peantbutter-honeycombs - Kind Words Are Like Honey🍯🐝
Kind Words Are Like Honey🍯🐝

A blog to where my weird dreams become reality. | Probably a lot of Fanart/drawings | A lot of weird rants I’ve had with friends | Some weird questions | Fandom Writings | Wips | Always looking for someone to talk fandoms with | Current Mood: Making tumblr friends is hard.

189 posts

Youre Warm

You’re Warm


Title: You’re Warm

Word count: 2,616

Characters: Beatrice Blue & Steven Universe

Warnings: Fluff, and a missing hoodie

Notes: This is just kind of a test chapter as I continue to work on building Bea’s character. Both Steven and Bea are young in this installment. Steven is fourteen and recently changed the diamonds minds. Bea is four and a half and recently learned fundoh is not edible.


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Being Eleventh’s Adopted Child Would Include

Requested by anon:

Being the Eleventh Doctor’s adopted little kid would include. Please.


You met the Doctor when he was visiting your home town

He spoke to you when he noticed you and you tried to help him

Taking advantage that you knew your city well and could guide him

The Doctor then took an interest in you and your life

When he learned that you were alone, he got sad

You were such a great kid! Brilliant, kind and energetic

So he hated to see you feeling miserable and lonely

Even if you were pretty bubbly despite it all

You went with him during his little adventure and he let you

He was very protective of you, though, not wanting you to get hurt

Whenever there was danger, he would stand between you and it

Also insisted that you had to follow his rules if you wanted to go with him

The idea of adopting you had already formed in his mind

And he was testing to see if you would get along for long periods of time

You followed his rules, even if they all summarized into one

‘When things get ugly, you do as I say no matter what’

He once asked you to run away and leave him behind

Because things indeed got ugly, and you hesitated a lot

You didn’t want to leave him behind, you wanted to help!

But you knew the Doctor wasn’t an ordinary person

That he had his sonic screwdiver and his wits, and he was capable

Besides, seeing the grave glance he dedicated you, it was clear

You had only seen him all friendly and smiley, so it was a big change

You did as promised and went to safety, hoping and praying he did too

After a while, you found each other again and the Doctor adopted you

He said he wanted to take you with him as long as you were okay with it

And you were, looking forward to abandoning your loneliness

From that day on, you had no problem in calling him dad

Sometimes even mom to joke around, he could be very motherly

The Doctor took good care of you always, and grew very fond of you

He never really thought he would be parenting a child, but there he was

Even if he could behave like a child himself at times

The Doctor always protected you and looked after you

Even making sure that some of his friends knew about you

Just in case he needed to do something dangerous alone

So you would be safe hanging out with Amy, Rory or Clara

Tag list: @ace-cream-in-a-cone​ / @of-stardust-and-dreams​​ / @dragonprincesswitchtribute​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @wherearethedemons​ / @timeladygallifrey​​ / @h00mans-lover​ / @okay-j-hannah​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!

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Manners (Request)

Sherlock x gn!child!reader, John x gn!child!reader

Genre: fluff

Request Description: Thank you for saying you’ll write for Sherlock, I appreciate it :) Could you do one where all the peeps are round for dinner (Sherly, Mycroft, Greg, John ect) and John invites his cousin round (like age 9) and she’s just like REALLY polite and even when Sherlock says something really mean from one of his deductions she just brush’s it off and forgives him for it and even Mycroft likes her (PURELY PLATONIC PEOPLE) and she asks to see the brains in the fringe and Sherlock is ECSTATIC

Warnings: none really

(A/N): the only warning here is really that i dont remember the sherlock characters THAT well. and ive totally forgotten who sherly is, so this fic must live without her hahaha


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Pushing Up Daisies Headcanons

Pushing Up Daisies Headcanons
Pushing Up Daisies Headcanons

Disclaimer: Pushing Up Daisies it just a working title at the moment, and so is the child’s name.

Her full name is actually Charlotte-June Hargreeves.

Charlotte was born when Five was 54. The result of a rather drunk and poor decision.

Her parents do not get along to they agreed she'd have two first names one they each liked.

Five rotating between denial and trepidation after Charlotte’s mother shares the "good news".

Five and her mother are bitter rivals and Charlotte's creation makes things even more rigid.

Five surprisingly being elated the day Charlotte is born, July 4th 1960. The first time he holds her in his arms he can feel his world brighten.

Charlotte is his world now.

Five having to leave her for his Commission work, which pains him.

