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Please Don`t Leave Pt. 2
Please Don`t Leave pt. 2
pt. 2 Bad Ending

Baji had been waiting alsmost 3 hours, hoping th edoctors would finally walk out of the operating room and tell him the succesfully stopped his lovers life from ending but... when the doctor approached Baji wiht a look full of sorrow it broke the black haired boy. The face full of pity told him, the he would never see (Y/N)`s beautiful smile ever again, never fell his warm hugs, never look into his eyes full of love, never hear his lovely voice again.
Baji fell to his knees, the world arounf him broke down completelly. What should he do now? What was he going to tell (Y/N)`s parents? What should he do?
This can`t be happening!?! No no no no no, the doctor must be wrong, this can`t be right!?! (Y/N) coulnd`t be, he couldn`t be gone. That`s a lie, a lie...right?
Why was this happening to him? everything was so perfect a few day ago, they talked about the future, how Baji proudly screamed out into the world that he would marry (Y/N), and now.... now he was all alone. He was scared. He felt immense guilt. Baji cried for hours on end, he couldn`t believe his darling was gone, he didn`t want to believe it
The police had to take a statement. One look and they knew this boy was broken. Tears streaming down his face yet he made no sound. You would have thought he screamed and cursed at anyone and everything, but he was completely silent. The contacted his mother and (Y/N)`s parents. They came rushing to the hospital. Baji`s mother was first to arrive their and the moment she laid her eyes on her son he couldn`t recognise him. His eyes devoted of live, as though he was a puppet sitting there.
One last time Baji got to see his boyfreind. He saw him laying there, so peacefully. He didn`t deserve this, he was so innocent.
Why couldn`t it have been him? It should have been him? They were targeting him, yet they took the love of his life. It was not fair, not fair not fair not fair not fair. Why was the world so cruel?
He couldn`t do anything but apologize to (Y/N)`s parents. they should hate him, it was his fault their son died, he was the reason they would be at his funereal, so why... why did everyone look at him with pity in their eyes
He didn`t need pity.... he needed...(Y/N)
Baji took long to heal. Everytime he remembered the boy, his emotions were all over the place. Sadness, anger, confusion...love.
His friends in Toman noticed the change, he was quiet, yet you could practically feel the anger radiating from him if someone mentioned his past lover, yet he never did anything. He was a new person and it took a while for him to return to his true self. But like a vase which is held together by glue and sticky tape, you will always see his cracks.
Ok i have no idea how to write angst I hope I did it right and secondly I'll probably post a good ending as well
Also thx @rio-mx @gojosenseiii @garouhasnicebackmuscles for the comments seriously they made me laugh so hard!!!!
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Where's Your Mom?

Credits to @dancingintherainwithchifuyu
It wasn't that obvious, but the kids in the kindergarten noticed that (Y/N) only ever came with his dad. Whenever he got picked up or brought to the kindergarten, he was always with shinichiro. Maybe his mom was the one that worked?
At some point the kids just wanted to know why they never saw his mom.
"Say (Y/N), why doesn't your mom ever pick you up?"
"I don't have one"
Of course it was a bummer. Everyone has a mom.
"Maybe she left because she hated you"
The kids didn't realize how much that affected the youngest Sano. Oh how guilty he felt, believing his mom left because of him, and how his dad must hate him.
Some children took the opportunity to make fun of him. Of course it wasn't all of them, some even defended him, but the damage was done.
At the end of the day, when shinichiro was picking him up, he was confused when his son didn't run up to him, all excited to tell him about his day. Instead he was met with his son walking towards him, his head down and not making a sound.
This continued on for a couple of days, and everyone tried to talk to Little Sano, but he never said anything. Of course they thought he got bullied and asked the kindergarten teacher if anything happened, but the teacher said they didn't see not hear anything

The Sano household was unusually quiet.
Until (Y/N) walked into the kitchen, teary eyes and head down. Shinichiro and his friends quieted down and looked at the kid.
"D-dad *sniff* do you h-hate me"
Shinichiro immediately went to his kid and kneeled down and hugged him tightly to his chest.
"Darling, why would you think that? I love oyu so so much, you can't even imagine how much I love you. Who told you I hated you"
" *sniff* I just thought *sniff*, because mom left because of me"
At this point the kid is full on crying. Shinichiro's friends knew that this would be a good time to leave them alone and have a family moment. They stood up quietly and signaled to shinichiro they would leave.

It took a long time to convince Little Sano, that it wasn't his fault his mom left and that his Dad lived him unconditionally. The night ended with a lot of" love you's" and Dad Shinichiro and Little Sano cuddling on the bed and falling asleep together.
The next day, the kids that had the audacity to bully (Y/N) got to meet The uncles. Rest assured, they never dated to even think about approaching Little Sano with bad intentions.
Beach Day

This is my take on @dancingintherainwithchifuyu 's Baby Sano and Single dad Shinichiro series. So pls check them out, this isn't my idea.

