obbicrystaleo - Crystal’s Random Writings
Crystal’s Random Writings

308 posts

Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Star Wars - All Media TypesRating: General AudiencesWarnings: No Archive Warnings

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Original Chiss Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: photoshoot, Family Dinners, Day Off, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Dresses, Military Uniforms, Child's Perspective Summary:

Obbic'ora'leo is having the day off and she gets to spend time with her mommy.

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More Posts from Obbicrystaleo

3 years ago

I dream of the lost.

Warning this talks about Residential schools and how I feel about the Canadian government and how I feel about how they have responded to Truth and Reconciliation.

I dream of those how have been lost. Lost for decades, in horrible places long forgotten by those today.

I don’t know why, but they always seem to be in my mind and my heart. It’s hard to admit that I have these dreams because it seems no one cares.

I see the faces of children crying out for help, crying to be found, crying to be remembered.

But I know that they fall on deaf ears. Their pain and their heartache is pushed aside and forgotten.

I feel their pain, it’s like a war is going on inside my head. I want to scream, I want to cry out.

“Why don't you remember us?”

“Why must you place us in the shadows of other tragedies?”

“Is it because of my skin?”

“Is it because of my culture?”

“Tell me, please just tell me?”

My heart feels heavy with woe and I know there is no cure.

Because of those people who have denied us. Who have denied the truth.

Many fail to reconcile with us and in turn, we can not heal from this generational pain, that has been put us in.

It is because of people who continue to deny the truth.

It’s one of the many reasons we cannot heal.

The other is the Government, which claims that they will reconcile.

But have they?

No, they haven’t they leave us and pretend that we do not have any problems but we do.

And no it's not just with Alcohol and drugs but with clean drinking water, and other basic needs that should be met.

But our Treaties and our desperate pleas go unanswered.

Why is this so?

Why are we forgotten?

I want to know but I know they have no answer that would satisfy me.

But the crying of the long-forgotten children keeps coming into my dreams.

I hear them and I see the tears in their eyes.

But I know their pleas with not be answered, for they are gone but to them, They are still alive and they are still suffering.

I know that it may seem crazy but I want them to have peace, for all children deserve to have peace.

It should not matter the colour of their skin that determines whether they are remembered or not.

We should remember all children, especially those who have never made it home.

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Original Chiss Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Fluff, Cookies, stew, Sleepy Cuddles, lullaby, Skywalker, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Attempted Kidnapping Summary:

Obbic’ryta’leo is wandering through the city when suddenly she sees something suspicious involving a little skywalker. once the situation is dealt with she learns that the young girl she saved is her daughter Obbic’ora’leo and she gets to spend the rest of the day with her.

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3 years ago


For the month of October we will celebrate Chisstober with prompts for writers and artists alike!

There will be ten word prompts and ten colour palettes for the entire month. You can pick and choose as you like and also combine them.


no nsfw preferred for this event please (will not be reblogged!)

triggers etc. should be tagged appropriately and the work be hidden beneath a read-more line with a warning above the read-more line

(otherwise will not be reblogged!)

Word prompts:


Colour palettes:


The event is hosted by the Chiss Ascendancy Discord server. Creations using the tag #cad chisstober will be reblogged here and the AO3 Collection.

Questions? Send us an ask!


May warriors’ fortune smile on your efforts!

3 years ago

Reblog if you want your followers to tell you which fictional character you remind them of.

3 years ago

Phonetic Alphbet Probelm.


Lima Oscar Victor Echo

Tango Oscar

Whiskey Romeo India Tango Echo

Alpha November Delta

Charlie Romeo Echo Alpha Tango Echo

Charlie Hotel Alpha Romeo Alpha Charlie Tango Echo Sierra.


Lima Oscar Victor Echo

Papa Lima Alpha Yankee India November Golf

Golf Alpha Mike Echo Sierra

Alpha November Delta

Sierra Papa Echo November Delta India November Golf

Tango India Mike Echo

Whiskey India Tango Hotel

Mike Yankee

Foxtrot Romeo India Echo November Delta Sierra.

Juliet Uniform Sierra Tango

Sierra Oscar

Yankee Oscar Uniform

Kilo November Oscar Whiskey

Tango Hotel India Sierra

India Sierra

November Oscar Tango

Echo Alpha Sierra Yankee

Tango Oscar

Whiskey Romeo India Tango Echo

Oscar Romeo

Tango Romeo Alpha November Sierra Lima Alpha Tango Echo,

Bravo Uniform Tango

India Tango

India Sierra

Sierra Oscar Mike Echo Whiskey Hotel Alpha Tango

Foxtrot Uniform November

Alpha November Delta


Hotel Oscar Papa Echo

Yankee Oscar Uniform

Echo November Juliet Oscar Yankee Echo Delta

Tango Hotel India Sierra

Charlie Hotel Alpha Lima Lima Echo November Golf Echo.

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