Baji Angst - Tumblr Posts
Please Don't Leave
Baji x male reader (Angst?? or at least I tried)

pt.2 Bad Ending
Baji and (Y/N) were walking down the street. They were looking for stray cats to feed since both of them were bored and couldn't sleep. They talked about many things from Toman to burning cars. Baji loved moments like these, where they were alone and could talk about anything. (Y/N) wasn't in Toman but he didn't mind Baji being in it, he just worried that someday he is gonna get seriously hurt.
As they were walking down the street, some guys from a rival gang saw them and thought it would be a great opportunity to attack.
Now Baji didn't have a problem with that, he could fight and protect himself, but (Y/N) on the other hand would have serious problems.
They guys surrounded them, they had metal pipes and other things. Baji would have told (Y/N) to run away, but there was no way out.
As Baji was fighting and (Y/N) was trying to get out of the way or help Baji somehow, he noticed someone pulling out a knife. It was meant for Baji, since the rival gang members could easily take on (Y/N).
As the gang member was running towards Baji, who had his back to him, (Y/N) did the only thing possible, he jump in front of the guy, to protect Baji.
There was blood everywhere. It looked dliek a complete murder scene. It didn't take long for Baji to beat the guys up, and when he turned around he saw (Y/N). Lying on the ground with blood surrounding him.
"Oh my God! (Y/N) what happened?!?"
Baji was by his side checking him for the injury before quickly deciding to pick him up, and bring him to the hospital.
"Hey (Y/N) C-can you still hear me?"
" 'course I can"
"great. Everything's great. Where gonna get you to the hospital a-and then, and then you're gonna get better and we'll, we'll laugh about it."
"y-yeah let's do that"
It was the most intense moment Baji ever experienced. His lover in his arms. Blood on his hands, shirt, everywhere. He panicked, his breathing quickening. Tears started to form. Even though he wanted to scream he smiled and kept quiet. He smiled for (Y/N), to reassure him that everything was going to be ok.
"Y-you're okay
Everything is fine
You're not gonna die
No, you're not, *sniff*
E-everything is fine *sniff*"
Kei tried to reassure him, if he kept repeating it, surely it would come true. The tears he tried to hold in, rolled down his cheek. The thought of losing his lover hurt so much. Like his heart was ripped in two. It hurt.
"Don't talk"
"sorry, I ruined the whole night, haha"
(Y/N) spoke in a weak voice
"i really love you"
"I lo-love you too, dumbass"
"It's getting colder, you know"
Baji was full on crying right now. The hospital was just a few blocks away. He ran as fast as he could. (Y/N) wasn't gonna die. No he wasn't. No no no no no no
"I-it's not *sniff* getting colder *sniff*. You're not gonna die *sniff. You can't. You promised we w-would get our own pet shop, a-and what about the cats you p-promised we would raise together *sniff*"
"sorry, but I don't know if I can keep that promise"
"then at least p-promise me that you'll keep your eyes open till the hospital"
"heh, I'll try my best"
" you better or I'm gonna kick your ass"
"I'll count on that"
As soon as Baji entered the ER he immediately yelled for someone to help him, for someone to save him. Doctors rushed to him and took (Y/N) away, who surprisingly was still conscious.
Baji was hysterical. Internally, he was screaming, crying he just wanted to let all his emotions out. He was so scared (Y/N) wouldn't make it. He couldn't imagine a life without him. It hurt so much thinking about it.
After Baji calmed down a little bit, he finally went with a nurse to treat his wounds from fighting. Then agonizing hours of waiting began. It was late, Baji was tired, but he couldn't sleep. His heart was beating fast. He just wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Hours passed and there was still no definite answer that (Y/N) would make it. He hated it. The guilt is eating him alive. It was his fault.
He went to (Y/N). It was his idea to look for stray cats. He wasn't careful enough. He couldn't protect (Y/N).
So like, part 2??? Yes or no?
I don't know how or if I should continue this, so pls tell me. Should the reader die or not?? Let me know
Please Don`t Leave pt. 2
pt. 2 Bad Ending

