Trevelyan - Tumblr Posts

sera: i cant kiss you if you’re cry laughing babe. babe please i know im hilarious. babe.

Iron Bull and Brody Trevelyan
Brody Trevelyan by nanawatzin, art by me :)

free marcher culture is playing wicked grace and testing people's patience

I tried really hard to just wait until DA:I comes out and come up with an Inquisitor then, but I got hit by an idea and the next thing I knew I was drawing it and it's snowballing from there. Oh god how am I gonna even recreate specific features in the character creator?
(I need to wait and see how much work is gonna take up my time now that I'm gonna be training for my department transfer? If people don't mind crappy scribbles potentially on lined paper I might take requests of other people's Dragon Age pcs in the near future but only if time allows so I'll have to see~)

All of the tarot arts people are doing of their Inquisitors has been giving me life, so I had to try my own.
I gave up on the simplified illustration-y style after about five minutes, oh well.

An esteemed world leader and pouty class clown.
![[insert Bear Pun Judgment Here]](
[insert bear pun judgment here]

Dark au where it isn’t the fledgling Inquisition that finds the Herald in the rubble of the Temple, but instead Corypheus’ men. Solas still stops it from immediately killing Trevelyan, but without stopping the breach from growing, the mark consumes much of his arm. Without a dissenting voice, Cassandra and Cullen’s recommendation to pursue an alliance with the Templars goes through - and the rebel mages stay in Venatori hands.
Once it becomes clear that the anchor cannot simply be removed or transferred, the boy who foiled their plans is allowed to live - but only at the end of a short leash. It’s not necessary, however, by that time; with the militant weight of the Templars behind the Inquisition and no chance to prove he wasn’t responsible for the destruction at the Temple, Keallagh wouldn’t exactly have any better options.
Falsely accused of ripping the world apart, without a friendly face in sight, it hardly matters that the side he finds himself on comes without love, divine purpose, or personal freedom. Because if there is no future for the mages, if the world is tearing itself apart at the seams - if his only contribution to history will be his name linked with that which tainted the world - there’s no reason not to help spread the poison further across the skies.
And the man who would have been the Inquisitor finds himself in somewhere very different in the assault on Haven.

playin dress-up with Quiz
pre-war -> Skyhold outfit -> post Trespasser

“I’m just gonna put some flat colors on that previous dress-up design real quick,” I said, like a person who had absolutely no intention of doing that at all.

revisiting the lyrium roboarm idea with a slightly better design this time
cons: can no longer open holes in the fabric of reality and casually recreate one of mankind’s greatest sins on any given tuesday. green was a better color. always yanking hair out that gets stuck between the little plates of the prosthetic when trying to brush or tie it back.
pros: can totally stick your hand through shit I guess? it is probably very strong. can pick people up and stick your hand through them? still get to be the glowing boyfriend.

someone put that Circle education to good use

butterfly-meme-pose: Is this what my Inquisitor looked like?

Replaying Dragon Age Inquisition and I realized I hadn't done a proper painted portrait of my main Inq playthrough post-Trespasser (any excuse to show off my lyrium roboarm idea)

My Inquisitor Maxine Trevelyan, in her fancy Skyhold outfit!💚✨

For Dragon Age ASK “Heroes of Thedas”