Poly! Wangxian X Reader (Mordern AU): Let Them Talk
Poly! Wangxian x Reader (Mordern AU): Let them Talk

Summary: Lan Wangji is a bit emotionally constipated, we all know that. He smiles and nobody but his boyfriend and girlfriend. But, people talk.
A/n: I want this to be soft. UwU
"I heard he's very cold"
"Have you ever seen him smile?"
"God knows how he's in a relationship? He doesn't even talk"
"I dont understand though why they are with Y/n she's not that special as Wangji and Wuxian"
They gossiped as the three of you passed. You saw Wanyin walking up to you three with Ning.
"Hey boys" you said as you high-fived Ning
"Don't mind them" you heard Wuxian tell Wangji as you smiled.
The truth is yes, Lan Zhan Wangji is very cold indeed, but he has different sides of himself and he filters how much he shows whom. There's the Wangji that his friends see and there's the Wangji that only Wuxian and Y/n have seen.
He feels free around them, he doesn't feel the need to put up a front and hence he's much more geniune in expressions with them.
"Yah, Wangji, Eat this" you offered him a cookie as he was reading, he simply opened his mouth and you put it inside. "Me! Me!" Wuxian cheered as you fed him too.
The three of you had a rule of spending the weekends with each other. Saturday you would go out and sunday you would do nothing.
Lying on Wuxian's lap while he played with your hair as the two of you enjoyed Wangji playing the Zither
Or sometime when Wangji would be on the guitar and Wuxian on flute or organ, as you sang your favourite songs, sometimes recording them to show your friends.
Sleeping with Wangji holdi Wuxian who in-return would be holding you as neither you nor Wangji can sleep in the middle.
You, taking tips from Yanli to make certain dishes. Wuxian throws compliments at each bite and Wangji eats it with a sweet smile on his face, with a soft "It's really good babe".
Imagine this, Wuxian is out with your friends, you stayed back as you had an assignment and Wangji stayed so that you're not left alone (Xian didn't want to go too, you simply coaxed him to go enjoy). So you're working in your own anad Wangji is reading a book. He'll just randomly come sit by you and make a (ㅇㅅㅇ) face and you and Xian know what it means. So you put down the pen and turn and engulf the baby bear in a hug as he sighs in relief and leans into you. Yes Wangji needs hugs from time to time too.
So whoever says Wangji is cold can fuck themselves. Let them talk.
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The Untamed/MDZS Masterlist
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More Posts from Phenomenalgirl9
Ten Lee you're driving me crazy!!

Be The Light (Part 1)
pairing: ateez (ot8) x reader (specifically Black Pirates!ATEEZ x reader)
genre: Dystopian AU, angst, some fluff maybe, based off of ATEEZ's lore
wc: 4.2k+
warnings: language. violence. this is set in strictland. major character death. LOTS OF ANGST. Mentions of food. Let me know if I missed anything.
summary: You lost them, then found them again. And now that freedom is so near, you fear losing them once again.
a/n: I chose violence on the very first day of the year.
Tumblr is based on a system of reblogs, not likes. Please reblog my work. Feedback is always appreciated. Happy New Year!

Z’s voice booms across the vast expanse of Sector 1. You keep your hood up and head down as you make your way through the streets, your mask hiding your displeasure when you see the blank expressions on the citizens’ faces.
The city itself is a reflection of Z’s ideology. Metal and cement dot the skyline, and each building reaching up to the sky has sharp angles. From a distance, they look like spikes emerging out of the ground, punctuated by the airships that hover close to the tops of the tallest buildings. The city is lifeless and grey, as soulless as the citizens that inhabit it.
You halt in your tracks when you see an Android Guardian in your path ahead and slip into a desolate street, gravel crunching underneath your boots as you take the longer route to the base. Flyers with Black Pirate’s symbols have been pasted haphazardly, and the inaccurate descriptions on each make you laugh. You snatch one meant for Hongjoong from a wall, crumpling it up in your pocket. You’re sure your eight friends will have a field day when they see it.
Ever since The Movement spread in the other sectors, the hold the government had on the citizens has loosened. But Sector 1 is still under their stronghold. In light of the most recent victory, the government had quadrupled its efforts in a desperate attempt to regain control over the population. That effort included trying to capture the leaders of the rebellion that the government had fondly dubbed Black Pirates. You’d taken on the name, using it to spread your cause further.
“All forms of art are prohibited. Those engaging in art, dance, music, or film will be treated as offenders and will be penalized.”
