nuquo - Formerly HylianEngineer
Formerly HylianEngineer

Sup, I like telling people happy birthday. Also leave a song recommendations in my inbox or asks. I like doing you listen to mine I listen to yours. Don't expect a very timely response.

45 posts

Some Guy Just Took One Of My Chicken Nuggets And I Don't Know How To React.

Some guy just took one of my chicken nuggets and I don't know how to react.

More Posts from Nuquo

6 years ago

Smash bros ultimate

If both theories ofthe main villans represent something of sakurai (ex:masterhand being the creator) are true. Then maybe taboo succeeded in making him get rid of his toys. Except he couldn't bring himself to get rid of kirby.

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5 years ago


Why do pepper packets only have a small drizzle while salt packets have waterfalls when you open them?

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5 years ago

A: Don't people usually stand on that side when pretending to lean against of the leaning tower of piza?

B: Who said I was trying to hold it up?

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5 years ago

B:I got you Mcdonald's!

A:Chicken nuggets!


A:*sees that instead of fries they got apple slices and milk as a drink(also B forgot the toy)*

A:I hate this fucking family

(Semi inspired by something I can't remember and it's driving me crazy!!!)

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5 years ago

Don't worry gen4 fans I'm sure(not completely) that the remake will be next. Gamefreak usually follows a pattern of new game, remake, new game, remake, and so on(Pokemon let's go was more of a spinoff or something).

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