Baji had been waiting alsmost 3 hours, hoping th edoctors would finally walk out of the operating room and tell him the succesfully stopped his lovers life from ending but... when the doctor approached Baji wiht a look full of sorrow it broke the black haired boy. The face full of pity told him, the he would never see (Y/N)`s beautiful smile ever again, never fell his warm hugs, never look into his eyes full of love, never hear his lovely voice again.
Baji fell to his knees, the world arounf him broke down completelly. What should he do now? What was he going to tell (Y/N)`s parents? What should he do?
This can`t be happening!?! No no no no no, the doctor must be wrong, this can`t be right!?! (Y/N) coulnd`t be, he couldn`t be gone. That`s a lie, a lie...right?
Why was this happening to him? everything was so perfect a few day ago, they talked about the future, how Baji proudly screamed out into the world that he would marry (Y/N), and now.... now he was all alone. He was scared. He felt immense guilt. Baji cried for hours on end, he couldn`t believe his darling was gone, he didn`t want to believe it
The police had to take a statement. One look and they knew this boy was broken. Tears streaming down his face yet he made no sound. You would have thought he screamed and cursed at anyone and everything, but he was completely silent. The contacted his mother and (Y/N)`s parents. They came rushing to the hospital. Baji`s mother was first to arrive their and the moment she laid her eyes on her son he couldn`t recognise him. His eyes devoted of live, as though he was a puppet sitting there.
One last time Baji got to see his boyfreind. He saw him laying there, so peacefully. He didn`t deserve this, he was so innocent.
Why couldn`t it have been him? It should have been him? They were targeting him, yet they took the love of his life. It was not fair, not fair not fair not fair not fair. Why was the world so cruel?
He couldn`t do anything but apologize to (Y/N)`s parents. they should hate him, it was his fault their son died, he was the reason they would be at his funereal, so why... why did everyone look at him with pity in their eyes
He didn`t need pity.... he needed...(Y/N)
Baji took long to heal. Everytime he remembered the boy, his emotions were all over the place. Sadness, anger,
His friends in Toman noticed the change, he was quiet, yet you could practically feel the anger radiating from him if someone mentioned his past lover, yet he never did anything. He was a new person and it took a while for him to return to his true self. But like a vase which is held together by glue and sticky tape, you will always see his cracks.
Ok i have no idea how to write angst I hope I did it right and secondly I'll probably post a good ending as well
Also thx @rio-mx @gojosenseiii @garouhasnicebackmuscles for the comments seriously they made me laugh so hard!!!!

