Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Warm Glare Of The Sun Never Failed To Lift Her Spirits, Preferring To Bask In It Than Hiding In A Musty

Warm glare of the sun never failed to lift her spirits, preferring to bask in it than hiding in a musty classroom or an echoing, empty lecture hall. Apparently, she wasn't alone sharing this thought at the sight of the crowd already taking almost all space. Whistles and cheers accompanied confident steps, a brow raising in amusement behind the trustworthy retro aviator sunglasses; so her live show last night was memorable not only lucrative.
Figuring out an alternative solution when asked for a kiss, she snatched a clean napkin, pressing the thin paper to her glossy red lips, the imprint striking contrast against the white. Cindy quickly moved on with an airy chuckle before they could recover from shock of actually acquiring a physical item (which smelled like cherries) from her.

“Later, ladies and gentlemen!” she called, crimson tipped hair a blazing supernova in the sunlight. No one could catch a glimpse of dulling jade behind the protection of black lenses.
Despite the heat, leather jacket draped across broad shoulders, the tight miniskirt with a slight thigh slit was a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen; yet the young woman still managed to move with catlike effortless grace. She made sure to avoid future distractions, deciding to sit at the least occupied table which was still bathed in the desired sunlight.
Cindy flashed a quick, polite smile to the girl already sitting there, taking a seat the opposite side. Her backpack was...a mess and a black hole; no that was her makeup kit not the pencil case carrying highlighters in every color possible along with matching thin and thick gel pens. The notebook was quite heavy, already half filled with information sorted with precision, by topic cut into segments with a set system of signaled by the use of pens and colors.
Sunglasses slightly tipped lower, where was the neon yellow highlighter? She was sure she has put it on the table-

Plotted starter for @phoenixborn

Esther had never been the most social person. She was certain her parents were hoping college might change that. But here she was, sitting at a bench on the outskirts of the quad, as far away as possible from the other crowded tables toward the center filled with noisy students.
She rolled her eyes before returning her gaze to her sketch book to look at her messy half-finished design. Her next assignment for her class was due by the end of this month and she was no where close to being done. Not only did she have to come up with a design, but she had to make it as well. Of course now was now the time her creativity took a nose-dive.
A sigh was heaved out as she closed her sketch book. Maybe she just needed a break and come back to it later.
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Unmistakable aura of confidence and unsaid power radiated from fiery green eyes, determining the possible outcomes of crashing a ‘party’ in a rather...loud way. Shoulders squared, chin tilted high as the towering lady was making her way to her, per moment not quite trusting in the aim of the enthusiastic approach. She was probably the twice of her height, if not more but Cindy's voice wasn't the only explosive thing about her.

Ah. She wasn't expecting such praise spill from the royalty's lips. Let alone politeness after her stunt.
“Thank you, Your Majesty. I hope that is the correct title.” the rocker might be a recipe for disaster in social situations, but she wasn't the one to disrespect someone not only acknowledging but reveling in a taste of her talent
“That...wasn't much.” a tiny, almost shy smile “I'm comfortable in the 6th octave down to the 2nd.” she uncovered her borderline impossible range as if it was an everyday information
“Cindy. Cindy Flame ” for now she decided to leave out the numerous titles she's been called throughout millennias
“And the reason is that realms tend to both under and overestimate my caliber.” she gave the presumed Queen the cryptic answer; here they had no idea what she truly was. Those who did, expected an unapproachable entity demanding the most luxurious treatment; the contradiction of her statement was no lie
“I can escort myself out without company.” Cindy proposed “Although if the treatment is too harsh for a mere minute of interruption, there might be a different kind of show.” it was no threat, only her preference to not be dragged around and the possible reaction to it


Cindy landed in Gluttony this time, as she soon figured out. Not the designated location, but she never said no to a spontaneous adventure when it presented itself. She noticed a tall lady- ah almost everyone was towering in this dimension- conversing about a party; while she didn’t fancy eavesdropping the information was still better than aimless strolling. She still had $ouls, enough for a dress; sometimes she was slightly irked by the Fire’s inability to create one which wasn’t radioactive or at the brink of exploding.
Bold, sparkling, a perfect shade of bright rose red and double slits almost reaching her hips; extreme, eye catching yet still passing as elegant. She most definitely didn’t have an invitation, she simply stated she’s here to please the crowd- only realizing the implications after it was said. Ah. Well, at least it granted her entry with an understanding and interested gaze.
Now this was definitely not worth it. While Cindy had her favorite genres, she wasn’t deaf or ignorant of other talents. If the other happened to possess one. She was cautious about food and drinks, especially after the misunderstanding of what was she exactly doing here.
The latest company was the most persistent of all, at least his nonsense was a distraction from the disastrous ‘choir’ of violins clashing with the occasional piano slamming. Her eyes drifted across the room, only to meet with the lady’s who she has heard the information-
“Doesn’t that scar hurt your business?” the way too sudden question followed by the most lifeless notes she has ever heard from an opera singer made her realize she’s been too social for too long.
“Is that what you call an A5??”

She declared rather loudly, finally shaking off the clawed hand from her thigh with a “You, get off me. You,” she continued “choose a new career.”
Cindy searched for a song that could possibly fit in an operatic setting, and shamelessly she began a slow, intense rhythm of one single sentence,
“A familiar taste ” stirred deep in her chest, smooth, strong and warm, letting the sound vibrate through the room as if she didn’t need to breath
“of poison ” the transition to the bright high note from the starting point was a flawless glide upwards; not her highest just the top of her chest voice. She held the note effortlessly, ringing clear across the room even without a microphone.
“This is how it’s done.” she stated plainly after the second half minute demonstration

Now she definitely had Beelzebub’s attention. Making her way across the ballroom, other partygoers wisely moved out the queen’s way as she made a beeline towards Cindy. It seemed she had found her entertainment for the evening.

“I must say, darling, that was a stupendous display of talent and strength. Not many people can achieve that note, as you have just demonstrated.” The sin chuckled, casting a pitying glance at the opera singer that Cindy had just bested. Oh well. There went their career she was sure.
“Might I be so bold as to ask your name, my dear? I cannot recall ever seeing someone of your caliber in attendance at one these events before.”

and she's approaching fast-

“Hey, Spirit of Vengeance too, remember?”

“So if you're down and not only interested in unfairly long tongues, send me a message.”

@phoenixborn replied: “Obviously.” yes she means the marriage. Yes she’s being a dick. Obviously.

∗ 9o﹕ sender helps receiver patch up a wound.
"This brings back memories, just happy there ain't no holy shrapnel this time."
That interesting prompt list

“Wouldn't matter. A knife is a knife even if it's ‘blessed ’ by God's piss.” the naturally rugged voice snapped with irritation at the situation

A ring of fire still swirled within the bright jade; she was a good fighter taught by the best ever lived and died. Fever hot glare snapped to her bleeding side, gutted like a fish thanks to her effort to get away once the knife was lodged into her. What's worse, her leather jacket also suffered significant damage.
“Sure as fuck you don't look like the local doctor. I don't even think there's a doctor here or at least one that's not down for malpractice.” the entity usually had a bit more manners than this. Usually. When she wasn't showing signs of vulnerability such as bleeding a pool onto the fucking floor.
“But hey, pharmacies have snakes poledancing on their logos. So you might just be.”

The possibility only occurred now, a bit late considering the shimmery red was already coating his talons.
“By the way, I'm pretty sure my blood is radioactive.”