Infernal Feminae / Gabriel - Tumblr Posts

“I was the bridesmaid.”

@the-eternal-fire said: For Gabriel🤣
“So I take that as ‘trouble in Paradise’~?”

“I am not in the mood right now.”

“I wouldn't say lovely...more like interesting. Especially when her eye catching cowboy fiance showed up!”


“I was the bridesmaid.”

“Then I’m sure it was a very lovely wedding.” She said through gritted teeth.

Oh now that finally seemed to do the trick- what in the fuck.

“No I can't. Or rather, won't. Because I'm with the other two sisters are busy ensuring that the piece of shit who drugged her doesn't fuck her.” phoenix wings flared with barely concealed disappointment laced anger
“You must know how she willingly wouldn't touch alcohol or any drug because she goes batshit insane if she does. And how control obsessed she is, the last thing she wants is not being aware of her actions. You must know, since you know you two are somehow married.” and the insult to be the messenger of the literal Messenger of God
“Shouldn't you descend from the fluffy clouds with weapons blazing and gut the man who assaulted your wife instead of leaving her alone? Because for some fucked up reason your pussy brother came up with, she can't kill that parasite without endangering her army. ”
If the lethal Véghváry bloodline could put aside their differences, arguments to shield the one in trouble, why couldn't her literal wife come to her aid?
“I can't explain the cowboy, nor want to excuse it, it's my job to do so. But have you told her you love her? Have you helped her through an episode when the power possessing her was consuming her sanity? Have you shared her grief when Heaven massacred her soldiers, her family? Have you ever openly stood by her side?” maybe she indeed could explain the cowboy then.
Cindy snatched the divorce papers from the angel, the edges only slightly singed despite her swirling emotions.
“Maybe this indeed for the best. Now if you excuse me, I have an intoxicated sister to protect from a fucking predator.”


“I wouldn’t say lovely…more like interesting. Especially when her eye catching cowboy fiance showed up!”

The Archangel was silent. She slowly turned to face Cindy with calm expression. Too calm. “…I see.” Was all she said.
Gabriel produced a sheet of paper in her hands and held them out to Cindy. “Can you do a favor for me? Next time you see Rozy tell her I want a divorce.”
She honestly didn’t mind if Rozalia wanted other partners. What truly hurt her, was the fact that apparently Rozy was going behind her back this whole time. A relationship couldn’t thrive on mistrust and lies after all. Might as well end it right here and now.

“Drugged or either somehow tricked her into drinking high percentage alcohol. Doesn't matter which, the result is the same; I'm suspicious because instead of dumping his burned body in a ditch, she's marrying him. How stupid do you have to be to think Rozy would be WILLING touch that creature unless she's punching or stabbing him?”

“No, I actually didn't know that. But that means YOU are fully aware how out of control she is with substances in her system. And chose to abandon her. Pride runs deep in me, but...she's a bloody brilliant warrior in every aspect. Do you think the Hellfire General marrying an Archangel and not divorcing immediately was a good decision strategy wise, when that woman has war in her veins?” Cindy questioned the obvious, the angel sinking even lower in her eyes. And when she was alive people were surprised she was an atheist.
The entity wasn't aware of that she had remaining family members, it took many trips to Hell to discover she wasn't alone. She was everything they were, yet a distorted mirror image at the same time; an another polar opposite added to her enigma of a personality. She couldn't protect her mother, she will not fail her sister as well.
“Your brother chained my sister with rules, dangling her family's life as a threat because he's afraid of what is she capable of. Seems like cowardice runs in the family.” the final, merciless push of the dagger.
Brilliant phoenix wings unfurled to their full width, blazing with cosmic fire.
“But not in mine.”

One last scorching glare and the Fire took the steep plunge from Heaven, her fall as bright as the Morningstar's was; only that she hasn't lost or corrupted her wings.


Oh now that finally seemed to do the trick- what in the fuck.

