Baji X You - Tumblr Posts
Please Don't Leave
Baji x male reader (Angst?? or at least I tried)

pt.2 Bad Ending
Baji and (Y/N) were walking down the street. They were looking for stray cats to feed since both of them were bored and couldn't sleep. They talked about many things from Toman to burning cars. Baji loved moments like these, where they were alone and could talk about anything. (Y/N) wasn't in Toman but he didn't mind Baji being in it, he just worried that someday he is gonna get seriously hurt.
As they were walking down the street, some guys from a rival gang saw them and thought it would be a great opportunity to attack.
Now Baji didn't have a problem with that, he could fight and protect himself, but (Y/N) on the other hand would have serious problems.
They guys surrounded them, they had metal pipes and other things. Baji would have told (Y/N) to run away, but there was no way out.
As Baji was fighting and (Y/N) was trying to get out of the way or help Baji somehow, he noticed someone pulling out a knife. It was meant for Baji, since the rival gang members could easily take on (Y/N).
As the gang member was running towards Baji, who had his back to him, (Y/N) did the only thing possible, he jump in front of the guy, to protect Baji.
There was blood everywhere. It looked dliek a complete murder scene. It didn't take long for Baji to beat the guys up, and when he turned around he saw (Y/N). Lying on the ground with blood surrounding him.
"Oh my God! (Y/N) what happened?!?"
Baji was by his side checking him for the injury before quickly deciding to pick him up, and bring him to the hospital.
"Hey (Y/N) C-can you still hear me?"
" 'course I can"
"great. Everything's great. Where gonna get you to the hospital a-and then, and then you're gonna get better and we'll, we'll laugh about it."
"y-yeah let's do that"
It was the most intense moment Baji ever experienced. His lover in his arms. Blood on his hands, shirt, everywhere. He panicked, his breathing quickening. Tears started to form. Even though he wanted to scream he smiled and kept quiet. He smiled for (Y/N), to reassure him that everything was going to be ok.
"Y-you're okay
Everything is fine
You're not gonna die
No, you're not, *sniff*
E-everything is fine *sniff*"
Kei tried to reassure him, if he kept repeating it, surely it would come true. The tears he tried to hold in, rolled down his cheek. The thought of losing his lover hurt so much. Like his heart was ripped in two. It hurt.
"Don't talk"
"sorry, I ruined the whole night, haha"
(Y/N) spoke in a weak voice
"i really love you"
"I lo-love you too, dumbass"
"It's getting colder, you know"
Baji was full on crying right now. The hospital was just a few blocks away. He ran as fast as he could. (Y/N) wasn't gonna die. No he wasn't. No no no no no no
"I-it's not *sniff* getting colder *sniff*. You're not gonna die *sniff. You can't. You promised we w-would get our own pet shop, a-and what about the cats you p-promised we would raise together *sniff*"
"sorry, but I don't know if I can keep that promise"
"then at least p-promise me that you'll keep your eyes open till the hospital"
"heh, I'll try my best"
" you better or I'm gonna kick your ass"
"I'll count on that"
As soon as Baji entered the ER he immediately yelled for someone to help him, for someone to save him. Doctors rushed to him and took (Y/N) away, who surprisingly was still conscious.
Baji was hysterical. Internally, he was screaming, crying he just wanted to let all his emotions out. He was so scared (Y/N) wouldn't make it. He couldn't imagine a life without him. It hurt so much thinking about it.
After Baji calmed down a little bit, he finally went with a nurse to treat his wounds from fighting. Then agonizing hours of waiting began. It was late, Baji was tired, but he couldn't sleep. His heart was beating fast. He just wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Hours passed and there was still no definite answer that (Y/N) would make it. He hated it. The guilt is eating him alive. It was his fault.
He went to (Y/N). It was his idea to look for stray cats. He wasn't careful enough. He couldn't protect (Y/N).
So like, part 2??? Yes or no?
I don't know how or if I should continue this, so pls tell me. Should the reader die or not?? Let me know
Please Don`t Leave pt. 2
pt. 2 Bad Ending

Baji had been waiting alsmost 3 hours, hoping th edoctors would finally walk out of the operating room and tell him the succesfully stopped his lovers life from ending but... when the doctor approached Baji wiht a look full of sorrow it broke the black haired boy. The face full of pity told him, the he would never see (Y/N)`s beautiful smile ever again, never fell his warm hugs, never look into his eyes full of love, never hear his lovely voice again.
Baji fell to his knees, the world arounf him broke down completelly. What should he do now? What was he going to tell (Y/N)`s parents? What should he do?
This can`t be happening!?! No no no no no, the doctor must be wrong, this can`t be right!?! (Y/N) coulnd`t be, he couldn`t be gone. That`s a lie, a lie...right?
Why was this happening to him? everything was so perfect a few day ago, they talked about the future, how Baji proudly screamed out into the world that he would marry (Y/N), and now.... now he was all alone. He was scared. He felt immense guilt. Baji cried for hours on end, he couldn`t believe his darling was gone, he didn`t want to believe it
The police had to take a statement. One look and they knew this boy was broken. Tears streaming down his face yet he made no sound. You would have thought he screamed and cursed at anyone and everything, but he was completely silent. The contacted his mother and (Y/N)`s parents. They came rushing to the hospital. Baji`s mother was first to arrive their and the moment she laid her eyes on her son he couldn`t recognise him. His eyes devoted of live, as though he was a puppet sitting there.
One last time Baji got to see his boyfreind. He saw him laying there, so peacefully. He didn`t deserve this, he was so innocent.
Why couldn`t it have been him? It should have been him? They were targeting him, yet they took the love of his life. It was not fair, not fair not fair not fair not fair. Why was the world so cruel?
He couldn`t do anything but apologize to (Y/N)`s parents. they should hate him, it was his fault their son died, he was the reason they would be at his funereal, so why... why did everyone look at him with pity in their eyes
He didn`t need pity.... he needed...(Y/N)
Baji took long to heal. Everytime he remembered the boy, his emotions were all over the place. Sadness, anger,
His friends in Toman noticed the change, he was quiet, yet you could practically feel the anger radiating from him if someone mentioned his past lover, yet he never did anything. He was a new person and it took a while for him to return to his true self. But like a vase which is held together by glue and sticky tape, you will always see his cracks.
Ok i have no idea how to write angst I hope I did it right and secondly I'll probably post a good ending as well
Also thx @rio-mx @gojosenseiii @garouhasnicebackmuscles for the comments seriously they made me laugh so hard!!!!
hi i love your works, they are amazing! if you don't mind could you write a one shot with Baji x reader, where they are 12-13(maybe before boys formed toman or just formed), she can be his friend, classmate, tutor, neighbour, Emma's friend, whatever your prefer, and Baji is so in love with her that everybody can see it and reader also knows it and his friends tease him A LOT. and maybe you can write how he confessed his love and his friends helped him(while they are still 12-13)
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day โค๏ธโ๐ฉน and thx for the support!
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โ I know it too, Baji
You really disliked Keisuke at first. When Mikey had told you that another child would be joining your group, you had been happy; only later did you realize that the child who had to join was the same one who had ripped your uniform on the first day of school. You came home crying about it, and then he disappeared. You knew he was at the same school and year as you, but in fact you hadn't found him anywhere. You had been friends with Mikey since birth, your mothers were great friends, so seeing that arrogant child join your group had bothered you enormously
Only a few months after you started laughing at his jokes. Instead, it had taken you a whole year before you accepted him playing on the same team when you played soccer at the Sano house. In short, you had gone extremely easy on him because you found him extremely annoying
But as we know, girls always have an edge over boys. From the beginning, it became clear that Keisuke was seeking your attention, amused by your aloof demeanor. He probably didn't even remember ripping your uniform when you were 6 years old. In the end, however, it must be said that you became inseparable: you put aside your pride for something that was actually stupid and after a year or so you decided that being his friend wouldn't be so bad
It had been years since you had first spoken to each other. You were now 13 years old, Keisuke had failed his first year of middle school and you had passed. However, he worried relatively little about it given that Toman, a gang built with his best friends, had been born a few months ago. You weren't part of that gang, but you spent pretty much all your time with them
"Overtake Mitsuya, show him how fast you can go!" you say sitting behind him, while you are on his motorbike. It was a beautiful sunny day and together with Mitsuya and Mikey you had decided to go to the beach. The others should have come too, but due to various commitments only the 4 of you had gone. Baji nods laughing, and speeds past Mitsuya's bike, arriving at Mikey's side "Stop being so boastful!" shouts Mitsuya "Say it hurt, loser" you say laughing "It's just dangerous to go that fast with a girl nearby... Baji puts too much trust in your balance" says Mitsuya, making Mikey, who is further ahead, laugh too
"Shut up! You know I'm always careful when I have a passenger" Baji says as he gives more gas, arriving next to Mikey "Or you just want to make yourself look cool in front of Y/n" Manjiro adds, and Mitsuya nods
โI'll kill you, you pieces of shit" Baji shouts, making you laugh. The thing is, you knew Mikey was right too, as more than a few times Keisuke had tried to make himself cooler than the others in front of you. You suspected he liked you and by asking Mikey, he had confirmed it, however you weren't 100% sure. Many times they, like Draken or Kazutora, teased him by saying that he had a more particular behavior with you, however you dismissed the situation by saying that you were simply very good friends
"Be careful Mikey! He might get mean if you say something too much in front of his girlfriend" says Mitsuya, receiving yet another insult towards Baji. This goes on for a while until you get to the beach, where you find a quiet place to sit
The four of you settled down, Mikey along with Baji ran into the water without putting on sunscreen, and you stayed with Mitsuya "They'll both get burned" you say sighing, putting on your sunglasses "Probably" Mitsuya says settling under the umbrella
Spend a quarter of an hour in silence. Mitsuya focused on a fashion magazine and you looking at your two friends in the water: Keisuke often waves at you from afar, receiving splashes from Mikey. You giggle, but find Mitsuya also observing the two boys "He has a thing for you, you know that right?" Mitsuya says "I know... but I don't understand half of his behavior" you say "What do you mean?" Mitsuya asks putting down the magazine, sitting down next to you
"You know... I've never understood his behavior. Since I was little he has visibly treated me differently than his other friends, he almost seems more protective, or maybe he would like to make himself look cooler in my eyes... but I don't think he feels anything. If he tried something would have already been declared, you know well that it would be difficult to keep something so important inside" you say, sighing. The situation had been going on for years now, and you had lost hope a little. Mitsuya remains silent, then suddenly starts laughing "Huh? What are you laughing at?" you ask slightly embarrassed "Oh nothing, sorry, nothing..." he says wiping away the tears born from laughing. He turns back to his magazine and you, sighing, let go of his behavior
From afar, however, you no longer see the two boys. You look better and find them sitting on a rock: Baji is telling something with great enthusiasm, and Mikey bursts out laughing after a while. You see in the two of them the same thing that happened to you and Mitsuya just now, but due to the distance you don't understand what they are talking about
