Inquisitor Trevelyan - Tumblr Posts

Inquisitor Parsley + A Rook Design Idea. Their Name Is Gentle
Inquisitor Parsley + A Rook Design Idea. Their Name Is Gentle

inquisitor parsley + a rook design idea. their name is gentle

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5 years ago
Well, 2k18, Its Finally Time For DA: Inquisition!..I Quess.My Little Baby Boy, Off To Destroy Demons

Well, 2k18, it’s finally time for DA: Inquisition! ..I quess. My little baby boy, off to destroy demons

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3 years ago

Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~β˜†

How jumpy is your character? Do they get upset when startled?

this is a good question πŸ‘€ we'll branch out to my DA oc this time too!

tharya, my ldb is pretty jumpy - loud or sudden noises when she isn't paying attention (or even sometimes when she is) make her flinch or jump. not because she's actually scared of them, but because her brain is so used to hearing loud noises and immediately needing to get up and run or defend herself, they make her body jump into action. she very rarely gets upset by it, but it definitely ups her heartbeat. (being easily startled is a small symptom of PTSD iirc)

bhijirio, another skyrim oc, is somewhat similar to tharya. he's khajiit and a bounty hunter, so he's accustomed to listening for small noises and paying close attention to his surroundings. that way he doesn't really flinch, per se, (though his ears almost always flick in some way when he hears odd noises), but usually he will look up & look around to see if he can pinpoint the source of said noise. he never really is upset by it.

miraak, though, is pretty hard to ruffle. he usually jumps "internally", lets himself be startled by things on the inside, but never lets it show on the outside. sometimes his eyebrow or shoulder will jump if he's less alert - and specific noises will always make him leap away (i.e. anything that sounds like something falling behind him, explosions, or even whispering close by, most are reminders of herma-mora). miraak gets grumpy about it and will gripe if he feels it necessary.

azriel, my inquisitor, is a healthy, normal amount of jumpy. she will flinch at unexpected loud sounds, etc, mostly out of habit or a natural reflex. most things don't scare her, but she'll still react to them anyway. as a warrior she's very accustomed to taking constant survey of the land around her and reacting immediately, both in fights and to noises around her. she doesn't bother to hide it and usually gets a good chuckle out of it.

sebastian, though technically not an oc, i felt right to include bc of some personal headcanons. his hearing in his left ear had been damaged by the chantry explosion, so on his left side he can't hear small noises, etc. things like explosions will obv come through, but the sound of a glass dropping and breaking will likely be distant enough that he won't jump, just look around to see what it was. that aside, he jumps at very big, unexpected noises and explosions especially - he's somewhat paranoid of being caught in another since the chantry. he rarely gets upset and instead will want to know what happened and if everyone/thing is okay.

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7 months ago

Do you remember the poll? Well, here's more of my Inquisitor in a fancy robes (that are called armour, but I want robes for my mage).

We've already met the funny wizard Dorian, although briefly. Dionysios is positively intrigued!

Dionysios Trevelyan Finally Has An Appropriate Attire For A Mage!
Dionysios Trevelyan Finally Has An Appropriate Attire For A Mage!
Dionysios Trevelyan Finally Has An Appropriate Attire For A Mage!

Dionysios Trevelyan finally has an appropriate attire for a mage!

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5 months ago

Do you remember my post about writing more fanfiction? I've written a fic in the Dragon Age fandom! It takes place during the Inquisition, so if you only played that game you can read it.

It is a friendship fic about Dorian and Cassandra, two noble pariahs bonding over Cass's family story and necromancy. They talk about the legacy of Cassandra's uncle, who was a necromancer, like Dorian. A bit of Dorian/Inquisitor fluff is also here.

A oneshot rated G.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I have already posted it on dragonageslowpoke blog. Just thought there may be people interested here as well.

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6 months ago

Finally had time to start playing Dragon Age Inquisition again, and I lost it at the character creater's summary for human noble Inquisitor at the beginning.

'Willing or unwilling, you were sent to the Conclave to help. It didn't go well.'

Finally Had Time To Start Playing Dragon Age Inquisition Again, And I Lost It At The Character Creater's

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1 year ago
This Study Piece Has Been Sitting In My WIP Folder For A Year Now Zzz Woe,arne Be Upon Ye

this study piece has been sitting in my WIP folder for a year now zzz woe,arne be upon ye

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8 months ago
The Newest Novel From Varric Tethras, The Mage And The Templar (this Novel Is In No Way Related To The

The newest novel from Varric Tethras, The Mage and The Templar (this novel is in no way related to the Inquisitor or Commander Cullen)

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1 year ago
I Wanted To Say Something About Dorian Representing My Struggle With My Own Identity But I'm Not Sure

I wanted to say something about Dorian representing my struggle with my own identity but I'm not sure if the words are even needed. Even the colors are trans flag coded. I think at this point I can just say that I am both trans and gay and that I love Dorian a lot. And that I want to scream both statements from a rooftop.

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