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734 posts
Othyrbot - Just Some Guy - Tumblr Blog
If you manage to cum on your ballot while in the voting booth they count your vote twice or even thrice if the load is fat enough
I do consider Wolverine's interactions with Jean and Scott in the first X-Men movie to be sort of an inverse unicorn hunter scenario. sometimes the unicorn hunts you. aggressively.

must be one of those bugged no-notes posts

16 frame shooting star animation. January 2022-September 2024 Needlepoint
Frames from my shooting star gif. 16 frames total. Each frame is 8x6.5 inches on a 10” mesh. Designed and animated in photoshop and needlepointed by me. I started drafting this 1/14/22 and finished animating it 9/25/24. It took approximately two years and eight months to finish. This is one of the largest projects I’ve ever worked on and I’m very happy with how it turned out.
i've figured out the hack to writing is to write badly so that you can eventually write good when you go back to edit. unfortunately that means that i'm going to have to go back and edit. sisyphus rolling that damn boulder up the hill emoji.
i learned that there's a Japanese beetle that when eaten by a frog will haul ass through its digestive system and escape out the back end unscathed (x)

It’s so fucking lame that people can have all these weird requests to be done with their bodies when they die like being buried standing up or inside a sports car or whatever but me wanting my corpse to be thrown into a forest and left to be picked clean by scavenger animals is “against the law”. Vultures eat dead animals. I’m going to be a dead animal someday. I love vultures. It’s the most straightforward choice! They’d be having a much better time than my future relatives would be at my funeral, that’s for sure. I’m not into vore, btw, this is a completely chaste wish to do something nice for some cool birds one day.
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you have encountered a group of trilobites! reblog to help them on their journey
I've described trying to steer Stable Diffusion as "trying to drive a car by talking to it." It's really great at things like, "hey car, get me to starbucks." Because it knows how to get to starbucks and that's not really conceptually complicated. But if I'm like, hey car, drive towards starbucks for five minutes, but then do a hard u-turn and then pop a wheelie and spin around for a little bit, and then drop by Mike's place, and also get me to McDonalds, it gets really confused. Because individually, all of those things are things it can do, but together, you're basically trying to wrestle this machine into submission and control. The reason AI image generation is handy for a lot of Slop use-cases for a lot of people is because they just want an Image. they don't really care what. And it's really good at that. But the more granular you get, the more it gets confused.
Bacteria do have souls, but binary fission doesn’t produce new souls 99% of the time, so most single celled organisms share these sprawling souls that just get bigger every time they divide. Over time they compact down into these big mats of soul get compacted into geological layers that gradually accrete to the world soul. Sexual reproduction creates new souls but they’re much shorter lived as a result, and rarely make it into the bedrock, so most of the world spirit is from the Proterozoic.
a story in 2 parts

Fluffy bunny tummy by Sparrowl on Twitter
Scientific fraud is the most baffling thing ever to me like do they think they're just going to make a huge breakthrough and no one will notice that it's fake by trying to replicate their results
watching the twilight movies for the first time really puts the fifty shades series into perspective b/c I always assumed that the dialogue in fifty shades is Like That because it was a bad fanfiction but honestly I think that's just something it inherited from the source material
People will tag fucking anything related to Greece as mythology. They'll literally see pictures of pillars and be like "#Greek Mythology" malaka I promise the pillars are from real life

sci-fi movies from the 50s-80s are so fucking funny because no one could conceptualize a universe where humans didn’t smoke cigarettes
is this normal
anytime i see a person in public giving off indications that they're nervous (biting nails scratching their face etc..) i grab them by the shoulders and throw them really far away