Pet Whump - Tumblr Posts
My fav kinds of whump fics are when like, a servant/pet Whumpee is just, in complete denial that someone might want to be nice to them, and Caretaker really doesn’t know what they’re doing, so they’re just trying to make it through the day, like:
Whumpee: I cannot have wants, my needs are not important, I am meant to suffer to serve my master until I die. I know all of this and yet I am still a failure and still desire unbelievable privileges like food, and water, and sleep, and to not be hit.
Caretaker: Hi. *provides basic needs with the slightest amount of decency*
Whumpee: They just want me stronger so I can work to serve them, and I have not been punished yet because I have not had time to fail them yet. But I am inherently flawed, and I will fail them. This will not last.
Caretaker: Here you go. *keeps providing basic needs and human decency, even once Whumpee is stronger*
Whumpee: Surely this will not last. They are simply more patient and less critical than my previous master. What an undeserved miracle, to be given this leniency.
Caretaker: Here, take this too. *gives Whumpee something that’s an “impractical luxury” like a blanket or stuffed animal or dessert*
Whumpee: This is not for my benefit, and if it is, it is to train me. Still, what a joy to serve a master who uses rewards of such luxuries. I do not deserve such goodness, I must remember this, and prove to them that I will not grow spoiled.
Whumpee: *tries to do above and beyond for them, and instead makes a mistake that breaks something and hurts them in a way obvious to Caretaker* I have failed, and anger is more than justified, and I will take my punishment willingly, it will make me better. Why does the idea of master striking me feel more like grief than fear? Could I have grown to consider them…almost a friend? Oh how stupid, how foolish of me, to even consider such a thing. I am meant to suffer-
Caretaker: Oh no, oh no… *helps fix mistake and soothe the pain caused by the injury, all the while not showing any anger or disappointment, only concern* *tells Whumpee not to try what they did again, that they didn’t want them to get hurt*
Whumpee: Maybe they could see that I was trying to serve them better. Surely that must be it, why otherwise would they not want me to be hurt? How lucky I have gotten so far. But I must not fail again.
Whumpee: *gets sick* I must keep going.
Whumpee: *collapses* This is it. Master will finally punish me as I deserve, I have failed yet again.
Caretaker: Get well soon! *brings them medicine and soup and let’s them sleep in peace*
Whumpee: They are simply wanting for me to get well before they punish me. They don’t want to make a mess, or they want me to feel it all, without my attention divided by sickness. After all, how can I learn from a punishment I am barely conscious for?
Whumpee: *gets better* Now this truly is it. I shall face my punishment.
Caretaker: Glad you’re better! Here, take this. *doesn’t punish them, instead greets them with more necessities and an additional “impractical luxury”*
Caretaker: *keeps being nice, not punishing Whumpee, and making sure they are well provided for*
Whumpee: Possibly they are simply understanding of my inherent flaws, and mercifully allow the occasional lapses, so long as afterwards I am repentant and humble.
Caretaker: You’re important to me. *sacrifices something important just for Whumpee, like missing a work meeting to take them to the park or cutting off a friend because of the way they treated Whumpee*
Whumpee: I do not understand… But it is not my place to understand, as I am simple and flawed. I must just continue to serve as I was trained.
Caretaker: Oh, how nice, let’s have fun together! *makes up sweet little nicknames for Whumpee, knows their favorite things and makes sure to use that knowledge, compliments Whumpee on things outside of what they can do for others*
Whumpee: *realizes that they had changed so much since coming to Caretaker, and that this new version of themselves was not only safe and not hurting, but also happy and supported emotionally.*
Whumpee: *has an emotional breakdown due to pent up emotion, joy, and pure relief*
Caretaker: :O
Caretaker: I fucked up! I fucked up bad! I broke them!
List of Recommendations
Whump's Blogs
For those of you who follow me you have probably noticed that I never reblog anything, even my own posts. The reason is that I created this blog with the intention of keeping all my writing tidy in one place.
But seeing that just giving likes doesn't really support blogs I decided to make this list of whump blogs that have amazing content. I tried to add as many blogs as possible but I might have forgotten someone.
(If you want to be removed or added to the list feel free to let me know) (This list has no specific order)
@sideblogformindtrash . pet whump - fantasy whump - multiple series - recovery whump - cute whumpees - whumper turned caretaker - whump art - masterlist
@whoopsitswhump . pet whump - recovery whump - AO3 - lovely whumpee - masterlist
@kim-poce . multiple series - a lot of content - pet whump - fantasy whump - others - nonhuman whumpee - masterlist
@whumpzone . pet whump - two amazing series - recovery whump - whump art - masterlist
@secretwhumplair . pet whump - fantasy whump - slavery whump - multiple series - very intresting stories - masterlist
@maracujatangerine . pet whump - heroes and villains - recovery whump - masterlist
@whumpy-writings . vampire whump - vampire caretaker - recovery whump - masterlist
@whump-a-la-mode . heroes and villains - multiple series - villain whumpee - lab whump - choose-your-own-adventure stories - masterlist
@whumpwillow . heroes and villains - inmortal whumpee - recovery whump - masterlist
@nicolepascaline . pet whump/BBU - reluctant caretaker - recovery whump - masterlist
@redwingedwhump . fantasy whump - BBU/pet whump - guard dog - multiple series - recovery whump - vampire whump - whump art - masterlist
@whumpering-heights . heroes and villains - inmortal whumpee - recovery whump - masterlist
@octopus-reactivated . pet whump - recovery whump - multiple series - masterlist
@breakyourwhumpees . pet whump - recovery whump - heroes and villains - masterlist
@hold-him-down . recovery whump - slavery whump - masterlist
@deluxewhump . BBU/pet whump - recovery whump - vampire whump - multiple series - others - masterlist
@wildfaewhump . BBU/pet whump - fantasy whump - nonhuman whump - lab whump - masterlist
@itsleighlove . multiple series - a lot of content - heroes and villains - recovery whump - others - masterlist
@cupcakes-and-pain . recovery whump - pet whump - heroes and villains - vampire caretaker - multiple series - masterlist
@whumpsday . vampire whumpee/whumper - recovery whump - human whumpee/caretaker - whumper turned whumpee - whumpee turned caretaker - nonhuman whump - masterlist
@sadcatjae . multiple series - fantasy whump - nonhuman whumpee - masterlist
@thecyrulik . BBU - vampire whumpee/vampire whumper - huaman whumpee - nonhuman whump - masterlist
@whumpflash . slavery whump - recovery whump - medieval whump - no masterlist - first chapter
@girlsjustwannadrawwhump . pet whump? - intimate whumper - whump art - masterlist
@jordanstrophe . multiple series - medieval whump - slavery whump - whumper turned caretaker - whump art - masterlist
@whumpthisway . pet whump - nonhuman whumpee - recovery whump - masterlist
@studyofwhump . scific whump - slavery whump - nonhuman whump - masterlist
@some-messed-up-writing-for-you . heroes and villains - recovery - masterlist
@iwhumpyou . scific whump - heroes and villains - fantasy whump - nonhuman whump - multiple series - others - masterlist
@ashintheairlikesnow . BBU/pet whump - recovery whump - vampire whump - nonhuman whump - lab whump - masterlist
@whimperwoods . fantasy whump - slavery whump - nonhuman caretaker - lady whump - fantasy whump - enemies to friends - male whump - fantasy whump - pet whump - male whump
@equestrianwritingsstuff . villain whumpee - heroes and villains - masterlist
@hurting-fictional-people . heroes and villains - recovery whump - lady whump - lab whump - masterlist
@finaldreams1106 . heroes and villains - lady whump - masterlist
@justbreakonme . recovery whump - pet whump - reluctant caretaker - no masterlist - Abby and Sky - Victor and Alcott
@clockworkwhump . fantasy whump - elf whumpee - slavery whump - heroes and villains - masterlist
@wolfeyedwitch . pet whump - heroes and villains - scific whump - vampire whump - vampire whumpee - lady whump - others - masterlist
@yet-another-heathen . heroes and villains - fantasy whump - slavery whump - nonhuman whump - whump art - masterlist
@stoic-whumpee . heroes and villains - recovery whump - left behind whumpee - masterlist
@whump-me-all-night-long . heroes and villains - BBU/pet whump - lady whump - vampire whump - multiple series - others - masterlist
@boxboysandotherwhump . BBU/pet whump - recovery whump - guard dog - masterlist in the blog description
@whumping-every-day . pet whump - vampire whumpee - vampire whumpee - recovery whump - masterlist in the blog description
@whumpurr . pet whump - recovery whump - circus whump - two series - masterlist
@haro-whumps . BBU/pet whump - scific whump - recovery whump - lady whump - masterlist in the blog description
@professional-idiocy . heroes and villains - fantasy whump - slavery whump - recovery whump - masterlist
@quietly-by-myself . fantasy whump - slavery whump - whumper turned whumpee - whumpee turned caretaker - nonhuman whump - recovery whump - masterlist
@dresden-syndrome . whumpee boys - historical whump - pet whump - military whump - whump art - no masterlist
@whump-blog . myself - BBU/pet whump - recovery whump - whump art - heroes and villains - masterlist
Just got an idea for a whump thingy omg <333
• • •
♥︎ a gift ♥︎
terrible assassin whumpee- noah
rival group whumper- oliver
Kidnapping, long-term ownership, NSFW whump, rape mention, stockholm syndrome, creepy + affectionate whumper
"Noah!" A voice called through the halls of the mansion, echoing through the doorway and into the bedroom.