Charlotte’s mother leaves her. She’s raised in the incapable hands of her aunt Maggie in Decorah, Iowa, during the 1960's.

Charlotte proudly being apart of team normal for a time.

He sneaks away every now and then to see his daughter on the farm.

This dude makes a big deal when his little girl makes him a ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug for fathers day. It looks like shit but it's his shit.

He's still a sarcastic asshole but he at least tries to filter himself around Charlotte. (Though he still ends up cursing around her a lot.)

Five adores Charlotte’s pure innocence, she hasn’t yet been exposed to the real cruelties of the world, he intends to shield her from them for as long as possible.

Charlotte’s aunt hates his visits, she says he's a bad influence.

Charlotte finds gifts left for her randomly all over the place, all the time.

He's very attached to Charlotte though he'll rarely admit it to anyone. And while he doesn't talk about it she knows she’s loved.

Five has to make adjustments to his time traveling plans so he can bring his daughter with him.

Charlotte’s dad "borrowing" her. Taking her on his Kennedy assisanation assignment. (So she’s there when he leaves the commission.)

Charlotte initially freaks out at first when her dad becomes a thirteen year old asshole and she surronded by people she’s never met, in an all new time period.

All of the Hargreeves losing there minds over Charlotte-June H. Not just because of her existence but she’s so freakin adorable and precious.

If anyone gives Charlotte shit Five will not hesitate in destroying them.

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Giving Your Character the Introduction They Deserve

The simple directness of Neil Gaiman


Shadow’s Introduction from American Gods

I think the way Gaiman introduces Shadow is just near perfect.

“He was big enough and looked don’t-fuck-with-me enough that his biggest problem was killing time. So he kept himself in shape, taught himself coin tricks, and though a lot about how much he loved his wife.

The best thing — in Shadow’s opinion, perhaps the only good thing — about being in prison was a feeling of relief. The feeling that he plunged as low as he could plunge and he’d hit bottom. He didn’t worry that the man was going to get him, because the man had got him. He was no longer scared of what tomorrow might bring, because yesterday had brought it.”

In the opening page, Gaiman describes:

Shadows appearance.

Shadow’s passion.

Shadow’s Mentality.

I think the way Gaiman introduces Shadow is just near perfect. It’s nothing too flashy and Gaiman just comes out and states “Shadow loved his wife.” 

Now you try! Emulate shadows intro. What does your character look like? What is his passion, how do they think? Write two sentences about each and mold them into a paragraph. See how it turns out. What? You already have an agent?? Good job.

Bod’s Introduction from The Graveyard Book

“Bod was a quiet child with sober eyes and a mop of tousled, mouse colored hair. He was, for the most part, obedient. He learned how to talk, and, once he had learned, he would pester the graveyard folks with questions”

From this we have.

Bod’s appearance. (Sober eyes/ mouse-colored hair)

Bod’s actions. (Obedient)

Bod’s mentality. (He loves to ask questions and learn about the world around him)

Again, three characteristics all rolled up into a direct introduction. 

It’s ok to be direct with appearance, but show how your character thinks when you are introducing them. It can be as simple as, “so and so loved to ask questions.“

Richard Mayhew’s Introduction form Neverwhere

“The night before he went to London, Richard Mayhew was not enjoying himself.”

If you don’t see that pattern yet, then I’ll tell you. Neil Gaiman is simple and direct. This is really all we need to know about Richard: “He was not enjoying himself,” because once Neil contrasts Richard’s mood with the scene (they are in a bar celebrating), then we get an idea of what type of person Richard is. So the advice from Neverwhere is:

Be direct

Contrast how your person is feeling and thinking about to what is going on around him.

Final Thoughts:

It’s ok to be simple. It’s ok to tell.

“Bod was a quiet child.”

“Richard Mayhew was not enjoying himself.”

“[Shadow] kept himself in shape, taught himself coin tricks, and though a lot about how much he loved his wife.”

Here are some examples I wrote just now:

The thing Susan thought about the most, was how she was going to die.

Elliot liked to punch people in the gut. Elliot was an asshole.

Woah, slow down there Neil


How to tackle the middle of the book - 4 tips from Neil Gaiman Novels

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Forever and Always - Part 3

Forever And Always - Part 3

Title: Forever and Always

Word count: 978

Characters: Blu and Girl

Warnings: Angst, crappy writing

Notes: I made this all the way back in 2017. Never got around to doing much with it. Shame. I enjoyed writing it. Even though it made me sad. So I’m posting it, unedited here.