When Mikey sees you looking at them, he yells something while waving at you, getting some insults from Baji. You don't hear what they say this time either, yet it seems as if Baji doesn't want Manjiro to say hello to you
Half an hour later the two boys return and you decide to have lunch. Lunch goes by peacefully with a few laughs and Mikey teasing Baji for deciding to sit next to you, but you don't even notice. You're more focused on thinking why Mitsuya laughed earlier
โY/n!โ Mitsuya shouts, bringing you back to reality "Huh? Sorry, I was thinking about something else..." you say sighing, taking a bite of your sandwich "Don't apologize to me, but Baji has been calling you for half an hour and you still hasn't heard" Mitsuya says laughing, while Mikey makes a very strange face "Huh? Why do you say that?" you say confused, and only now you notice that Baji is no longer sitting next to you, but is back on the nearby rock "Forget it, go over there" Mikey says taking the sandwich from your hand, to eat the rest. You glare at Manjiro, but get up and head towards the rock
It takes you a little while to get near Baji. The boy is sitting with his back turned, and as soon as you sit next to him he doesn't dare look at you "What's happening? Mitsuya told me you were looking for me" you say crossing your legs on the rough stone. Keisuke looks so flustered and you wonder if he's getting food poisoning from the sandwich he just ate "What was in your sandwich?" you ask, finally making him turn around; he seems so confused by your words
"Huh? It was a normal sandwich... why?" he asks confused, and you notice a light blush on his cheeks "You look sick, are you sure you're okay?" you ask โLET THIS GO!โ he shouts, making you jump. An awkward silence falls between you
"Look... do you like someone?" he asks in an insecure way, and you look at him surprised for a moment "Um... more or less. It's difficult to explain" you say thus hiding the fact that your relationship right now was complicated "To you?" you ask โI like someone I've known for a whileโ he says looking down. When he says that it feels like a small boulder falling on you, but you hide it; deep down, you thought it was Emma the girl he was talking about "If you've known this person for a long time you should come out"
"You're right. I like you" he says with a speed that makes it hard to realize what he said "HUH?" you state, turning around quickly, finding him with his face hidden in his hands "You understood what I said, don't act stupid!" he shouts, keeping his face hidden. Feel your heart beating so hard it can leap out of your chest. You look at Keisuke and automatically think that Mitsuya's and Mikey's reactions were like that because they knew what he wanted to do. Your cheeks turn red, and you feel warmer than you might already feel at the seaside
"...I think I do too. And then... I know it too, Baji. I simply thought you had grown fond of me in a brotherly way" you say looking ahead of you, with the beauty of the infinite sea. You see Baji surprised by your words, but a smile comes to his face "Is that a yes?" he asks "It's a yes, Keisuke" you say, feeling embarrassed like you've never felt before, but in a good way
You see the boy quickly stand up, running behind him where, you hadn't noticed, Mitsuya and Mikey were "SHE SAID YES!" he yells coming over to his friends, making you laugh as you remain seated. Only now do you realize how much Keisuke was just afraid to declare himself
hi i love your works, they are amazing! if you don't mind could you write a one shot with Baji x reader, where they are 12-13(maybe before boys formed toman or just formed), she can be his friend, classmate, tutor, neighbour, Emma's friend, whatever your prefer, and Baji is so in love with her that everybody can see it and reader also knows it and his friends tease him A LOT. and maybe you can write how he confessed his love and his friends helped him(while they are still 12-13)
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day โค๏ธโ๐ฉน and thx for the support!
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โ I know it too, Baji
You really disliked Keisuke at first. When Mikey had told you that another child would be joining your group, you had been happy; only later did you realize that the child who had to join was the same one who had ripped your uniform on the first day of school. You came home crying about it, and then he disappeared. You knew he was at the same school and year as you, but in fact you hadn't found him anywhere. You had been friends with Mikey since birth, your mothers were great friends, so seeing that arrogant child join your group had bothered you enormously
Only a few months after you started laughing at his jokes. Instead, it had taken you a whole year before you accepted him playing on the same team when you played soccer at the Sano house. In short, you had gone extremely easy on him because you found him extremely annoying
But as we know, girls always have an edge over boys. From the beginning, it became clear that Keisuke was seeking your attention, amused by your aloof demeanor. He probably didn't even remember ripping your uniform when you were 6 years old. In the end, however, it must be said that you became inseparable: you put aside your pride for something that was actually stupid and after a year or so you decided that being his friend wouldn't be so bad
It had been years since you had first spoken to each other. You were now 13 years old, Keisuke had failed his first year of middle school and you had passed. However, he worried relatively little about it given that Toman, a gang built with his best friends, had been born a few months ago. You weren't part of that gang, but you spent pretty much all your time with them
"Overtake Mitsuya, show him how fast you can go!" you say sitting behind him, while you are on his motorbike. It was a beautiful sunny day and together with Mitsuya and Mikey you had decided to go to the beach. The others should have come too, but due to various commitments only the 4 of you had gone. Baji nods laughing, and speeds past Mitsuya's bike, arriving at Mikey's side "Stop being so boastful!" shouts Mitsuya "Say it hurt, loser" you say laughing "It's just dangerous to go that fast with a girl nearby... Baji puts too much trust in your balance" says Mitsuya, making Mikey, who is further ahead, laugh too
"Shut up! You know I'm always careful when I have a passenger" Baji says as he gives more gas, arriving next to Mikey "Or you just want to make yourself look cool in front of Y/n" Manjiro adds, and Mitsuya nods
โI'll kill you, you pieces of shit" Baji shouts, making you laugh. The thing is, you knew Mikey was right too, as more than a few times Keisuke had tried to make himself cooler than the others in front of you. You suspected he liked you and by asking Mikey, he had confirmed it, however you weren't 100% sure. Many times they, like Draken or Kazutora, teased him by saying that he had a more particular behavior with you, however you dismissed the situation by saying that you were simply very good friends
"Be careful Mikey! He might get mean if you say something too much in front of his girlfriend" says Mitsuya, receiving yet another insult towards Baji. This goes on for a while until you get to the beach, where you find a quiet place to sit
The four of you settled down, Mikey along with Baji ran into the water without putting on sunscreen, and you stayed with Mitsuya "They'll both get burned" you say sighing, putting on your sunglasses "Probably" Mitsuya says settling under the umbrella
Spend a quarter of an hour in silence. Mitsuya focused on a fashion magazine and you looking at your two friends in the water: Keisuke often waves at you from afar, receiving splashes from Mikey. You giggle, but find Mitsuya also observing the two boys "He has a thing for you, you know that right?" Mitsuya says "I know... but I don't understand half of his behavior" you say "What do you mean?" Mitsuya asks putting down the magazine, sitting down next to you
"You know... I've never understood his behavior. Since I was little he has visibly treated me differently than his other friends, he almost seems more protective, or maybe he would like to make himself look cooler in my eyes... but I don't think he feels anything. If he tried something would have already been declared, you know well that it would be difficult to keep something so important inside" you say, sighing. The situation had been going on for years now, and you had lost hope a little. Mitsuya remains silent, then suddenly starts laughing "Huh? What are you laughing at?" you ask slightly embarrassed "Oh nothing, sorry, nothing..." he says wiping away the tears born from laughing. He turns back to his magazine and you, sighing, let go of his behavior
From afar, however, you no longer see the two boys. You look better and find them sitting on a rock: Baji is telling something with great enthusiasm, and Mikey bursts out laughing after a while. You see in the two of them the same thing that happened to you and Mitsuya just now, but due to the distance you don't understand what they are talking about
When Mikey sees you looking at them, he yells something while waving at you, getting some insults from Baji. You don't hear what they say this time either, yet it seems as if Baji doesn't want Manjiro to say hello to you
Half an hour later the two boys return and you decide to have lunch. Lunch goes by peacefully with a few laughs and Mikey teasing Baji for deciding to sit next to you, but you don't even notice. You're more focused on thinking why Mitsuya laughed earlier
โY/n!โ Mitsuya shouts, bringing you back to reality "Huh? Sorry, I was thinking about something else..." you say sighing, taking a bite of your sandwich "Don't apologize to me, but Baji has been calling you for half an hour and you still hasn't heard" Mitsuya says laughing, while Mikey makes a very strange face "Huh? Why do you say that?" you say confused, and only now you notice that Baji is no longer sitting next to you, but is back on the nearby rock "Forget it, go over there" Mikey says taking the sandwich from your hand, to eat the rest. You glare at Manjiro, but get up and head towards the rock
It takes you a little while to get near Baji. The boy is sitting with his back turned, and as soon as you sit next to him he doesn't dare look at you "What's happening? Mitsuya told me you were looking for me" you say crossing your legs on the rough stone. Keisuke looks so flustered and you wonder if he's getting food poisoning from the sandwich he just ate "What was in your sandwich?" you ask, finally making him turn around; he seems so confused by your words
"Huh? It was a normal sandwich... why?" he asks confused, and you notice a light blush on his cheeks "You look sick, are you sure you're okay?" you ask โLET THIS GO!โ he shouts, making you jump. An awkward silence falls between you
"Look... do you like someone?" he asks in an insecure way, and you look at him surprised for a moment "Um... more or less. It's difficult to explain" you say thus hiding the fact that your relationship right now was complicated "To you?" you ask โI like someone I've known for a whileโ he says looking down. When he says that it feels like a small boulder falling on you, but you hide it; deep down, you thought it was Emma the girl he was talking about "If you've known this person for a long time you should come out"
"You're right. I like you" he says with a speed that makes it hard to realize what he said "HUH?" you state, turning around quickly, finding him with his face hidden in his hands "You understood what I said, don't act stupid!" he shouts, keeping his face hidden. Feel your heart beating so hard it can leap out of your chest. You look at Keisuke and automatically think that Mitsuya's and Mikey's reactions were like that because they knew what he wanted to do. Your cheeks turn red, and you feel warmer than you might already feel at the seaside
"...I think I do too. And then... I know it too, Baji. I simply thought you had grown fond of me in a brotherly way" you say looking ahead of you, with the beauty of the infinite sea. You see Baji surprised by your words, but a smile comes to his face "Is that a yes?" he asks "It's a yes, Keisuke" you say, feeling embarrassed like you've never felt before, but in a good way
You see the boy quickly stand up, running behind him where, you hadn't noticed, Mitsuya and Mikey were "SHE SAID YES!" he yells coming over to his friends, making you laugh as you remain seated. Only now do you realize how much Keisuke was just afraid to declare himself
hi, hi!! if you don't mind, could you please write some headcanons about how Baji will behave in love (when he is somewhere around 12-13 years old), and also about how his friends will tease him/help him. In one of Wakuya's posts it was indicated that he is not interested in a relationship, but nothing can protect him from falling in love. (female reader please and you can make her anyone you want, someone's sister, friend, classmate, etc.)
