Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Quite A Crowd Despite The Outrageous Suggestions Of The Song. The Wicked Woman Only Grinned And Entertained,

Quite a crowd despite the outrageous suggestions of the song. The wicked woman only grinned and entertained, drawing more demons close with her warmup and glimpses into her vocal talent. And then she began. Oh so casually, as if it was only a walk in the park
“You ain't no tough bitch, you think you're hot shit”

“Damn, you're all caked up, painted like a gold brick.” and so was the cleanest line of a clue dropped, making many turn their heads in worry but no she couldn't have that.
So she played with the audience masterfully as if the crowd was an instrument of their own. Drawing them further into her own world of vicious rock n roll where nothing else existed just her physics defying harmonies.
“When it's down to the wire, no one here can deny that

I'm b-b-b-b-bona fide!”
And of course she wasn't met with an opposing opinion. Cindy knew well this little song wasn't truly conveying her range nor her grit; but the possible reach of half of her effort if it gets to the right ears was too good to miss out.
The rhythm was catchy, dripping with rightful pride; she breezed through the makeshift stage with unwavering voice, never off key. At last she finally reached the part where her power could blast through a little.
“You ain't no answer, you ain't no savior, you're just a good excuse for bad behavior ”
Her wild grit rang through the open air, a nice little drip of the full power lying beneath the surface.
“You just wannabe, wannabe, wannabe, wannabe
Someone just like me”
Her playful howl rippled through the excited crowd now moving to her rhythm. Jade eyes shone with uncontrollable delight at the success, every concert no matter how many listened was an escape, a chance to build her own world where she truly belonged.
The last notes trailing in the air along with the guitar follow up dissolved into air at last, leaving only her delighted laugh.
“Thank you! For attending to... my little warmup!”


W H E N word reaches Mammon about a certain performer he was more than inclined to divulge in deeper to see if they were as good as his sources claimed. He usually didn’t bother with these sort of things, but if there was a way for him to profit off them then who was he to at least not check to see what all the hubbub was all about? If it turned into a dead end then no skin off his bones– He’d just move on to the next bigger thing, the next profit. No harm no foul. If they were actually good, then and only then would he become interested.
D A W N I N G on an ensemble reminiscent of his rocker days (spiked collar included), he makes his way towards where his sources had indicated he’d find them and luckily for him it was right in his ring. Seems he caught her just as she’s about to perform one of her songs. This he’ll have to listen to…
K E E P I N G to the shadows and blending into the dark, Mammon leans back and merely observes for now; fingers idly tapping along to the beat.
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More Posts from Phoenixborn
sender kisses receiver to shut them up. (Reversed!) For Seviathan
Kiss prompts

After probably the eighth ‘It was just a game and I haven't even said it’ she had given up on trying to explain and/or calm the furiously rambling eldritch entity

Of course it made no sense, why would she want to kill him? Besides reckless driving and running her over if not for her powers- Anyways; that was an entirely different topic and she did total his car both as a reflex and revenge.
Still, Cindy had one secret weapon ready which hopefully could stop the never ending flow of words. A firm grab to pull him down to her height followed by an aggressive kiss with a gentle flick of a tongue.
“There. Do you still believe I plan to gruesomely murder you?”

Fuck Marry Kill Hysteria, Seviathan and Striker

“Marry Hysteria because...she's cute, she's fun, great to hang out with. Why not marry?”
“Fuck Striker and watch my sister get a hellfire aneurism.”

Which leaves....


“No no, you didn't do anything!” desperation thick in her voice; dangerously close to crying
“I just- I thought... I thought I've gone too far and you-you don't like me or worse, I made you uncomfortable.” the truth was finally blabbered out; how she longed to reach after him, to be close to him again. But no, not while the situation wasn't clear.

A quiver of her lips at the faintest change in his expression, her arms tightly wrapping around herself to prevent an almost inevitable breakdown.
“They...they are dead. I killed them after I was resurrected.”
A thick swallow, a half fallen, half floating tear of stardust
“Except the leader so I can torment him until the end of his life just like how the memories will haunt me for eternity.”


Control. Something she always prided herself on, control over her incredible voice, control over her gravity defying moves, control over the insane amount of power she possessed. But her emotions were volatile, now thankfully less explosive due to her effort to rein them as well. She handled this relatively good; Cindy concluded silently.
Lost in her thoughts, the contact, despite who he was and how she felt spooked her. The brief tensing and visible flinch as if expecting harm a telltale sign exactly what type of men she has been dealing with.

“I’m…I’m not?” she repeated, despite her clothing, her behavior, sparkling jade eyes were filled with such innocence at the uncertain question
It took tremendous effort to not reach after him, regretting terribly the initial reflexive reaction. Erebus definitely didn’t deserve to feel terrible because of that.
“My…” slip? “reflex before…wasn’t because of you. You are nothing but kind to me. I…don’t really experience it you know?”

The flinch didn’t go unnoticed by him and that’s why he quickly retracted his hand, afraid that he might have overstepped his bounds. “I–of course you’re not. I don’t know what I did but I didn’t mean to offend you.” He insisted.

His cold façade softened a little when he saw just how innocent her expression was. A stark contrast to what she was wearing right now. “I see…” He murmured, his hands subconsciously curling into fists.
She had been vague about it before, but knowing there were those out there who put their hands on her. Who hurt her…Well, it made his blood boil.

The sudden voice earned a sharp, fluid twist, blood still dripping -no, swirling- from her nose and a cut on her forehead. So far which was visible to the naked eye. She should've gone back to the human realm to heal while she could instead of overstaying her welcome.
“Sorry. I'm a bit vary.” her voice rough, rugged but naturally so
“If you would be so kind,” strangely, not the faintest sarcasm dripping from her tone “to point out a motel here where I don't have to pile all furniture against the door to sleep peacefully; I would be grateful for the directions.”

@phoenixborn ♡'d for a one - liner .

❝ you seem a little tired - do you need something to help you sleep ? ❞

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