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Hello! Baekhyun as protective and jeaolus boyfriend?
Hey there!
Note I’m not familiar with him this is just what I pick up on
So seems like he’d be more on the emotional side and could act on impulse sometimes depending on the situation. He does seem like an overprotective bf but also not very extreme, it’s subtle because he wants his partner to not feel caged in. He doesn’t like being caged either so he would treat them like how he’d want to be treated in a relationship. He also seems like a good negotiator like he’d prefer to talk it out with his partner than to let things escalate.
Hope this answers your question!
Love Luna ✨🌙
hiii ! <3 could you please do reading on what minhee (cravity) and sunghoon (enhypen) think of each other if they know each other? thank you so much and have a nice day<3
Hey there! ☺️
Note I’m not a fan neither am I familiar with them. This is just what I pick up on
Minhee- There’s no hard feelings for Sunghoon, he actually thinks pretty positively of him and sees him as very expressive and creative could be a little impatient for his liking though. Side note, Minhee seems like he’s very scatter brained his energy is very flighty.
Sunghoon- Sees Minhee as someone who’s very joyful or at least that’s what he shows out to the world, pretty fun to be around. Can be a bit stubborn though.
Hope this answered your question
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hey could I have a reading on messages from my spirit guides please? Thank youu💕
Hey A!
Off course
So what I pick up on is expressing yourself more, this could be through the clothes you wear or the way you socialise, maybe you’re repressing parts of yourself that want to come out. There’s a strong message coming through saying to love yourself more. Maybe you’re looking for love from other people because you’re looking for some sort of validation? The message I’m getting is to express yourself more to allow parts of you to shine, doesn’t matter what people think you will never truly satisfy everyone so you might as-well just live your life and make yourself happy first. The people that truly want to stay with you will do so not matter what. There could be a lack of self belief and self worth? I asked why, was there an authoritative figure you knew that took advantage of your strength? You felt like you were walking on egg shells around them. But your guides are telling you to not let that taint the way you see yourself. I also get a message coming through about a dream journal, you might have dreams that you might want to write down.
Hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Kim garam energy check up
Hi to you too 🥲 please be a bit nicer to others when you request for readings. They can be doing other things too but they choose to take their time out for you.
Note I’m not really a fan of her or the group. This is just the energy I pick up on.
Stagnant, she feels like her career isn’t going anywhere and her efforts weren’t worth it. She isn’t in the best place emotionally and career wise so everything is just taking a toll on her. She’s not really taking care of herself much either and she’s desperate for some sort of commitment to come her way, career related commitment. She’s only focusing on the negatives and as of now she believes this whole scandal practically ruined her career. I just looked her up and apparently her contracts been terminated? Not surprised in the least.
Hope this answered your question
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hey there!
I hope you're doing well. :)
Can I please know who my future spouse is and how they fall in love with me? Like I want to know how the love story unfolds.
I'm a Taurus sun, libra moon and virgo rising. My initials are RA. :)
Thank you so much in advance ❤
Hello RA! ☺️
Thank you for your nice words hope you’re doing well!
let’s see what we get, note the future isn’t set in stone. It’s subjective it can change because we have free will.
So they seem like they’re soft spoken, they don’t speak much and could shy away but when they actually do have conversations they can charm people through the way they talk. They can get stuck in their head a lot though I see a lot of water and air, they could have air and water placements in their chart. I think they haven’t had good relationships in the past, they fought to keep people but it didn’t work out for them and now they are a bit detached. To others they act like they have a very nonchalant attitude but deeply they do care it’s just you have to get through the cold exterior. I’m sensing they could be from a distance like they aren’t from the same place as you and could be from somewhere foreign culture wise/ nationality. You might meet them through travelling somewhere. You’ll be in a place where you need change and you’re sad about something going on in life. You won’t expect it coming. You guys could start off as friends then eventually develop feelings for each other as they learn to open up more to you as-well. They seem to love your charitable nature, they’ll see you as someone who comes up with great ideas, your caring and accepting nature will motivate them to come out of their shell.
I hope this answered your question.
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hi could I have a tarot reading instead? I'm doing much better mentally and I was wondering what was most beneficial for me at this moment? Thank you! My initials are N.V.W. 6/18/90.
Hey there, off course you can! I’m also including your ask about messages from your spirit guides!
So the main thing I see here is maintaining balance, you’re doing pretty good but it’s about balancing all your chakras. You could unknowingly manifest your fears. Is there fear surrounding materialistic gains? They’re telling you to remove those fears and it’s time to take more action around that field. Try to pursue more creative projects and there is prosperity coming your way. It’s just about being able to get rid of the things not serving you and to maintain balance. Try to involve yourself more in charitable work, the more you give the more you get. Do you meditate? I’d say meditation and yoga would work great for you! Focusing on being present!
I hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hi! Can you do reading on up10tion's xiao and dia's eunchae please? Are they have feeling each other? and are they dating now or dated in the past?
Thank you!!
Hey there!
