occultic-luna - Luna ✨🌙
Luna ✨🌙

Astrology, Tarot and the Occult © 2022 occulticluna. All rights reserved.

88 posts

Hello Moon

Hello moon💜

I hope ur havin great day or night or evening🌠i want to know why I'm livin with PPL,I'm living with right now??ofc i know for my own growth but what's ur guidance on it??byee 💫

Hello dear ☺️

Thank you for your lovely words and I’m doing okay! Hope you’re doing well!

So even before I got to the cards I had a feeling this relates to past life karma, there are lessons people have to go through in life to grow yes and some circumstances are based off past life karma too.

First off I would say that you do have a warm personality and you have a good nature, this can also attract negative situations into your life as people will want to take advantage of you you are also very expressive so sometimes you can’t mask your emotions well and people tend to see through you. Your expressive and defensive nature could at times worsen situations you’re involved in because you could be dealing with very stubborn people even if you think you’re not showing much feeling. The goal here is to remain calm and to not react, I know it’s easier said than done but once you’re able to do that you learn that the only opinion that matters is yours and you need to affirm it. I would also tell you to channel your energy and expressive nature through some form of art, it could be dancing, painting etc because it helps to release pent up energy and is also a form of healing, it’s funny I said affirm your beliefs and you got sound healing. I definitely recommend binaural beats or affirmations to listen to. Also an extra message came through for you, to trust your intuition more you could overlook it a lot but energy and intuition doesn’t lie, and for you to be able to trust your intuition more you need to go within and do shadow work. Maybe your putting your energy into a lot of different things and it’s draining you out. Focus on one thing at a time. There’s instability, could relate to finances but also issues with grounding yourself and you could get too caught up in your head. It definitely seems like you’re playing out past life karma with the people around you. Definitely clear your energy field and I would even recommend journaling.

I hope this helped! I would really appreciate feedback, you can DM me if you prefer to keep it private. Have a great day sending you healing!

Love Luna ✨🌙

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More Posts from Occultic-luna

2 years ago

EDIT- 28/07/22

I just thought I’d do these readings as they come lol. I’ll add them to the master list later on when I have time.



Note- I am not familiar with him or the group because I don’t look them up and not really a fan this is just what I pick up on.

So what I pick up on is he definitely is the jealous type lol. I know that’s what you asked for but in real life he seems like he’d get jealous pretty quick. Firstly him as a jealous boyfriend, he won’t be that good at hiding he’s jealous lol you’d be able to really tell if he’s jealous. He would be the one to give a cold shoulder to his partner, like act cold and just completely ignore them. Or he could be completely defensive. He’s one extreme or the other. It’s not wrong to be jealous, it’s a human tendency but when the jealousy leads to unnecessary arguments that’s where it becomes a problem. Partners should be able to trust each other enough to sit down and have a rational conversation. His blunt nature could start verbal conflicts because he could say things that might end up hurting his partner. But once he learns how to control this he’d be great when it comes to talking things out with his partner. He could be a great conversationalist. Just needs to manage his outbursts.

Hope this answered your question!

Love Luna ✨🌙

Heeseung as jealous boyfriend?

Congrats you’re my first ever ask lmao 😭

Anyways I have an idea in mind for kpop readings, for those I will make a separate master list and will take requests and post on there! Y’all can make requests I’ll just add those on my list as they come. This will be the first one on my list. Let me know what you guys think.

Love Luna ✨🌙

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2 years ago

Mercury in the signs (part I)

◇ Mercury in Aries ◇

They are very loud and expressive while they talk. Sometimes they don't really know how to truly listen to others and they enjoy their story so much that they lose their sense of time. They are definitely dominant speakers, especially if they have other planets in Aries. They are in general good rhetors and excellent debatants. In quarrels, they can be cruel and hostile. If the Mercury is badly aspected, arguments with Aries Mercury can get very heated, and they are not afraid to yell, insult or offend the other person.

◇ Mercury in Taurus ◇

They can be very stubborn in arguments or discussions with other people. They are not so skilled with words (that is, they need some time to create the perfect sentence in their minds, they like to think carefully and thoroughly about what they will say), they prefer not to quarrel with people. They are very patient listeners and they are excellent in giving people realistic and objective advice. They aren't very interested in gossiping others.

◇ Mercury in Gemini ◇

Fast on words, imaginative, creative in expression and humorous. They have the most creative jokes and catch phrases, they like to entertain other people with different stories and anecdotes. They are very chatty, they can't spend a lot of time silent. It's very chaotic in their heads, they are constantly thinking about new ideas and how will they start a new discussion or debate. Sometimes they can interrupt others in conversation only because they are greatly excited to continue talking with the other person. They love to discuss every topic (although they are most excited about deep discussions and making dumb but hilarious jokes).

◇ Mercury in Cancer ◇

Individuals who have this Mercury have a gentle, caring and quiet way of addressing other people. They are empathetic and in communication they more prefer to be listeners than speakers (especially if they have more planets in Cancer in their natal chart). They have an introverted talking style, they like topics that concern other people's emotions, moods and states of mind. They often ask other people how they feel and often give them compliments, caring advice and words of support.

2 years ago

Hello! Baekhyun as protective and jeaolus boyfriend?

Hey there!