You roll your eyes at the announcement, “Next, they’ll be telling us to stop breathing. Breathing is a sin. Offenders will be fried with bullets.”
You hear a snicker from behind you and whirl around, your leg stopping mere centimeters away from a hooded person. You can’t see his face, but the ring-clad hand that had stopped your incoming kick is familiar.
“Wooyoung!” You hiss at the wide-eyed boy who’s pouting at you, “How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me? I could’ve broken your nose!”
“I think he has a pain fetish,” Jongho appears out of the shadows, smirking at the older boy’s appalled expression.
“Hey,” he whines. “Just because I once said I was attracted to Hongjoong hyung when he was rough with me doesn’t mean I have a fetish!”
“What are you two doing here?” You ask, talking over Wooyoung’s complaints. They flank your sides as if it’s second nature, and you resume your journey to the dilapidated building you’ve called home for the last couple of months.
“While surveying the general area, Yeosang saw that Z has stationed more Android Guardians around the route you’d take to come back,” Jongho whispers. “So we agreed to get you.”
The three of you slip into the shadows when you hear an approaching vehicle, and you hide just in time as the very next moment, a tank ambles past the street. The three of you wait for a few moments before Wooyoung steps out, his hand stretched behind him to signal you to stay hidden just in case. It’s not until he gives you the green light that you and Jongho join him.
“They were very eager to get out of the base,” your earpiece crackles to life, and Yeosang’s voice filters in. The amused lilt causes your own lips to curl at the corners.
“You can stay inside for so long before you get bored,” Jongho shrugs in reply.
“I just dropped by to let you know that the main entrance is close to the new checkpoint. So, take the back street when you get back.” Despite his monotonous tone, you catch the edge of worry in his words. You know he always worries, having lost his family in the new regime. It wasn’t until he found his childhood friend Wooyoung and joined The Movement that he regained some of his old snark.
“Noted, Yeo. Thanks for giving us a heads-up,” you murmur, following Jongho as he jumps over the fallen debris of a newly destroyed building and ducks beneath the boulder balanced between the balconies of two skyscrapers.
You breathe a sigh of relief when you spot the camouflaged entrance tucked behind an unassuming barricade. With a quick glance around to ensure no one is watching, you enter the base, closely followed by the two boys.
“Hongjoong was right,” you announce when you’re in the private area, catching the attention of the six boys scattered around. Unlike the common area where everyone who is part of The Movement is allowed, this space was only accessible to the nine of you. “It’ll take more than just a disturbance to execute the plan in the capital. There are Android Guardians everywhere, and that damned audio keeps playing 24/7.”
“It’s a desperate attempt to regain control,” Yunho smirks from where he had been engaged in a dance battle with San. “They won’t know what hit them by the time we’re done with the plan.”
“We’re as prepared as we can be,” Mingi rests his hand on your shoulder, easing some of your worries. But you can’t help but fear for everyone’s safety. This isn’t like the other plans, you’re dealing with the heart of the problem, and it won’t be easy. All of you will be in danger this time around.
“Now, now. Why do you look so sad? You’re our light. As long as you keep shining, we’ll all find our way back to you,” Seonghwa walks up to you, ruffling your hair affectionately.
Out of all eight of them, Seonghwa is still the one whose soft edges haven’t hardened, even though he’s the one who suffered the most under the Strictland government. His empathy always amazes you, and you’ve always felt that he’s the perfect balance to Hongjoong’s hardness. After all, being the Captain, the latter cannot afford to be lenient, not until you’ve gained freedom.
“You promise?” Your voice sounds fragile even to you, causing everyone to soften visibly.
“I promise,” Hongjoong places his palm on the left side of his chest, directly over his heart, and tilts his head at you. His gaze is sincere, but there’s something else that swims in his caramel eyes, and for the first time since you have known him, you cannot read his gaze. You’ve known him since before Z took over, and Hongjoong took you under his wing once The Movement was in place. Even though Seonghwa is his second-in-command, you command the same level of respect as the Captain.
It isn’t long before everyone heads to bed, wanting to be well-rested before the last leg of your plan is executed tomorrow. You, however, stay in the room, gazing out of the crack of the blacked-out window until dusk gives way to the familiar darkness. Sometime later, you hear the door click open once again.
“Can’t sleep?” San’s voice is quiet, and his footsteps even quieter as he makes his way to the ledge where you’re seated. Quiet as a cat, he settles in front of you, resting his chin over his knees while his arms curl against his legs. The image of your cause’s deadliest assassin curled up like a cat is amusing, to say the least.