Noah sat up from the bedding of his cage, leaning up to hold the bars. He shivered as he sat up from the warmth, only wearing a tight thong. Oliver had given him permission to stay in the bedroom after his first 6 months of being kidnapped, as long as renovations were made to accommodate him.
A large wall of iron bars cut into a third of the room, the other side only accessible via a locked mesh door. Oliver had lined the bottom of it with fluffy padding and filled it with snacks, drinks, and some sex toys. It disgusted him at first, but now it served as his refuge from the damp, cold, dreary basement.
"Yes, sir?" Noah called back through the bars of his cage. His heart beat with anticipation. What was happening? Did he do something wrong?
Now Oliver's voice was much closer, right outside the view of the doorway. "I got you a gift, my love!"
Noah's heart lifted; a gift? Had he been that good? "A gift, sir? Thank you so much, what is it?"
There was a moment of silence, then Noah realised from the sound of another pair of feet kicking against the floorboards that there was a second person. Why would Oliver bring a person?
He heard muffled struggling, then the sound of tape peeled from flesh as Oliver swung himself and the other around the door.
"NOAH!" The second person screamed, and he recognized him immediately.
His boyfriend from before he was kidnapped.
"AARON!" Noah screamed back, his heart twisting.
Aaron writhed and kicked in Oliver's arms, trying to hurt the stronger man. Noah stuck his arm out from between the bars of his cage. "Aaron! Oh my god, Aaron!"
Oliver managed to keep Aaron restrained as he unlocked the door and tossed him in without much care.
"Here, i got your present! Isn't it great, such a cute reunion!" Oliver locked the boys inside and stepped to face them from the other side of the bars.
Noah dove into Aaron's arms, tucking his face into the other's chest. "Aaron, you're here... you're really here!"
Aaron hugged back tightly, staring down at his boyfriend. "Holy fuck, Noah. You're alive?!"
When Noah looked back up, both of their eyes were teary. "You thought I was dead?"
Aaron was starting as if it was obvious. "Y-you disappeared off the face of the planet for more than a year! W-we had a funeral-" he cut off, eyes wide as he scanned Noah's features, "you're alive!"
Noah nodded feverently, pushing his face back into his boyfriend's chest.
After a couple seconds of tight, much needed hugging, Aaron pulled back once more, surveying Noah's mostly nude body.
"Has he hurt you, baby?" Aaron fretted, then paused when he got to his neck. "Is... this a hickey?"
Noah winced slightly, reaching to cover it with one hand. "Aaron, it- i-"
Both had forgotten about Oliver until he cut in, "that was my work, Aaron. You like it? I couldn't just leave his pretty body untouched, could i?"
"You fucking MONSTER!" Aaron clutched noah protectively, glaring up at Oliver. "You touched him? You- you- defiled him? I swear to God, if you ever lay a hand on my boyfriend ever again, ill-"
Oliver interrupted his rant. "Dont get so heated, Aaron, dear. I assure it was all fully consentual."
Aaron turned back to Noah, his grip loosening. The crestfallen look in his eyes broke his heart. "No," Aaron returned his attention to Oliver, hugging Noah tightly to his chest. "he wouldn't- you're lying! You probably raped him or something!"
Noah's heart was nearly beating out of his chest. Yes, at one point he had stopped resisting and let Oliver have his way with him. Did he enjoy it? Frankly; yes, a little. But would he have 'cheated' if he knew he'd ever seen his boyfriend again? Of course not!
Then, Oliver pulled out his phone.
He took a second to unlock it and scroll through the gallery, then clicked on a video.
No, no, no...
"Here's some video evidence, dear. See? Perfectly consentual."
The video began to play. Noah was laying back against the bed with his knees to his chest, Oliver pumping in and out of his ass. 'Oliver~" the Noah in the video moaned, his back arching and spit drooling from the corner of his lip. "More, please!~"
Noah felt arms loosen from their tight grip. "Noah?" Aaron stared down, shocked. He looked back up at Oliver, unsure of what to say.
Oliver had the volume all the way up as the video played on.
Video-Noah squeezed his own thigh, moaning, panting, whimpering. A large hand reached out and began to stroke his cock slowly.
"Turn the damn video off!" Aaron barked, crossing his arms over Noah's back. "I fucking get it. I know that he wouldn't have given into you if he knew he'd see me again."
"Oh? Let's test it then!" Oliver grinned, pocketing his phone and reaching for the key to the door. "Heads up, Aaron, if you try and escape, Noah dies. Drop him."
Aaron tensed, but stayed mostly still, glaring up defiantly at his captor and letting go of his boyfriend.
"Noah, dear," Oliver called, swinging the door open, "come."
In a pavlovian response, Noah got to his hands and knees, but paused, clearing his head with a shake.
"C'mon, Noah. Be a good boy for your master, and you'll get a treat!" Oliver coaxed, smiling sweetly.
"...Noah?" Aaron croaked.
Voices fought within Noah's brain.
'Don't go with him, stay with your boyfriend!' a part of him screamed.
'don't you want the treat though?' Another part chimed temptingly. He crawled ahead a few paces.
"Good boy, c'mere~" Oliver was grinning, not at him, but over his shoulder at Aaron. Noah turned his head back to look at his boyfriend.
"Noah, pup. Look at me." Noah's heart nearly melted as Oliver used the petname.
'Youve been with Oliver for over a year, don't your loyalties lie with him?' A voice asked, urging Noah on as he crawled another page or so.
'Aaron is your boyfriend, though. He cares about you-'
"If you come to me, Aaron can sleep in your cage instead of the basement, AND I suppose I'll let you two fuck." Oliver held his hand out encouragingly.
Noah knew what the right answer was. He was a loyal boyfriend and would obviously pick Aaron over the psychopath that kidnapped them both.
Or maybe he wasn't.
Noah shot one glance back at aaron, then bowed his head shamefully as he crawled to Oliver.
"There's my good boy! Come to your master~" Oliver scooped him up eagerly, cradling him close. Noah's heart wrenched as he looked over Oliver's shoulder and saw Aaron's crushed expression.
"See? He's been trained very well." Oliver planted a kiss on Noah's temple, locking the cage behind him and setting Noah carefully on the soft mattress.
"You're just gonna let him?" Aaron croaked, staring through the bars with huge eyes.
Oliver answered for him, "I gave him a treat in return. Now you guys get to sleep together! I bet you'll be sucking and fucking all night long~" Oliver was grinning down at Noah now, straddling his legs and rubbing his sides sensually.
"Im sorry, Aaron. I-i love you. I'm sure you understand..." Noah gave a humorless smile.
"Dont look at him," Oliver held his chin, tipping it back up, "look at me."
Noah collapsed to his knees as he was guided back to the cage. As soon as he was inside, Oliver locked the cage and left. Noah was worn out. Oliver had made an example of him, they had gone on for what felt like an eternity.
He fell flat on his face, hitting the soft surface of the floor of his cage.
In an instant, Aaron picked him back up and pulled him to the small, fluffy mattress in the corner.
"Noah..." Aaron whispered as he dragged the smaller boy to rest against his chest.
Noah waited to be berated. He waited for Aaron to lecture him about cheating, about giving in to Oliver's temptation.
"Are you okay, hun?" Aaron played with Noah's hair softly, trying to comfort him.
"Im so sore... fuck..." Noah groaned, squeezing his eyes closed. He turned to lay on his stomach, hugging Aaron's clothed chest.
"Is there any way i could help?" Aaron cupped Noah's cheek gently.
Noah nodded, signaling weakly to the mini-fridge that was tucked next to the bed. "There's a, uhm-" he paused awkwardly, "a glass dildo. For soreness. It helps. Some lube on top of the fridge."
Aaron nodded, shifting Noah to the side so he could grab it out. Noah waited, legs spread. Aaron lubed it up and slid it in carefully.
Noah sighed in relief, smiling at Aaron.
Aaron smiled back. "Im sorry if i got mad earlier... im just glad you're okay..." He paused. "Clothes?"
Noah pointed to the other side of the huge cage, where there were neatly stacked piles of thongs, boxers, thigh-highs, and lingerie.
Aaron settled for a large pair of boxers, and gave Noah his shirt.
Noah tugged the clothes on gratefully, then cuddled back up with Aaron.
"We'll get out of here soon..." Aaron promised, caressing Noah's body gently. "Im sure of it."
"Y-yeah? You think so?" Noah smiled softly, reaching up to intertwine his fingers with his boyfriend.
"I know so." Aaron squeezed his hand, pressing his forehead to Noah's. "Do you want to hear about everybody back home?"
"That's sounds really nice."
Made some picrews of Noah and Oliver, ill make Aaron next! <3





Aaaaand them as women


For the anon that requested some noncon drabble <33
Got a little long, my bad lol
Also gay as hell
Also sorry it took so long, writers block is a bitch
WARNINGS: Noncon (duh), nsfw, petplay(?), crying, unsafe sex, kidnap situation, whump
Whumpee woke up as the basement door squealed open noisily. He blinked his eyes open into the darkness. He was shivering, his thin clothes not helping much to warm him.
As soon as his brain caught up with the noise, he scrambled to his sore knees. Whumpee raised his head as far as he dared, the short chain that kept him attatched to the floor pulled taut as he sat up. The collar around his neck twisted softly, making him wince as it rubbed the raw skin.
What would whumper do this time? Would whumper torture him? Chain him to the wall and whip him senseless? Rub chili pepper in his eyes again? He hoped not. That was his least favorite punishment. He shivered uncomfortably with terror.