“What are you doing?”
Baji gets no response except for the shuffling of material as you neatly fold your clothes and put them into the duffel on the bed. You don’t look at him as you reach blindly for another item of clothing.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He’s more forceful this time and he sees the tremor in your hands at his tone. He sees it and it does something to the ball of emotion that he’d been swelling inside him these past few weeks. Anger and disappointment flood him. “Are you leaving?”
Your fist tightens on the shirt in your grasp. Your shoulder hunching as he crosses the room. His hands hover over your shoulder, freezing when you flinch away from his touch. “I- I don’t think I can do this anymore,” you say. Your voice is small, soft, careful. Like you’re speaking to a wild animal and you’re afraid you might spook it. “I can’t- you’re—”
Your words are interrupted by a hiccup. A broken sound that rips from you. It unravels your resolve as though you’ve pulled on the loose thread of your sanity. You’re sobbing. Your palm trembling as you attempt to cover your mouth and hide the awful sounds leaving you.
Baji is stupefied. He has no idea what is happing right now. He reaches for you only to have you scramble out of his reach. Almost tripping over your feet in your haste. His brows furrow, as he continues to advance on you and you continue to back away.
“Angel?” He questions. “Angel, what the fuck is going on?”
He’s cornered you and you recover enough to snap. To let him hook those warm, work roughened fingers into the delicate threads of your self control and tear them apart. “You fucked her!” You scream. “You fucked her!” And your hands are slamming against Baji’s chest. The echo of each thumb as you pound at the hard muscle rings in your ear.
Someone is screaming and Baji is frozen. Muscles locked as he takes every hit. As he lets you claw and slap at him. Because he hadn’t- he hadn’t anticipated this. That you would learn about his one fuck up. That it would do something like this you. Your struggling ceases and he realizes he’s reflexively wrapped his arms around you and you’d reflexively melted into the contours of him.
You must realize it as well because with a strength not even you knew you possessed you shove him. And Baji is weak limbed and distracted so that he goes sprawling into his ass at the movement. He’s gaping. Like one of the koi at the aquarium he’d taken you to on your first date. Lips parted as he stares at you dumbly. He cannot speak but his silence is enough.
Your breathing is ragged as you redouble efforts of packing. You don’t bother folding the clothes anymore. Just chucking them into the space bag, uncaring of what the item actually is.
“It was-“ he licks his lips and just the sound of his voice sets you on edge all over again. “It was a mistake.”
Your sadness and disappointment are morphing into something ugly and violent and for one insane second you consider calling your brothers. They’d kill him. They’d kill him. They’d kill hi- but you don’t want him dead. You love him. You don’t want him dead. And you’re crying all over again because you love him.
You love the lying, cheating bastard who’d married you under cherry blossoms in spring and danced in the wet sand, in the cold rain just so you could say you’d done it. You love the lying, cheating man you’d adopted a dog with. You’d bought a house with. Planned to start a family with.
“How many times?” You ask between sobs. “How many times Keisuke?”
“Once,” he admits. “It was only once. It was a mistake,” he’s rambling. Your question has opened the floodgates for excuses. “It never happens after that. I was going to tell you but she told me not to. She said-“ he pauses again and you almost scoff at him. “She said you’d hate us. So I- I kept it and it- please don’t leave me.”
He sounds as broken as you. You can’t even look at him. You can’t even look at him. “She’s pregnant,” you announce. “Eight months. The timing’s about right. Yeah?”
Baji makes a choked noise. Like he’s drowning on air. “No!” He protests. “It’s not mine. It can’t- it can’t be-“
“It’s yourself alright,” you sniffle. “Said she hadn’t been with any other man since that night.”
“She’s lying-“
“You’re both lying pieces of shit,” you say, and you zip the duffle, reaching for your handbag on a nearby chair you shuffle around the room grabbing your jewelry and then into the adjoining bathroom to grab your toiletries. Baji remains on the floor is head in his hands.
“Please,” he says. And he sound rightfully broken. “Please don’t leave- we can- we can talk about this.”
There’s nothing to talk about. You grab the duffel and head for the door. You stop in the frame and glance at him over your shoulder. “I hope she gives you those twins you’ve always wanted.”
Baji x chifuyu

Warning: cursing, violence, angst
Baji was laying in his room. it was about midnight and he couldn't sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about what he did. He couldn't stop thinking about when he beat the shit out of Chifuyu just to join Valhalla.
He just want to punch the crap out of him now. He wanted to put himself through the same pain he did to Chifuyu.
Baji has never been good with his feelings. He was always like this. When he was hungry or annoyed he did something stupid like go and burn up cars. So why was he feeling so much guilt. Sure it was his best friend but he needed to do this. He knew he was doing something right.
He couldn't stop feeling like shit about hurting Chifuyu.
Chifuyu... The one person that made him more happy than anyone could. Make him have the most fun that he could ever have.
Why did he do that to him? Why didn't he think before he did this? He just lost someone that he truly liked. He could never forgive himself for hurting him. He just wanted to cut off his hands and put new ones on. Ones that haven't hurt Chifuyu. He knew that couldn't happened but he wished.
He did wonder what Chifuyu would do if he went over to his place. I mean he doesn't live far and he been in his place before. But will it be really different. It would be for him but how would Chifuyu feel? Would Chifuyu be scared of him or would he just not want to talk to him?
He then puts his hand on his face and sighs. He would deal with in the morning but he just needs to find out what to say. He sighs softly before turning to his sides and closing his eyes.
He then tries to relax and fall asleep but he knew that he would probably be there for an hour or two.
He wished that he could change what he did but he knew that he couldn't. He was just going to have to deal with this guilt.
Baji was never good with his feelings. He never was. So he could not see that he had fallen for Chifuyu. He probably won't notice for a while either.

I had this idea from this fanart. Credit to who made this. I hope you like. Have a good day!