COMMISSION STATUS: CLOSED Some 20 years old Finnish nonbinary kid who draws stuff sometimes. they/them | she/her This is a blog intended to be used for my art and perhaps occasional personal musings, as well as writing if the planets happen to align correctly.
112 posts
Weird 4 Am Vent Art

weird 4 am vent art
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More Posts from Peippodraws

Important things have happened in Ireland so it felt like an appropriate moment to take a bit of time to draw celebratory queer Irish-born OCs

The-tallboy-that-fell and I have been talking about our inquisitors a lot and I'm in shipping hell.

Trying to get a hand on using an actual tablet to do art, as well as a convenient way to study different facial features, skin colors and stuf.

*sweats profusely* These have been laying around my art folder for the good part of a year now, but I figured I’d post them in honor of Zevran week.
//I’m still taking prompts for the drawing challenge by the way, if you want to request something, please do it asap

Spend the entire night half-assing course work at one point, it ended up looking better than the whole-assed assignment and I’m v upset