“No I can’t. Or rather, won’t. Because I’m with the other two sisters are busy ensuring that the piece of shit who drugged her doesn’t fuck her.” phoenix wings flared with barely concealed disappointment laced anger
“You must know how she willingly wouldn’t touch alcohol or any drug because she goes batshit insane if she does. And how control obsessed she is, the last thing she wants is not being aware of her actions. You must know, since you know you two are somehow married.” and the insult to be the messenger of the literal Messenger of God
“Shouldn’t you descend from the fluffy clouds with weapons blazing and gut the man who assaulted your wife instead of leaving her alone? Because for some fucked up reason your pussy brother came up with, she can’t kill that parasite without endangering her army. ”
If the lethal Véghváry bloodline could put aside their differences, arguments to shield the one in trouble, why couldn’t her literal wife come to her aid?
“I can’t explain the cowboy, nor want to excuse it, it’s my job to do so. But have you told her you love her? Have you helped her through an episode when the power possessing her was consuming her sanity? Have you shared her grief when Heaven massacred her soldiers, her family? Have you ever openly stood by her side?” maybe she indeed could explain the cowboy then.
Cindy snatched the divorce papers from the angel, the edges only slightly singed despite her swirling emotions.
“Maybe this indeed for the best. Now if you excuse me, I have an intoxicated sister to protect from a fucking predator.”

Gabriel winced at Cindy’s show of anger. “Wait he drugged her!?” Well, that was news to her. She didn’t even know who the man even was but this new bit of information changed everything. Why was she always the last to know these things?
Anger flashed across Gabriel’s own face. “And you should know that we got married in the first place because we were both drunk.”
Even still the Véghváry‘s words cut her deep. She could make an excuse that she was kept in the dark in this situation but there was truth in Cindy’s words regardless. She was Rozalia’s wife. She should’ve been there for her when she needed her most. And where was she? In Heaven. Because of her obligations. At least that’s what she told herself.
No wonder why Rozalia sought comfort in the arms of another.
Gabriel flinched when the papers were snatched from her hands and she looked away. Shame filled her entire being. Yet, another instance where she stood by and did nothing. And look at what she lost from her inability to act. But that was going to change.
Starting with the scum who assaulted her wife.


“You think you don't deserve it?” the lack of emotion in her voice made up by the dress itself radiating more light; further uncovering the suspicions about the decorations

@phoenixborn said: (You thought you can escape her on Halloween?) Don’t mind her, she’s just staring at Gabriel as the embodiment of the Universe itself, once again brilliant blazing wings carried her to Heaven and above

“GAH!” The Archangel screeched upon seeing Cindy. Not because her costume was scary but she was just no expecting to see her standing right there staring at her. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
Sakuya is getting yeeted out of the bed I can tell🤣
And for the Gabriel one I can hear Rozy's satanic laughter in the background🤣🤣🤣

Eᴠᴇɴ Mᴏʀᴇ Iɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ Qᴜᴏᴛᴇs Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ!
@phoenixborn said: ✏️ for Erebus, Sakuya & Gabriel

Fuck Marry Kill Erebus, Gabriel, and Sakuya

“Kill Gabriel. Haven't killed an archangel yet.”
“Fuck Sakuya, been there done that”


“Marry Erebus.”


The fact that his popularity was low among Archangels came as a slight surprise, she thought some of them are happy to have this...trash on the rampage.
“I'm well aware what is he. Your daddy's first failure and continuing to live up to that.” the Eternal Fire's wings flared in irritation, one fucker and a crowd of sheep. Heavenly.

“If Heaven makes a move, he will pull and play the victim card flawlessly, despite almost everyone who matters aware of the rotten core. Like a shitty parody of the Roman Empire.”
“If one of my dear sisters manage to fry him alive or cut his head off or just plainly shoot him without any fancy; then the perfect opening presents itself, ‘proving’ Hell's hostility while they would be doing a fucking favor.” Cindy sighed as she was drawing close to the conclusion
“It has to be done by a neutral party. By the one who doesn't take either side out of the three but focuses on the long term peace and stability.” oh Hallelujah motherfucker.

“Fuck!! Why do I have to do everything myself?? Isn't Serin'th enough, now this fucking sociopath who thinks he shits gold; why the bloody fuck hasn't anyone killed him before he festered to this?”

@phoenixborn said: For Gabriel I’m sorry & yes she just flew to Heaven like it’s normal.
“You know, Adam’s constant attempts to destabilize Hell gives me an impression of micro dick energy, but most importantly worry that imbecile is incapable of understanding that the holy trinity Hell-Earth-Hell cannot be broken, these two pocket dimensions managed to fuse inseparably with Earth. So with either gone, souls good or bad, would have no place to go to and my purpose is not eating all of them. The most likely outcome, as weird as it will sound is: the souls will try to return to their bodies but since that pretty much died, it would create something close to a fucking zombie apocalypse. Which I’m definitely not having, so someone take his guitar away before I shove it so far into his fat ass that the headstock comes out of his fucking mouth.”

