otter-chaos-violence - otter the otter :3
otter the otter :3

part time gimmick @otter-of-chaos-official part time writer full time menace >:3

544 posts

Oh Yeah, Its Pride Month

oh yeah, its pride month


happy pride y'all and be safe out there

... don't commit arson, unless its in a story, then you can


More Posts from Otter-chaos-violence

9 months ago
Banned Wands

banned wands

9 months ago

The little things...

touching the whumpee's face or shoulder like gently tracing their jawline and rubbing their cheeks, tilting there head upwards when they're suppose to make eye contact or holding onto their wrist or arm around their waist or a hand in their knee such a friendly thing to do, so sweet but everytime they flinch away, everytime they expect another hit, more pain... they don't want it and the whumper knows it oh so well

when in public; a dark glance that is a promise of severe punishment the moment they're alone again and the whumpee starts to tremble and shuts up out of fear of what is to come

getting their attention or bring them to heel with a snap of the whumper's fingers or a sharp whistle especially in public to show off how well they are trained

having the whumpee be a accessory to a important meeting and have them stand behind the seat, kneel beside them or sit somewhere nearby like a dog waiting for its master

showing them off like a won trophy at big parties, have them in a revealing dress or outfit which the whumper knows makes them uncomfortable and have everyone to stare at them

walking them around on a leash; collar them and drag them around (especially when it's a defiant whumpee to humiliate them)

kissing them in public; after all the whumper knows how much their whumpee hated them, wishes them dead even and he adores their defiance and hatred so he couldn't help but smirk down at them after he had heard some muttered insults while they had been at that meeting and had forcefully grabbed her hair, had dragged them over to him, had held their jaw in place when he had kissed their soft lips, twisted in disgust as he forced them to endure it

9 months ago

The only character questionnaire you'll ever need (works for all characters and genres)



Physical description: 


Personality Type:

Distinctive skills and abilities:

Greatest fear:

Misbelief about the world:

What happened to make them believe this lie:

What do they criticize others for: 

Love Language: 

How do they respond to emotional pain:

Top 3 things they value (physical or abstract):

Is there an object they can’t bear to part with and why:

Typical outfit:

Method of manipulation:

How are they dissatisfied with life:

What do they think will bring them happiness:

What could they do to make that happen: 

How has their fear stopped them from taking this action:

How do they think they can get their goal without doing the thing that makes them afraid:

Answer for each character this character has a direct relationship with

Describe relationship briefly:

Points of conflict in relationship:

What do they agree on:

What do they disagree on:

Any secrets kept from each other and why:

How did they meet and how long did they know each other:

How will their relationship change over the course of the story:

9 months ago


CW: gun, swearing, violence, attempted murder, seizure mention, morphine mention, (magical) poisoning, knife, hospital whump, slavery mention, death mention, gag whump



Shit, shit, shit. The wolf was swimming toward me.

I backed away and it stopped and tilted its head. I could see its legs churning water, and someone on the opposite shore had a gun pointed at it.

“Shit,” Moon breathed.

I tried to chase it away by splashing water, it only approached even closer. Why? Why would it do this? It was supposed to be scared of people. Unless

It jumped out of the water, then sank to its knees and lay on its chest. There were little nubs on its shoulders, threatening to explode.

Ashley kneeled next to it and whispered something in a language I didn’t know, and it responded.

Bramble kneeled next to it as well, twining their tail around the wolf’s front right paw.

“Defend her,” Ashley ordered.

I nodded and got to the very edge of the shore, standing in front of it.

The person with the gun fired a warning shot, and then shot around me, hitting the wolf.

It howled, and practically exploded into the blue dust that had littered the ground after that weird storm. Moon had been spared from the blast, but Ashley, Bramble, and I had been covered in blue, and it cut a bit into our skin and swimsuits. Trees all around us had been covered as well, and small plants had been leveled. 

The wolf stood and ran away, its leg shaking, when it looked back at us and said something to Ashley.

Ashley immediately got into the water and most of the blue dust came off, all but the stuff stuck deep in her curly dark fur and hair.

I got into the water after her, and the person with the gun left, thank god.

The dust came off surprisingly easily.

My phone was on a rock on the banks and lit up.

I got out once I’d gotten all the dust I could, and dried off before checking the text.

‘Hey, you alright?’ Cami had texted me.

‘Yeah. Just saw a wolf! It kinda covered me in dust tho-’

‘Cool. Anyways I got shot again so I’m off to the hospital, yay /s’


‘Just can’t stay out of trouble, also someone does have a vendetta against me so



‘Why him?’