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โ Baji Keisuke in love with you HCS แกฃ๐ญฉ
It took a while for him to realize that maybe you weren't just a friend. For a long time the members of Toman made fun of him for this, but only when he talked about it with Chifuyu did he understand that perhaps it wasn't just a simple crush. Will he ever admit it openly? Absolutely not, but since he's done it, it's a big step
He decided some time later that he wasn't going to tell you anything. He already had other things to think about, like the recent failing at school and the duty to expand Toman which had recently been created
Unfortunately for you, he will just treat you like you are his girlfriend without actually being one. Let's say a slightly particular situation in which he would do anything for you but doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of a serious relationship
His only problem is one: he knows how to lie well to others but not to you. More than a few times you put him on the spot by asking him if he wanted something more than just friendship, and his only response was a handful of insults while he blushed like never before. He once came really close to coming out, but realized that if he did, it would probably ruin your relationship
I see him as someone who would fall for the badass type of girl. He'd like someone who can stand up to him in arguments, someone who isn't afraid to set fire to a car with him and maybe even with Kazutora. Probably, making a list of the types of girls he would be with, the list would be like this... 1) badass girl, 2) feminine girl, 3) slightly weird girl
Going back to the previous point, his idea of โโa perfect date is setting fire to a car together, holding hands and eating fast food junk. In reality you did something very similar to this, but when at the end of the evening you asked him if it had been a date or not, he justified himself by saying "cars don't burn themselves... and you seemed free"
Toman would like you together as an official couple, and the most adamant with this idea seem to be Mikey and Pah. At the end of the meeting Mikey can force Baji to stay even hours just to make fun of him by calling him a coward for not having the balls to declare himself. Pah is unexpectedly so interested in the situation only because he believes that Baji can take "sexual advantage" from it, I'll leave you to imagine what he means...
The type of guy who, despite not being in a relationship, would consider himself off limits. If he is in love with you, only you exist, even if you are not a couple. If a girl declared herself (and let's face it when he doesn't wear glasses he has a nice line of girls chasing him) and he was still in love with you he wouldn't have any problems rejecting her, even in a slightly harsher way if the situation requires it
hi, hi!! if you don't mind, could you please write some headcanons about how Baji will behave in love (when he is somewhere around 12-13 years old), and also about how his friends will tease him/help him. In one of Wakuya's posts it was indicated that he is not interested in a relationship, but nothing can protect him from falling in love. (female reader please and you can make her anyone you want, someone's sister, friend, classmate, etc.)
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โ Baji Keisuke in love with you HCS แกฃ๐ญฉ
It took a while for him to realize that maybe you weren't just a friend. For a long time the members of Toman made fun of him for this, but only when he talked about it with Chifuyu did he understand that perhaps it wasn't just a simple crush. Will he ever admit it openly? Absolutely not, but since he's done it, it's a big step
He decided some time later that he wasn't going to tell you anything. He already had other things to think about, like the recent failing at school and the duty to expand Toman which had recently been created
Unfortunately for you, he will just treat you like you are his girlfriend without actually being one. Let's say a slightly particular situation in which he would do anything for you but doesn't want to take on the responsibilities of a serious relationship
His only problem is one: he knows how to lie well to others but not to you. More than a few times you put him on the spot by asking him if he wanted something more than just friendship, and his only response was a handful of insults while he blushed like never before. He once came really close to coming out, but realized that if he did, it would probably ruin your relationship
I see him as someone who would fall for the badass type of girl. He'd like someone who can stand up to him in arguments, someone who isn't afraid to set fire to a car with him and maybe even with Kazutora. Probably, making a list of the types of girls he would be with, the list would be like this... 1) badass girl, 2) feminine girl, 3) slightly weird girl
Going back to the previous point, his idea of โโa perfect date is setting fire to a car together, holding hands and eating fast food junk. In reality you did something very similar to this, but when at the end of the evening you asked him if it had been a date or not, he justified himself by saying "cars don't burn themselves... and you seemed free"
Toman would like you together as an official couple, and the most adamant with this idea seem to be Mikey and Pah. At the end of the meeting Mikey can force Baji to stay even hours just to make fun of him by calling him a coward for not having the balls to declare himself. Pah is unexpectedly so interested in the situation only because he believes that Baji can take "sexual advantage" from it, I'll leave you to imagine what he means...
The type of guy who, despite not being in a relationship, would consider himself off limits. If he is in love with you, only you exist, even if you are not a couple. If a girl declared herself (and let's face it when he doesn't wear glasses he has a nice line of girls chasing him) and he was still in love with you he wouldn't have any problems rejecting her, even in a slightly harsher way if the situation requires it
Baji with Fem!Rengoku reader pls?
I didn't exactly understand this request... I think you mean a girl with rengoku's personality??
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โ Baji in a relationship with a really positive girl HCS แกฃ๐ญฉ
I have this stereotype that an extremely optimistic girl is also a very girly person, I don't know if I've conveyed the concept... it makes me laugh to think of Baji, who seems to have a fairly grunge style, next to a girl entirely dressed in cute colors and he's like "oh yeah, she's really my girlfriend"
Looking at the other side of the coin, the person next to him should probably more or less respect his clothing standards, SO GET READY FOR GRUNGE/METAL/PUNK CLOTHES or anything to do with these genres. In the end, being positive and having style in dressing are two different things, so don't take my words too seriously
Rengoku loves to eat and so technically this type of girl too, so dates would probably be mostly dates in some restaurant or bar. Probably someone at McDonald's too, in the end it's enough to eat together and chat
Kind of guy who isn't exactly the most positive person in the world, for him there is black and white, there are no other possibilities. So there would probably often be arguments (joking, arguing about more serious things) about him saying completely negative things and the girl encouraging him in some way
I imagine a possible chat group with him, Chifuyu (or Kazutora, depending on whether he's in prison or not) and the girl. The chats would go something like this: "Chifuyu, we need to burn the car of the guy who bothered Y/n the other day" "Got it!" "NOOOO YOU DON'T, look at the bright side of this! you have a new friend" "Y/n, I think Baji-San is right..." "Chifuyu I was hoping for a little cooperation from you"
Rengoku is extremely protective of his friends to the point of practically getting killed (hahaha rengoku it wasn't funny, you were my favorite character) so I have this scene in mind of the girl who sacrifices herself in Baji's place on the day of the Bloody Halloween
This type of girl would definitely be the same one who, like Chifuyu or Mikey, would want Baji back in Toman when he left the gang (whether the girl is also in Toman or not is your choice)
I imagine Baji as a guy who is extremely interested in his partner's life, so there are often chats where his girlfriend simply talks about everything and he listens without forgetting absolutely anything. Rengoku is someone who talks a lot, so the reader would probably be like that too
Baji with Fem!Rengoku reader pls?
I didn't exactly understand this request... I think you mean a girl with rengoku's personality??
๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
โ Baji in a relationship with a really positive girl HCS แกฃ๐ญฉ
I have this stereotype that an extremely optimistic girl is also a very girly person, I don't know if I've conveyed the concept... it makes me laugh to think of Baji, who seems to have a fairly grunge style, next to a girl entirely dressed in cute colors and he's like "oh yeah, she's really my girlfriend"
Looking at the other side of the coin, the person next to him should probably more or less respect his clothing standards, SO GET READY FOR GRUNGE/METAL/PUNK CLOTHES or anything to do with these genres. In the end, being positive and having style in dressing are two different things, so don't take my words too seriously
Rengoku loves to eat and so technically this type of girl too, so dates would probably be mostly dates in some restaurant or bar. Probably someone at McDonald's too, in the end it's enough to eat together and chat
Kind of guy who isn't exactly the most positive person in the world, for him there is black and white, there are no other possibilities. So there would probably often be arguments (joking, arguing about more serious things) about him saying completely negative things and the girl encouraging him in some way
I imagine a possible chat group with him, Chifuyu (or Kazutora, depending on whether he's in prison or not) and the girl. The chats would go something like this: "Chifuyu, we need to burn the car of the guy who bothered Y/n the other day" "Got it!" "NOOOO YOU DON'T, look at the bright side of this! you have a new friend" "Y/n, I think Baji-San is right..." "Chifuyu I was hoping for a little cooperation from you"
Rengoku is extremely protective of his friends to the point of practically getting killed (hahaha rengoku it wasn't funny, you were my favorite character) so I have this scene in mind of the girl who sacrifices herself in Baji's place on the day of the Bloody Halloween
This type of girl would definitely be the same one who, like Chifuyu or Mikey, would want Baji back in Toman when he left the gang (whether the girl is also in Toman or not is your choice)
I imagine Baji as a guy who is extremely interested in his partner's life, so there are often chats where his girlfriend simply talks about everything and he listens without forgetting absolutely anything. Rengoku is someone who talks a lot, so the reader would probably be like that too
[ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ] โ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
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college au! baji for his birthday even though iโm kind of late lol
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baji swears the world is out to get him. he felt like he fought for his life passing literature in middle and high school, and now he has to battle for it all over again in LIT 1301 classโin a damned overpopulated university campus with too many idiots that donโt know how to park properly.
just yesterday, he watched someone scratch another vehicle right before his eyes, simply driving off as if nothing happened. he wonders how heโs meant to survive three more years here, and heโs not even halfway to finishing this first one. surely his mother will understand if he drops out, he thinks, surely she canโt cry if he never failedโheโll just simply drop out before he can.
and then he meets you, the quiet and studious classmate he shares lit with, sitting in the corner of the library typing away on your laptop. heโs almost positive youโre working on that essay thatโs due in two weeks, and if he wasnโt so salty at your work ethic, heโd be slightly impressed.
