World Of Light - Tumblr Posts

Kirby’s dealt with tougher shit than this Galeem you aint special
Smash bros ultimate
If both theories ofthe main villans represent something of sakurai (ex:masterhand being the creator) are true. Then maybe taboo succeeded in making him get rid of his toys. Except he couldn't bring himself to get rid of kirby.
In World of Light, Daisy is an Attack-type opponent before you recruit her. Luigi is Grab-type. Attack is stronger than Grab in the Spirit type triangle.
If it wasn't already evident in previous games, I take this as confirmation that Daisy is the dominant one of the relationship. :p
when a spirit blocks your path every single time

Marco found this weird amphibian mario clone while he was hunting for frogs (who knows why)

*sniff* This... is truly amazing

Kirby channelling Iwata’s spirit
Partly based on this Previous Smash Bros comic: 1/2/3
On that day, when the sky fell away...
Our world came to an end...
In our eyes did a fading sunrise in the dark
Glimmering shadows...

I am so hyped for this game!
True love after the battle {Dark beast & the Silver and Blue Twins}
“NESS!!” After the battle against Galeem and Dharkon, Lucas rushed towards to a completely injured Ness after he had lost to Galeem and Dharkon.
“No, no, no, no, no; please get up Ness, please!” Lucas starts to shake Ness hoping that he will wake up, Claus and Ninten walked towards them on Lucas’s side.
“Ness, please get up!” Tears started to form on Lucas’s eyes as he continues to shake Ness, Claus puts his hand on Lucas’s shoulder, “Lucas, you need to stop.” He said.
“No, Ness is alive; I know he is!” Lucas replied, “Wake up Ness, please!” No response, Lucas continues to shake Ness and telling him to wake up.
After what it feels like hours, Lucas finally stops. “Please.” Tears now started to fall on Lucas’s eyes, he thought that this is the end.
“Ness, I-I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to help you.” He puts his hood on out of sadness, “I-I-I never g-get a chance to tell you that I-I love you.”
Lucas gently stroke Ness’s beast ears on his head, “I love you Ness.” He then stopped and wrapped his red cloak around himself.
Until he spotted light, Lucas looked to see that light is started to glow on Ness. He then started to sheild his eyes when a bright flash just happened.
Lucas, Claus, and Ninten looked and saw that Ness is no longer in his beast form, his beast ears, the marks on his face, and his beast arms are no longer there.
Paula, Jeff, and Poo looked to see what has happened and saw their friend Ness is back to his original self, so they rushed towards him.
“What happened?” Paula asked, “I don’t know.” Lucas replied, until a miracle happened when Ness finally woke up, “Nge, what happened, did we win?” Ness asked.
“Ness!” Lucas hugged Ness tightly, “Lucas? Wait, what happened out there?”
Claus explained, “You were KO’d by Galeem and Dharkon when Lucas screamed in rage and finished them off, you should’ve seen it, it was awesome.” Ness rubbed his head in pain when he noticed that he doesn’t have his extra ears anymore.
“Wait, what?” He then looked at his arms and saw that they’re both back to normal. “My curse, it’s been lifted.” Lucas stopped hugging Ness and said, “You’re back to normal, but more importantly, your okay.”
“But, how?” Jeff asked, until Ninten thought of something he realized just now, “True love, the curse has been broken because of true love. Lucas said he loved Ness and because of it the curse has been broken!”
Ness looked at Lucas, “Lucas, is it true?” He nodded, “Yes, I was afraid that you wouldn’t feel the same way when I tell you, w-well I was going to tell you after the battle b-but I was worried that you-!” Ness interrupted Lucas by tugging his cloak towards him when they kissed.
Paula squeals silently and Claus stares at them in shock while the others are surprised, Ness and Lucas broke the kiss when Ness replied, “Lucas, I love you too.” He then wipe Lucas’s tears away from his pretty silver and blue eyes.
Lucas smiled and hugged Ness when he hugged back, “I’ll always be there for you, my precious rose.”
This is my first fic I ever written on Tumblr and I’m kinda proud of it

I missed you
This happens during World of Light after Lucas and the other fighters saved Ness
Relationships {Dark Beast & Silver and Blue Twins}
Lucas is talking to the newcomer Joker
Joker: So how did you and Ness became a couple?
Lucas: It was the final battle against Galeem and Dharkon, and all of us are ready to take them down for good. I thought it was a good idea to confess my feelings to Ness after the battle was over, but everything went wrong and Ness was defeated by them, and that’s when I knew I snapped. My eyes unleashed its powers again and the next thing I know is that I finished them off. After the battle I rushed towards Ness still completely injured by Galeem and Dharkon, I thought I lost him when I confessed my feelings, and to a surprise his curse has been broken and he was alive. I was really happy that he was alive and back to his regular self again, when he found out that I confess my feelings, he tugs my cloak towards him and kissed me. And that’s how me and Ness became a couple.
Joker: That’s great Lucas, meanwhile I was decided who to go in a relationship with and I still don’t know who to pick
I don’t know why, but the whole World of Light from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gave me somehow vibes of Rise of Darkrai... Guess it’s the spirits taking on the form of the fighters made me imagine this theme playing.