‘He blames me,’ she wrote. Then, after a minute, she wrote, ‘We were attacked by a big wolf, and I told him to run and he blames me. It attacked him, not me,’


‘He’s stupid,’


‘See you in school, I’ll probably be better tmrw. Oh also apparently all my bones are pneumatic lol,’


‘I have bird bones essentially, meaning, if i had wings, i could fly for a short distance!’


‘I’m also at risk of osteoporosis but probably not my mom is the exact same,’


‘Brittle bones stuff, its all medical nonsense to me,’

It didn’t seem that way.

‘Well, see you tmrw,’ I texted. Cami replied with a thumbs up, and we didn’t text again that day.


I had a strange dream of a giant wolf and a white haired girl, and when I woke, it still confused me.



I hated lying to her. I hated hated hated it, but it was to protect her.

My mom came home the second she found out I’d been shot again, and now I was in a hospital room on recovery, barely thinking, just watching something on the TV. The shot hadn’t pierced bone, just my squishy wizard tissue. 

Doctor’s words, not mine...

I think.

Tatiana came to visit me and I have barely any memory of it, but she gave me a little gift, a still-hot tin of something she called feijoada. Black beans, pork and rice.

“Thank you,” I think I whispered.

I ate it when I got hungry, and had my tail been out, it would have wagged ceaselessly. Or as close to ceaselessly I could get without my muscles hurting and then some.

“Like it?” I think she asked.

Then came the one part I know I recalled correctly, since I looked it up. About twelve times in two hours because of morphine, according to the search history.

She explained its cultural meaning to her and I listened and told her that I would remember. Lo and behold, I did.

She eventually left, and I felt tired and shut off the TV, but sleep refused to come.

Probably to my advantage.

After a bit of lying on my back, I heard my door open and seven sets of hushed footsteps, then felt something over my face. I struggled and kicked, then calmed a bit and went limp.

They, thinking I was dead, kept the pillow over my face for a few moments longer. My lungs burned and burned and I felt the pillow come off, and opened my eyes as I shot up. Gold reflected on the tiled floor, in one of their eyes as I looked at him and he collapsed. Gold in the reflective blue dust that exploded from my fury.

I screamed as the other six grabbed me, and one made the foolish mistake of covering my mouth. I bit down and he screamed, then collapsed in a seizure. A storm boomed outside, likely my doing, and with each lightning strike, I felt weaker, until the world went black.

Surprisingly, I woke up in brightness. Still in the hospital.

A kenomi man stood over me, his tail puffed up. My eyes were still golden.

I let the gold fade with breathing exercises, before whispering with clear, angry words, “What happened to the people who tried to murder me,”

It wasn’t a question. It was an order.

“They were arrested and charged with first degree attempted murder, assault, vandalism, and trespassing,” the kenomi replied. “Are you alright?”

I nodded and said, “I’m fine,”

I heard a weak, tiny cry for help from someone in my pack, a little girl named Irene, and stood. I didn’t mind the pain. She needed the help more than I needed rest.

“Chamomile, stay seated,” the kenomi ordered.

He grabbed my shoulders and sat me back on the bed.

I struggled against him and eventually snarled, “One of my packmates is in trouble. Let me go, please,”

“No. You are staying here, whether you like it or not. You need rest,”

I groaned and lay back down, then whispered, “What if she dies? She’s only a child,”

“Really?” the kenomi asked, raising an eyebrow. “How old is she?”

“Seven,” I whispered.

“Go then. Four hours. If you’re not back by then, you’re not going anywhere for the next two weeks,”

I nodded, shifted, and squeezed out the window, and jumped down from the second floor. I rolled when I hit the ground and bolted. A car pulled into the parking lot, and I dodged it and bolted to the woods.

About half an hour later, a roar from Thea. A ‘where the fuck are you’ call, if you will.

I howled in response to her roar and bolted to where she was. The pack’s encampment. I was there in two minutes.

A human girl kneeled in the center of the clearing, her wrists bound behind her, blindfolded, and gagged. Her left arm was covered in black and purple spikes, Irene sat on her lap, and Alex held a knife to her back.

I shifted back and looked at the girl, then boomed, “What the hell is this?”

Thea pulled Alex away and glared at him with her cold eyes. “I told you she wouldn’t like this,”

I undid the girl’s bindings, and she immediately blurted, “Don’t kill me! I’ll do anything!”

She broke into racking sobs.

“What happened,” I barked.

“Irene was caught and this one was going to kill her, but decided against it. Silvia killed everyone but this one,”

“And her arm?”

“That was my fault,” Irene admitted, her lip trembling, “I was scared and bit her and the poison that was out did that to her,”

I lifted the girl’s arm, and she winced.

“Can it be undone?” I asked Irene.

“No cure, just prevention,” I heard Silvia reply. The hunter shrank into herself and I saw her eyes bubble with fear.