โhey,โ he snaps at you, making you glance up. a few people turn to look at him, harsh glares being thrown your ways at his lack of whispering skills. โyouโre in lit with that old raisin from eleven to twelve thirty pm right?โ
you blink up at him.
โyou mean professor dโโ
โyeah, yeah, the old man thatโs about to expire. him,โ he grunts. another glare gets thrown in your direction.
โiโokay whatever, yeah. i am. and please whisper. this is a library in case you didnโt realize,โ you glare. for a second, baji is taken aback. he was sure you were the quiet innocent type, but it seems youโre a bit bolder than heโd initially given you credit for.
he shoves aside your books and pens across the table and moves your backpack from the chair beside you to the floor, sitting himself on it and turning your laptop to his view.
โso, whatโs your essay topicโโ
โwhat are you doing?โ you hiss, smacking his hand and grabbing your laptop back. he catches a glimpse of the page count, and this time, he really is much too impressed to be salty at your progress. he stares down at the hand you smacked, then back up at you, then back down to his hand again.
you truly are a bold one.
โdid you just smack my hand?โ he growls.
โyou just grabbed my laptop,โ you snarl back. โyouโre lucky i didnโt smack your face, but iโd rather not get kicked out. this is my favorite spot on campus.โ
go figure, he thinks to himself, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. you really seem to live up to his assumptions. still, something about you peaks bajiโs interests. you have no problems dishing out the same attitude back, and on any other occasion, heโd be pissedโbut somehow, you excite him just a little.
rolling his eyes, he mumbles, โshocker. who wouldโve seen that one coming?โ
your eye twitches at the sarcasm.
โwho even are you? and why are you bugging me?โ he almost wants to offer a snarky response, but he holds his tongueโyou probably wouldnโt be willing to help after that. swallowing his pride, baji glances at your paper for a moment before reluctantly meeting your eyes. he bites back a scowl at your expression.
โbaji keisuke. from lit class with the raisin. help me on my paper,โ he says simply. you blink for a moment, processing his words before scowling at them.
โwhy would i do that? you didnโt even say please,โ you snarl. clenching his fists, he counts to three in his head.
โplease?โ he smiles sarcastically, and you know his words are everything but sincere.
but for some odd reason, as much as he annoys you, you canโt stop yourself from blurting, โhow far along are you?โ he shrugs.
โdunno. havenโt started,โ he responds cooly, planting his feet on the table. the librarian shoots him a warning glance, and you watch in utter fascination as he rolls his eyes at her before putting them back down.
you wonder how someone can be so shameless.
โhow am i supposed to help you if you havenโt even starโโ
โi donโt know where to start,โ he grumbles. โliterature isnโt really my strongest class.โ
โiโm starting to think no class is,โ you raise a brow. this time he chuckles, turning to face youโand you almost want to hear the sound of his laugh again.
โyouโd be right,โ he nods, shooting you a grin. a small part of you grows soft at the sight, and for some reason unbeknownst to you, your heart rate increases slightly. โiโll meet you here tomorrow at the same time and weโll get started. iโm just aiming to pass,โ he assures. โso no shakespeare level essays needeโhey, is that a vet textbook?โ
looking to where he points, you look down at the anatomy textbook in your pile of things heโs shoved before nodding.
โyeah, i want to be a vet,โ you mumble, โwhy?โ and bajiโs never been interested in someone like this beforeโnot like he suddenly is with you. and he only comes to class because attendance is twenty percent of his gradeโand knowing him, he needs every percent he can getโbut heโs starting to think maybe heโll actually have something to look forward to next class.
itโll also be an added plus that he gets to see the look of irritation on your face when he plops his things down directly beside you too.
he turns back to face you again, flashing you a toothy grin.
โnever mind. change of location, weโll meet at a cafe. going to the library for the first date is kind of lame,โ he shrugs. grabbing your pen and your hand, he ignores the light gasp you let out as he starts scribbling on your palm, writing down his number in messy handwriting. โtext me so i can send you details. donโt be late okay?โ
and before you can protest, he stands up and leaves, hands in his pockets as he strolls out of the library. you watch his retreating figure in bewilderment. but as you glance down at the number on your palm, noticing the small baji he wrote in parentheses next to the digits, you canโt deny the small bit of excitement that pools in your heart.
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heey, mood board baji keisuke?
Dating Baji Keisuke <3

=ออออ โง : buff baji ๐ช
can u do tr characters ( draken especially) trying to fluster/annoy y/n?

Sure! I hope you like this. I'm sorry they are short. I wasn't really sure what to write. I also only did three people. I didnโt know who else to do! But I hope you enjoy it!
Paring- Draken x reader, Baji x reader, Kazutora x reader
Warnings- PDA, pet names, trying to make you flustered in public, sl-pp-ng b-tt(Kazutoraโs)

Draken- A way Draken tries to fluster you by giving you affection in public. Not like Kazutora does but by holding your hand, kissing you, wrapping his arms around you, etc. He isnโt known to show PDA so when he does normally it's because he wants to fluster you.
Baji- Something Baji does to make you flustered is coming to pick you up from school, not looking like the nerd that he pretends to be at school. Then once he sees you coming towards him he will smile and yell a nickname he calls you so everyone can hear him. Then once you get over to him he will have a smirk on his face and try to place a kiss on your forehead.
Kazutora- He has no limits to flustering you. He honestly doesnโt realize what he should do in public and what he should not do in public and keep it private. One thing that he will do is go up to you and slap your butt. Sometimes he does this just to see how flustered you could get. But other times he does it because he is jealous and what's your attention on him.
heyyy i really like your sitting in their lap hcs for tr boys! since reqs are open, I was wondering if you would write some hcs for the tr boys (taiju, baji, Mikey, shinichiro) where the reader is helping them study at home? and they see like a love letter or something written by the character to them? so just how does that go! thank you so much ๐ฅฐ
Yes! I really loved this concept and I'm hoping that I did it correctly. I'm sorry about Shinichiro's part. This is my friend time doing him so I hope its good! Also sorry for the wait!
Warning- fluff, idk if anything else. tell if there is
paring- taiju x reader, mikey x reader, baji x reader, shinichiro x reader

Taiju oddly enough cared about school and exams were coming up and he needed help studying for them. He knew he didnโt come off the greatest. He did try to ask a few people already but they just said, the best they could without stuttering, no. That was when he decided to text you if you could help him study. Of course you said yes though. You told him you would be at his house in a few hours. He agreed to it. He needed to make sure his house looked nice and things before you came over.
He had left class early to head home and get everything ready. Once he got home he made sure that all the dishes were done, the rooms looked nice(including his), and that nothing was out that would let you know that he likes you. Once he finished he got everything out that he would use for studying it and put it on his desk. While he waited for you to get here he decided to change out of his school uniform and put some comfy clothes on.
Once he heard you knock on the door he went over to the door and opened it. He then held the door for you.
โHello, Y/nโ he says and looks at you. You nodded your head before coming inside and taking off your shoes and setting them where you should.
โHello, Taiju,โ you said. He then closed the door before heading inside the house more.
โThanks for coming.โ He says. You nodded your head.
โIt's no problem. I didnโt have anything else I needed to do today. I also had to study soโ You said and smiled at him. He nodded before heading to his room so you guys could study together. You followed him.
He then went and pulled up a chair beside his desk for you to sit on. You sat there while he sat on the other one. He then pulled out some flashcards for you both to use.
โWho wants to go first answering?โ he asked and looked at you.
โYou can go first if you want,โ you say. He nodes his head and gives you the flashcards. You both then started going through the flashcards together. After a while you both stopped.
โDo you want anything to drink or anything else?โ He asked.
โJust water pleaseโ you say and look at him. He nodes and heads out to the kitchen. While he was getting you both water you looked around his room. It was pretty bleh. He had natural color walls, a bed, a desk, a closet, and a few shelves. While you were looking around you saw a letter on his desk. You looked at the door before going over to see what it was.
You didnโt want to be nosy but it was the only thing that stood out in his room. You made sure he wasnโt coming when you picked up the letter and turned it around so you can look at the outside of it. The only thing on the letter was your name on it. It confused you. I mean if it has your name on it could you look at it? Well if you mind you said yes to it and decided to open it.
Once you pull out the piece of paper when you hear Taiju come in. You paused in your place and looked up at him. You and Taiju both make eye contact. He then sets down the cups before going over to you. He then takes the letter out of your hands before you could read it and throws it on the ground. He thought he had thrown the letter out. You werenโt supposed to see it. He wasnโt ready to let you know about his feelings. He wanted to work on himself before anything. You just stare at him. You were about to say something when he spoke above you.
โYou werenโt supposed to find the letter. I wasnโt ready for you to see it or find out anything.โ He says while looking at the ground.
โIโm sorry I should have looked anyway. Also I didnโt read it so I donโt even know what it says or anythingโ You say and bow a little. He just shakes his head before going and sitting back down. You could tell he didnโt want to talk about it so you thought that it would be the best. You didnโt want to push him to say anything.
But right before you sat down too you took the paper in your hand and hid it in your pocket. You still wondered what he was so worried about you knowing about.
You then sat down and you guys started studying again. It was a little awkward but after a while it got better. You also noticed that it looked like Taiju wanted to say something but he didnโt.
You guys finished a lot earlier than you guys thought. Taiju offered to walk you home but you said it was fine. You said goodbye before walking away. Once you were home and in your room you decided to pull the note out and read it. All the unsaid things that Taiju wanted to say to you about his feelings were written on that note.
Baji has never had good grades. So when finals were coming up and he didnโt want to fail and make his mother cry again he went to you for help. You guys have talked a bit in and out of school so of course you said yes. He told you that he would meet you outside the school and that you guys would go to his house. You nod before heading to your class you were going to before he came to you. Of course he told Chifuyu about this since Chifuyu knew his little crush on you.
After school you met up with him and he walked you to his house so you guys could study together. When you guys got there his mom had told Baji that she needed some things at the store but stopped when she saw you. She then looks at Baji confused. Before she could say something Baji spoke up.
โI need help studying for finals,โ he says. She nodes.