Little Sano just collecting shells at the beach and walking off without telling anyone, they didn't know the wandered of so far.
Shinichiro and his friends running up and down the beach, asking people, looking in the water just trying everything to find the kid.
When they find him calmly collecting shells, they will run over to the kid, Shinichiro hugging them tightly and crying. He thought something bad happened.
Everyone sighing in relief, nothing happened and they could go home now. The next time they would go to the beach, the kid would be on a leash. These old men nearly had a heart attack.
But at least they have some cool shells now
Heyo! It’s the person who requested the Sanzu x child! Reader- and I was gonna ask for a part two- but like- reader shows up at the park with a bruised cheek, and eyes full of tears.
Apparently his parents finally noticed he was going somewhere all the time and hit in for it and he also told some kids from school at about Sanzu and they told him Sanzu wasn’t real. So now he’s at the park waiting for his brother to come comfort him or something.
Tbh I just want some angsty fluff comfort stuff, this is just kinda to give you ideas
Park Buddy pt. 2
I hope it is to you liking and thank you so much for requesting. Sorry for the wait but I had to focus on some school work

Pt. 1 Pt. 3
Today had been your worst day.
You told the kids at school about Sanzu. You were so excited to share how amazing he was and that he was your big brother. However, instead of admiration the all laughed at you. They made fun of you, telling how you out of all people would never have and actual friend, Sanzu was just your imaginary friend you made up to feel special.
The walk home from school was full with kids laughter and you feeling like the biggest idiot. At least at home you could have your peace. Well, not today. As soon as you stepped through the doorway your parents were yelling at you. Apparently a neighbor voiced their concern to your parents, they saw you coming home late.
They screamed at you, how stupid you were and now other people would think they are bad parents. It's all about them. They didn't even care that something might happend to you, they just didn't want anyone to think they were bad people. How ironic.
You felt so ashamed, so small while they were yelling at you. When you didn't give them an answer to the question where you were your "mother" slapped you. You were stunned. It took a while to process the burning pain on your cheek. She actually slapped you. Once they were done they went back to whatever they were doing before.
What a great day, right? By now tears were rolling down your cheeks. You felt horrible.
All you needed was comfort. Something you knew you would only get from Your big brother. You ran out of your house, stumbling and unfortunately falling on the hard concrete. Bruising you knees in the process, but you didn't care and stood right up and ran to the park, were big brother was already waiting.
Sanzu didn't expect to see you crying, nor did he think about you showing up with a swollen, red cheek and grazed knees.
He raced rushed towards you. As soon as he got to you, he held you close, trying to comfort you. You were crying hysterically into his chest while he carried you to the bench. He sat you down and gently cupped your cheeks. He wiped you tears with his thumbs, while telling you 'everything is alright' and 'your fine now, I'm here'.
It didn't take long until you calmed down enough to tell your story. Obviously his blood was boiling when he heard what you "mother" did, but for now he had to comfort you. Sanzu thought of you as a little brother, part of his family, someone he had to protect.
After he took care of your grazed knees with some band aids he had, he took you out for ice-cream. It helped a little bit with your cheek and it certainly took you mind of the previous events.
When you had finished your ice-cream, you cuddled up to you big brother while he pat you head. The warmth he radiated was soothing, and after a short time you actually fell asleep. Sanzu held you close. He felt sorry for you.
It was getting dark, Sanzu didn't want to wake you from your peaceful slumber, so he carried you to your house. Shortly before you reached your destination you woke up feeling a lot better.
Sanzu made sure to sneak his way towards your window, which, luckily, was on ground floor. He lifted you up so you could climb into your room. Before you closed you window you said goodbye.
"Thank you big brother"
At least your day ended the best way possible.
Climbing King

Credits to @dancingintherainwithchifuyu
Before Little Sano could even walk he climbed on everything. Shelfs, doors, windows, everything and Shinichiro did not like that. He couldn't leave the room without his baby trying to climb out of his crib or onto a bookshelf.
Not only did he climb objects but also people. Most of the time it was his dad, he always made his way up to his shoulder so he could sit on them. But if his dad was out of reach he climbed the nearest person that was there.
It was probably dangerous if it was Benkei since he is the tallest of the group but his other uncles made sure to catch him if he ever fell, which surprisingly he never did.
Shinichiro was so scared that one day his son would fall and hurt himself, especially when he learned to walk properly. When they were outside he would always follow (Y/N) so he could catch the boy whenever he wanted to jump off the tree.
Fortunetally nothing ever happened and Shinichiro luckily could make a compromise with his son, he was allowed to climb whatever and whenever but he must tell his dad and someone has to be watching him.