He winced as the light flicked on. Though it was dull, it hurt his sleepy brain. Whumper dawdled down the stairs lazily, not wearing the hard expression he usually had when he felt like hurting whumpee.
Maybe he would be given a reward! It didn't happen often, but it was possible. Hope sparked in his chest.
"Whumpee, good morning." Whumper smiled, crossing the basement to meet him. His expression was happy, but there was something in his eyes... in his voice...
Something was off.
Whumpee raised his head, forcing a smile, though fear fluttered through his chest.
"Oh, Pet. I've been so stressed..." Whumper crouched to eye-level. His hand wrapped around the bottom of whumpee's jaw and squeezed his cheeks together. "I was thinking you could help me with that."
Alright, stress relief. Whumper had taken out his rage on whumpee before. He had stormed down the stairs and yanked whumpee by the chain that circled his neck. The chain had nearly snapped, but was eventually removed from his neck. Whumper had used brute force all night. None of his usual torture methods, just fists and feet. So much anger in one night.
Whumpee definitely didn't wanna go through that again.
●~♡♥︎nsfw/noncon starts here♥︎♡~●
But things were different this time. Whumper caressed whumpee's cheek and rested his other hand on his neck.
He couldn't mean... surely not?
"Here, pet, let's get you to your bed~" Whumper released whumpee from his chains and scooped him up.
"No, no!" Whumpee cried, struggling feverently. He rolled out of whumper's arms, hitting the cold cement.
"Whumpee! What the hell? Get back up. Now."
"Fuck... dont touch me... I don't- don't want..." he babbled. The left side of his body throbbed in pain.
Whumper sighed and crouched down, caging in the other with his arms. "Listen, pet. Either you can get up and we'll do this on the bed, or ill fuck you against the cement."
Whumpee whined, shaking his head frantically. "No, no, don't touch me like- like that, Please, please, please, ill do anything."
"Cement it is. It's a shame, I planned on being nice..." He began to tug at whumpee's clothes. "Maybe if you comply, I will."
"Stop, stop!" Whumpee cried as he was undressed. He thrashed and kicked, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Shhhh, shhhh, don't fight it. Just let it happen. It'll make things so much easier..." Whumper caressed his whumpee's small, nude, battered body.
Whumpee cried out in anguish. This couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening.
He swung his arm up in an attempt to hit whumper, striking him successfully in the cheek.
"Little shit!-" Whumper held the side of his face, sitting back and resting his weight on whumpee's ankles. "I guess I'll just have to tie you down instead." Whumper took off his own shirt and used it to bind his hands together; pants for his feet. He grabbed whumpee's discarded shirt and tied his hands to the leg of the bed.
"Please, please, please! Anything but this!" Whumpee sobbed, then gasped slightly when he felt whumper's hand reach his pelvis. "No!"
"If I wanted you to beg, I would have asked you to. Cut it out, or I'll have to duct tape that pretty mouth shut." Whumper's hand grabbed whumpee's soft shaft gently and pumped it up and down a couple times.
Whumpee barely restrained his whines, tugging desperately at his ropes. Tears fell freely from his shut eyes down his cheeks as he was touched.
"Stop squirming, pet," Whumper hissed, his hot breath meeting whumpee's member. He felt an involuntary moan try to force its way through, but held back. Whumper's lips pressed against whumpee's tip ever so gently.
Whumpee kept his sobs as quiet as possible; it was that or punishment. He felt weight lift off him and he forced himself to look.
Instant regret.
Whumper was taking his boxers off. He was already hard, so he didn't hesitate to line up with whumpee's hole.
Whumpee took in a sharp breath, whining in pain as whumper slid in a little past the tip.
"Shit, you're tight... shoulda started using you way earlier." Whumper groaned as he quickly bottomed out, no regard for how whumpee's hole was brutally stretched.
"Ow, ow, shit!" Whumpee cried, sobbing harder. This earned him nothing but a hand over his mouth. Whumpee squeezed his eyes shut again as whumper leaned over him.
"There, that'll shut you up, won't it?" Whumper crooned, beginning to thrust in and out. Whumpee heaved each breath through his nose, struggling to get oxygen.
Whumper sped up, gripping whumpee's hips with so much ferocity that he was sure he'd be bruised in the morning. "So tight~"
Whumpee tried to talk, but was blocked by whumper's large hand. His efforts only egged whumper on.
"What is it, baby?" He lifted his hand. "What's sooooo important that you have to-"
"Let me suck it instead." Whumpee wheezed, meeting whumper eyes. "Please?" Not that sucking it was something he wanted to do, it seemed like a better alternative.
"Suck what, pet?"
"Your dick..."
"What's the magic word?"
Whumper considered him for a moment, surprised, then his expression reverted back to his sick grin. "Well," his hand traced down whumpee's head to the side of his neck, "I suppose, since you asked so nice~"
Whumpee was unbound and yanked by his hair to his knees. Whumper ran his fingers through whumpee's hair for a second.
"No biting." Whimper instructed. "If you bite, ill have to pull your teeth, and do we want that?"
"No, sir."
"Good boy. Get started."
Whumpee leaned in slightly, mouth open, them hesitated.
"Now, or ill break that useless jaw of yours and do it myself."
Whumpee took his length into his mouth, wincing at the taste. He slowly bobbed his head down, gagging harshly as it hit the back of his throat.
"Its alright, keep going." Whumper soothed as tears sprung to whumpee's eyes.
Whumper tried again, suppressing his gag reflex. He sucked for a bit before his teeth dragged along the top of whumper's dick. Whumper tugged whumpee's hair, pulling him off.
Whumpee gasped slightly. "Wait! Don't pull my teeth out!" Whumpee sheilded his face.
"Well, i was gonna," Whumper hummed, "i suppose it's your first time? Consider this a warning. Open your mouth."
He let his arms fall down from his face. "Thank you, sir, i-" Whumper forced himself into Whumpee's mouth and thrust at a quick paste.
Whumpee tried not to gag, but he slipped up a few times. Whumper would simply pull a little on his hair and continue.
"You probably like your throat getting fucked, huh? Sweet thing~" whumper sped up impossibly fastesr.
Eventually, his pace slowed and began to stutter, his breaths coming as low moans and grunts. He rutted against whumpee's face, head thrown back.
He stopped moving at all, holding whumpee so close that his nose was buried in pubes.
"Ugh-" whumper grunted, then released a sigh. "Fuck~" He shot his load down whumpee's throat, but kept himself fully inside. "Dont spit, alright?"
Whumpee nodded the best he could, swallowing down the bulk of it. Whumper pulled out and dropped whumpee.
He fell to his side, exhausted.
"What do you say, pet?" Whumper said in a tone of voice that was much like a parent scolding a child.
"Th, thhhhh," Whumper prompted.
"Thank you..." whumpee panted, looking away.
"Good, good." Whumper tied him back to the leg of the bed with his pants and abruptly walked out. He paused in the doorframe, smiling wickedly. "Whaddya say, tomorrow night?"
Whumpee coughed weakly in response, shivering at the thought.
"Goodnight, pet. Ill give you all your punishments tomorrow."
"Yes, sir. Thank you, s-sir."
Then the lights were off and the door was closed.
Whumpee would've taken a beating over this, any day of the week.
Noah + Oliver origin story omg
●♤ are you really that stupid? ♤●
Whumper- Oliver; mafia boss (•♤•)
Whumpee- Noah; sucky assasin (•♡•)
Kidnapping, assassination attempt, nsfw whump, intimate whumper, torture, ransom money, hypno, conditioning
Noah checked his pocket discreetly; yep, the knife was still there. He followed behind the mafia boss he'd been working for for months. They headed down a rather shady street; dimmed lamplights, cracked sidewalks- you get the picture.
He took the knife from his pocket, starting to follow closer, closer, closer. He trailed barely a foot behind him until they reached a spot without a lamplight.
He finally dove at Oliver, aiming the knife right at the side of his neck.
Oliver whipped around and caught Noah's wrist firmly, then pinned him against the solid brick wall to their right.
"Ack- sir! I- I can explain!" Noah cried, letting the knife clatter to the sidewalk. He kicked his legs frantically as Oliver dragged him up the wall so that they were eye level.
"Noah, dear," Oliver spoke slow, shaking his head with dissaproval. "are you really that stupid? You think you can take me out like I'm some fucking- prey or something?"
"I'm- it- I wasn't-"
"I always thought you were a spy, this just confirms it." Oliver chuckled, pushing one hand against Noah's chest as he reached down for the knife. "Who do you work for, Noah?"
"Th-the Nameless! I was sent to assassinate y-you." Noah blurted as Oliver grabbed each of his shoulders again, the knife now pointed up at his throat. If Noah's head relaxed downwards, the weapon would be in his neck.
"That easy, huh? I don't even have to bring you home, I can kill you now, really." Oliver pushed the knife closer. Noah craned his neck away, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Nononono!" He cried, heart thumping out of his chest.
The knife never met his throat. Noah opened his eyes slowly.
Ill give you two options, boy. You either die right here, a quick jab to the neck, or you can come home with me. I need a new pet anyways." Noah felt shivers run down his spine at the word. Pet? What the hell? What does that mean?
It had to be better than dying, right?
"So, what's it gonna be, pretty boy?" Oliver ghosted the blade across Noah's throat. He shivered at the usage of 'pretty boy.'
"The second one!" Noah squeaked out, feeling the knife's tip graze his throat. Immediately, his feet hit the ground.