Note I’m not familiar with him this is just what I pick up on

So seems like he’d be more on the emotional side and could act on impulse sometimes depending on the situation. He does seem like an overprotective bf but also not very extreme, it’s subtle because he wants his partner to not feel caged in. He doesn’t like being caged either so he would treat them like how he’d want to be treated in a relationship. He also seems like a good negotiator like he’d prefer to talk it out with his partner than to let things escalate.

Hope this answers your question!

Love Luna ✨🌙

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2 years ago

🏠 House you're represented by based on birth date 🏠

 House You're Represented By Based On Birth Date

1/13/25 1️⃣ house: you like being the center of attention, people are attracted to you because you're friendly and accepting, you know how to make money and save them, sometimes you put your needs above others, you don't like sharing your resources, especially, food, you don't let anyone step over your head and steal your goods

2/14/26 2️⃣ house: you're independent and self-reliant, you don't ask for help and want to achieve everything with your own knowledge, you make lots of mistakes when younger, you have a rich life experience, mature beyond years, you grow up very quickly, you save money to buy your own house and car, very thrifty, can use the same clothes for years

3/15/27 3️⃣ house: you have lots of friends, you're opiniated and conflicting, want to dominate others with your views on the world, have a tendency to bring people down by verbal abuse, you're always on the go, your life is very fast moving, you get tired often because your work involves talking to lots of people, you like being in nature, it brings you relief from stress and sedation

4/16/28 4️⃣ house: you have strong attachment to your family members, your relatives like you very much and spoil you to the core, you have loving grandparents, they protect you with their thoughts and prayers, you look a lot like your deceased ancestors, you have lots of responsibility because you break family courses, oftentimes you feel like nobody can help you, you're good at cooking and serving food, very decent and well-mannered

5/17/29 5️⃣ house: possessive and jealous partner, egoistical, have god complex, want more and more, demanding and dissatisfied, you have people obedient to you, want everyone to serve you, keep your clothes in perfect condition, have a tendency to ruin something good people created because you can't stand competition, sharp tongue, like doing aggressive sports, Regina George energy

6/18/30 6️⃣ house: your parents are very strict and demanding, you had to grow up earlier to take care of your family, probably was poor, people respect you because of how you deal with hardships, you have a positive outlook on life, can manifest anything into your life, very hard-working and reliable, it's easy for you to find a good job because you have all the talents employer needs from you, well delivered speech, clothes are always clean

7/19/31 7️⃣ house: you're sexually attractive to the opposite sex, your own sex is jealous of how you can get anything with just your appearance and manners, your parents are probably rich, you have to look perfect because that's how you get everything in life, you influence your own sex with your views on the world,many people want to look like you, you break everyone's hearts, you have lots of insecurities, might hide them with illmesses like eating disorders, Maddy Perez energy

8/20 8️⃣ house: you have lots of sugar daddies who want to pay for you, your clothes are provocative and revealing, you hate it when people don't like how you dress up, teachers hate you for expressing your opinions and putting them in their place, your friends are most likely of the opposite sex, they're much older than you, you get very jealous of rich celebrities, you're not scared of being all by yourself because that makes you look unique and attract even more attention, you like being at the luxury parties, you have talents in singing and acting

9/21 9️⃣ house: your childhood wasn't the one you have dreamed of, you didn't receive attention from your parents because they were busy, you were afraid of them, in your adulthood you have mental health problems you've gotten from being unnoticed by your parents, you're playful and infantile, you're very attached to your friends, you get paranoid when they stop interracting with you, opinions of others are very important to you, they teach you how to adapt to the world since parents didn't care for you, you probably lived with your grandparents in the childhood, you like learning about the world by travelling, very spiritual, always seeking the meaning of life

10/22 🔟 house: you have high self-esteem, you respect yourself for who you were born as, you never forget people who helped you to get on top, you respect elders and listen to their opinions, you're philanthropic despite having lots of money to yourself, you hate parties and celebrations, you invest in something that can help people, animals love you because they see you as their saviour, you're very giving and compassionate even if you're poor, you don't have lots of friends because they hate seeing your success

11/23 1️⃣1️⃣ house: you're the leader in your field, people look up to you, you hold a high position, people believe in you, it's easy for you to manipulate them, very good actor, rich vocabulary, lots of connections with various people, very good at managing your time and business, lots of people want your life, they always ask you for money, you take family matters very seriously, you solve your family's problems all the time

12/24 1️⃣2️⃣ house: you're unlucky in the relationships, people constantly betray you, you feel like you don't deserve to live so poorly, you tend to live in your own head because real life likes to hurt you, sometimes you think that everyone is against you and nobody supports you, you find solace in art, you like to heal other people with your creations, your words have a calming effect on people, you always search for the one, your muse who will help you to get up on your feet and start living your life, you're very imaginative and creative, sometimes you can't sleep because thoughts about the past get stuck in your head, you often blame yourself for making mistakes, you're clumsy and sleepy

2 years ago

Hi, can I request for a free tarot reading about where I could have lost my scarf (it’s the color pink), and if I have already lost it or not?

-S, ♑️

Thank you so much! :)

Heyy ☺️

I don’t think you’ve lost it, I feel like you put it somewhere a bit recklessly and it’s either been misplaced or it’s behind some sort of furniture. It could even be under something like a bunch of clothes.

Hope this helps and good luck!

Love Luna ✨🌙

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