Note I’m not a fan and don’t really know them this is just what I pick up on
Yes lol and a big yes but there are some fears and concerns, was there some sort of rumour about them? I also see them being reluctant on opening up and they’re scared and I don’t blame them. Netizens can be literal bullies most of the times.
Hope this answers your question
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hiiiii!!! I’m a new follower heree 🙆♀️🙆♀️🖤 I am so so excited when I met your acc!! I’m so happy to be a part of your blog journey(?) 😆😆😆
if the question box is still open, do you mind if I ask would ML finds me(S) cute or pretty or maybe just average if we met? Like I know he doesn’t care about appearance but I’m really curious on will he finds me physically attractive
btw S is my initials! Thank you in advance love ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Heyyy love thank you so much for your sweet words!
Let’s find out for you!
So this type of question is very subjective like what is the definition of pretty for you and what is the definition of pretty for them.
If we’re talking about it from their pov then I would say yes, they also will find you as someone who’s very kind and compassionate you have a good balance.
I hope this answered your question!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hello. I’d appreciate a reading if you’re available. My question is what will my twin sons be like when they’re older? Thank you in advance. I’ll leave feedback! -S
Heyyy hope you’re doing well!
Let’s see what we get
So before the reading I was channelling a lot of bold energy, very fiery the cards be saying the same. Someone who’s very confident and stands up for their beliefs they can also be very charismatic and passionate. But a bit restless too they need a lot of stimulation and will need help with grounding their energy can be very erratic. One of them can be into self discovery, might prefer to be more in solitude and enjoy a more peaceful surrounding. The fiery one can be into physical activity like sports. They could be great at multitasking and very open to self reflection but can get stressed very easily. One of them may have to travel around when it comes to work as-well. They can be very good with self control I believe this is the one who prefers solitude.
I hope this answered your question! I was trying hard not to get their energies mixed up lol.
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hello, I hope you are well❤️
What does the universe like to tell me currently? Thanks
M :)
Hey there!
So wow have you been working hard towards something? I see you earning a lot of rewards for the effort you put in, you’ll have recognition for something you might’ve been working towards. I see a good career opportunity coming your way something that will help you financially. You might also buy something significant. There’s a lot of blessings coming your way I see a lot of balance too. There’s also some wisdom that you’ll learn. I would also say to take a break in life do something artistic or something you enjoy doing, meet with new people that share your beliefs.
I hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hii howdy? 👾
For the reading thankyou can I ask who does sangam like more A or s ?
And why?
Thank you ☺️
Hey there ☺️
Doing good how about youuu?
Pretty interesting initially I thought it would be S
I’m seeing neither is above the other, especially in the long run.
But the more I shuffled around the more I got they’re more towards S, there’s some hidden feelings here that they might have towards this person. This could be because of their fiery nature. They could be more bold in their approach and they like that, but they also can be emotionally open at times. They know what they want in life and are more goal oriented.
Hope this helps!
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Helloooo Luna! 🌜 How have you been? May I ask how does my blockmates view me? Thank youuuu! ❤️ Rae
Hey Rae! Doing okay hope you’re doing well too!
So whilst I was shuffling I felt that there was some sort of envy and that’s exactly what I got too. Someone here or a few people could be low-key jealous of you. Maybe because to them it seems like you have something they want and they’re jealous of that. There’s something surrounding legal documents or contracts? You could be a bit stubborn sometimes and you may seem aloof. You seem to have good leadership qualities. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to and they can see that you’ve had difficulties in the past and how you’ve managed to overcome them. They could see you as competition.
Hope this helps!
Love, Luna ✨🌙
Hello can you do a reading for me?
My question is what or how can I do to reach a new beginning/change in my life in order to be nearer to my goals/dreams?
Thank you :) HT
Heyyyyy! Off course I can ☺️
So I’m being called to tell you to be a bit more practical, maybe in the past there were a few opportunities that you missed out on that could’ve really benefitted you in the long run. You’re being told to use your intellect and look at the bigger picture of things and not what you can gain in the moment. A stable foundation lasts longer than an impulsive, shaky one. So make sure you’re focussed about what you can do for yourself in the long run because in the end that will be more worth it. You might have to work hard for it but I’m seeing your hard work paying off. Also there’s some questionable energy around you some people might not have your best intentions at heart. Be careful with oversharing. Flow like water, I’m seeing just let the universe guide you, don’t try to control things that are out of your reach. Let’s things unfold and be open to positive change.
I hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hello! Are your tarot readings open?
if yes, i would like to know about how my future partner will treat me, like.. the couple dynamics and love language..
Thank you ♡.♡
Xoxo pva☘🎀
Heyyy ☺️
So this person has clearly been through a lot in life, they’re also very independent and goal oriented. They’re very intelligent and could be very charitable too. But they can also be stubborn and have a bit of an ego. I see that they’re be very detached in the start. They’re not much of a physical affection type of person. They run more on logic and intellect. Initially I see it might be hard for you to make them open up because they’re not the type of person to trust anyone easily but once you do, it may take some time though, you’ll be able to see why they always have such a cold exterior is to avoid being hurt deep down they have a lot of fears. Once you break through they’ll open up more and I see them being more protective of you. They’ll be very devoted and will provide for you financially. You’ll have a pretty solid romantic life. Their love language mainly is providing for you.