"Good choice." Oliver grinned, running his unarmed hand through Noah's curly hair. "Close your eyes, this'll hurt."
Noah stared blankly at the other man.
"Close your eyes."
Noah finally listened, anxiety coursing through him. Only a second after, he was gripped harshly from the back by his hair.
His eyes shot back open. "Ow, wh-"
His head flew at the brick wall, hitting with a thud. He let out a scream, eyes watering immediatelyas his nose was nearly broken. The first hit didn't quite knock him out, so Oliver dropped him. Noah let out a cry before he hit the sidewalk.
He woke up what felt like an eternity later, dazed. He had gone blind. He couldn't see anything, regardless of how much he blinked.
Had Oliver accidently done this? Or had he skewered Noah's eyes out with a hunting knife to try and handicap him? No, nothing really hurt besides his forehead and his nose. What if it was residual brain damage from the impact?
Panic surged through his body, and he cried out wordlessly.
In his terror, he attempted to flail and found his hands were bound together. He tried his legs; the same.
Finally, he noticed the low hum in his ears and the rumble shaking his environment.
He wasn't blind, he was in a trunk.
"Help!" Noah screamed with all the air in his lungs, thrashing in the confined space.
A muffled voice called back to him, "We're almost home, love. Go back to sleep."
"G- get me outta here!" Noah cried, kicking his bound legs.
"Back to sleep." Oliver repeated more sternly.
Noah felt the car shake as they hit a bump, and as his head came down against the floor of the trunk, he was unconsious again.
Hours later, Noah awoke. He opened his eyes to survey his environment. He was in a fucking basement. Great start.
He was tied to a chair via soft, silky, black material. His hands were bound together, then tied around both of his thighs (which were strapped to the chair with a leather belt.)
Aside from the chair, the room held a mattress with some blankets, two dog bowls, a television, a leash hanging off the wall, and, opposite from him, a passageway upstairs and a closed door.
"Oliver? Boss?" He called, his voice shaking. What even was this? A setup for a dog to live in?
Footsteps thrummed slowly down the stairs. Oliver walked to Noah, grinning. "Awake already, dear?" His hand brushed through Noah's curly hair, almost soothingly.
"Oliver, what the fuck am I doing here?" Noah tried to flinch away, but was held in place by his boss gripping his hair suddenly. He only relaxed the grip and pretty Noah again when he ceased his struggles.
"Oh, that question has a variety of answers. Right now? You're talking to me and getting pet. In a bit, we're making a ransom video. And in general?" Oliver's hand trailed down to Noah's cheek. "You're becoming my pet."
Noah did his best not to react to Oliver's touch. "What do you mean by pet?"
Oliver paused and stared at him like he was stupid, replacing the look with a warm smile a second after. His hand went back up to play in Noah's curls. "It's simple, really. You live with and belong to me. I will treat you good and reward you if you comply. If you resist, we head over yonder to the cellar, " he gestured to the closed door beside the stairs, "and you'll get a punishment."
"Belong to you?!" Noah gawked, adrenaline suddenly rushing through him as he struggled at the bindings. "I don't belong to anybody! Let me go!"
Oliver shook his head, puffing a sigh. His hand pulled away from Noah. "We'll have to break that line of thinking later. For now, it's time for your ransom video."
"No. Fuck off! Let me go!" He pulled and twisted at his bonds.
Oliver walked somewhere behind him and returned with a camera and a tri-pod. "If your little organization decides they want you back, they'll pay ransom. Ill send the video to your family too. And- oh! Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend." Noah's heart sank. Oh, no, poor Aaron. His boyfriend was surely panicking that he was gone, right? Tears flowed past his eyelids. "Nobody in my family has a lot of money... please just let me go."
Oliver nodded. "A boyfriend, huh? I'm sure he misses you. Does he have good money?"
"Then it's up to 'The Nameless' to pay your ransom. They'll surely-"
Noah's phone chimed in his pocket.
"Oh, you brought me your phone!" Oliver grinned, reaching to pull it out of Noah's pocket. "How sweet, is this him?" Oliver asked, referring to his lock screen. Without waiting for a response, Oliver put the phone beside Noah's right hand. "Unlock it."
Noah shook his head, trying to stop his tears. No way was he going to give this creep access to his phone. "I don't want to."
"That's unfortunate. Unlock it or I'll break your fingers." Oliver prompted, shaking the phone subtly. Noah shivered and drew the pattern to unlock it.
"Let's see, what do we got here?" Noah sniffled as Oliver scrolled. "A message from Aaron? Is that your boyfriend? He says; 'are we still on for tonight? Why won't you respond to my messages?'" Oliver laughed.
"Oh, Aaron..." Noah whispered, hanging his head.
"Let's send him some pictures later! That'll be fun!" Oliver pocketed the phone and went back to his tri-pod, clicking on the camera.
"Hello, friends, family, and co-workers of Noah!" He greeted, blocking Noah from the camera's line of sight.
"Help!" Noah cried out, a sob breaking the word into two syllables. "Help me!"
Oliver backed away, revealing Noah to the sight of the camera. "I have dear Noah here with me. He reallllly misses all of you, doesn't he? Tell them, love."
"Help me! Please!" Noah cried out. "Mom! Dad! Aaron! He's gonna kill me-"
He was stopped as Oliver's thumb pressed against his tongue, the remainder of his fingers against the bottom of his jaw.
"Dont say that, honey! Im not gonna kill you without good reason! And you can go back home if they scrape together- hm, how much do you think, Noah?"
Noah shook his head as best he could in response. How much was a ransom payment even supposed to be?
"Give me a number between $250,000 and $400,000." Noah's jaw was released, granting him the ability to speak.
"Uh- uhm-" Noah looked directly at the camera. "$250,000?"
Oliver bounced his fingers through Noah's hair. "$400,000 it is! Ill expect the money by... let's say two weeks from now?"
"They don't have the fucking money!" Noah sobbed, struggling feverently. "Please let me go! I won't tell anyone!"
"Do I have to gag you, love?" Oliver whipped around.
"No, please..." Noah shrunk back in his seat, lowering his voice. When Oliver gave a small nod and approached the camera, Noah spoke again, "Aaron... I'm sorry. I love you so much..."
The camera beeped and was off. Noah cried out in despair, losing his only possible contact to the outside world. Oliver turned to him and crouched, holding him by the soft material binding his hands.
"Noah. Im going to untie you. You will not fight me, you're gonna come with me to the bed, okay?" Oliver's peircing eyes met Noah's.
Noah shook his head. "No, f-fuck off. Ill never just obey you like that..." He talked of, having a silent sob. "Oliver, they won't be able to pay..."
"First of all, you don't tell me no." A had wrapped threateningly around his throat, but didn't squeeze. "Second, what about your little organization? They're pretty rich, from what I hear."
"I- I guess..." Noah sniffled, watching as Oliver carefully untied him. He lifted his hands slowly, glad to have the movement back, and waited as the belt keeping his legs in place was removed.
"Come here." Oliver helped him up, practically carrying him to the bed. Noah collapsed into a ball, tucking his head between his knees and wrapping his hands around the back of his head.
"Shh, I know, baby." Oliver's hand settled on Noah's back, rubbing up and down.
Noah tried to ignore the way Oliver said 'baby.' He tried to squeeze his eyes closed and pretend it was Aaron and not Oliver. That he was at his apartment getting a back rub from his boyfriend. That he wasn't being held for ransom in the basement of the man he was sent to kill.
It was hard.
"Noah, its alright... I've got you." Oliver whispered, snaking his hand between Noah's chest and legs. Noah let out a feeble whine as he was forcefully dragged back against the other's chest and into his lap. "Like i said, Noah. Im not gonna hurt you as long as you don't make me."
"How do i know that..?" Noah whispered, trying to arch away from his captor. Suddenly, Oliver's arms pulled him very tight, keeping him in place. Something twitched against his rear.
"F-fuck." Oliver breathed directly in Noah's ear, gripping his hips with bruising strength. Noah whimpered as a hand moved down his thigh. Fingers brushed against his clothed cock gently.
He was beginning to finally understand what Oliver meant by 'pet.'
"No-!" Noah cried, throwing his elbow back into Oliver's ribcage. Oliver let out a grunt, leaning back for a second.
Noah took this as his chance. He rolled forward onto his hands and knees, ready to push up to his feet.
That was until a hand gripped the back of his neck. "Noah. Stay perfectly still."
Noah obeyed out of fear, hearing the dangerous edge to Oliver's voice.
"Good pet. Now, I'm not going to punish you right now. I'll save all your punishments until the end of the day, then we'll go to the punishment room and you'll pay for your mistakes. I won't take my anger out on you until then." He grabbed Noah by the armpits and pulled him up onto his knees, then back against his chest once more.
"Im not your fucking pet..." Noah spat defiantly, though he didn't dare move.
"I understand why you say this things, my love." Oliver soothed, rubbing his hand against Noah's dick again. Noah squirmed a bit, though Oliver seemed to ignore it. "You aren't used to living like this yet. I have something that might help with that."
The lights turned off and the TV clicked on and a black and white spiral began to swirl in the center endlessly.
"Were going to try some hypnotism. Keep your eyes on the center of the spiral. If you disobey, ill give you an extra whipping tonight." Oliver's free hand rested in Noah's hair, playing with it.
Noah obeyed, intimidated by his threat. His eyes settled on the screen and tried to relax against Oliver.
"You're a good boy." Oliver spoke into his ear, his voice gentle.