“Honey, you’re preaching to the choir.” Gabriel sighed. At this point, she wasn’t even surprised to see Cindy randomly show up in Heaven again. But she was still wary about being set on fire again.
“But do you think that even if you explained that to him that he would even care? He doesn’t care how his actions affect others. He’s only out for his own self-interests and thinks he can do whatever he wants. Believe it or not he’s not exactly popular among the rest of us Archangels.” Still, if Cindy ever planned on following through with her threat Gabriel wouldn’t try to stop her.

“Hey, Spirit of Vengeance too, remember?”

“So if you're down and not only interested in unfairly long tongues, send me a message.”

@phoenixborn replied: “Obviously.” yes she means the marriage. Yes she’s being a dick. Obviously.


“You will be complete.” the entity corrects “I don't know how will your body and powers react to my own essence, I cannot predict that. I've never changed a celestial being to their very core, not this drastic degree either needed for your survival.” she can't lie nor bend the truth when it came such life altering decision. Gabriel wouldn't be bearing a curse, but a part of the cosmos.
“You will belong to the eternal stars, with only two Beings other than me capable of killing you. Serin'th who caused my scar and Chionne Frollja, the Secondborn of the Universe.” the Phoenix informed further as the angel was thinking over all of her existence spanning millennias. There laid the truth, Gabriel would be permanently changed power wise and physically, forever ripped from Heaven's hierarchy.
“You will be severed from the one you refer as ‘God’, me, my creation is above Its powers.” if this is what she ultimately wanted when whispering to the stars, yearning for freedom, Cindy was ready to grant all of that
Chin tilted lower at the sudden movement, the blaze in her eyes...the same her own when the Eternal Fire had made her the same offer. Spiteful bordering on vengeance. Revenge against the world that dared to treat her like this. Revenge for the torture, the suffering, the needless sacrifices, the wasted, stolen first life.

“Hold onto your rage and desire.” the entity spoke with a nod at the decision, the blazing supernova approaching with the slightest caution; metal shrieking and snapping at the sheer supernatural heat. The Phoenix leaned down, elongated fingers carefully lifting the broken body but not spirit into her embrace, hoping her desire and flickering life was enough for her to not burn from such closeness.
She carried the delicate creature through the wiped clean wasteland which once was deemed holy, not shielding Gabriel from the sight. This wasn't her home anymore, detachment only helped both of them when it came to the actual process. No one stopped the erethal visage scorching Heaven in her wake by her existence, the journey to the end of the clouds a slight solace among the crumbling then dissipating ruins.
“I will ask one more thing from you.” the Eternal Fire spoke at the edge of the realm, setting the Archangel down gently
“And trust I will catch you.”

Golden light chased away darkness as it always had done since it's very existence. The Eternal Fire illuminated the torture chamber, flooding it until only the shadow cast by Gabriel remained. Her state stirred an undecipherable rumble, something beyond primordial. Ever shifting galaxy eyes took in the fragile statue, carefully noting every injury with an almost prying gaze. Fire starting to lean towards white in color again during the assessment, temperature ever climbing but those tiny, insignificant shifts -for her- was beyond her control.
“You are not hallucinating. You are dying.”

The entity managed to speak at last, the dull burgundy scar even more prominent against her near blinding radiance. She was not the arrogant brat playing around with cosmic powers Gabriel probably was familiar with; she was that untameable celestial force. Now almost stripped of everything human as Heaven still continued to tremble at her presence
“Your essence is dimming. You will die in days.” she spoke again, one step forward the tortured angel. She could feel life draining from her, feel her core wilting away slowly but surely
“I can save you by setting you free. After all isn't it what you always yearned for, Gabriel?” the Phoenix questioned gently what she overheard from stars, a lonely, trapped Being's whispered desire.
“But if I do that, you will never be an angel anymore. You will not belong to any realms, but to the stars. So tell me, do you want me to scorch your chains both physical and the ones you were created with?” she will not turn her against her will. Plenty has been done to her in which she had no say for eons. The Phoenix understood if she would rather choose eternal rest, she deserved peace at last. In that case, she will end her suffering quickly and painlessly.

