? he was in hell with Adam for like 150 years and still pushed him to the back of his mind for 10 years? and sure most of that time he was being tortured by the devil but when he got out he never thought about the other boy in the cage?

And the worst part was they went back to the cage and didn't even mention him!! they released the devil before asking about their brother they pulled into hell. Lucifer is the only one to mention Michael that episode and they decide to believe him for some reason

Sam and Dean also only ever remember Michael is alive. it's like they forget Michael has been possessing their brother and they think they can have Michael without Adam. Maybe they thought that because it was easier to think Michael got rid of Adam at some point then actually try and help the kid.

They didn't try hard enough for Adam and some people say it's because he didn't earn it but if anybody earned it I believe it was Adam. He got killed because he was related to John Winchester, Just like how sam and dean were basically cursed for being his son. Then Adam got a second chance because of the angels and he almost chose his brothers but couldn't because they failed to save him and choose to save each other once again.

And If that didn't earn him a chance to be saved did that not earn him a chance to be remembered?

And after that he didn't get another chance to prove himself to them. guess why? because the Winchesters throw him into hell! And I don't even think he should have had too prove himself anyways because he was honestly an innocent boy just cursed and forgotten because of who he was related to

so Adam was forgotten by Dean who probably only forgot him because Adam took Deans burden for him and by Sam who he suffered through the worst parts of hell with and not one real attempt was made to save him

well anyways happy birthday Adam Milligan๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‚ have fun celebrating with Michael on his special day as well

also sorry if this rant was pointless and confusing i just love to yap about my favorite 'Winchester' brother and the injustice done on him

(also why did the Angels try to save Sam but not their big brother Michael who practically ran heaven? seems unfair as well, poor midam always being forgotten by their brothers)

5 months ago
May Your Michaelmas Be Filled With Happy Endings!

May your Michaelmas be filled with happy endings!

Happy birthday to Adam Milligan, born on the feast day of the archangel Michael, who is his grumpy boyfriend. ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜˜

5 months ago

Dean: Iโ€™m gona get you LAID! You canโ€™t die a VIRGIN!

Cas trying to figure out why heโ€™s in a den of iniquity instead of balls deep in Dean:

Dean: Im Gona Get You LAID! You Cant Die A VIRGIN!
5 months ago

im going to say what probably everyone on here has said but i need to say it somewhere anyways.

its insane that both brothers forgot about Adam

i kinda understand how Dean forgot about Adam kinda like he only really met the kid once. That meeting being the same one where they lost him to an archangel and the other not technically real meeting were he beat a monster that looked like him to death. But yk those are forgettable moments in spn world

but sam?? literally how? he was in hell with Adam for like 150 years and still pushed him to the back of his mind for 10 years? and sure most of that time he was being tortured by the devil but when he got out he never thought about the other boy in the cage?

And the worst part was they went back to the cage and didn't even mention him!! they released the devil before asking about their brother they pulled into hell. Lucifer is the only one to mention Michael that episode and they decide to believe him for some reason

Sam and Dean also only ever remember Michael is alive. it's like they forget Michael has been possessing their brother and they think they can have Michael without Adam. Maybe they thought that because it was easier to think Michael got rid of Adam at some point then actually try and help the kid.

They didn't try hard enough for Adam and some people say it's because he didn't earn it but if anybody earned it I believe it was Adam. He got killed because he was related to John Winchester, Just like how sam and dean were basically cursed for being his son. Then Adam got a second chance because of the angels and he almost chose his brothers but couldn't because they failed to save him and choose to save each other once again.

And If that didn't earn him a chance to be saved did that not earn him a chance to be remembered?

And after that he didn't get another chance to prove himself to them. guess why? because the Winchesters throw him into hell! And I don't even think he should have had too prove himself anyways because he was honestly an innocent boy just cursed and forgotten because of who he was related to

so Adam was forgotten by Dean who probably only forgot him because Adam took Deans burden for him and by Sam who he suffered through the worst parts of hell with and not one real attempt was made to save him

well anyways happy birthday Adam Milligan๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‚ have fun celebrating with Michael on his special day as well

also sorry if this rant was pointless and confusing i just love to yap about my favorite 'Winchester' brother and the injustice done on him

(also why did the Angels try to save Sam but not their big brother Michael who practically ran heaven? seems unfair as well, poor midam always being forgotten by their brothers)

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6 months ago

i think imma have to step up to the plate here

never posted on here before but i was wondering if anyone knew of a fic about if Adam didn't get killed by the ghoul and the Winchester Brothers first meeting with him was actually Adam

6 months ago
6 months ago
[ID: the destiel confession meme where Castiel says "i love you" and Dean replies "the 2024 US Presidential Election will take place on November 5th" /end ID]


6 months ago

Today Dean waxes the Impala and pretends that he is in The Karate Kid. Sam walks in on him blocking rapidly incoming imaginary punches and almost falling over when attempting the crane kick.

6 months ago

never posted on here before but i was wondering if anyone knew of a fic about if Adam didn't get killed by the ghoul and the Winchester Brothers first meeting with him was actually Adam

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6 months ago

"Sam girl!!!" Or "Dean girl!!!" Neither. Adam. Adam Milligan. Adam's my favourite brother.

"Sam Girl!!!" Or "Dean Girl!!!" Neither. Adam. Adam Milligan. Adam's My Favourite Brother.
9 months ago

and what if DNB cuddles. huh. what then?

And What If DNB Cuddles. Huh. What Then?
9 months ago
Their Brains Is Merged And Become Nonexistent-

Their brains is merged and become nonexistent-

(Special thanks to @simplepotatofarmer >:3)

Original source