"Huh? Wh-" Noah began. His eyes nearly broke from the screen to look back at his captor.
"Shh, shh. Just relax and listen," Oliver interrupted. "You're my good boy. You belong to me."
Noah was made uncomfortable by Oliver's words, but didn't bother to move. He focused on the spiral and not his captor.
"My puppy, my pet... just relax, be calm...." Oliver's sentences seemed fuzzy and far away as he watched the spiral. Eventually, his vision started to blur. Noah was only vaguely aware as Oliver's fingers applied more pressure to his clothed dick. He didn't even react. Slowly but surely, his brain effectively shut off, leaving him staring doe-eyed at the spiral.
Round, round and round...
Oliver mumbled sweet words into Noah's ear, noting the way he rarely ever responded. When the boy did respond, it was a simple "mm" in reaction to what Oliver had said.
It was going on two hours of this when Noah stirred slightly. Noah shushed him slightly, moving his hand in gentle circles against the other's scalp.
"You love it when I do this. You would do anything to behave and cuddle up next to me, wouldn't you?" Oliver peeked around to check on Noah, seeing his unfocused eyes and mouth hanging slightly open. A grin split Oliver's face at the sight.
Noah was finally behaving, how exciting! Even if he didn't know it, Noah's brain was being fed his words and internallising a great deal of them.
"My pet, you love being my pretty little thing; my object- my property. You fucking love it. Dumb little thing~"
After about another half hour, Oliver picked up the TV remote again.
"Noah, dear? Feel free to look away from the screen, if you'd like. I'll turn the TV off in a bit." His hand groped at the pudge of the other boy's inner thigh.
The boy shifted slightly in his lap, signaling his refocus.
Noah blinked a couple times. Had he zoned out? For how long? It could have been hours. He shifted slightly against his master-
Why did that thought even cross his mind? He brushed it off as an unwanted intrusive thought, sitting up.
He looked around, startled as the world spun in his vision. Toppling back into Oliver's lap, he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Your eyes are gonna be weird for a few minutes, keep them shut if that feels better." The low voice cooed, giving him some comfort. Since when did his voice comfort him?
"How do you feel, pet? Any different?" Oliver prompted, resting both of his hands on Noah's sides. They moved up and down soothingly.
"No, sir, I feel fine-" Noah paused, his face heating up when he realized what he said. "I-I mean-"
"Good boy," Oliver interrupted, his hand swooping up to cover Noah's mouth. "It's working, I see."
Noah slowly opened his eyes, his vision evening out. The TV was off finally, leaving the two in the darkness.
"Whaddya say we get back you back to your cage, yeah?" Oliver lifted Noah carefully.
"Of course,
Click for better quality <3



Logan and bugbear :]
Im rlly happy with how this turned out, but i was too lazy to do a background lol
The long awaited...
Back Home P3
Reference to noncon, nudity, kidnapping, captivity, ransom, abuse, pet whump, caretaker × whumpee, fatshaming(scrutinizing gained weight [char isnt overweight, just not to "standard"), brief mentions of cancer, animal death, and human death, force feeding, shocking, creepy/gentle Whumper, stockholm syndrome (?)
Whumpee had already passed out when Whumper returned. They awoke what they assumed was hours later inside their kennel. To their relief, a blanket had been thrown over them— they had been tucked in. They pulled the comforter further up their body, trying to cover their bare shoulders.
They were almost back asleep when the bedroom door clicked and careful bootsteps approached.
Whumpee kept still, trying their best to appear like they were sleeping.
"Oh, Whumpee," Whumper cooed, stalking closer. "Are you awake in there?"
Whumpee's eyes cracked open just a fraction, revealing a sliver of their anxiety-laden gaze. They could feel the weight of Whumper's gaze on them, and the unease settled in their chest like a heavy stone. Their mind raced, desperately trying to think of a way to protect themselves from whatever Whumper had planned next.
Whumper's fingers trailed over the bars of the kennel, and Whumpee tensed, their heart pounding in their ears. "I know you're awake, my dear," Whumper purred, amusement tainting their words. "No need to pretend."
Swallowing hard, Whumpee forced themselves to relax, letting their body go limp as if still in slumber.
With a sudden jolt, Whumper's hand gripped Whumpee's ankle and pulled them out from under the covers. Whumpee yipped in fear as their bare body was pulled out from under the covers. They scrambled to pull the blanket back over their waist. Whumper's eyes bore into them, excited like a kid with a new toy.
"Such a fragile thing, aren't you?" Whumper mused, pouting.
"You've had your nap. Come on." Whumper's voice was stern. Whumpee shuffled forward, sitting on their knees. The cold air of Whumper's house made their skin tingle.
"Good pet," Whumper purred, scratching Whumpee's head. Whumpee pulled away from them, goosebumps prickling along their skin.
In response, Whumper grabbed their hair, making them yelp. Their voice was more disappointed than anything. "Oh, Whumpee. Absolutely not. You'll accept the affection I give you, got it?"
Whumpee cowered beneath them, their heart thumping.
"Got it?" The hand in their hair twisted and pulled up. Whumpee had to take the weight off their hands and stretch upwards for fear of their hair being ripped out.
"I understand," they squeaked, falling back to their hands and knees as Whumper released them.
"Good, hun. Now come along, will you?" Whumper started to leave the room, and Whumpee scrambled after them on their knees.
Whumper strode confidently through the hall, the monotonous tip tap of their shoes on the hardwood floors echoing against the walls. Whumpee followed close behind, staring at the heels of Whumper's shoes.
"You hungry yet? You must've burned quite a few calories before you passed out earlier." Whumper didn't check behind them to make sure Whumpee was following. Whumpee was breathing heavily through their nose as they kept up with Whumper's swift stride.
Once in the kitchen, Whumper finally turned. Their intense eyes scanned over Whumpee, seeming to rake through them and study every imperfection.
"You're out of shape, dear," Whumper leaned down, pinching the chub of their cheek. "The hell was Caretaker feeding you?"
"I eat whatever I want," Whumpee retorted, looking up at Whumper.
"You've put on weight, love. It's a shame, really. You were in exquisite shape under my care..." Whumper rose back to their feet, snagging a finger under Whumpee's collar and dragging them forward into the kitchen. "It's okay, sweetie, it's not your fault. It's that wretched Caretaker's fault. They let you get like this. But it's okay. We'll get you back to your regimen, and you'll be back in shape in no time." They patted Whumpee's cheek affectionately.
Whumpee didn't respond, struggling to keep up as they were dragged through the tiled kitchen. They saw new installments in the house as they were pulled through.
Whumpee got a better look as they arrived. Right between the fridge and a counter, there was a fancy padded dog beg with a chain hanging from the wall that was long enough to touch the bed.
"Go on, sit." Whumper tugged them forward. "Then I'll clip you in, and you'll be nice and secure."
Whumpee crawled forward slowly, feeling their hands and knees sink into the soft bed. They heard a little click as the chain clipped to their collar and turned to see Whumper standing over them.
"Stay there and be good, kay? Dinner will be ready soon." Whumper rubbed Whumpee's chin affectionately, then pulled away.
Whumpee stayed absolutely silent, leaning back against the wall as Whumper began to pull ingredients out of the fridge, an assortment of vegetables and fish.
God, they were cold. Whumpee sat against the wall, refusing to let their guard down for a second.
Whumpee tensed up as Whumper approached them.
"Open. Try this." A fork prodded at Whumpee's lips. "I tried a new rice recipe. And yes dear, you're getting rice. I figured it'd help warm you back up to your diet."
Whumpee chewed the rice, eyes on Whumper.
Why are they being so nice?
Maybe if they stayed quiet, Whumper would get bored of them.
Where are you, Caretaker?
It took a lot to make Caretaker cry.
They hadn't cried when their first dog had been hit by a car. They hadn't cried like their siblings had when their grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. Hell- they barely cried when their dad kicked the bucket.
But here they were, clutching Whumpee's dirty sweater to their chest. Wrecked. That was the best word for it.
Every muscle screamed for them to go find Whumpee, to bring them home, wrap them in a hundred layers of bubble wrap and never let them go again.
They couldn't.
It took most of their energy to crawl through the house to the bedroom and dig the sweater from their hamper. Everything hurt. Their cracked rib screeched in fury every time they took a shuddering breath, their bruised cheekbones stinging against the white sheets.
Well- they had been white once. Now they were blotted with a grim, deep red where Caretaker's blood had seeped in.
You have to do something.
Caretaker went to sit up after a moment, pain shooting up their sprained wrist. They fell back to the bed, hissing.
Don't be a wuss, they scolded themself. Whumpee's in much worse pain than this. Do this for their sake.
Whumpee was being served a gourmet salmon filet with a plate of fresh veggies.
They stared down at the meal, picking at the stalks of celery disdainfully.
Whumper sat a few feet in front of them, enjoying the very same dish. Their eyes flicked up and met Whumpee's, and a grin split their face. "Enjoying your salmon?"
"I don't eat fish." They responded, averting their eyes and picking up a slice of cucumber with their fork.
"You eat fish all the time, silly." Whumper laughed, continuing to bore their eyes into Whumpee. "Go on, try it."
"I don't eat fish." Whumpee repeated, biting into the crisp cucumber.
Their wrist was seized, and their fork clattered across the tablecloth. Whumpee choked on their cucumber slice, quickly swallowing it down.
"You ate fish nearly every day I had you." Whumper said. Whumpee's wrist was pinned against the table. "What right do you have," Whumper hissed, "to refuse your nice, home-cooked meal?"
