37 posts
Olamidey - Olamidey - Tumblr Blog
black girls can be rich
black girls can be icy
black girls can be “ghetto”
black girls can be “hood rich”
black girls can be prim and proper
black girls can be alternative
black girls can like rock music
black girls can like classical music
black girls can like long nails and 30 inch hair
black girls can wear weave 24/7 all while blasting some rock music
black girls can be who they wanna be and what they wanna be. who is to society to say what we can and cannot do?
as a black girl myself, I say just be you with no regrets whatsoever. never shall you fall to the standard of another just cause of their preference. what they perceive as a “black women” shouldn’t state how we should act as an individual
there isn’t a standard for a “black girl”. we’re just our own person who happen to be black
black girls, women, non-binary, please continue to be yourself. love yourself as you no matter what the world has to say about us. I love you mwah <3
Some people will completely disagree with your standards, lifestyle, wants, dating style etc, the thing is who cares. Don’t try to convince people why your lifestyle is right and why it is valid because who cares. Focus on yourself and stop telling people your business because there just gonna try to convince you why they think your wrong anyways.

You’re walking into the life you prayed to God about. You’re walking into the life that God promised you. You’re walking into the life that you manifested with the power of God within you. You are walking into your destiny. Continue walking by faith and not by sight. Claim this for yourself. Everything God promised you is yours.
Here’s a quick summary of the situation. Everyone, this is Imani. They are a nonbinary autistic traumatized black person and have extremely physically and mentally abusive cult christian parents.
They finally had a chance to move out into an apartment in a different state and have a job lined up for the end of this month and need help with living expenses until then.
To boot—there is a high likelihood that their current health problems are from cancer their parents chose to ignore and essentially tell them to “pray away” for a long time now
I know yall really gave my friend Katy the help she needed and I would appreciate if you gave Imani a hand
Cash app: $devouneg
PayPal AND Venmo: @acidonawednesday
idols 👏🏻 should 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 have👏🏻 to 👏🏻 apologize 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 dating
thank you

Black Girl , Brown Outfit Aesthetic 🤎🤎🤎

Yooo Normani made a wattpad 🤣🤣🤣🤣

That's cool 🙌🏽 a smart way to promote a single, I loved it ❤️

Q: Are there moments where you felt like you feel really close like siblings? ✧ 200928 MTopia production press conference
This is a really small blog but they raise a lot of awareness for Hazara people and they’ve been doing an excellent job bringing attention to the situation in Afghanistan. They also have multiple posts about how to help/donate. Do give them a follow!