“I’ll head to bed soon,” you shrug, going back to looking out of the crack. The stars are out now, and maybe, after tomorrow, all of you will be free to relish the beauty of the night sky and everything else that the world has to offer.
“The darkness isn’t so bad, is it? Especially when the stars are out in the night sky. It makes me truly wonder if we’re the only ones out there,” you muse quietly.
“We’re not,” his voice is filled with so much conviction that it surprises you. You turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow, and he scrambles to explain. “I mean, there are so many stars out there. There must be other worlds as well. And don’t forget about Hongjoong’s theory of there being other universes.”
His words bring back images of the two of you sitting on the roof of Hongjoong’s childhood home as you gazed up at the sky with his father’s telescope. He had taught you everything about astronomy. On one such night, a few weeks before the world fell into Z and his Android Guardian’s hands, Hongjoong had shared his theory with you.
“I read in one of my father’s books about parallel universes.”
“Parallel universes?” You echoed, confused as to what he meant.
Hongjoong hummed, “They are alternative worlds that are similar to ours but also have some fundamental differences. In some of them, other versions of us exist but lead vastly different lives.”
“So, like, in another universe, you might be a pirate raging the deadly seas and fighting monsters?”
He barked out a laugh at your words, “A very vivid example, but, yes, something like that.”
“It sounds like magic,” you mused. “Though magic doesn’t exist.”
“It does.”
You tilted your head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Magic is what you do to make the outcome you desire to become a reality,” he replied, smiling when a huge grin spread on your face at his words.
Even after the world was turned upside down, Hongjoong hadn’t stopped searching for a way to contact other universes. In fact, he doubled his efforts, hoping to find someone out there who would help to overthrow Z’s government.
“I wonder what I’m doing in another universe,” you wonder as you recall Hongjoong’s words from long ago. Maybe you are gazing at the stars there as well, but maybe you’re happier there. Maybe you live in a world that’s free of constant surveillance and fear.
“I don’t know about that, but I’m sure you light up the world in all other universes as well,” San’s eyes twinkle like the sky above as he gazes at you with a fond smile on his face. “You’ve been our light in this darkness, and I hope that you’ll be our light in the future as well.”
“Why does it seem like you’re saying goodbye?” You narrow your eyes at him, fear rising like a tidal wave within you.
“I’m not saying goodbye. We promised that we are not going anywhere, didn’t we? We’ll see each other in the New World after tomorrow, and then we can finally rest.” His eyes are ablaze as if he truly believes that they’ll come back to you, their light.
But even then, you can’t help but feel like you’re missing a very important piece in the puzzle.

“The Captain has been spotted!” You hear someone shout and hide behind a pillar as scores of Android Guardians run past you. Your heart hammers in your chest in worry before you stop short. The Guardians are going in the wrong direction; the last time you checked, Hongjoong was near the factory to the south of Sector 1 and not in the North, where the main warehouse is.
You take out the smartwatch Yeosang had designed for you and watch the eight dots light up the screen. Seven of them are in the south, at the heart of the government, but one of them is in the North. Your eyes go wide when you see the name against the dot. San.
“Now,” Yeosang’s steely voice sounds through your earpiece, and suddenly the world descends into chaos.
“People! Open your eyes for our lives! Keep your mind! Now is the time for freedom if we try! Listen, look, write! OPEN YOUR EYES!” Hongjoong’s voice intercepts Z’s message that is being played on loop. “One ray of light will be enough, just follow me. It is time.”
Then as if on cue, music starts blaring through the speakers, the familiar bass hammering in time with your heart. The citizens gaze in awe at the flashing screens where The Movement’s message is playing. But you don’t pay attention to any of it because right now, you can feel nothing but fury.
You should have known. San and Seonghwa’s cryptic words. The way Mingi and Jongho were unable to meet your eyes at breakfast. Wooyoung and Yeosang’s unnaturally stoic expressions. Yunho’s silence. Hongjoong’s unreadable gaze. You should have known.
You remember how two weeks ago when the nine of you were in a meeting, and Hongjoong had said it.
“What if one of us becomes the decoy, baiting the guardians to go in the wrong direction?”
You had shut down the idea fairly quickly, not wanting to risk any of the boys’ for the cause. But you had never thought they would plan this behind your back. You swallow the bitter taste of betrayal, turning to follow the soldiers when someone grabs your arm and presses you against the wall with their hand covering your mouth.
