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Not Sure If This Is Necessarily The Best Source To Ask, But After Seeing Your Post On Handcuffs: Of The
Not sure if this is necessarily the best source to ask, but after seeing your post on handcuffs: Of the restraints you've researched/tried out, which is the most effective at keeping someone immobile? Moreover, without causing serious damage? I imagine metal cuffs would be more injurious than rope, plastic ties or tape, but that might not always be true.
Well it depends partly on how ‘immobile’ you mean. Keeping someonecompletely still is pretty bad for their health in and of itself.
I also feel like I should include a general reminder that this iswriting advice. If I say something could be dangerous please don’t try it outon yourself or someone else.
I tend to approach restraints in terms of them all having differentrisks associated with them. Metal isn’t inherently more dangerous than plastic,it’s about how the restraint is constructed and what it’s used for.
And for obvious reasons I tend to know more about the ways modernrestraints are abused and misused than I do about the risks when something isused properly.
Plastic ties tighten easily. They can cut off circulation and that canfeed into tortures similar to finger-milking (hitting painful swellings in thehands caused by limiting circulation). They can also cause nerve damage bydigging into flesh for long periods, especially when they’re used in suspensiontortures and stress positions.
Rope can do exactly the same thing. But it tends to have more ‘give’ toit and it takes quite a bit more physical effort to cut off circulation withrope than with a plastic tie. It’s used less often nowadays so I’m actually notsure how likely nerve damage is with rope.
Metal restraints are more likely to cause broken bones. But I’ve hadmuch less problems with metal restraints cutting off circulation or causing generalpain. So long as they actually fit I’ve found them more comfortable.
I used to wear a pair of darby-style handcuffs as a bracelet. They’re heavy and that can make themuncomfortable in the long term (hours) but they’ve never left lasting welts theway plastic ties have or a numb tingling sensation the way rope has.
Generally speaking keeping people restrained in the longer term,anything over a handful of hours, is bad for their health in a variety of ways.
Being kept in an uncomfortable position where muscles are strained iswell- basically a stress position. It’s intensely painful and causes massivemuscle damage. The fluid release caused by the die off of muscle cells usuallyresults in visible swelling in the first 24 hours. After 48 hours it can leadto kidney failure.
Most long term restraint tortures allow a degree of movement becauseotherwise victims die.
Being kept immobile in a position where the muscles aren’t strained also kills. But it kills more slowly.
This bit is getting outside my area and into @scriptmedic’s so I’dsuggest consulting her for more detail. I’m thinking about bedsores (orpressure ulcers if you prefer), which develop when people don’t move much forlong periods. There are several different categories based on the severity,ranging from a sort of spongy blister to a deep open wound that reaches themuscle or bone.
Historically these meant a severely reduced life expectancy forparalysed people: medics literally didn’t realise they needed to be moved. Aquick search on bedsores came up with not only direct infection and sepsis, butinfections that spread into the bones and joints and a form of cancer ascomplications that could be lethal.
Which brings me to suggestions:
I’d say tailor the restraints in your story to what you want from thestory. The main questions to consider are how immobile the character needs tobe and for how long.
If keeping the character completely immobile is important then I thinkthe ‘safest’ option is probably a medical bed with 6 or 8 point restraints. Thisis a wheeled bed with tough fabric straps which secure someone in place. They’redesigned to reduce discomfort and the chance of injury and they keep peoplevery still.
There are also good reasons they’re used as a last resort.
Patients can experience friction burns, dislocated bones and broken bonesstruggling against either the application of restraints or the restraintsthemselves. Therehave also been cases of death in relatively short period of time from heartattacks. Keeping patients in such restraints for prolonged periods is notonly dehumanising but damaging to both their physical and mental health.
I don’t have exact time-frames for this. I’m aware that there have beencases of patients restrained in this fashion for a horrifically long period oftime who survived. But realistically…the kind of time frame these restraints aretypically used for is in the realm of hours not days.
If complete immobility is less important to the story but longer timeperiods are important I’d suggest using the sorts of restraints currentlycommon in China for restraint torture.
These are metal ratchetting cuff restraints with a chain between the cuffedhands and the legs. They allow the victim considerably more movement, they canwalk (but not run), handle objects and for the most part take care ofthemselves. They can’t straighten their back, the restraints keep them in anuncomfortable hunched position which causes general pain and discomfort.
But the degree of mobility and ability to relieve strained muscles meansthat unlike a stress position it doesn’t tend to kill.
Victimshave been kept like this for months at a time.
There are long term complications but less risk of sudden death. Longterm complications include chronic pain, weakened muscles, joint and muscularproblems, mobility problems and reduced fine motor control (in some cases dueto nerve damage in the hands caused by prolonged use of restraints.) These areproblems I’d expect to see after a month or more of constant use of these torturousrestraints.
Obviouslyvictims would also be affected by the general symptoms of torture.
Generally speaking there are also some things I’d advise avoiding inyour story if you don’t want the character to be injured.
Any restraint around the neck isdangerous.