“I’ve seen this with Helix when he would torture humans before turning them. There’s no cure, and to stop its spread, we either kill her or turn her. Otherwise she’ll be dead within two days. And you’re the only one in the pack who can turn her,”

I swallowed and asked, “Do you want to become one of us? It will be painful, and I assume the hunters won’t be all too pleased,”

Unless they’re the faction working with Helix.

Three factions, one worked with Helix, the Critura before me, and wanted to enslave all of us, one tried to find a way to save werewolves and turn them human. The people who came back from them weren’t ever right, and wasted away with Viper and Olivia and James for weeks to months to years of screaming and begging for everyone to let them die, though they weren’t injured physically, before finally being granted entrance to Voltrip’s domain. Death.

The other one killed mindlessly. The factions were all part of the same group, but it was strange.

“Please. Pleasepleaseplease,” she begged. “I don’t wanna die,”

Her voice broke and she went back to sobbing. 

“Okay,” I said. “It will hurt, but you won’t remember until the full moon, okay?”

One week.

She nodded and swallowed, “Do it,”

I lifted her wrist to my mouth and bit down. She screamed and kicked for a moment, then started shaking in a seizure.

I regretted all the pain I caused, but it was so she would live. She deserved to live.

“Get her to Viper,” I ordered. “Try to dull the spikes so she doesn’t hurt herself. Bye!”

I shifted and ran off, when I saw Tatiana. She was sitting on a rock with a sobbing Moon and trying to offer comfort.

She hugged Moon close, and I shifted into my human form and limped over to her, though it hurt quite a bit. I could spare the time, it took me an hour to get to camp. 

Tatiana gasped and Moon looked at me.

“Oh. Uh- hi Cami,” Tatiana said.

I didn’t expect such a calm response.

“Thought you were in the- the hospital,” Tatiana said. I saw her reach into her pocket and pull out a flimsy knife. 

I raised my hands and said, “I had something to attend to, I’ll be on my way,”

Winter came out of the trees and grabbed me, then pulled me away and started scolding me.

“Showing yourself to humans? You know not to do that!”

And Tatiana had followed us, then threw her knife. Winter threw up her arm and the knife bounced off a wall of solid ice and the blade broke. Winter looked pale and fell, like she rarely used her magic.

“Cami! Who is that?”

“My sibling’s girlfriend, sorry,”

I sat her up and said, “I gotta go back to the hospital so bye!”

I shifted and ran, not minding that Tatiana chased after me. I quickly outpaced her.

She called my name, and I stopped.

“I- you’re a werewolf?”

I dipped my head in a nod, then said, “Gotta get back to the hospital,”

She hugged me and ran her fingers through my fur, and I decided to let her on my back, if she insisted so much.

She declined, hugged me again, and went back to her probably confused friend.

I ran back to the hospital, and still had two hours to spare as I wriggled in through the window.

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finally motivation prepare to get like seven chapters of this story Chapter One Whoo first chapter! meet my little beans as they meet each

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9 months ago

The symbolism of flowers

Flowers have a long history of symbolism that you can incorporate into your writing to give subtext.

Symbolism varies between cultures and customs, and these particular examples come from Victorian Era Britain. You'll find examples of this symbolism in many well-known novels of the era!

Amaryllis: Pride

Black-eyed Susan: Justice

Bluebell: Humility

Calla Lily: Beauty

Pink Camellia: Longing

Carnations: Female love

Yellow Carnation: Rejection

Clematis: Mental beauty

Columbine: Foolishness

Cyclamen: Resignation

Daffodil: Unrivalled love

Daisy: Innocence, loyalty

Forget-me-not: True love

Gardenia: Secret love

Geranium: Folly, stupidity

Gladiolus: Integrity, strength

Hibiscus: Delicate beauty

Honeysuckle: Bonds of love

Blue Hyacinth: Constancy

Hydrangea: Frigid, heartless

Iris: Faith, trust, wisdom

White Jasmine: Amiability

Lavender: Distrust

Lilac: Joy of youth

White Lily: Purity

Orange Lily: Hatred

Tiger Lily: Wealth, pride

Lily-of-the-valley: Sweetness, humility

Lotus: Enlightenment, rebirth

Magnolia: Nobility

Marigold: Grief, jealousy

Morning Glory: Affection

Nasturtium: Patriotism, conquest

Pansy: Thoughtfulness

Peony: Bashfulness, shame

Poppy: Consolation

Red Rose: Love

Yellow Rose: Jealously, infidelity

Snapdragon: Deception, grace

Sunflower: Adoration

Sweet Willian: Gallantry

Red Tulip: Passion

Violet: Watchfulness, modesty

Yarrow: Everlasting love

Zinnia: Absent, affection