Aran Trevelyan - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
Decided To Take Part In The We Are Now The Inquisition -project And Actually Managed To Get My Entry
Decided To Take Part In The We Are Now The Inquisition -project And Actually Managed To Get My Entry

Decided to take part in the We are now the Inquisition -project and actually managed to get my entry done.

//EDIT: Couldn't decide on a version, have both.

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9 years ago
I Found Me-za-me-ros Sketch Brush And Im In Love Tbh
I Found Me-za-me-ros Sketch Brush And Im In Love Tbh
I Found Me-za-me-ros Sketch Brush And Im In Love Tbh

I found me-za-me-ro’s sketch brush and I’m in love tbh

//Issala Adaar continues to be the-tallboy-that-fell’s

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9 years ago
I Cant Sleep So Have A Dumb Sketch Of My Dumb Inquisitor Otp

I can’t sleep so have a dumb sketch of my dumb inquisitor otp

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9 years ago

Your inquisitor just looks like heaven hngg- Give me more of that QT!


I’m assuming you’re talking about my Trevelyan??? In that case worry not, anon, bc I love and adore my tiny bigender mage child and have about an essay’s worth of unused drawing ideas about them that I’ll try to get to in the future

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9 years ago
WIP - I Still Havent Gotten Around To Finishing Trespasser, But I Happened Upon Dorians Friendship Goodbye

WIP - I still haven’t gotten around to finishing Trespasser, but I happened upon Dorian’s friendship goodbye scene and have spend about 20 min sobbing uncontrollably on the floor I’m sorry

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9 years ago
Yeah My And Sigil-of-eligos Inquisitors Kinda Happened Again Im Just Gonna Leave These Here And Run In

Yeah my and sigil-of-eligos’ inquisitors kinda happened again I’m just gonna leave these here and run in the other direction

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9 years ago

Random numbers - 4, 19 and 22!

Under cut bc this got way longer than anticipated whoops

4 - What would their romance route looklike? Would they be romancable?

They would be, no restrictions on raceor gender. Aran would have some initial reservations due to stillbeing on constant high-alert after spending several months on the runand fighting for their life, but once they grow more accustomed totheir surroundings and the inquisitor they’re quite forward an unshyabout their own desires and feelings. It’s prob the first time inAran’s life that they’re free to have a relationship with someone ontheir own terms and just be happy with a person they love; theinexperience might show a bit but overall they’re really openlyaffectionate both verbally and physically and love people reallyfiercely. A sappy little shit seriously. Whether they and theinquisitor are lovers or simply friends, it’s overall justincreadibly meaningful for them to be able to feel safe and peacefularound someone again. They’ve already lost so many homes, it’s good to find something like it in another.

19 - OnceCorypheus is beaten, what do they do during the party? Do they staywith the Inquisition, or go somewhere else? What could the Inquisitordo to convince them to stay?

Probably chatting and laughing with Dorian, seeing as the man would most likely become one of their closestfriend in the Inquisition despite anything. As to their choicespost-Inquisition though… If the circle remains, they’ll return toit with slighty mixed feelings and continue chasing their originalgoal of becoming grand enchanter (even having a friendly bet withVivienne about taking over her title of ”youngest mage to becomefirst enchanter”). If the circle system is nulled, they’ll expressfeeling both exitement and trepidation at the prospect of completefreedom after leading a such a sheltered life up to that point - theywere born and raised in circumstances where they never really had thechance to learn to look after themself and make their own choices,and when that chance came after the escape from the circle, they weretoo busy being constantly afraid to make the most of it. This alsomeans that they have a fierce need to make their own path after theInquisition, so convincing them to stay for long would be quite the feat. A romanced Aran might remain a while but theywould ultimately always choose to follow their own ambitions, carryon with the relationship as a long distance one, and after wanderinga while probably go to the now much more liberal College of Magi andbegin doing magical research and teaching other mages.

22 - If you have another Inquisitor,how would those two get along, specifically?Sulahn, Kietajan andAran would be amicable with each other, not the greastest of friendsbut would get along well enough. On the other hand, they’d probably be quite friendly with Ornello since he’s much easier to get along with than the first two mentioned. On a somewhat similiar note though,if you want to mention sigil-of-eligos‘ inquisitor, Issala, anyonewho’s followed this blog long enough probably knows exactly how wellthese two would get along.

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9 years ago


Merry super belated Christmas, @peippodraws ..! I think I might be around two years late with this gift as of now?? But at least I made it..! A playlist for Inquisitors, Issala Adaar and Aran Trevelyan!

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9 years ago
For The Inquisitor Drawing Challenge: 3. Their Portrait As Done By Some Fancy Orlesian Court Artist Because

For the Inquisitor drawing challenge: 3. Their portrait as done by some fancy Orlesian court artist because Josephine insisted.

a bit sketchy still but I refuse to spend any more time on this, so yeah let’s just take a while to pretend that fancy Orlesian court artists have the same goldfish-level attention span that I have

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8 years ago

1 and 2 from the Inquisitor as a companion meme for Aran :D

Under cut!

1 - If not for the Conclave, what would drive your character to join the Inquisition?

Aran lost their only remaining friend to the Conclave explosion, and afterwards didn't really have anything else going for them other than the burning desire to find whoever was responsible for her death and kick their teeth in. They'd been extremely reluctant to join the mage delegation in the first place, and once most of the surviving magi opt to indenture themselves to a Tevinter magister instead of trying to figure out what happened at the Conclave, Aran just nopes out and starts searching for another way - quickly coming to the conclusion that the Inquisition is looking for the same answers as they are. When it becomes apparent that the Inquisition might be more than simply an upstart organization that'll shrivel within weeks due to chantry opposition, Aran seeks them out themself. Tbh at first they're mostly just driven by their desire for vengeange, but gradully they begin to see the organization as a possibility of bringing on a more lasting peace to Thedas.

2 - How would they meet the Inquisitor?

Even if the top brass of the chantry has openly discredited the Inquisition it's still an organization stemming from it, making Aran initially slightly wary of them. Chances are that they'd would spend some time scoping out their operations before deciding to intercept the Inquisitor on the road – giving them the possibility of backing out and running in case the Inquisition would rather opt to execute Aran on sight as an apostate instead of hearing them out.

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