September 21, 2018

One parent who doesn't care for his daughter. He sees her as an accessory, she’s only needed for formal events so that his coworkers know that she actually exist. That is my relationship with my father or as I more commonly call him the monster.

"How was school today?" The monster asks, his face hidden behind a newspaper. That's what makes me despise him I can't recall the last time I saw his face. "It was fine, I have a big science fair coming up. My teacher said my project is amazing, Blu is even part of it." I boast proudly, ever since I’d quit baseball I'd had time to work on my grades. I am kind of known to be a nerd but that doesn't bother me.

"Is that so, how nice," the monster responds. He turns the page, he doesn't seem proud of me he never does."Dad maybe…maybe you could come?" I suggest mindlessly twirling my fork in the air. He chuckles before answering, "I don't think so Champ, maybe next time."

There won't be a next time. This is my last year at home next year I’m going to college in California. I want to go to art school to learn animation techniques. I’m going to work for Disney. Maybe I’ll even make a short about Blu. "Oh okay, I think I'll go eat up in my room." I whisper, I don't know why I'd gotten my hopes up.

"That's fine Champ," the monster grumbles.

I take my time taking my plate off the red velvet table cloth. Slowly I make my way down the empty hallway, pictures of the monster decorate the wall. Blu whimpers probably sensing my sadness, I just ignore him. I quietly tiptoe up the flight of stairs careful not to make a sound. I gently turn the golden doorknob then lightly push the door open.

My bedroom is beautiful it's a true symbol of everything I love. Twinkle lights hang from the ceiling like scattered pixie dust. The walls are painted a beautiful Royal blue the same color as the night sky. Various dog toys and Disney knickknacks are scattered across my desk. Multiple sketches of Blu and other characters conjured from my own imagination litter the wall.

I push a few random things out of the way then grab my apple laptop. Flipping the top open I frown, sticky notes off various colors and shapes decorate the screen creating a collage. I quickly peel them off making a mental not to trust my friend with my laptop ever again.

I bite my lip waiting for Skype to load up. Blu jumps up and lays down on my lap. The dummy thinks he's a lap dog when in reality he's crushing my legs. I don't try to move him, he's just trying to comfort me. Blu knows my relationship with the monster isn't as it should be.

My best human friend's smiling face pops up on the monitor making my face break into a grin. "Hey Tom how's it going?" I greet trying to contain my laughter but ultimately failing. Tom was pulling off the most adorkable face I'd ever seen. I only wish I could see it in person.

"You okay Libs you seem a little down in the dumps?" He asks seriously. Tom is awesome, he's funny and very considerate. He takes my sadness very seriously, he almost beat a kid up at my school up once because the bully made me burst into tears, which is pretty hard to do.

Tom and I met on the busy streets of NYC we literally crashed into each other. Blu had decided it would be fun to chase a kid with a hot dog, I can tell you it wasn't. Lucky for me a kind boy my age caught him before he ran into the streets. Tom and I have been friends ever since, though sometimes I think Tom loves Blu more than me.

"I guess so it's just my father. He can't come to the science fair." I sigh twirling a strand of hair with my finger. Tom furrows his brow in confusion,"did he give you a reason?" I shake my head making my long tangled hair whip from side to side. "Nope," I say licking my salty lips loudly popping the 'p'.

"Hey you've still got me and Blu." Tom offers, I shrug gently petting Blu's soft fur. "Yep, a dork and a dog, what more could a girl need?" I snort, Tom chuckles. In the background I can hear someone yelling his name. "Hey I've gotta go Libs, mom calls. Talk to ya later," he says giving me a small wave goodbye.

"See ya later Tom." I whisper tightly hugging Blu's neck like he was a pillow.

"Okay Blu what do you wanna do?" I mutter into his fur, he snuffs getting dog snot on my leg. I gag sometimes my best friend can be really be disgusting but I put up with it. Blu has always been there for me, he's hasn't really left my side since I'd adopted him. I couldn't remember a time where Blu hadn't been there to comfort and console me. He loved me for me, not because he felt obligated to, but because he is my best friend.

Blu is my best friend I care about him more than my own life. I'd put myself in harms way to protect him if I had to. Blu is my entire world, in my opinion Blu is the center of the universe. My life would be incomplete without him. Blu has always loved me unconditionally, he has always been there for me, Blu would never leave me. It's Blu and I against the world forever and always.

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