Anything that tightens easily isdangerous; plasticties fall into this category and I’d suggest avoiding them in fiction andreality. Whether ropes fall into this category or not depends on the type ofknot.
Anything with a sharp edge isdangerous; metalcuffs can fall into this category but don’t always. Their edges can be rounded.Plastic ties almost always fall into this category.
A hangman’s knot is dangerous whatever part of the body it’sapplied too. It was designed to kill and unless you want the character dead orseriously injured it’s an unrealistic thing to use. If you’re interested in arealistic portrayal of injury from these knots and over 18 Sunstone by SSejic contains a pretty powerful scene of a serious injury in the BDSMcommunity.
I hope that helps. :)
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More Posts from Ostensiblywhump
Whump fun fact!
(Again, from experience. Will differ for each person. Not a medical professional)
Scar tissue will HURT even after everything appears fully healed. Especially if the wound was deep. Even if the scar doesn’t inhibit mobility, gentle pressure or movement will make it ache. This can last from a few weeks, to years (I know some people who’s scars haven’t stopped aching decades after the incident) it could be lifelong depending on the injury (this only concerns physical pains not the added mental baggage)
So when writing characters in their recovery arc, even years down the line. Their scars may still pain them (they will never be the same as they were before, even fully healed. ‘Ownership’ fans, run with this as you like)
So, keys pressing into the hips and thighs when going about on errands (like house keys in the front pocket). Backpacks/satchels/bags pressing on shoulders. Belts or other restrictive types of clothing. (I have a friend that gets violently nauseous when even lightly brushing a patch of scar tissue)
The (physical) pain will last for years. Even after everything is healed. Nothing can really be done for it. Even if there is no damage to muscles or anything serious, just skin-damage; it is likely to prevent your character from moving properly, especially if the area covered is extensive (ie whip/lashes accros the back)
Another area for concern is joints, or areas where the skin moves a lot. So: knees, elbows, hips, shoulders, (ankles sometimes but that’s usually due to ligament damage) and definitely hands. Scar tissue lacks the elasticity of normal skin. So bending a joint against the scar tissue will make it ache (or make the skin feel tight and raw, depending on how fresh it is).
Pressure on scar tissue can also affect sleeping. Obviously, side sleepers will have trouble with pressure on their hip, thigh, ribs and shoulder. Back sleepers: back, butt, heels. Front sleepers: chest, shoulders, neck, front of pelvis)
That’s all I can think of for now, hope this helps! Happy hurting!
Let's talk road-rash:
Road rash is painful and dangerous. Crashing at high speeds with little protection can cause light scratching, exposed muscle/bone, and even shave bone down. It can also destroy nerves surrounding the injury, and create deep scars.
Whumpee jumping out of a moving car to get away from Whumper
Whumper pushing whumpee out of a moving van while they're restrained
Whumpee fleeing on a motorcycle and crashing it
Whumper tying whumpee to the car and dragging them around
Caretaker cleaning asphalt, sand, rocks, from Whumpees wounds
Whumpee having to walk with bleeding cuts, trying to hitchhike/find caretaker
Smells are WAY Underused in Whump
The scent associated with an experience, good or bad, is a POWERFUL thing for humans, and a great tool for whump.
Smells making kidnapped (and already malnourished) character nauseous
(Remember, blood and badly burnt skin have distinct smells to them, it can really add to the impact if they’re mentioned)
A positive smell being somehow tied to the ordeal, and almost being ruined for Whumpee.
Victims of medical whump being sent into a panic at the smell of latex or strong cleaning supplies
Victims of mechanical whump (car related, saw traps, what have you) despising the smell of gasoline.
On the lighter side, Whumpee using the smell of Caretaker’s cologne/perfume to remind themselves they’re safe.
Please add if you want, because this is an untapped wealth.
Whump Prompt #2
Whumpees with tattoos.
Wounds healing wrong, causing the tattoos to be misshapen, or missing parts.
Whumper cutting off or damaging a tattoo Whumpee has because they "didn't like it."
Whumper tattooing their name or a barcode on Whumpee.
Whumpee being taken into captivity right after they got a tattoo, it gets infected.
Whumper doing a cover-up on a tattoo Whumpee really likes.
No devil hides beneath my bed
Part 1, Part 2
AO3 CW: nsfw (minors dni), whumper pov, past noncon, promise of future noncon, pet whump, captivity, dehumanization, sexual slavery, put on display, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, multiple whumpers, cages, restraints, ring gag, forced arousal, object insertion, overstimulation, auction, noncon touching
Tonight Scarlet hosts the Lanista Society for a special dinner event. The Champion is the coveted prize, and Ivan is honored to have been the cause of it.
Champion taglist: @emmettnet , @ostensiblyfunctional
Ivan is left marveling once again at his superior's immaculate taste.
High Martinet Matar sure knew how to throw a party.
Her guests had been greeted with the finest. A banquet of gourmet Crescentine dishes and exotic delicacies. Fresh fruits and cheeses, tender meats and fish, spiced breads and decadent sweets, aged wines from the mountain vineyards. The finest money and magic could offer.