Hongjoong’s familiar eyes peek from beneath the hood as you try to squirm out of his hold. But he’s stronger than you, always has been, and you would have to hurt him badly to get out of his hold. Despite your anger, you do not want to wound him.
The mere thought of San getting captured and tortured is enough for you to sink into the depths of despair. He may be strong, but no one can win against battalions of Android Guardians. With the Captain’s armband, they won’t stop until they have him. A sob erupts from your lips faster than you can even register the tears spilling from your cheeks onto Hongjoong’s hand.
“Y/N,” the earpiece clicks to life with San’s voice. He’s breathless, and you can hear the wind rushing past as he runs from those who are chasing him. Your stomach twists in fear as you close your eyes, blocking out everything but his voice, “I’m sorry, but this was the only way. There’s a small something for you in your room just in case.”
He omits the ‘I don’t make it’, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what he means. The idiot has always been too soft-hearted, always ready to sacrifice himself just to keep everyone safe.
“San,” you manage to choke out when Hongjoong’s hand slips from its place over your lips. “Please, don’t. Don’t do it— We’ll find another way, just, please. I can’t—”
You hear San’s breath hitch at the agony in your voice, “I’m sorry, my light. I’d do anything to keep you safe, and right now, this is the only thing that will keep them off your tracks. I’ll be okay. I’m a fast runner. We needed a distraction, and I agreed, don’t hold it against them.”
You hear an explosion, and San’s gleeful voice tells you that he has destroyed the main warehouse that houses all weapons. But the very next moment, you catch a soft curse, and then there’s a gunshot and a sharp intake of breath. Fear returns in full force, slamming into you like a tsunami.
“San?! What’s wrong?” You scream into the comm device. “Are you okay? What was that sound?”
“Hongjoong hyung will explain everything,” he manages to say between coughs. “Listen to him, okay? Remember, be the light.”
“SAN! NO!”
But your voice doesn’t go through; someone had cut off the connection, ensuring that they wouldn’t trace the comms back to you. The very next moment, you hear alarms and the panicked voices of your comrades.
“RETREAT,” Seonghwa’s voice is firm as he commands everyone. “Don’t look back, just go. We’ll regroup later.”
“Hyung,” Yeosang is next, and you realize he’s using the private channel to talk to you and Hongjoong. “The six of us won’t make it out of the building. They knew we would be here. San has been captured. They're after you, you need to take them to a safe place and tell them about Plan B. Stay safe, my light.”
There are a few crackles, and then the device falls silent. You’ve lost signal, and when you see the seven dots on your smartwatch turn red, your legs give way. You crumple onto the gravel, sobs wracking your body even as the world falls into despair around you. You can’t seem to care about the fact that if you stay here, you’d be captured too. What’s the point of it all when your family has been destroyed by the very forces you are fighting.
It’s only when Hongjoong kneels before you and brings you into his embrace that the ringing in your ears quietens a bit, allowing you to hear the sounds of the fight raging around you. You hate how much power he has over you, his mere touch grounding you to reality. You want to be angry at him, hit him into the next century. But you can’t, and you hate yourself for it. Hongjoong presses something into your hands but stops you from looking at it by keeping your face pressed into the crook of his neck.
“Listen to me very carefully,” his tone leaves no space to disobey, so you nod. “We had an inkling that this would happen, so we made another plan. I’ve been in contact with a group of people from another dimension of sorts, and they agreed to help you out in case something happens to the eight of us. They know the risks, and it took me a lot to convince them to agree to this. In four days, when the moon is full, use the Cromer to bring them here. Trust them. And if you can’t trust them, trust my decision to bring them here. I promise everything will be okay. I’ll find my way back to you. If not in this lifetime, then I’ll see you on the other side.”
The next thing you know, Hongjoong is pressing a cloth to your nose, and the sweet smell of chloroform hits you. You struggle fruitlessly against him, your movements slowing down as the chemical takes effect. The last thing you feel before darkness envelops you is a feather-light press of lips on your forehead.

When you come to, you’re engulfed in darkness. It’s so heavy and all-encompassing that, for a moment, you wonder if you have gone blind. You’re lying on your back, waiting for your eyes to adjust so you can figure out where you are. A shiver runs down your spine when you notice that you can’t hear anything. For the first time since Z has taken over, the world is silent.
It takes all you have to not start hyperventilating then and there. Trying to focus on breathing while there’s a pounding headache is harder than you had assumed it would be. Through the haze of your senses, you assess the state of your body. Nothing hurts except for the raging headache you have, and you seem to have no injuries. You focus on making sure each of your body parts is in one piece, following the checklist Seonghwa had hammered into you early on in your training.