She didn't interfere her thoughts, she cannot influence this decision. It ultimately depended on what Gabriel desired the most, not what Cindy gladly would've done to save her. Chin tilted higher as she was addressed, still by her human name despite her state, a sincere nod at the meaning behind those words.
A few beats of silence after the angel disappeared from sight; only then did those beyond divine wings unfold and dive after her. A blazing supernova in all its glory, scouring for the perfect moment: between realms. Where here essence has been eroded but not fully corrupted. To survive her gift of a second life. A sharp curve and the Phoenix caught the Archangel right in the middle of realms, stopping her fall.
“Focus only on me. I'm sorry if it hurts, just trust me little one.”

Arms, fingers grew elongated along with her figure, the stars surrounding them brightening then dimming as the entity took their power for the process. Cosmic flames surrounded both kept in perfect equilibrium by the increased solar winds.
The Eternal Fire's chest cracked open, within glowed, stirred the Universe itself, white hot and ever changing.

Long fingers reached for Gabriel, as gently as It possibly could, slowly pried her apart meanwhile cooing praises and encouragement in a language that didn't require words to be understood. What remained of her was damaged, dimming rapidly; placing a part of her had a chance of also succumbing to the rot.
Enormous wings of galaxies closed over them in a protective cocoon, her human features morphing less and less recognizable, celestial tailfeathers began to fully form instead of legs. Arms drew the angel flush against Its body, aligning her chest cavity with their core. The purest form of energy flowed through the inflicted wounds, It could feel Gabriel's essence react, at first with recoil then greedy acceptance. Fire swirled around the reignited parts, slowly but surely penetrating through ‘divine’ layers: fundamentally and forever changing what Gabriel was.
The Phoenix continued to pour Itself into the fragile body, tethering on the edge of no return to her human form, as even more of the stars dimmed forever in their vicinity. It never stopped their song either, something beyond primordial to provide a tiny bit of calm for the little creature. Its own body signaled first, the transformation was complete and most importantly, stable.
It carefully began weaving Gabriel's chest together, catching glimpses of the beauty and power that now not only resided within but was her. The Phoenix's core sealed itself in tandem with Gabriel's, planet sized wings rapidly unfurling in a solar storm, the momentum carrying them away the ultimate balance between realms and far past Heaven till it disappeared from view completely.
The creature slowly began to resemble to something vaguely human once again, receding in size and radiation, the Sun itself behind her supplying the power she had lost during the resuscitation.

“Soar now, Starchild. You are free.” Cindy released the newborn entity from her hold, her smile tender and full of relief

“You will be complete.” the entity corrects “I don't know how will your body and powers react to my own essence, I cannot predict that. I've never changed a celestial being to their very core, not this drastic degree either needed for your survival.” she can't lie nor bend the truth when it came such life altering decision. Gabriel wouldn't be bearing a curse, but a part of the cosmos.
“You will belong to the eternal stars, with only two Beings other than me capable of killing you. Serin'th who caused my scar and Chionne Frollja, the Secondborn of the Universe.” the Phoenix informed further as the angel was thinking over all of her existence spanning millennias. There laid the truth, Gabriel would be permanently changed power wise and physically, forever ripped from Heaven's hierarchy.
“You will be severed from the one you refer as ‘God’, me, my creation is above Its powers.” if this is what she ultimately wanted when whispering to the stars, yearning for freedom, Cindy was ready to grant all of that
Chin tilted lower at the sudden movement, the blaze in her eyes...the same her own when the Eternal Fire had made her the same offer. Spiteful bordering on vengeance. Revenge against the world that dared to treat her like this. Revenge for the torture, the suffering, the needless sacrifices, the wasted, stolen first life.

“Hold onto your rage and desire.” the entity spoke with a nod at the decision, the blazing supernova approaching with the slightest caution; metal shrieking and snapping at the sheer supernatural heat. The Phoenix leaned down, elongated fingers carefully lifting the broken body but not spirit into her embrace, hoping her desire and flickering life was enough for her to not burn from such closeness.
She carried the delicate creature through the wiped clean wasteland which once was deemed holy, not shielding Gabriel from the sight. This wasn't her home anymore, detachment only helped both of them when it came to the actual process. No one stopped the erethal visage scorching Heaven in her wake by her existence, the journey to the end of the clouds a slight solace among the crumbling then dissipating ruins.
“I will ask one more thing from you.” the Eternal Fire spoke at the edge of the realm, setting the Archangel down gently
“And trust I will catch you.”