Now the steak knife was tracing across their palm. Whumpee's other hand gripped the table and they did their best not to whine.
Whumpee took in a deep breath. "No, please-"
Whumper ignored them, spinning the knife on Whumpee's palm. "Oh hush, now. That'll get you nowhere. I make you delicious, healthy food and I expect you to eat it. You're lucky I even let you eat at the table.
You know I don't like having to hurt you," they said. "Apologise, and we can move on, dear."
"I'll eat," Whumpee spoke quietly, unable to shake the waver in their voice.
"And?" Whumper traced the lines of their palm ever so gently, causing Whumpee's hand to twitch.
"And I'm sorry."
"Good." Whumper finally amended, releasing their wrist. "Get to eating, now. You'll need the energy."
Whumpee didn't reply, cutting into the salmon finally. They took a bite, forcing it down. It was good fish, but all Whumpee could think about was their previous time spent in captivity. The same perfectly prepared fish and veggies were given to them at lunch and dinnertime before their beatings.
"There you go," Whumper said smoothly. "You're doing so much better already. I can tell that you're remembering how things are supposed to be."
Whumpee looked up at them momentarily, then returned to their meal.
Stay quiet, stay predictable, and stay boring, they thought. Whumper will get bored of me soon enough.
After dinner, Whumpee was brought to Whumper's bedroom. They were praying that they'd be shoved back into their cage for the evening, but they weren't quite that lucky.
Whumper sat them in the middle of the room, standing before them.
"Do you remember all your commands, Whumpee?" they asked, and when given no response, they continued. "Tonight we're gonna go through them all again. And if you've forgotten, I've got a little friend here to help us jog your memory." Whumper held up a shock collar, waving it enticingly.
Whumpee looked up at them, frozen. "Y- you don't have to use that, I- I'm fine without it. I've already got my collar on." Whumpee touched their collar gently.
Whumper brushed their hand away and switched their collar out.
"Here we are. Now kneel," Whumper ordered.
Whumpee did as they were told, kneeling with their back straight and their hands on their knees. Whumper hummed, nodding.
"Bow," Whumper said next, fiddling with the settings on the remote. Whumpee slid down until their palms and elbows touched the floor. A shock ran through their body, and they cried out.
Whumper tsked. "Head in the carpet. Raise your backside higher."
Whumpee fixed themselves, shaking.
Sit. Beg. Lay. Roll over.
Like they were a dog.
They were shocked several times for being too slow, making too much noise, not showing enough emotion in their eyes, bad posture, and whatever bullshit reason Whumper could come up with to see their pet jerk and cry in pain.
Their pet.
Was that what Whumpee saw themselves as? A pet, doing tricks for Whumper's entertainment?
Maybe it would be easier that way. Submitting to their purred commands, shooting Whumper puppy eyes when they praised them, falling into positions when they were asked... it could be so, so much easier.
Whumpee looked up at Whumper, at the expression on their face. They were smiling down at Whumpee with an achingly gentle expression.
"You're doing good, Whumpee, better than I expected. Like I said, I don't like hurting you. I shouldn't really have to, honestly. Alas, you respond very well to this form of training. We'll be done with it eventually." Whumper's hand rustled and then smoothed their hair.
Whumpee bowed their head, letting Whumper card their fingers through their hair.
"Oh, Whumpee... my sweet thing. I really missed having you. It's been so lonely here without you." Whumper got down on one knee, sighing. "Those eyes... won't you look at me, hun?"
Whumpee looked up, anxiety pricking at their neck.
"There we are. That. Those beautiful, innocent eyes." Whumper smiled lovingly. "Just... exquisite. I don't think I can ever give you back. We're meant to be together, you and I."
Whumpee didn't respond.
"Dear? Can't you talk?" Something like concern etched its way into Whumper's face. "You haven't spoken much since dinner.
"... can I go to bed?" Whumpee said softly.
They were granted a pair of warm black sweatpants and were locked back in their cage. Tucking back under their blankets, Whumpee thought of Caretaker's words to them.
"Whumpee, don't let them get to you. You promised you'd stay strong for me, right?"
Whumpee bit their lip, squeezing their pillow.
I'm sorry, Caretaker. I'm sorry for failing you.
Maybe I'm just as much of a pathetic toy Whumper says I am.
aren't you guys excited to wait another 9 months for pt 4? >:)
This series is literally my baby though oml
The long awaited...
Back Home P3
Reference to noncon, nudity, kidnapping, captivity, ransom, abuse, pet whump, caretaker × whumpee, fatshaming(scrutinizing gained weight [char isnt overweight, just not to "standard"), brief mentions of cancer, animal death, and human death, force feeding, shocking, creepy/gentle Whumper, stockholm syndrome (?)
Whumpee had already passed out when Whumper returned. They awoke what they assumed was hours later inside their kennel. To their relief, a blanket had been thrown over them— they had been tucked in. They pulled the comforter further up their body, trying to cover their bare shoulders.
They were almost back asleep when the bedroom door clicked and careful bootsteps approached.
Whumpee kept still, trying their best to appear like they were sleeping.
"Oh, Whumpee," Whumper cooed, stalking closer. "Are you awake in there?"
Whumpee's eyes cracked open just a fraction, revealing a sliver of their anxiety-laden gaze. They could feel the weight of Whumper's gaze on them, and the unease settled in their chest like a heavy stone. Their mind raced, desperately trying to think of a way to protect themselves from whatever Whumper had planned next.
Whumper's fingers trailed over the bars of the kennel, and Whumpee tensed, their heart pounding in their ears. "I know you're awake, my dear," Whumper purred, amusement tainting their words. "No need to pretend."
Swallowing hard, Whumpee forced themselves to relax, letting their body go limp as if still in slumber.
With a sudden jolt, Whumper's hand gripped Whumpee's ankle and pulled them out from under the covers. Whumpee yipped in fear as their bare body was pulled out from under the covers. They scrambled to pull the blanket back over their waist. Whumper's eyes bore into them, excited like a kid with a new toy.
"Such a fragile thing, aren't you?" Whumper mused, pouting.
"You've had your nap. Come on." Whumper's voice was stern. Whumpee shuffled forward, sitting on their knees. The cold air of Whumper's house made their skin tingle.
"Good pet," Whumper purred, scratching Whumpee's head. Whumpee pulled away from them, goosebumps prickling along their skin.
In response, Whumper grabbed their hair, making them yelp. Their voice was more disappointed than anything. "Oh, Whumpee. Absolutely not. You'll accept the affection I give you, got it?"
Whumpee cowered beneath them, their heart thumping.
"Got it?" The hand in their hair twisted and pulled up. Whumpee had to take the weight off their hands and stretch upwards for fear of their hair being ripped out.
"I understand," they squeaked, falling back to their hands and knees as Whumper released them.
"Good, hun. Now come along, will you?" Whumper started to leave the room, and Whumpee scrambled after them on their knees.
Whumper strode confidently through the hall, the monotonous tip tap of their shoes on the hardwood floors echoing against the walls. Whumpee followed close behind, staring at the heels of Whumper's shoes.
"You hungry yet? You must've burned quite a few calories before you passed out earlier." Whumper didn't check behind them to make sure Whumpee was following. Whumpee was breathing heavily through their nose as they kept up with Whumper's swift stride.
Once in the kitchen, Whumper finally turned. Their intense eyes scanned over Whumpee, seeming to rake through them and study every imperfection.
"You're out of shape, dear," Whumper leaned down, pinching the chub of their cheek. "The hell was Caretaker feeding you?"
"I eat whatever I want," Whumpee retorted, looking up at Whumper.
"You've put on weight, love. It's a shame, really. You were in exquisite shape under my care..." Whumper rose back to their feet, snagging a finger under Whumpee's collar and dragging them forward into the kitchen. "It's okay, sweetie, it's not your fault. It's that wretched Caretaker's fault. They let you get like this. But it's okay. We'll get you back to your regimen, and you'll be back in shape in no time." They patted Whumpee's cheek affectionately.
Whumpee didn't respond, struggling to keep up as they were dragged through the tiled kitchen. They saw new installments in the house as they were pulled through.
Whumpee got a better look as they arrived. Right between the fridge and a counter, there was a fancy padded dog beg with a chain hanging from the wall that was long enough to touch the bed.
"Go on, sit." Whumper tugged them forward. "Then I'll clip you in, and you'll be nice and secure."
Whumpee crawled forward slowly, feeling their hands and knees sink into the soft bed. They heard a little click as the chain clipped to their collar and turned to see Whumper standing over them.
"Stay there and be good, kay? Dinner will be ready soon." Whumper rubbed Whumpee's chin affectionately, then pulled away.
Whumpee stayed absolutely silent, leaning back against the wall as Whumper began to pull ingredients out of the fridge, an assortment of vegetables and fish.
God, they were cold. Whumpee sat against the wall, refusing to let their guard down for a second.
Whumpee tensed up as Whumper approached them.
"Open. Try this." A fork prodded at Whumpee's lips. "I tried a new rice recipe. And yes dear, you're getting rice. I figured it'd help warm you back up to your diet."
Whumpee chewed the rice, eyes on Whumper.
Why are they being so nice?
Maybe if they stayed quiet, Whumper would get bored of them.
Where are you, Caretaker?
It took a lot to make Caretaker cry.
They hadn't cried when their first dog had been hit by a car. They hadn't cried like their siblings had when their grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. Hell- they barely cried when their dad kicked the bucket.
But here they were, clutching Whumpee's dirty sweater to their chest. Wrecked. That was the best word for it.