โOkay. Well I'll make dinner for all of us soonโ She says. Baji nods and heads to his room. You bow to his mom in respect before following Baji. Baji then sets his stuff down and goes over to the desk he has. He then grabs a chair for you to sit on while he sits down. His room was a little messy since he wasnโt expecting anyone over.
You walked over and sat on the chair he pulled over for you. You then pull out everything you guys need to study, from textbooks to papers to flashcards, you made for yourself.
โWhich one do you want to study first?โ you asked. He thinks for a minute.
โHistory,โ He says. You nod your head and pull out the papers and flashcards for History that you had.
โReady?โ You asked and looked at him. He nodes your head. You nod and start studying him on everything that you could that would help him with his finals.
After a while you guys decided to have a food break.
โIโll be right back with the foodโ Baji said before going out to make the food. You nod your head and look around. His room wasnโt the cleanest that it could be. I mean there were some clothes on his ground and some textbooks thrown around but you guessed it's because he's been studying for the finals. You then saw a letter on his ground under one of his shirts.
It looked important and you didnโt want Baji to lose it if it was and then be in trouble. So you grabbed it and went to put it on his desk till you saw that it had your name on it. You could tell he took a while to write your name from how nice it was written. You wondered how long it took him to do it since he never had the greatest handwriting in the world.
You looked at the door to see if Baji was coming over and when you knew he wasnโt you opened the letter as carefully as you could. You then pulled out the piece of paper that was in the envelope. You opened the paper since it was folded in half to fit in the envelope. You looked at it. It didnโt look finished since the last sentence wasnโt finished but you decided to read it anyway. You had only gotten half way when you heard Baji come over to the door. You quickly hid the letter and envelope behind your back.
You then saw Baji come through the door and go over to you. He looked at you confused since your face was a bit red and you looked on the edge. But he just shrugged before putting the food on the desk and handing you some chopsticks. You then took one hand from your back and took them, thanking him softly.
You wanted to ask if what was in the letter was true but didnโt want to seem noisy. You guys talked the whole time you guys ate. Right when you guys finished You looked at Baji. You decided that you needed to ask him or else it would eat you out till you knew the truth.
โBaji.โ you said to get his attention. You heard him hum and look up at you.
โYes, Y/n?โ he asked. You then pulled the letter from your back and turned it so Baji could see. When Baji saw what it was his eyes went wide and a small blush went on his face. He didn't want you to see it since he thought it was good enough for you to read. He also didnโt think it was the right timing and the letter was a little cheesy.
โIs what you put true?โ You asked. Baji just looked down before sighing softly. You put the letter down in your lap.
โYou werenโt supposed to see it yet. It wasnโt ready.โ He said. You nod your head before putting it on his desk.
โWell once it is, give it to me but it's late and I need to get home.โ you said. He looked at you and smiled a bit before nodding.
โOkay.โ he says. You nod before grabbing your stuff and patting his head softly.
โBye, bajiโ You said and left. Once you left his room you covered your face that was slowly turning red. While Baji just chuckles softly before going and telling Chifuyu that he needed help writing this letter so then he gives it to you so you can read it fully. When his mother saw you come out and hide your face she knew what happened. She would never tell Baji but she did see the letter one day and found it cute.
Normally when you got off of school you would hold home to get cleaned up and change into more comfortable clothes other than your school uniform but today you were heading to Mikeyโs place. Draken had texted you saying Mikey needs help to study for this test that was coming up and he needed to pass so he wonโt fail the class. You agreed and said that you would be right when you could. When you got there you walked into Mikeyโs place.It was pretty normal for you to come so they just said that you didnโt have to knock and could just come in.
You knocked on Mikeyโs door, making sure he wasnโt changing or anything.
โCome in!โ you heard Mikey say through the door. You then came in and looked at him. You saw him sitting on the floor with books and papers beside him. He looked super annoyed. You chuckled softly and set your backpack on the ground and went over to him.
โWhereโs draken?โ You asked. Mikey looks at you.
โHe left with Emma to get snacks. They will be here soonโ he says. You nod your head and sit beside him.
โSo what are you studying?โ You asked.
โReading.โ he says and groans and lays his head on your shoulder. You nod and grab one of his papers.
โKnow what the test will be about?โ You asked. He nodes and sighs. He then sits up.
โIt's about this book,โ he says. He then grabs a book and hands it to you. You take the book and look at it. You nod your head. You had read the book before so you knew what it was about so this would be as hard as you thought it would be.
โOkay. Well, do you have any flashcards or a study guide I can use to help you?โ You asked. He nodes and grabs two pieces of paper and hands them to you. You take them and look through the questions. You nod your head before moving in front of him.
โI'm going to ask you questions that are on here and you answer them okay?โ you ask. He nodes. You then started asking the questions and he would answer them the best he could. He had gotten about 75% of the answers partially correct. He was just missing another part of it and about 5% fully correct and the rest all wrong. It wasnโt bad since Mikey doesnโt normally go to school unless he was forced so you would give it to him.
You were about to ask another question before you guys heard Emma and Draken get back. Mikey stands up and looks at you.
โI'll be back. Wait here!โ he says before running to get his snacks. You nod your head and decide to look through the other papers to see if you need to ask him anything else. That was when a piece of paper caught your eye. It was anything like the notes since this paper writing was neater and looked like he took his time to do it. You picked it up and decided to read it. You saw that it was addressed to you so you decided to continue reading it. What you didnโt expect was for Mikey to come up behind you while you were reading it. He then takes it out of your hand and looks at your face.
โYou should be looking at people's stuff, Y/n-chanโ Mikey says and smiles. He then crumblems up the paper and throws it on the floor, away from you guys, before sitting down in his spot. โIโm ready. Letโs continue, '' he says and eats his taiyaki. You just nod your head knowing that Mikey wasnโt going to say anything about the paper.
It wasnโt normal for Shinichiro to text you unless it was about something to do with confessing to a girl. So when he texts you to bring your science stuff and that he needed help studying was when you were really confused. You just texted him that you would be there soon.
When you got there you knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer the door. When you heard someone do you saw his younger brother open the door.
โHey, Mikey. Do you know if your brother is here?โ You asked. Mikey nodes and moves to let you in.
โHe's in his room.โ he says before closing the door for you and then walking away to do whatever he was doing before you got here. You then headed to Shinichiroโs room and knocked when you heard him say come in you opened the door and came in. You then set your bag down and take out the science stuff before sitting down beside him.
โThanks for coming. I've been having issues studying by myselfโ he says and smiles at you. You just nod your head.
โI donโt mind. I honestly thought you got rejected againโ you said and chuckled softly. He just rolls his eyes.
โWell I haven't,โ he says. You nod your head before taking the piece of paper from his hand to look at what he was trying to study. You then read it before looking at him and asking a question. Which he was more hesitant to answer but in the end got it right. You guys did this for a while before Shinichiro decided to take a bathroom break.
While he was in the bathroom you decided to look for some more papers to study him with. That was till you saw a piece of paper on his desk. You looked at the door before taking the paper. It wasnโt the first time you read one of his confession papers so when you saw it you could tell it was one of those. You wonder who it was till you saw that it was towards you. You decided to continue to read it since you were confused why it was towards you and not anyone else.
While you were reading it you heard the door open and Shiniciro stop in his tracks and look at you. You took your eyes off the paper and at him. You both didnโt say anything. Maybe it was because he was waiting for you to ask what this meant and that he was waiting to be rejected. You decided to clear your throat before putting the paper back on the desk.
โThe letter is good. But your wording needs help in a few placesโ you say to clear up the tension. He just nodes.
โYea it probably does but nothing on there is a lieโ He said before going back to his spot. He just looked at the ground. You then got up and sat beside him and set your head on his shoulder.
โStop looking all sad. I never said no.โ you said and looked at him. He smiles a little. โNow let's finish this, then we can talk about it, okay?โ you said and straight up and took the papers you were going to quiz on him and sit in front of him. He nodes his head.
He already knew that he was going to brag to his friends that he finally didnโt get rejected.
๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ !
โพหfeaturing : ( my favs!) r. suna, k. baji x fem!reader
โพหgenre smut & fluff?
cw. fem!bodied reader, mentions of facesitting, cursing

โฅ โ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Very direct, starts being more flirty than usual.
Starts getting handsy, like you two could be cuddling while watching a movie and while your sitting in his lap his hands will slide up your sides. Purposely sending shivers down your spine, smirking when he feels you shiver in his grasp.
Suna will usually be very obvious when he wants you, occasional glances being more flirty, touching your waist and thighs more, randomly pulling you into his hold purposely sliding his knee in between your thighs and kissing you breathless.
If you confront him about it he'll admit that he has been wanting you, and will shortly after tease you about not rejecting his advances and claim you like the attention while backing you into a corner. His eyes staring you down and causing your thighs to unconsciously clamp together.
"What's wrong pretty? Where'd that attitude go, I didn't even have to fuck it out of you this time. But you still want me to don't you?"
โฅ โ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Becomes more playful and possessive with you.
For example if your getting up from if lap to get snacks or use the bathroom he'll pull you back down, "Why ya getting up princess? Hm?"
After a while he'll start kissing your neck, slowly and softly. He knows what gets the most reaction out of you, and how hot and bothered you can get when he just takes things slow.
A slow smirk will tug at his lips as he sees you giving into him, taking note of this he'll then start to trail his slow kisses down the side of it this time making sure to suck just enough to leave a mark. Starting to loose control of himself as he hears your soft moans and feel you shift in his lap.
Finally to tip you over the edge he'll reach both his hands over your thighs and grip them firmly, before whispering in your ear: "Still wanna leave me doll? Or you wanna do us both a favor and sit on my face with those cute thighs around my neck?"
taglist :: @luvsoji, @awkwardaardvarkforever, @underratedbitch-number13 @hunnipotbish @mina-wina @smiithys
Hellooo, may I ask for how Tokyo revengers guys would be with a Bimbo reader??? :)
you sure can :)
Ken Ryuguji-
He's so sweet to you, he gets things are hard for you too understand. So, he'll never tease you about anything, always helping you with whatever you need. He takes his time with you, going step-by-step with the things you don't understand. Now, he does get a little irritated with you, but he never yells or gets visibly irritated with you. Always telling you too take a break, so that he can calm down, but he is very encouraging with you, praising you for the things you do get right, rewarding all your correct questions. You want a kiss baby? You'll have too figure out how too tie your own shoes. I genuinely don't think Ken minds this though, with him being around Mikey for long and having too do a lot for him, he's frown too take on a more caring role for you. Always taking care of you, cooking you food, tying your shoes, brushing your hair, footing you bills, anything you need just ask him and he'll take care of it, but he does want you too learn at least some sort of independence.
