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141 posts
Transmasc Creature
“Transmasc creature”

just kinda throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks with this one
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Tripod in the Garden

sorry for the lack of posts in the past few days, I haven’t really been in the right mood to draw, here’s an old wip that I decided to “finish” and animate.

the Os Foecundusque Feroces (commonly known as the Bone Bird or Bone Mimic) is an extremely aggressive species living on the planet of Sov 431. Adults (pictured in the top right of the image) reproduce asexually by laying already fecundated eggs inside of their victim’s skin, these eggs hatch shortly thereafter and the larvae of the "bird” starts digging through the host’s flesh, carefully avoiding any nerves in order to remain unnoticed, until they reach a bone. Once this happens the youngling starts feeding on the bone, slowly growing and taking its shape and place. When the larvling is done feeding, two blade-like “wings” violently sprout out of its body and start circulating around it extremely rapidly, this usually results in the amputation of one of the host’s limbs and can even cause their death. If the larvling is successful in cutting open the victim it then immediately flies away with its newly formed wings.
to the two people that always like my posts: I see you and I hope u have a great day.

“This heart of mine is not as hard as yours,
I'm looking up and everyone's looking down."