Every muscle screamed for them to go find Whumpee, to bring them home, wrap them in a hundred layers of bubble wrap and never let them go again.
They couldn't.
It took most of their energy to crawl through the house to the bedroom and dig the sweater from their hamper. Everything hurt. Their cracked rib screeched in fury every time they took a shuddering breath, their bruised cheekbones stinging against the white sheets.
Well- they had been white once. Now they were blotted with a grim, deep red where Caretaker's blood had seeped in.
You have to do something.
Caretaker went to sit up after a moment, pain shooting up their sprained wrist. They fell back to the bed, hissing.
Don't be a wuss, they scolded themself. Whumpee's in much worse pain than this. Do this for their sake.
Whumpee was being served a gourmet salmon filet with a plate of fresh veggies.
They stared down at the meal, picking at the stalks of celery disdainfully.
Whumper sat a few feet in front of them, enjoying the very same dish. Their eyes flicked up and met Whumpee's, and a grin split their face. "Enjoying your salmon?"
"I don't eat fish." They responded, averting their eyes and picking up a slice of cucumber with their fork.
"You eat fish all the time, silly." Whumper laughed, continuing to bore their eyes into Whumpee. "Go on, try it."
"I don't eat fish." Whumpee repeated, biting into the crisp cucumber.
Their wrist was seized, and their fork clattered across the tablecloth. Whumpee choked on their cucumber slice, quickly swallowing it down.
"You ate fish nearly every day I had you." Whumper said. Whumpee's wrist was pinned against the table. "What right do you have," Whumper hissed, "to refuse your nice, home-cooked meal?"
Now the steak knife was tracing across their palm. Whumpee's other hand gripped the table and they did their best not to whine.
Whumpee took in a deep breath. "No, please-"
Whumper ignored them, spinning the knife on Whumpee's palm. "Oh hush, now. That'll get you nowhere. I make you delicious, healthy food and I expect you to eat it. You're lucky I even let you eat at the table.
You know I don't like having to hurt you," they said. "Apologise, and we can move on, dear."
"I'll eat," Whumpee spoke quietly, unable to shake the waver in their voice.
"And?" Whumper traced the lines of their palm ever so gently, causing Whumpee's hand to twitch.
"And I'm sorry."
"Good." Whumper finally amended, releasing their wrist. "Get to eating, now. You'll need the energy."
Whumpee didn't reply, cutting into the salmon finally. They took a bite, forcing it down. It was good fish, but all Whumpee could think about was their previous time spent in captivity. The same perfectly prepared fish and veggies were given to them at lunch and dinnertime before their beatings.
"There you go," Whumper said smoothly. "You're doing so much better already. I can tell that you're remembering how things are supposed to be."
Whumpee looked up at them momentarily, then returned to their meal.
Stay quiet, stay predictable, and stay boring, they thought. Whumper will get bored of me soon enough.
After dinner, Whumpee was brought to Whumper's bedroom. They were praying that they'd be shoved back into their cage for the evening, but they weren't quite that lucky.
Whumper sat them in the middle of the room, standing before them.
"Do you remember all your commands, Whumpee?" they asked, and when given no response, they continued. "Tonight we're gonna go through them all again. And if you've forgotten, I've got a little friend here to help us jog your memory." Whumper held up a shock collar, waving it enticingly.
Whumpee looked up at them, frozen. "Y- you don't have to use that, I- I'm fine without it. I've already got my collar on." Whumpee touched their collar gently.
Whumper brushed their hand away and switched their collar out.
"Here we are. Now kneel," Whumper ordered.
Whumpee did as they were told, kneeling with their back straight and their hands on their knees. Whumper hummed, nodding.
"Bow," Whumper said next, fiddling with the settings on the remote. Whumpee slid down until their palms and elbows touched the floor. A shock ran through their body, and they cried out.
Whumper tsked. "Head in the carpet. Raise your backside higher."
Whumpee fixed themselves, shaking.
Sit. Beg. Lay. Roll over.
Like they were a dog.
They were shocked several times for being too slow, making too much noise, not showing enough emotion in their eyes, bad posture, and whatever bullshit reason Whumper could come up with to see their pet jerk and cry in pain.
Their pet.
Was that what Whumpee saw themselves as? A pet, doing tricks for Whumper's entertainment?
Maybe it would be easier that way. Submitting to their purred commands, shooting Whumper puppy eyes when they praised them, falling into positions when they were asked... it could be so, so much easier.
Whumpee looked up at Whumper, at the expression on their face. They were smiling down at Whumpee with an achingly gentle expression.
"You're doing good, Whumpee, better than I expected. Like I said, I don't like hurting you. I shouldn't really have to, honestly. Alas, you respond very well to this form of training. We'll be done with it eventually." Whumper's hand rustled and then smoothed their hair.
Whumpee bowed their head, letting Whumper card their fingers through their hair.
"Oh, Whumpee... my sweet thing. I really missed having you. It's been so lonely here without you." Whumper got down on one knee, sighing. "Those eyes... won't you look at me, hun?"
Whumpee looked up, anxiety pricking at their neck.
"There we are. That. Those beautiful, innocent eyes." Whumper smiled lovingly. "Just... exquisite. I don't think I can ever give you back. We're meant to be together, you and I."
Whumpee didn't respond.
"Dear? Can't you talk?" Something like concern etched its way into Whumper's face. "You haven't spoken much since dinner.
"... can I go to bed?" Whumpee said softly.
They were granted a pair of warm black sweatpants and were locked back in their cage. Tucking back under their blankets, Whumpee thought of Caretaker's words to them.
"Whumpee, don't let them get to you. You promised you'd stay strong for me, right?"
Whumpee bit their lip, squeezing their pillow.
I'm sorry, Caretaker. I'm sorry for failing you.
Maybe I'm just as much of a pathetic toy Whumper says I am.
aren't you guys excited to wait another 9 months for pt 4? >:)
This series is literally my baby though oml
i had a vision please let me just
cw: begging, kinda dehumanizing, attempted murder i guess, bad writing
a whumper breaks into someone’s house (with the intent of killing them). they got a knife or gun in their hand. they find the whumpee and basically chase them all around their house until eventually backing them up into a corner.
at this point, whumpee genuinely believes that they are about to die, so before they can even really think about what they’re doing, they drop to their hands and knees and beg for their life.
most of it is just crying and saying “pleaseplease dont, please-” over and over again. at some point they grabbed onto the killers pant leg like a child would in their desperate attempt for mercy. they don’t even remember doing it to be honest.
once that little outburst is over, whumpee realizes that their begging was not only humiliating, but most likely pointless. whumpee stays frozen in place, like a deer in the headlights, not daring to look up like it’s the only thing keeping them alive.
whumper is unnaturally quiet, and they stay quiet for way too long. whumpee can’t tell from the position they’re in, but whumper was uncharacteristically amused by this little show. normally they would have killed and their victims by now, maybe they’re getting soft.
after a few more minutes of deafening silence, whumpee finally gets enough courage to try and look up at them. their eyes almost reach their face when whumper grabs their hair, and slowly (but roughly) leans their head back down.
now whumpee is confused. are they still going to kill them? are they going to let them go? that seems way to easy… whumpers hand is still lingering on their head, in a way that could almost be mistaken as comforting.
whumpee was almost going to say something when whumpers hand starts moving, they flinch violently as they feel fingers ruffling their hair, as if they were a dog.
whumpee has a feeling they aren’t going to be let go anytime soon.
(sorry for the horrible writing i’ve never really done one of these before, and also i’m really tired)
I like the idea of a shock collar being like training wheels for a whumpee.
It’s a big deal when whumper can finally switch it out for a silken new one or even a sturdy leather one.
Imagine the reveal of a whumpee’s new collar. The praise they’d receive from the other whumpers at a fancy event—for being such a good boy. Perhaps it makes their skin crawl. Or maybe it makes them proud.
Imagine whumpers at the party seeing a pet with an ugly shock collar still locked around their neck and judging instantly. They know it’s been bad. Maybe the pet had messed up that week. Maybe it’d been a bit too clumsy or a bit too stupid. Maybe disobeyed orders, or god forbid tried to escape. Rumors spread quickly amongst a half-drunk, gossiping crowd.
Whumper blames whumpee, of course, saying it’s all their fault. How bad they are for forcing whumper’s hand, for making them lock that ugly thing back around their pet’s throat. How useless and worthless they are, that they have to embarrass whumper like this.
But they will wear their shame. And they will bear the painful consequences of that tempting little remote in whumper’s pocket. All. Night. Long.
Augusnippets day 1
Content– gaslighting, pet whump, police, hospital.
Whumpee awoke in the night to the sound of sirens. He jumped up, scrambling to the window and looking out. Red and blue lights dazed him, and he pulled away, covering his eyes. The sounds of car doors slamming shut sent him into a frantic kind of panic, and he ran for Whumper's bedroom.
"Sir!" he cried, grabbing the hand that hung off the side. "Sir, wake up! There's sirens, a- and there's lights, and people are here—"
Whumper sat up, sucking in a breath. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, grabbing Whumpee's cheeks. His voice was serious, with a hint of panic creeping through, "Whumpee. The cops are here for me. They are going to take you away from me," Whumper explained, running his right hand through his trembling pet's hair. "I need you to listen. They will try to lie to you, try and fill your head with their words, and convince you I'm a bad guy so that they can send me to jail. You can NOT, under any circumstance, let them get to you, do you understand?"