Keisuke Baji-
He's a mix of nice and mean about it. He understands not being smart in certain... aspects, but he'll still make fun of you for it. When you do get genuinely upset about it, your nose all leaky and red. He'll pull you to his chest and kiss your head, apologising, stating that he was joking and that he didn't know it would make you cry. He's soft most of the time after that, rubbing his thumbs over your swollen, sticky cheeks as he presses soft kisses on your lips. While he does tone the teasing comments down a bit, he's the only one that can tease you. He will- and has, gotten pissed when people tease you, whether it be in a playful way or not, it doesn't matter. He had gotten into a fight with a guy that thought it would be funny too call you stupid when you couldn't figure out a simple question. He had beaten the man so bad, that he has too be rushed to the ER before he took you out and got you ice cream.
Sanzu Haruchiyo-
This sick fuck loves you a bimbo, he loves it more then anything. You're so stupid, so willing too do anything he asks, whenever he asks. He fully uses this to his advantage, through and through. His innocent little princess is so stupid, huh? All he has too do is say jump and you do, you don't even ask how high, you just do. He's constantly so mean to you, making you cry, even though you cry over the smallest things possible, he still makes the comments stick and hurt. He's so manipulative, whenever he wants too fuck you and you're just.. not in the mood, he plays the "if you loved me, you would" card, and it works, every single time, without fail. Whenever he feels like you're not sucking his cock good enough, he'll take things into his own hands and he'll shove your head down his cock, making you choke on it, before he laughs in your face, as you cough up his pre and there's fat, salty tears dripping down your cheeks.
๐๐๐ฒ ๐. ๐๐๐ฃ๐ข- ๐ ๐๐๐-๐๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐

Summary: Having you laid out all pretty for him isn't enough anymore. (Kinktober Masterlist)
TW\CW- Baji is 26, pussy-eating, cunnilings, AFAB reader, multiple orgasms.
Keisuke Baji loves everything about you, but if you were too ask him what his favorite thing about you were too be, he'd say his favorite thing about you is how you taste. You'd believe him, he always has his face buried between your thighs anyway, so it makes sense, but... there's something about tonight, he seems feral tonight. The tell-tale being how deep his nails are digging into your thighs, like he can't get enough- and he truly can't. He doesn't feel like his tongue is deep enough or his face is close enough- none of it is enough for him. That's why you're sat on his face, your thighs squeezing tight around his head as he holds you down on his mouth by your waist. His tongue rolling your clit as you hump against his face and pull at his hair, long and pretty, tangled around your fingers as your back arches and he attempts too push his face up closer to your cunt.
Growls rumbling deep from his chest as his eyes slip open and they meet your own, they're crazed as his tongue delves deep into your warm walls and he keeps trying too pull you closer. It's almost like he can't comprehend the fact that you can't get any closer- like he doesn't understand that his tongue can't reach any deeper, or maybe he just doesn't want too understand that it's physically impossible. But he keeps trying anyway, as he spreads your lips apart, sucking on you as you arch your hips closer to his face, hips desperately trying too get him deeper. His big hands squeezing at your waist as he guides you up and down on his tongue. Using his tongue too fuck you as if it was his cock that you're riding, continuing too move you against him, his nose nudging against your clit. Your grasp on his hair is tight, you know he's gonna have a headache later by how hard you're tugging on it, the thought of ripping it from the root pops up in your head but it quickly passes as his tongue continues too attack your clit; relentlessly.
"There you go baby, ride my fucking tongue- shiiiit there you go princess- good? Is it good?" He's breathless, his pupils are dilated and he's crazed as he continues too drag your abused cunt across his face. He's panting against your cunt as he continues too bounce you on his tongue, his face is drenched in your slick, so soaked it's dripping down his chin and bleeding through his shirt. His nails are so deep that when he slides them down to your ass and you look down, there's scratch marks, drops of blood sliding down your ass and staining the bed sheets more so then your own slick as he lays a heavy slap across the fat of your right ass cheek. It's too much as he pushes you closer to your third orgasm that night, building so quickly that your abdomen is starting too hurt and you're unsure if you're trying too pull him closer too get his tongue too slow down or if you're just yearning too get that point, too feel that euphoric feeling again. Your hands quickly pull away from his hair as they readjust to the back of his head, still trying too pull him closer, before going to your chest, only to, seconds later, brace against the wall. It's hard too sit still. Hard too calm your racing heart from the overstimulating to your cunt. Spreading and kneading your ass apart as he keeps eye-contact with your face as soft little growls fall from his lips and he's nuzzling the tip of his nose into your clit.
He's leaving open-mouthed kisses from your clit to the opening of your pussy, harshly sucking at your clit as you cry out, tears welling up in your eyes as your stomach sucks in on itself. Your head tosses back your tongue hangs out and spit slides down to your tits. One of his hands stays on your ass as the other groups at your tit, smearing your spit over your nipple before he roughly tugs on it and your hips buck into his mouth. He's preening when he feels your cunt convulse around his tongue, his eyes are going wider as his tongue moves faster, you know you're close but you know it's not for you- it's for him. As soon as he tastes the first pool of your cum on his tongue, he's moving and it's quick. You're on your back before you can even think as he's throwing your legs over his shoulders and he's spreading your pussy open wider with his thumb as his tongues shoves itself back in. He's gulping it down, he's not breathing as he continues too dig his face deeper into your pussy, warm tongue sucking up your slick, leaving hickies on your clit, the bud becoming quickly overstimulated as he continues too tongue-fuck you through your orgasm. But he's not stopping, not even as you push at his face, your body thrashing as you shake your head at him, but he won't stop, too pussy-drunk too realise it or maybe too un-caring, especially as he continues too lap at you before speaking in a raspy panicked voice.
"Let me go again baby- fuckin' please baby- I need it, I really really do baby please!"
Rainy confession
You were always a fighter, never one to let others walk over you and for that you had to thank your parents because from very early on they ingrained in your brain that you were to be no oneโs stepping stone, hence why they were so adamant on you learning self-defense.
It wasnโt just that your parents wanted you to be able to defend yourself but you also had a knack for fighting. There have always been that flame inside of you that made your blood run faster and your heart skip a beat whenever you were in front of a strong opponent; you always loved the thrill; even if along the way you got a few bruises, there was nothing that compared to the satisfaction that came with winning a fight.
Of course with time you started to get in fewer fights to placate your motherโs worries and focused more in school. This didnโt mean that you started being a quiet person, never that, you still spoke up when things werenโt right and most people would call you obnoxious because of this but you didnโt care because there were still people willing to be friends with you.
You still practiced at the Sano dojo after school and that was actually the place where you met Mikey and Baji, both whom would always win against you, yet they came to respect your spirit because you never backed down from challenging them daily, even when the outcome of the combats would always be the same you still tried to put yourself on their level, taking well every kick thrown your way and with the amount of practice that got you, slowly but surely you grew familiar enough with their style and started lasting more.
Yes, youโd be defeated every time you went against any of them but at least you could say that you were able to withstand more than a second; which is more than what most would say, yet you were well aware that they never attacked you with their full force; it was painfully obvious that even Baji held back a little; they would mostly take a defensive stance and theyโd rather knock you down than strike against you.
There was no doubt in your mind that if they wanted to put you down they could do so in the blink of an eye and while that frustrated you, it also served as motivation for you to try harder on your training.
Soon after meeting them, you found yourself developing a strong bond with them to the point in which you considered them to be your best friends in the world, well, after Emma who was always there for you whenever the other two seemed to move too far ahead for you to follow; like when Toman was formed.
It wasnโt just friendship, well, not regarding Baji. At some point you developed feelings that strayed from the brotherly love you felt for Mikey and fell hard for the black-haired boy.
Your senses were on high alert whenever you went up against him and it was more than your fight instincts. It definitely felt different, from the lingering tingle wherever skin met skin to the tremors would crawl up your spine whenever you felt his presence behind you, the burning behind your cheeks whenever youโd make eye contact or the way your throat would suddenly grow dry in response to you getting a glimpse of his canines whenever heโd smile.
Of course it never crossed your mind the possibility that he could feel the same way about you yet you were proved wrong one afternoon when you found him after cram school, resting against his bike waiting to take you home.
It started to rain on the way to your house but you didnโt care about it at the moment, the only thing that mattered to you was the fact that you were hugging Keisuke from behind, face pressed against the nape of his neck, inhaling his scent until it was the only thing your nose could register as it got mixed with the smell of the rain in a way that put you at ease.
By the moment you arrived home, both of you were soaked to the bone yet you still felt the warmth from his presence; a fire ignited by him burning in the depth of your chest where your heart was. Then after a moment of staring in silence at his face, the rain got heavier reminding you of the state in which you were and invited him to get inside to dry himself.
You got inside and after once you realized that your parents werenโt home, you ventured into their closet, searching for something that you could lend him while his clothes dried down. You found something and went back. He went to get changed to the bathroom while you hurried up inside your room and changed into a much more comfortable and; more importantly; dry set of clothes.
When you got out, you found him in the living room, staring intently at a picture that showed you around the age at which you started going to the Sano dojo; the same time at which you met him. His hair dripping down his back and the towel you gave him resting without purpose on his shoulder.
โWhat are you doing? Youโre gonna get sickโ you fussed over him and walked the remaining distance between you, reached for the towel and without warning started drying his hair.
That was until a rough hand stopped you by wrapping itself around your wrist to tug and then with his other hand he took off the towel, allowing for you to stare directly at his eyes and notice just how small the space between your faces was.
Your throat felt dry, the beating of your heart quickening deafened your ears and you couldnโt prevent your eyes from wandering down and lingering in his mouth.
โI like you y/nโ he declared without a trace of doubt, simply, the way someone would point out that the grass was green, his eyes telling you how serious he was about what he just said in the way in which they didnโt budge and instead grew more intense than usual.
You choked on your words, unable to come up with a response beyond nodding like an idiot and smiling from ear to ear until your cheeks started to hurt but it didnโt matter because he felt the same as you and he had just confessed.
