AMEN - Tumblr Posts
brown works so hard and does so much and everyone is so mean to her. coffee chocolate hair leather tea wood eyes broth a warm coat autumn leaves caramelized onions the crust on a loaf of bread. all things good and warm and kind are brown. bitch!
slap his bald head for 7 years of good luck amen 🙏
going to church today. gonna have to restrain myself from slapping my priest’s bald head. wish me luck
Guys it’s not a writing contradiction it’s character development ☹️

St. Marsha P. Johnson (art by me)
Looking to follow new people! Please engage with this post if you are also chronically in love with Sam Winchester.
going through my microsoft word archives is great fun because i always find the wildest shit in there and by “the wildest shit” i mean the time i tried to rewrite the entire bible from scratch at the age of eleven and a half
Crossover with Good Omens where Jay with Tim (Jam) and Aziraphale with Crowley (Aziracrow) defeat the Operator with their combined gayness
A haiku to the haters:
fuck you fuck you fuck
you fuck you fuck you fuck you
suck my fucking dick

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.”
2 Timothy 1:7 CSB

SOLDIER DAY GREAGHHH!!!111!1!1!! 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💥💥💥
Do you really think God makes mistakes? That you being a transsexual was just a stroke of fate? He made you this way. Every bone, every sinew, every strand of hair on your body— all of it was his doing. Stop fighting nature. Transsexuality is a gift of God and one that you need to embrace.
Heavenly Father, today I am standing tall, declaring victory over every obstacle that dares to cross my path. I'm done with just getting by. I'm here to thrive, to flourish, and to shine no matter what comes my way. With a heart full of hope and eyes wide open, I’m stepping forward in faith, eagerly expecting good news to roll in, blessings to surprise me, and Your divine favor to shower down on me. I’m believing for abundance, for more than I’ve ever imagined or asked for. Amen. 🙏

"God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation."
-Daniel Mallory Ortberg, Something That May Shock and Discredit You
O Lord, my God, my Saviour, and my Redeemer. I come to You tonight to humbly ask for reassurance. I don’t feel pure enough to offer my prayers. I don’t feel good enough to offer my worship. Please, strengthen me so that I can stave off these thoughts. Reassure me in my vocation. I won’t stop loving You even on the darkest of nights when I feel as though I’m lowlier than the lowliest of sinners, because I know it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. So I come to You to ask for healing. I come to You to worship. I come to You because without You I’m nothing and no one. You made me the way I am, fearfully and wonderfully, and I long to thank You for it every day. Please, don’t leave me alone in my misery, but hug me gently to Your chest so I can rest.
“He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” Isaiah 40:11