Their venue is just as grand, perhaps more so due to its creativity. A conjured demiplane Scarlet produced specially for this affair. Ivan finds it rather ingenious.
The woman was no stranger to hosting guests at her manor; he himself had been there only last week. But she limits those meetings to no more than a few people at a time. Fewer bodies are easier to keep track of. With large parties like this, comes the ever present risk of unsavory infiltrators. The Lanista Society held members with many enemies. The uninvited in disguise or potential rivals waiting for the right moment to snoop around. Larger groups made it inconvenient to keep tabs on everyone.
The demiplane removed that risk.
No need to worry about the unwanted loose in your home if you're not bringing them to your home to begin with.
And as a bonus, the spell's design was limited only by the imagination. And a wizard of Scarlet's caliber knew fine decor.
All which was fully on display for tonight's event. It was a special occasion after all.
On one end of the chamber, seated on a raised platform, was an ornate bronze cage. Round and domed at the top like one of those old-fashioned bird cages that didn't allow room for the bird to spread its wings. However this cage was far larger, for its occupant was no bird.
Scarlet found the perfect display for the Society's beloved Champion. An advantageous maneuver given he was the subject of business this evening. If Ivan had thought he looked enticing their first meeting a week ago, Scarlet had expertly ensured that the people present now would be incapable of keeping their eyes off him.
In fact, there was already a crowd forming around the cage.
Knees spread and wrists secured above him, the Champion was giving everyone a show with his trembling body. Years of fighting had toned his muscles, and the shimmering red velvet bands only accentuated them. Scarlet must have gotten the outfit custom tailored, for it turned the tiefling's form into a canvas painted with red. Velvet strips hugging his thighs and shoulders. Flowers of beaded lace climbing from hip to collar to the small of his back. Dangling garnets mimicked the appearance of dripping blood.
Absolutely exquisite.
Scarlet had elected to keep his lower region covered, draping that same black cloth around his waist that he'd worn last time. Ivan could see the sense; what was already being shown was enough of a free sample.
The guests were permitted to touch, at least to the extent they were allowed without having to pay. And the Champion’s body was a buffet getting more attention than the actual food. Fingers traced the soft velvet, then slipped in between to caress exposed skin.
“He has the best reactions if you stroke his tail,” Ivan had informed them, and they were quick to take advantage.
The touches worked well to elicit forced pleasure, though perhaps not as much as some other things.
Scarlet couldn't allow her pet to spend the whole party glaring or growling at guests, so Ivan suggested a means to keep him occupied. Just a couple simple toys, one placed inside him and the other encircling the base of his tail where he was most sensitive. Both hidden from the guests eyes with a specially crafted belt that doubled to prevent the tiefling from making a mess of himself.
From how much he was trembling, struggling to close his legs, face flushed as he moaned around the ring gag strapped around his head, the toys were doing their job. And the guests were very much appreciating the sight. Ivan could see a number of people with their hands under their pants.
He couldn't blame them. They stood before a desperate succubus, beckoning them all with pleading huffs of breath and squirming hips. Ivan himself was imagining how pretty that face would look around his cock.
He would have to wait his turn.
Ting! Ting! Ting!
The rhythmic taps of a wine glass drew the attention of the masses to the head of the table where Scarlet stands.
“Now now, everyone. I know my pet has been an exciting treat for you all, but I do hope you help yourselves to the dessert table.”
There were more than a few bouts of embarrassed laughter. Ivan included, as he too nearly forgot to go fill up his dish.
“I'm pleased to see he has garnered such interest,” she continues. “Just a quick reminder that the bidding period ends in thirty minutes. The current highest offer stands at 2,500 platinum.”
Well, not too bad a price tag for the Champion’s first official patron (Ivan's previous night with him didn't count). And if this went to a formal auction at the end of the party, if there was still an active bidding war, that amount would likely grow.
But already, he'd be returning home tomorrow with a decent payment. In a deal that spoke wonders of her generosity, Scarlet had agreed to save a percentage of the funds for him. None of this would've happened had he not raised the suggestion to her.
Lucrative business indeed. Ivan could recognize many big names at this party. Politicians, industry tycoons, nobility, all those with plentiful riches and power. He wonders if he could convince some of them to assist him in forming a similar operation in Mężnydzik. Or perhaps a connected branch.
Those were thoughts for the future. Right now, he was enjoying the view.
The first moment the cage is clear of onlookers, Ivan walks over and reaches through the bronze bars to lift up the Champion’s head to face him. With how long he'd had his mouth held open, his chin was streaked with drool, but thankfully Ivan had the foresight to wear gloves.
“Just like I said, little devil,” he purrs, gazing into eyes that struggle to focus through the mind clouding sensations. The tiefling whines in protest as Ivan lets his other hand trail up his thigh. “I knew you'd be quite popular.”
There's a moment of clarity to the Champion’s stare. A moment he's able to fight through the tears and the unwanted stimulation and-
Oh. Well isn't that a nasty look.
Reference for the outfit here.