He lowered your hand, his free hand going to rest on the side of your neck, pulling you closer but slowly enough for you to pull away shall you decide against him at the last second yet you allowed him to guide you to his mouth and caught a glimpse of his distinctive smile right before he connected your lips with a bit of clumsiness; the feeling far too foreign for both of you yet so familiar at the same time.
After a moment of awkwardly brushing your lips against each other, curiosity shining through from both of you in the act, but the moment came in which you had to pull apart in order to let air back into your exhausted lungs but he pulled you again by the back of your neck to bring your foreheads together.
โFrom now on youโre my girlโ he smirked and you simply blushed but nodded all the same.
Tutoring him

Keisuke Baji x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Author note: this is a self serving thing that I wrote because I was in dire need of a comfort fic and I figured that I could share it
Despite growing up in a household where you were expected to always rise to the occasion and be at the very top of every exam or else youโd be considered a mediocre person that was wasting her potential, you were able to see that it wasnโt all there was to people.
Well, at least you could wrap your head around it whenever it came to others but when it came to youโฆ well, letโs say that the ringing of the voices of your parents telling you how disappointed they were of you was hard to keep quiet whenever you received a note that was less than perfect.
There were so many expectations weighing over you from a very young age and you had to live up to them with little to no support because your parents were way too busy with work.
But hey, it was fine, right? You were always very mature for your age so it was easy for them to leave you to your own devices because of course you were capable of managing everything they entrusted to you. I mean, you were basically miss perfect, how could they worry?
They should have worried because while you managed, you grew up lonely for the most part and with time you became more anxiety than person to the point in which you would collapse if anything was less than perfect.
You had an incredible amount of hobbies which translated to not really being into anything in particular but you tried hard although in the depths of your closet there was a big collection of everything you ever tried and didnโt perfect from the first moment that you had dropped but never got around taking them out in case you tried again and suddenly developed a talent for that.
You were capable, you had so much potential, you just needed to focus, put your mind into it and if you failed then you were clearly slacking off and were nothing more than a lazy girl.
The voices inside your head pushing you to the breaking point, always criticizing you, pointing out every single mistake no matter how small it was, were painfully similar to your parentsโ voices, always rang louder than your own, much louder than the tiny voice that claimed you tried your best.
But Bajiโs voice always managed to overpower theirs.
You met him at school although you didnโt really pay him any mind, in fact, you never paid much attention to your classmates, instead you were far too preoccupied in performing to your best in class, always participating hoping to improve your scores because what else were you if you failed?
You tried to stay in your teacherโs good side, always reveling in the praise theyโd give you whenever you delivered past their expectations in a way you never heard your parents praise you because it was your only duty so it was a given that you should do good.
As part of your way of seeking approval from your teachers, you always offered help and asked for extra credits and among those things was when one of them told you about helping someone from another class to improve their grades since they were held back and was having a hard time in exchange of a couple of points for your next evaluation.
Of course you accepted and the day you told your teacher you stayed after school and went to class 1-3 where the other student was supposed to be waiting for you.
If you were being completely honest, you went there expecting to find a guy with dyed hair, full of piercings and a menacing look; basically a delinquent; but what you found was a boy with glasses even bigger than yours and black hair slicked back.
Doubtfully you approached him.
Maybe you had mistaken the classroom? But you were sure your teacher had said class 1-3, you couldnโt be mistaken, but you had to be, there was simply no way that was the guy that got held back, he looked like a complete nerd, even if you hated to admit it but he looked like he performed even better than you, but well, you were already there so maybe he knew the guy? Yeah, probably the boy you were supposed to tutor had gone out for god knows what and you had to wait for him.
โExcuse me, do you know Baji-san, is he in this class?โ You approached the boy slowly so as to not startle him.
โThatโs meโ He looked up to you and adjusted his glasses.
To say you were surprised was an understatement because he was so far from what you expected, not to say that you wanted to deal with a hooligan. He was far from the punk who got held back that you had pictured but well.
Looks can be deceiving. You chastised yourself once you realized that you had yet to utter a word.
โOh, pleasure, Iโฆ I am f/n l/n, I'm supposed to tutor you'' you looked at him although the glasses he wore made it hard for you to meet his gaze.
Come on, at least he doesnโt seem like a trouble maker, that is good news, itโs not like I would have been able to handle a jerk and I really need those extra credits, plus this could serve as an extra study session and paired with cram school this should boost our score for the exam.
He nodded in understanding and straightened himself in his chair as you reached for the closest chair and pulled it next to him so you could look at his notebooks and actually help.
You asked him to point to you what exactly he had trouble with so you could begin explaining from that point.
Thatโs how it started, from that day on, you would stay after school, walk down the hallway from your classroom to 1-3 where youโd find the room empty except for Baji and diligently explain things to him until it was time for you to leave for cram school.
You would break down everything to the simplest things possible so there was no room for him to miss something although sometimes without meaning to, youโd get ahead of yourself and start spurting out information in mutters that never really helped him so you ended up apologizing and repeating things for him to actually understand.
With the days passing by you started having fun with him and came to enjoy your study sessions much more than you ever thought you could do. Not only that but for the first time in a long time you found yourself feeling light while studying and for a moment the voices of your parents telling you to do more would grow quiet even if it was just for the time that you spend with him.
You were never too bothered with having friends, too preoccupied with your grades for you to spare any thought to anything else but he slowly but surely became the closest you ever had to a friend.
In fact that wasnโt the end of it, you started liking Baji; his company. He started walking you to the station after your study sessions. He was nice and patient with your ramblings, making an effort to understand you instead of just brushing them off like your parents did.
You also had to admit that your stomach would flip whenever he smiled after understanding something, in that way that made his canines peek.
The study sessions were meant for him to reinforce the things studied in class; they were for him to learn but just the same way he did, you ended up learning tiny bits of him, for example how he had a habit of welcoming stray cats.
However you never got around asking the reason behind why he was held back a year.
Days turned into weeks and before you knew it, you were finished with first term exams with yourself dropping a few spaces from the top of the chart, while he moved from the lower part of the list nearing the middle.
You were definitely a mediocre thing that would never amount to anything, with no passions nor friends, not a single talent and the only thing at which you threw yourself wholeheartedly seemed to be yet another thing at which you were a complete failure. You could already hear your parentโs words of disappointment in you.
But hey, at least he did good, that made you feel better, if only a little.
Your stomach dropped once you realized that was the end of your time with the nerdy looking boy whose presence had grown on you in a way that made you yearn for the time in between classes and cram school in which you were less lonely, the time in which the worries about amounting to your parents expectations got shoved to the back of your mind and studying became fun because the deal was to tutor him until he did well and he had done exactly that.
Sooner than you would have liked the day ended and this time you didnโt have to see him, but you wanted to. Hoping to congratulate him and at least say goodbye to whom you considered to be your friend you packed your things as fast as humanly possible and rushed to his class.
Just like every other day of the past weeks, you opened the door and entered but you found no one there, not even a bag that could hint to someone still having to go back to retrieve it.
Guess he just saw me as the girl that helped him out, nothing more.
Your bag felt heavier even though it was logically impossible because you knew it had the same things as just a few moments before yet itโs weight pulled down your shoulder.
With a heavy sigh, you adjusted the bag and turned around to leave for your afternoon classes, although you now had so much free time that you didnโt even know what to do with it, not even remembering what you used to do before you got around tutoring Baji.
You wandered aimlessly, barely having the mind to move close to the school where your afternoon classes took place.
Loneliness hits like a bitch once youโve gotten a taste of human interaction.
Not wanting to deal with anything, you avoided the crowded streets as much as possible which in turn proved to be a bad idea.
You spend the remaining time till your afternoon classes at a cafe, trying to read but unable to focus, having to read over ten times the same page because you werenโt registering any of the words, still too preoccupied with how you were going to explain to your parents that you had dropped from the top, they wouldnโt care that you still tried your best the only thing that ever mattered to them was that you delivered and this time you didnโt.
Cram school didnโt improve your mood, as you simply were unable to do anything properly to the point in which the teacher called out to you and since you even messed up something extremely easy.
Later you were listening to music on your phone; taking the long way home; not really paying attention to which way you were going, delving into the world inside your head while beating yourself over and over for being such an idiot regarding everything. You should have been paying more attention because next thing you knew was that some dude bumped into you making you fall on your back.
โHey! You bumped me, at least apologize!โ you called out to the guy, not really taking into account his appearance but more the fact that he kept walking as if he had done nothing and you were in a bad mood, so of course you werenโt taking any bullshit.
Although you should have really been more careful and you knew that the moment you found yourself in front of three delinquents; that seemed to be at least in high school; looking down on you with menacing expressions, a vein popping on the temple of one of the guys; the one you presumed to be the leader.
โOi, watch your words, bitchโ
โExcuse me?โ you stood up. The alarms inside your head were going off, every self preservation instinct telling you to leave it at that and just walk away from them, away from trouble just like your parents would expect for you to do but you were done. โTake that back you jerk! Iโm not going to tolerate you talking to me like that, apologize!โ
You were tired and mad. Maybe that was why you didnโt drop it or perhaps you were just looking for anyone to take out your frustration for the crappy day you were having.
โLook, the little mouse has a spineโ one of the dudes mocked you after he pulled out of his mouth a cigarette and released a puff of smoke.
โDonโt let her talk back like thatโ
โYou have no idea what you just did, bitchโ he emphasized the last word as a challenge to you in a way that made your eyebrows twitch.
โDonโt talk to me like that, asshole!โ stop, what are you doing picking a fight with these guys?
The two underlings grabbed each one of your arms with an iron grip that surely was obstructing your blood flow as the other approached and gave you a backhanded slap with such force that had your face jerking violently to the side, that was followed by a string of more slaps.
It stung, even more thanks to the rings he wore, and you could already feel the tears filling up your eyes as he grabbed you by the chin, his fingers digging painfully into your cheeks. You were thrashing against their hold on you, finally listening to the voice inside your head that screamed at you to get away from them.
The leader was about to slap you once more and you were already bracing yourself for the strike when a hand captured his arm right before impact.
โGanging up and on a girl, you ainโt shitโ
โWho are you?โ The guy that had been about to slap you turned his attention fully to the newcomer yet he didnโt have time to react; neither did you; because in the very next second, the new guyโs fist was connecting square on his nose and you could have sworn that you heard a crack.