Hope this answered your question!
Love Luna ✨🌙
How are you? What blessings can I have expect to come into my life in the near future please? Thank you!
Heeeyyyyy! Doing good, hope you’re doing well!
So I see you planning some sort of journey, doesn’t have to be literal although it could be. I see something significant happening in your life that will require some sort of transformation to be made I also see you coming out of some old beliefs you have and having a more open mind towards life. You’ll definitely be working on yourself and taking care of yourself more. I see the end of something that bought you a lot of sadness, you’ll be stepping into new territory. I see you working with others in a work setting and some sort of new contract coming your way.
I hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hey hun. I would like to request a love reading on myself if I can? My initials are JW ♏️. Ty💙
Hello love off course you can!
So what I’m picking up on is fire and water energy, I was channelling fire even before the reading so this person could definitely have fire and water placements. They are very enthusiastic, creative and they seem to have a lot of energy but they’re a bit restless and impatient. You have to keep this person stimulated. I’m seeing 3 this could be, 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. Not seeing years. This person could show they’re very loving and compassionate but I would tell you to be cautious, they could have some sort of hidden agenda and they can be manipulative at times. This union I see isn’t meant to last for too long but it is there to teach you more about self love.
I hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
hi, i hope this message finds you well! and thank you so much for being open to doing free tarot readings ♡ mine could be a bit of a silly question, and please feel free to ignore if you don’t do these type of readings.
but i have the biggest crush on jake from enhypen. so if you’re alright doing so, i was wondering if you could possibly do a reading on what our hypothetical dynamic in a romantic relationship could be and how it could play out? if it helps my initials are f.l. and some emojis to help channel energy 🌿🤍🐚🌻
thank you in advance for the reading!
Hey lol sure let’s find out!
What I see is you guys will push each other career wise to do well, you’ll provide for each other I see a good balance. But I also see a lot of fears and worries surrounding something. Maybe a third party that might want to ruin your relationship. But y’all eventually won’t let that get to you. It won’t be the best marriage ever, there could be barriers of some sort but it will be something memorable. I also see one person or the other moving away from home to live with the other person or just travelling a lot so y’all could meet up. There will be mutual respect.
I hope this answered your question!
Love Luna ✨🌙
hey! are you doing any readings right now? I don’t wanna ask about a future spouse or anything like that but today, I’ve received the most disappointing news ever. I was told that I will get evicted sometime in September and honestly, My mind is blank right now. Idk if I can ask for some insights on where am I gonna be by the end of this year. If you're able to, thank you so much, Luna. - Angie
Hey lovey! I’m really sorry to hear that and I’m sending you all my prayers
So what I see is eventually you’ll pull yourself out of this, keep fighting and stand your ground. The message here is to stay strong. Emotionally, long term I see you won’t be doing well there seems to be a lot on your plate. But you need to make sure you’re managing your resources wisely, make smart decisions especially when it comes to money and finances. Don’t let your emotions overpower you. Maybe there will be a lack of balance and you’ll have a rough time making decisions but remember to make yourself happy first. Plan for the long term and start now because you’ll be required to walk away from some sort of drama and/or conflict. I see your guides and there’s a guardian angel who’s watching over you closely.
I want you to remember that future isn’t set in stone, it changes because we have free will.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best!
Love Luna ✨🌙
Hi, can I please have a reading about what’s coming for me ? General guidance thank you - FC 💗💖✨
Heyyy off course love!
So what I see for you is that there’s going to be some sort of revelation, some sort of download that will pull you out of a certain illusion or habit you have that isn’t serving you. You will definitely work more towards being more grounded in your approach and even work on building some sort of foundation. You could be revisiting some plans and I do see inner child healing, be prepared to do more shadow work because I see some sort of commitment coming your way, this seems like a love offering doesn’t have to be romantic but it could even be fixing broken relationships or new friendships coming your way too.
Hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙
hey! i am new to your blog so i may not know your rules for asks (if it isn't in accordance, you can ignore this :))
my question is if i can get a reading on my first date with my fs and a little bit of their personality and behaviour??
my sun sign is libra and my initials are rv :)
Helloooo welcome! Let’s see what we get for you
So what I see is this person is very charismatic, fire and air energy but they prefer to be alone most of the times. They’re all for self development and could be pretty spiritual/religious they are very ambitious and creative, they just go for whatever they want and they get it. They’re great at manifesting. But their confidence is all on the surface, they seem to put a great front like that charismatic person that’s always happy and smiling but you can never tell they’re depressed, they’re really good at hiding their emotions and could even bottle up their emotions. How your first date will go, I see it going pretty well you both will help each other open up and I see communication between you guys flowing really well. Although I’d say be aware and don’t rush into things right away though give the relationship some time to bloom.
Hope this helps!
Love Luna ✨🌙