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Spn Angst Fic I Started: Don't Write Me Bro I'm Good

spn angst fic i started: don't write me bro i'm good

sga mission fic i started: don't write me bro i'm good

random prompts: yeah bro write me this will not be a problem i promise

spouse: are you going to write sga friendship fic?

brain: let's also get into new fandoms that'll help

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6 months ago

there's such a massive history with doctor who and it hit me lately that the sensation of seeing that the companions and doctors you watched in real-time have become the past is a sensation every fan has felt for 60 years. at some point people missed jon pertwee and could remember watching him recently, even though tom baker was on tv as the doctor now and they liked him too. and nowadays we miss rose tyler and martha jones and amy pond and clara oswald and donna noble and tennant and smith and capaldi like those people missed baker when davison took the stage. like people missed ace and wondered if the show would ever come back, and then got excited and still felt it wasn't quite the same when eccleston was announced. like. it feels so recent, like just yesterday rose saw the tardis for the first time, but that was twenty years ago. feels like the doctor just made the speech in 'the rings of akhaten' and that was a decade ago. clara is gone, amy is gone. peter capaldi went from gray to white. and the show is going on and children will think of ncuti gatwa and millie gibson and huge white tardis corridors when they think of doctor who in the future. to them, david tennant is already what tom baker is to us. this story has a huge legacy. when you're watching doctor who, it ironically begins to feel like you're making history just by watching it.

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6 months ago

Two things; Have you read 'Down to Agincourt'? and You know how you tried giving Rumbelle a short cut to their happy ending by making a small canonical change early in their story? What change would you make for Destiel to get their happy ending?

I have not read Down to Agincourt. Should it go on my to-read list? Author/link?

And the right trouser of time to give Dean and Cas a clear path to a happily ever after, together? I... god! Lemme think.

I mean, Belle's and Rumple's jumping off point offered itself: change things just enough that when Rumple panics, thinking Belle can't possibly love him, he can't actually drive her away before they can work it through. So, I went with, "His price was her hand in marriage." It had to be a twist on the choices they made in Skin Deep—one that brought their conflict(s) to a head much, much sooner than a network TV show could possibly allow for (short of wrapping their storyline), right? Their first story, their origin story and the wider first season, has all the tools I need, because Rumple is the primary antagonist of the piece as well as a romantic lead in this particular plot thread. If Rumple chills his tits during a season one equivalent timeline, and finds his family happy place before he's pushed Regina too far—finds and believes in Belle's love, finds Bae before it's too late, finds peace of any kind and reaches the point where he's unwilling to risk losing it by meddling further with everyone else or seeking more power—none of the chaos he later unleashes ever needs to happen. It stops the dominoes falling if Rumple just does nothing. He's his own worst enemy, quite literally.

Two Things;Have You Read 'Down To Agincourt'?andYou Know How You Tried Giving Rumbelle A Short Cut To

That's A Bed of Thorns, and Broken Wheel, and probably the other little pieces I wrote as well. I don't think I could do the same sort of handwave to Supernatural's storyline without actually dooming their entire world in the knock-on effects. Could I? No single choice they make would prevent the apocalypse showdown on its own, and if the apocalypse showdown happens, the consequences keep on hitting and hitting until the finish line. They're reacting rather than initiating. And their hands are so much more tied by the narrative than the Once Upon a Time characters. Their free will really... isn't... until they've dealt with Chuck once and for all. Maybe not even then. Maybe if they figured out way early on that writer-Chuck was God there'd be a way to keep a lid on everything? Gah! My brain just imploded trying to noodle it through!

Two Things;Have You Read 'Down To Agincourt'?andYou Know How You Tried Giving Rumbelle A Short Cut To

Nope. No, I'd have to go with a Major Storyline Change Type AU or a Different Universe Setting AU to pull off a shortcut romance with happy ending for Cas and Dean. There'd have to be less of a cosmic threat, or the threat be easier to contain, so they had time for themselves. Dean would have to be sure Sam was safe, at the very least, before he'd let himself have a shot at love. And at the same time, the Dean-Cas relationship still needs to be forged in fire and trust and loss and differences - or some plausible plot-substitute/equivalent - to throw the same 'shippy sparks.

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6 months ago

I know The Confession is the big takeaway from this episode/scene, but I'm captivated by everything that happens after Dean and Cas split from Sam and Jack. The whole thing.

Cas gamely follows Dean into the most suicidal plan imaginable, pulling 'I hate this but I'm with you, dear moron' faces behind his back along the way. Then when it goes south and Dean's spiralling into self-hating despair about the bigger picture, Cas... fixes it. During his literal heroic-sacrifice death scene he turns around, assesses the Dean issue, and fixes it. The no-win situation and Dean's self-perception. Not a word or gesture wasted because there's no time. That's badass-warrior!Cas dovetailing with doe-eyed-lover!Cas, and it's beautiful.

Kiss, hug, full-frontal sexytimes... whatever, lovely. Irrelevant. This is true love in action. This is knowing another person the way you know yourself. Better. This is Castiel's absolute devotion and commitment to Dean, if 'proof' of his love be needed (it's not needed, it's right there).

Dying is easy, any hero can make the sacrifice play and Cas has already made it - for Jack, without hesitation - but reaching out to touch someone in the exact way they need it at the exact moment they need it most... Being selfless when time's run out. Opening your heart like you're opening a vein to pour out the right medicine for the other person's damaged soul... when did Cas even learn that? He came so far.


15.18 Despair

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6 months ago

this is my favourite pre movie clip, whoever got to see this in the cinema I’m jealous

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6 months ago

writing fanfiction is just fingers clenching over a keyboard as you ferally mutter i just want this little guy to be held, damn it and proceeding to hurt said little guy (gn) for about 10k words before you actually give them their hug

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