His name brings the memory of what happened to the front of your consciousness, and you find yourself drowning in the realization of how you had ended up here. The gravity of the situation you are in settles onto your shoulders. You sit up, suddenly unable to breathe.
The clutter of something falling is what snaps you back into reality, and you wipe your tears to see what it is. An hourglass lies on its side, glowing an unearthly blue. You blink once, twice, before realizing this is what Hongjoong had pressed into your hands.
The Cromer.
Hands trembling, you reach out to hold it, the device feeling warm in your hands. You know how it works, having come across Hongjoong’s notes in his office. When you questioned him, he had explained to you in detail.
“It works according to the moon phases. During a full moon, the ones who have the Cromer can travel from one dimension to the other. While during a crescent moon, you can deliver messages through dreams.”
You sigh, looking down at your wrist, and see that all eight dots have disappeared. Choking back a sob, you press a button on your smartwatch that bathes you in bright light. You’re thankful now that Mingi insisted on Yeosang adding a flashlight to these things. Assessing your surroundings now that it isn’t dark, you realize Hongjoong brought you to one of the secret hideouts that leads to a tunnel that opens directly into his office. You’re thankful that he had enough presence of mind even while being hunted down to give you this one last thing. He knew you’d not want to face the members of The Movement tonight.

Our Light,
We’re sorry that we broke our promise. We’re sorry that we couldn’t make it back to you. For what it’s worth, we hope you know that we tried our best.
We hope our Captain was able to tell you about Plan B and that you will be able to bring them to our universe. They’re nice guys, not as nice as us, but they’ll have to do now that we won’t be able to protect you.
Don’t be too sad, okay? Don’t let this obstacle dim your light. Keep shining. Keep leading The Movement. Keep bringing joy into other people’s lives. We believe in you. We’ll be watching over you from the stars. Take care of yourself.
Thank you for bringing all of us together, for giving us love, and for lighting up our world.
Be The Light.
Yours Forever,
Black Pirates.
1. Eat and sleep on time. Don’t skip meals. And stay hydrated, little one. I am sorry I couldn’t find my way back to you, and I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you or the others. Please don’t cry, okay? I can’t stand your tears. Thank you for giving me a family once again. I love you. —Seonghwa
2. I have never been good with expressing my emotions, but I am always thankful that you were by my side throughout all these years. Thank you for enabling me before and after our world changed and for staying even when I was being difficult. I love you, always have, and always will. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for allowing San to do this. —Hongjoong
3. Shortie, thank you for pushing me to dance again. I had been working on a choreography for you. The recording is in one of the memory cards lying around in Hongjoong hyung’s drawer. Watch it when you miss us, okay? And don’t you dare shed tears for us; we don’t deserve it, not after we broke our promise to you. —Yunho
4. Every single day since you found Woo and I, I’ve thanked my stars that you were the one who came across us. Thank you for being kind even when I acted out and was a handful during the first few months. Thank you for not giving up on me. Don’t give up now. See that our cause is brought to fruition. Maybe one day we’ll meet each other, and you can tell us all about your stories from the New World. —Yeosang
5. I think you’ve figured out by now that I was saying goodbye last night. And if you are reading this it means I wasn’t fast enough of a runner to come back to you. It was my choice to be the decoy. Please forgive us for going behind your back like that. I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry for the pain I have caused you. Keep shining bright. —San
6. I don’t think I’ve ever truly thanked you for everything you did for me. So, here I am, telling this to you as I write my last words to you. I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if it does, just know that I’m really glad I met you in this life. Thank you. Stay safe, and keep shining. —Mingi
7. I wish I could’ve been a part of the New World with you, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case anymore. I won’t be there to protect you, so please, take care of yourself. I’m sorry that we broke our promise to you, but I’m sure we’ll find our way back to you in some form or other. —Jongho
8. Pretty sure the others’ words will make you cry, so here I am to brighten up your day as usual. There’s cake in the fridge, please eat it because I took a lot of pains to find fresh ingredients in this place. I can’t believe these people live like this. You should teach them how to cook food once you bring Z down. Carry us in your heart always. —Wooyoung
A laugh bubbles up in your chest, erupting even as tears trickle down your face. Trust Wooyoung to be the clown even when writing a goodbye letter. You curl up against the sheets on Seonghwa’s bed, grieving for your loss. You allow yourself tonight to break apart, consumed by the grief of losing your family. But tomorrow, when the sun rises, you’ll rise with it, once again assuming the role of The Movement’s Light.