Whumpee began to tear up, shaking his head frantically. "No, no, why? Why are they taking me?" he cried, grabbing at Whumper's sleeves. "Did I do something bad?"
"No, dear. They— they don't... approve of relationships like ours, see? They'll tell you that I kidnapped you, that I abused you. This is not true. Do you understand me, Whumpee?" Whumper grew more serious.
"What? No, you- you saved me! You trained me to be good! You aren't a kidnapper!" Whumpee blubbered, flinching as hard knocks sounded on the front door. "No, I can't—" he choked on his own words, interrupted by Whumper's steady voice.
"Do you understand, Whumpee?"
Whumpee nodded tearfully, hiding his head between Whumper's knees. He only looked back up when something bumped against his head. He looked up to see his stuffed bunny, which Whumper handed down to him.
There was a bang as the door was knocked down, and footsteps thundered into the house. Whumpee squealed as cops filled the room, guns aimed at Whumper. He ducked down when they began to bark commands, clutching his bunny as he cried.
The cops grabbed Whumper, cuffing him and dragging him away. Whumpee couldn't help but sit up, crying out, "Whumper!"
Two more cops crouched down to grab Whumpee, scooping him up and bringing him towards the door.
As he was brought outside for the first time in years, Whumpee searched frantically for his owner. He caught a glimpse of his face through the barred windows of the cop car's backseat and called out again, only to be hurried into an ambulance.
Whumpee was dimly aware of his bunny being pulled off his chest, of gloved hands easing him onto the stretcher, of machines beeping around him. He seemed to blink, and all of a sudden, he was in a hospital bed with IVs in his arms and his precious bunny at his side again.
A doctor was talking to him, probably— he could see lips moving, but in the haze of the situation, he heard only noises, not words. Whumpee was only thinking about his owner, his poor, poor Whumper in trouble all because of him. Whumpee could only clutch his bunny and cry, inhaling the remnants of Whumper's scent on its dingy fur.
Linden and Colton Masterpost
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20 / Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25 / Part 26 / Continued on the second masterpost!
Flashback 1 (nsfw) / Flashback 2 / Flashback 3 (nsfw) / Flashback 4 (nsfw) /
Lost Property:
(a collab with @maracujatangerine) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17 / Part 18 / Part 19 / Part 20 / Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 / Part 29 / Part 30 / The End /
Shorter Pieces:
Blanket / Looking outside / Teddy / Naming Teddy / Ripped / Plumber / Illness / Smashed / Fever / Stairs / One Bed / Another Sickfic / Hair Wash / Knife / Beach Day / Cold Evening / Burned /
picrew / picrew 2 / linden moodboard / vikram faceclaim / picrew 3 /
Christmas Gifts, a secret santa present from @maracujatangerine
Fuckboy, a fanfic by @justbreakonme (nsfw!)
My art:
art of the boys / art of linden / art of col / art of the boys / the boys / linden noodles /
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight /
Small Drabble whump thoughts
Whumpee loved dogs. That was the first thing they told Caretaker when they met, they first time they went out together (hangout or date), caretaker was practically holding whumpee back from petting every dog they saw.
One day, Whumpee told Caretaker that they always felt their life would be better if they were a dog. They’d be fluffy and happy and life would be easier.
Whumper overheard.
And they take everything Whumpee says very seriously.
Part two
“I’m here about the lost dog?” Caretaker narrowed their eyes at the stranger on their doorstep. They figured they’d seen them before but weren’t sure from where.
“I don’t have a lost dog.” Caretaker responded.
“Really? Because you’ve been putting posters up everywhere, and I found them. By the way, you did a terrible job training it.”
What were they talking about? Caretaker never had a dog, they were allergic, though Whumpee always wanted one. They’d put up missing posters for them though…
“What…?” Dread pooled in their stomach. No, it couldn’t be. How could it be?
“It’s okay though, I took some time myself to give the little puppy some proper training. Now it doesn’t bark and whine all the time, or try to get up on the furniture. It even uses the doggy door!”
“What are you talking about? Who are you?”
“The posters said the police gave up looking right? I mean it’s a little silly, of course they gave up, I don’t even know why cops would waste their time looking for some lost dog anyway. There wasn’t any advertised reward, but I figured ‘oh well,’ I mean I had fun. It was like fostering! I bet you want to see it now, right? I just have it in a crate in my car. I hope it hasn’t peed on the way here, I did forget to car train it.”
Caretaker could do nothing but follow silently after the stranger to their car, feeling like they were trudging through thick mud, the air around them cold and light blue, a tight hand gripping their lungs and keeping them from breathing as the stranger opened the car’s back door to reveal a large cage… with a person inside of it.
Whumpee, naked and trembling, wearing a brightly colored collar.
Caretaker had never punched someone so hard before.
@parasiticwhumpee @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
Part One
When a whumpee who’s usually always laughing and joking can’t laugh or joke at THIS.
Everyone thinks whumpee can handle any pain because they always laugh or joke through it, looking on the bright side, keeping everyone else in good moods.
Whumpee who finally experiences the horrors and can’t laugh at it. Or a team who experiences a huge loss and turns to Whumpee to make them feel better and they just have… nothing. No jokes, no hope.
Hard to tell who’s more freaked out in that moment, Whumpee, or Whumpee’s friends
TW: mentions and references to NSFW whump and drugging
All of Whumper’s victims are objects that serve a purpose.
One serves as a table, walking on hands and knees by Whumper so they can rest their feet or put a book on their back.
One is chained to a punching bag, the punching bag doesn’t crunch when you punch it so this whumpee does a better job.
One whumpee serves as a pet, with a leash and collar, soft beds and too-strong drugs to keep them loopy and needy.
One whumpee does the cleaning and another the cooking. If the cooking whumpee makes a mess, well then it’s just cleaning whumpee’s job to fix it. And cooking whumpee can’t exactly complain if all their tools are in different places.
And cleaning whumpee once told table whumpee that there was another in whumper’s bedroom, where cleaning whumpee was the only other one allowed to go in. The next day, whumper decided that they’d handle cleaning their own room, and cleaninf whumpee got to see what punching bag whumpee’s life was like.
Alrernatively: they switch roles every day, drawing a lottery to see who’s cleaning, cooking, tabling, being the pet, the punching bag, and Whumper’s ‘bedroom buddy’
Does Whumper have favorites for each role? Do they think whumpee A does the best lasagna and Whumpee B can carry the most weight on their back? Does the usual pet Whumpee get stressed when they have to perform other jobs, still shaky and out of it from the drugs?
And at night, do they all huddle together and listen to the sounds of tonight’s bedroom whumpee as they hope it’s not them tomorrow night?
Just a thought- might write it if y’all would be interested
“I need a pet.” Carewhumper said to the other person on the phone.
“A pet?” Whumper asked, “that’s very specific, I know exACTly what kind of pet you want. Come now, you thinking more guard dog? More show dog?”
“Something… cuddly. I work hard, and it’s not exactly friendly work. I want something to help me destress.”
“Alright, we have a mutt available. He’s still got some fat on his bones, but he’s not very fluffy. Very well trained, very obedient. Will do whatever you say immediately.”
“A Labrador?”
“You could say.”
“Il take it, send it to my address.”
Whumper smiled as they put the phone down, hand gently stroking the shaking pet in their lap.
“It’s your lucky day, Mutt. You get to go to a new home! You don’t have to see me anymore.”
The pet looked up at them worriedly, clutching at their shirt.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure your new owner will be wonderful. Why don’t you go get your toy? You can bring it with you in the kennel.”
Pet slowly lifted off Whumper’s lap, climbing off the couch and crawling slowly to the toy room. They used to move a lot faster, but the only thing that had managed to make them obedient was refusing them food, so they were so thin and slow now. Whumper shook their head. They’d be faster and fatter if they only knew what was good for them.
Carewhumper, whumpee’s brand new owner. Whumper had never done business with them, but they knew they were well off, powerful. A good token like Whumpee between them… that would be good.
They just had to hope Whumpee wouldn’t piss all over their crate on the way over.
Part two
Part one
“Uh, Boss?” Carewhumper lifted their head from their work and turned around to glare at the subordinate who’d interrupted them.
“Do you need something?”
“Yeah uh- you see-“
“Speak up, if this is important.”
“It is, your uh- ‘pet’ arrived.” Carewhumper rolled their eyes. So the dog arrived, big deal!
“Okay? And? You truly can’t take care of a Labrador for a few hours while I work? My business is incredibly important and-“
“No, boss, I’m sorry but there’s some kind of mistake. They sent a person in a kennel.”
Now that had Carewhumper’s attention. They stood, abandoning their work and moving past their employee.
“Show me.” Did Whumper intend to send a person? Did Whumper think Carewhumper would enjoy this? They would need a thorough ‘talking to’ if they thought this would be okay.
Whumpers who use affection to pacify aggressive Whumpees. Whumper's voice is calming and motherly, whispering praises as they run a hand through Whumpee's hair, offering sweets or pleasantries. In return, Whumpee adores them wholeheartedly. Whumpee puts on any restraints they are ordered to, comforts Whumper when they're stressed out, all that. But as soon as Whumper makes the command to tear someone apart? God have mercy on their soul, because Whumpee surely won't. As blood drips down Whumpee's chin, they nuzzle Whumper's hand, and puts the muzzle back on. Whumper gently whispers in Whumpee's ear: "Well done. Let's get you some treats." wtf why do you all like this so much
scared pet whumpee being found and when being told they're not going to be staying in the place they have now associated with safe, they assume that they are going back to where they were.