The other two guys dropped their hold on your arms and lunged forward in a synchronized attack that did nothing for them because without effort he crushed them both, even splashing a bit of blood on his face in the process, relentlessly punching them with all his might.
โIf I learn you ever do something to a girl; especially my girl; I will kill youโ
The three of them nodded before running away hurriedly leaving you with the new guy although there was something about him that seemed familiar.
โy/n, you alright?โ and then it clicked in your mind.
โBaji-kun?โ you looked at him with eyes blown, taking in how his hair was falling wildly to the sides framing his face, how his glasses were long forgotten finally allowing you to truly see for the first time his chocolate eyes that had a spark of their own different from any pair youโd ever seen.
You were having a hard time putting inside your head the guy in front of you; intimidating enough; with the nerdy but nice boy you had been tutoring for weeks.
How could he be Baji-kun, your Baji? It was his voice, there was no mistake and if you actually looked at him it was clear that the features of his face were the same as the boy that made you fall for him despite how now he sported a fierce look opposed to the mild look you knew from school.
โDidnโt I tell you to drop the honorifics? Please, just Baji is more than fineโ he approached you, frowning as he extended his arm.
You closed your eyes, trying not to flinch away, the memory of the recent events still had you pretty shaken up and your face was throbbing until a pair of hands; calloused and warm; cupped gently your cheeks a bit clumsily but it was evident how hard he tried to be as careful as possible to avoid hurting you any further.
โShouldโve killed themโ he frowned, clicking his tongue as he assessed what must have been a mess of your face.
The good thing out of it was that your blush would be blamed on the slaps that asshole gave you instead of the proximity of Bajiโs face to yours nor the way in which he held you, although the same couldnโt be said about your heart that was beating like a drum inside your chest; too loud for your liking and you prayed to anyone that may care for him to not hear it.
In that moment you broke down crying, startling him and making him pull away his hand in a heartbeat, fearing that he mightโve hurt you.
It was just too much for you, first with your grades lowering, then not finding him and to top it all the encounter with the punks that hurt you. This clearly hadnโt been your day and everything came crashing down on you.
Once he realized that you were fine and that he didnโt do anything to hurt you, he reached out to you once more, this time resting his hand on top of your head.
โI saw on the list that you did great, congratsโ that sent you into another fit of ugly crying.
You needed to hear that, in fact it warmed your chest to hear someone say what you have craved for your whole life and although it didnโt come from your parents it was enough, because someone for once saw your efforts, saw something worthy of praise in you and didnโt just brush off your accomplishments as mere responsibilities but was actually taking the time to congratulate you, to tell you that you did well.
โI did good, thanks to youโ he grinned, his canines showing through and if there was any doubt left in you about him being your Baji that smile was enough to chase that away.
Through your tears you smiled in response, unable to respond in any other way to him but you froze the moment you remembered what he said to those guys, finally processing his words.
My girl. My girl. My girl. My girl.
โWait, just a moment ago, youโฆ did youโฆ did you say your girl? No no no, sorry, I misheard, yeah, I must have misheard because you certainly couldnโt have said something like that, right?โ you laughed nervously. โYeah, sorry, maybe the hitโs messed up my brain, sorry, Iโm just spurting out nonsense and I, Iโm going to shut up nowโ
His smile got wider if it was possible and gained a sheepish edge to it and he blushed the tiniest bit.
โYou heard right, I did say that, unless you donโt want me then I wonโt say it againโ
Your eyes looked like saucers at that point as you looked at him, mouth dry and heart about to escape your body through your mouth but you had to answer before he misread your silence as rejection on your part.
โI like youโ he smiled brightly at your response and you could have melted at that very instant from the blood rushing to your head and the fire that it ignited inside your chest as he ruffled your hair and lowered down his face to your level, chocolate staring directly at you.
โThen thatโs itโ he went to brush his lips against your forehead and straightened himself.
โHow about I take you home?โ the voice of your mother chastising you came up inside your mind but it was quieter than usual, you still didnโt want to go home but you remembered that they were on guard duty this night at the hospital and with Baji around maybe your home wouldnโt feel as suffocating.
โIf you take me home we can eat something there, if thatโs fine with youโ you murmured trying to keep your blush at bay and avoiding his gaze.
He offered you another smile and gently took your arm, guiding you to a bike, to which he climbed and motioned for you to do the same behind him. You could hear your motherโs voice telling you that bikes were nothing more than a moving casket meant for delinquents and lowlifes but Bajiโs presence was bigger than your motherโs memory at that moment.
โHold on tightโ he told you before looking down at your hands around his torso for a brief second before starting the bike and going off as your grip onto him got tighter.
๐ฑ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐ณ๐๐๐๐
(Baji x reader)

๐ญ๐๐๐๐๐: ๐๐ซ๐๐ฆ๐ฆ๐๐ญ๐ข๐๐๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐๐ค๐๐ฌ(๐ญ๐ก๐๐ญ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐๐๐ฏ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ญ๐ ๐ฐ๐๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ),๐๐ง๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ,๐ฆ๐๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ๐จ๐ ๐๐๐๐ญ๐ก,๐๐ซ๐๐๐ค ๐ฎ๐ฉ,๐๐จ๐จ๐ฆ ๐๐ ๐๐ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ฆ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ฆ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ฃ๐จ๐ค๐ ๐๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ ๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ ๐๐๐๐จ๐ซ๐ ๐ซ๐๐๐๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ,๐ฆ๐๐ฒ ๐๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐๐ข๐ง๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐จ๐ข๐ฅ๐๐ซ๐ฌ ๐๐จ๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ฌ๐ ๐ฐ๐ก๐จ ๐ก๐๐ฏ๐๐ง'๐ญ ๐ซ๐๐๐ ๐จ๐ซ ๐๐ซ๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐จ๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ ๐๐ข๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ ๐๐ฉ๐ข๐ฌ๐จ๐๐ ๐จ๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ ๐๐ง๐ข๐ฆ๐.

They say that the sun brings life....but it took one away from you.
As you were about to go and take a long needed rest,you heard the door knocking.You went and opened it,revealing a person,who you recalled was Chifuyu.He was a good friend of your ex-boyfriend Baji Keisuke,but after your breakup with Baji,you no longer found it in yourself to face his friends.
The memories of that painful breakup still lingers in your mind. 'Where did I go wrong?'you would say to yourself. 'Was it because I wasn't understanding enough of his struggles?'.You remember how it was on your 3rd anniversary since you guys started dating.
Though he broke your heart when he left,he was still the only one who mended it when you were lonely,or when you had a family fight and ran away from home.
"Tch,Y/N-chan....Why are your hair so fucking messy?CAN'T YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM??" Baji said trying to brush your long and frizzy hair.
"AHHH IT HURTS..." you said slapping his hands away from you.
"Well maybe if you took care of your hair like I do,none of this shit would have happen- *crack*YOUR FUCKING HAIR BROKE MY PRECIOUS BRUSH YOU BITCH I'M GONNA-"
He ran after you, looking furious as ever.You were laughing like a banshee while running for your life.
"B-but B-Baji..i won't interfere with your business with a gang or anything.I won't visit you in Toman,please I won't-"
"I'm not longer in Toman.I'm a member of Valhalla now."he said,while tying his hair up in a bun.
"Baji...why would you leave a gang like Toman for those headless angels criminals?BAJI THIS IS NOT LIKE YOU"you screamed and jumped on him,causing him to fall down.
After a few miserable and pathetic punches thrown at him,Baji grabbed your weak hands and said
"I'm no longer the Baji you used to know."
He removed your weight from his body and walked away,leaving you screaming like a hysteric on the cold floor of the subway station.
He left you.He abandoned you.He walked out of your life,the only souvenirs you had of him were the good moments and the promise bracelets you both gave each other.
And on those,were imprinted the words
'I might be gone,but I'm forever in your heartโก'
And that was the same bracelet Chifuyu slid inside your shaky cold hands,your soul already detached from your body.
"H-he told me to give you this,before dying."he said but your brain went blank.
"I'm sorry...I couldn't save him."The broken boy infront of you fell on his knees.He was crying and screaming in agony.
You on the other side,were benumbed by the news you've just heard.Staring down at the bracelet that was covered in Baji's blood,your legs felt numbed and you broke down on the floor.
Chifuyu grabbed the back of your head and rested it on his shoulders.He was caressing your back,drawing invisible circles on it,while trying hard to find soothing words to comfort you.
"Don't cry Y-Y/N,please.Don't cry." he managed to say calmly but at the end,his voice and emotions ended up betraying him.
You could tell by the way his chest rose and fell,by the way that his jaws was moving up and down that he was doing his best to act tough and invulnerable infront of you.But deep down you knew that he was the one who deserved more consolation and empathy than you did.Afterall,he was the one who was there with Baji from the beginning.He was there when Baji chose to leave Toman,he was Baji's disciple.
You removed your head from the crook of his neck and grabbed his cheeks,staring at his lachrymose eyes.
"Chifuyu,thank you for staying with Baji till the end."you dried his tears with your thumb.
Chifuyu looked at you,with a reassured face.He grabbed your hands and said
"He loved you you know.He never told me anything right after your breakup but I could see a picture of you in his pocket.I knew that the only reason he ended your relationship was because he chose a fate where he would die in it.But he always loved you and wanted the best for you."
You looked down at the promise bracelet one last time before putting it on a shelf,next to all the pictures that you and Baji took together,to which you remembered each and every single moment of them.
You turned around and saw Chifuyu on his knees,a hand to his heart.
"I'll protect you Y/N.Baji told me to protect you so this is my duty now.You are under the guard of Toman and we will always protect you.I won't let anyone lay a single finger on you.I swear it on my life."
And at that moment,you felt happy.Because inside of Chifuyu's eyes,you could see your Baji staring right back at you,reciting the same exact words that Chifuyu just said.It was as if Baji's soul was communicating with you through Chifuyu and it showed how powerful the meaning behind the very words imprinted on the promised bracelet you had was.
"I might be gone,but I'm forever in your heart"he said,and handed a colorful bracelet with a BxY/N.
You stared at the bracelet in awe
"How much did you pay for that?"you sadly said.
"No need to care about the price.I'll buy a whole gold mine for you."His cheeks reddened,his eyes evading your face.
One last tear slipped from your eyes and slid down the curve of your smile.
You laid a hand on your belly,
"I trust that you'll take care of us Baji"
Even if the sun took one life away from you on that day,it still brought another one.