Emil, ze/hir. The art of sci-fi, podcasts, cartoons, books, and bisexual what not
127 posts
Id Love To Learn About The Costuming In Ahsoka. It All Looks So Comfy And The Textures Are Soothing My
I’d love to learn about the costuming in Ahsoka. It all looks so comfy and the textures are soothing my sensory stuff. Also the music. And Ahsoka went from the Grey to the White after the in between moments. She feels much lighter after Totally Gandalf now. They both fell off a cliff after telling the person to destroy circular piece of metal that could bring about another great evil and war.
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I’m not done with season 2 yet (i’m on episode 4), but I am totally thinking Gabriel was “cast down” for liking Beelzebub. So many thoughts.
Hello. SPOILERS ahead for Doctor Who Christmas special.
Why did the doctor not approach the person who left Ruby at the church. They could have. Before I get into that I have to say something else I noticed. When the Doctor first exited the TARDIS the person was only a few yards away. Then the Doctor goes to rescue Ruby which probably took roughly 5 minutes and when back at the TARDIS the person is still about the same distance away. I could be wrong because of camera angles but I think the person stopped to watch the fight between the doctor and the goblins. It was big and loud. This feeds into one of my theories. Just had to point it out.
I see a lot of people talking about Ruby being related to the Doctor in some way and I am here for that. She does look like Jenny and like Clara and has so many similarities to Rose. She could also be related to River but I don’t really see that. With the previous statement about the distance thing, it could be something like that. I know Rose is in a different dimension so what if Ruby was dropped off to keep her safe from danger in that dimension. It also to be noted that she would have been dropped off before Rose and the Doctor met. The Jenny thing works better here. The lack of results of the DNA test could mean that the Doctor erased Rose from the record or with River or Jenny they don’t really exist on paper at that time. Davina could also be lying. M(r)s Flood is also an option. She definitely knows more than she let on.
The storyline about Ruby could also be to mirror the Doctor’s and about having no record of where they are from.
Onto the Doctor. I have a few theories to explain the Doctor’s actions. First it must be said that the doctor does have a Time Machine and could have gone and found out. There was time.
Didn’t think about finding out. Just wants to make sure Ruby was alright. The Doctor does hesitate but gets in the TARDIS anyway.
Didn’t want to change the future. What would change by approaching the person.
Didn’t know if Ruby would want that. The Doctor has been following Ruby, but not at the moments about Ruby finding her heritage. Ruby hasn’t communicated that to the Doctor so it could be not wanting to invade privacy. The Doctor also doesn’t to cross a boundary.
The Doctor already knows who it is.
The Doctor just found out about being adopted. And about the not good mother figure and doesn’t know if they are good.
Found Family. The Doctor has (or had) a lot of chosen family. Ruby has an amazing family already.
These are just theories. Inspired by others posts and my analysis of the situation. Let me know if I missed something.
Happy Doctor Who Special Day💜💙📦
I know the ending of Good Omens 2 was heartbreaking. But. What if Aziraphale was leaving to STOP the second coming and wanted Crowley with him. He didn’t want to outright say it in case of being watched. And the smile at the end is because he is about to unleash metaphorical hell on heaven. I’ve been thinking about this since July. It is just a theory and interpretation. Obviously it doesn’t quite explain everything.
I’m going to be honest I saw this and my reaction was: I want that suit.

EE BAFTA Film Awards 2024 (Feb 18, 2024)
He still upsets me
Wait, no
He completely and totally
Rex me
I wake from nightmares
Before dawn
There is no glory in war
Because I kidnapped him
And now we live on a farm