Don't Do that- Jungkook x Reader
A/n: it's just a short drabble. I took inspiration from this youtube short I watched
It was late, like really late when Jimin heard a knock on the door. Who would visit someone at 12:20 am?! He thought as he grabbed a nearby baseball bat and looked through the peeping whole and sighed and opened the door.
"Hi Hyung" the younger boy said.
"JEON JUNGKOOK! WHAT DID YOU DO NOW?!" Jimin asked in frustration.
"Nothing. We just argued and she threw me out. Of our own house?!" Jungkook said as he just entered and took a seat on the couch.
"But why?" Jimin asked carefully to not be pushy or interfering. To that Jungkook just shook his head with an adamant look. Jimin knew he had a better shot at you than Jungkook, but it's late, he'll just deal with this in the morning.
"Hyung?" Jungkook called
"Whats with the bat?" Jungkook asked looking like a confused bunny
"I thought- never mind. Just go to sleep. Good night"
In the morning, Jungkook went to the washroom with the change of clothes he always keeps in his car for emergencies, right after Jimin came out of his morning routine and shower.
"I'll be out for the day, I have schedules" he informed the elder boy who nodded.
As soon as Jungkook left, Jimin called you up "Hey Y/n. How are you?”
"I won't let him in until he apologizes himself" you said sternly.
"But, tell me what happened?" He asked
"What happened! WHY DON'T YOU ASK THAT RASCAL WHAT HE DID! And he dared defending. Ah! I'm so angry! Ask him" you said
"Okay okay. Calm down" Jimin said
The two of you talk about other stuff and work a bit more before you hung up.
What can I do? If neither will speak? Jimin told himself and decided to not meddle.
"Jungkook, it's been four days! You won't speak to her. You won't tell us. Do you wanna break up?" Jin asked as all the other 6 heads whipped towards him, even Yoongi's who everyone thought was asleep.
"What? No! She will talk" he said smirking "She's probably on her way right now"
"Oh my god Jungkook. Just WHAT did you do?" Namjoon asked.
Of course, everyone loved you, but god forbid when you were angry. Even Yoongi lowkey dreads an angry Y/n.
"But why DID you fight?!" Jimin asked curiosity eating him up "Tell us. By now this is a group agenda!"
As if on cue the door slammed opened and as anticipated, an angry Y/n was visible.
"Hey Y/n-ah" Jin said but you didn't pay a head.
"Yes love" he said with a smirk, now normally you'd just drop everything and hug him, you haven't seen him for four days after all, but not today!
"Okay! Okay. Y/n calm down, Tae shut up" Namjoon stepped in and made you shit on a couch, Yoongi now sitting up straight.
"Take deep breaths" Namjoon demonstrated. "Yes. Just like that. Now tell us. What happened"
"He came to the apartment today, when I was in the washroom. I had made a beautiful sandwich, kept it ready to eat when I'm done showering and dressing up. This bitch ate it!" You said pointing at Jungkook.
You found his smirking and rushed with your purse "YOU. EVEN. TOOK. MY. KIMBAP. FROM. THE. FRIDGE!!!!" Hitting him with the bag with each word and finally sitting down on the chair beside.
"That's mine too! It's my house too!" Jungkook protested.
"Wow" Yoongi said.
"Can you please tell me why you fought? What did Jungkookie do?" Jimin asked.
"He didn't tell you?" You asked in shock.
Right then Jungkook entered with a sandwich and a juice.
"I'm so sorry babe" he literally kneeled down in front of where you were sitting. "I am really sorry"
"He cut the matress" you said grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite, it tasted like heaven after only drinking coffee and water for the whole day
"He did what? Why?” Hobi asked in shock.
"It was big for the new bed we got, it was just a little big so I altered it. Big deal?!" He said shrugging.
Before you could say something Jin already said "Why didn't you return it and get a new one?!"
"That's exactly what I asked" you said
"It's a lot of work" Jungkook said with a bunny smile.
"You're buying a new one!" You said "And taking that one to your game room!"
"Okay, fair. But why my game room?!" He asked.
"Cause it's your fault!" You said.
"Fine" Jungkook deadpanned
"Let me help with ordering the new matress" Jimin offered.
"You threw him out for that?" Taehyung asked.
"Of course not. This idiot was arguing with me and left the house himself!" You said.
"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin and Jin scolded together.
Other Works
My special Hogwarts Diaries
Taglist: @bbl32 @jung-nika-hoseok @cherryblossom-2004
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