phoenixborn - đ“Ÿđ“±đ“žđ“źđ“·đ“Č𝔁 bathing in ashes
đ“Ÿđ“±đ“žđ“źđ“·đ“Č𝔁 bathing in ashes

Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.

751 posts

Wouldn't Say No To Tongue Wrestling Though.

Wouldn't Say No To Tongue Wrestling Though.

“Wouldn't say no to tongue wrestling though.”

Wouldn't Say No To Tongue Wrestling Though.
Wouldn't Say No To Tongue Wrestling Though.
 "I Never Get Why Folks Always Wanna Fight Me. Listen. Just Because I'm Fluffy Does Not Mean I'm Soft~"

‎ ‎ "I never get why folks always wanna fight me. Listen. Just because I'm fluffy does not mean i'm soft~"

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More Posts from Phoenixborn

1 year ago

An important psa:

If there is one thing you all should know about me, it’s this

                                   I am ALYWAYS a up for AUs

And when I say always, I mean always. I have more AU ideas than I can count. Check out my verses page, or ask if I have a particular verse already. If I don’t chances are that I will get excited and make it happen. Never feel shy or bad about throwing an au idea you’d like to do at me, or if we’re mutuals just write me the starter, or send the message. I will sit in my chair and probably scream a little bit because OH MY GOSH AUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!

We can do one long thread, or we can do several short threads. We can have several threads in the same au! It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re happy, and I’m happy, and we get to have fun!

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1 year ago
Then Let Me Enlighten You Why. She's Missing Parts Of Her Soul, Not Due To A Contract But As If It Was

“Then let me enlighten you why. She's missing parts of her soul, not due to a contract but as if it was bitten off by a rabid dog. She's no Hellborn nor Sinner as you call it here. The higher powers of this pocket dimension managed to find something to keep her chained and bend to their command. But oh once whatever they have on her runs out, gets destroyed; maybe she will even bring the fucking Armageddon as she breaks loose.” Cindy exposed without second thoughts, she only had aim: watching her mighty fall.

“Your respect is probably what saved you. She may not proclaim out loud ‘I'm the best’ but you can see it in her eyes, the way she carries herself. Silent pride, just as effective in getting the message across.” more the man spoke, more proof that it was indeed General RozĂĄlia VĂ©ghvĂĄry of the Phoenix Army. She was surprised how she hasn't burst into flames yet.

“Year what- oh.”

Then Let Me Enlighten You Why. She's Missing Parts Of Her Soul, Not Due To A Contract But As If It Was

Well shit.

“Name's Cindy, Cindy Flame. I'm dead yet not at the same time, but more about that later. I think I know what you're referring to; at first I thought Hades officially threw in the towel with a fuck you all, but it wasn't a single occurrence, always a fresh wave around the start of each year.”

“Okay so Heaven-Earth-Hell are connected inseparably. And when Heaven does their yearly fuckery, it destabilizes the realms' connection. Therefore, the souls of the dead have nowhere to go except a closed off active war zone, so they return to their bodies. Which is...well dead. And boom: you get a fantastic zombie apocalypse with me trying to clean up the mess of these idiots' dick measuring contest who can't grasp the concept of balance.”

Then Let Me Enlighten You Why. She's Missing Parts Of Her Soul, Not Due To A Contract But As If It Was



(X) @phoenixborn​

“I know better than to avoid asking her that question, not without breaching personal privacy
 I can tell you and she and her army are assisting me in protecting the Princess of Hell’s hotel, and have been doing so in the previous yearly cleanses.”

Besides, Don knew that remembering death days were
 Unpleasant, to say the most.


“I understand if you don’t believe me, but if you just answer my question
 I can take you to her
 Perhaps rekindle any lost bonds between you and her.”



“She’s the General.” Cindy whispered the conclusion mostly to herself.

The beast she had watched during fights. Who moves just like her mentor did. Who tears anyone against her apart. And she’s been unaware the whole time.

“I believe you. And there are no bonds.”


Sharp and defensive while still reeling from the information. If her father’s idol was such a great person, then what is she doing in Hell, licking royal’s boots? Oh so glorious freedom fighter. All previous sympathy for her mangled soul vanished without a trace, wiped clean by explosive magma rage.

“There’s only one place I will meet her. In the fucking ring of the Viper club.”


Hesitation about whenever she should make that step burned to ashes as well, Cindy has fought too much for to be the best. Both as a human and in the afterlife. After her mentor’s, Yuri Boyka’s death she felt she was worthy continuing his legacy, his memory. That demon won’t rip that away from her too.

“I’ve seen her fight without knowing her name. How come you aren’t in a wheelchair at least?” a scoff of disbelief, why did he receive such special treatment? Of not having limbs shattered, twisted, bent until they tore, broke beyond repair?


“I don’t know
 Perhaps because I respect her as a tactician and a fellow fighter
 That our respective past mortal lives have similar traumas
 You’ll have to ask why I haven’t end up in a gurney of all places.”

Rozália was an ally and mentor to him, platonically
 They both could speak of tactician matters that everyone else seemed confused on.


“Because I don’t pry into her personal life, I really am learning about her through our conversations
 We both want to protect our allies and our home.” She was also one of his allies reminding him that he was safe in the hotel, and that
 His past will not be repeated here in Hell.

“I’m still new to Hell, died in the year 20xx, so both of us are adapting to the changes around the Pentagram.”

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1 year ago
Your Species Have Nothing To Do With The Natural Distrust Life Taught Me, What The Fuck Do You Perceive

“Your species have nothing to do with the natural distrust life taught me, what the fuck do you perceive me as?” it was a miracle that her tone was still as sharp as she wanted to be, despite Morpheus' threads' restless pull

“Might have the power of one but I don't exactly have a God complex. Turn towards Heaven for better examples.” she was prideful, yes. Arrogant to a degree. But she had her reasons and power to back it up. And after a life cut short of suffering, kindly allow her to announce she can and will remove any obstacles in her path how she sees fit.

The low rumble of ice cold panic at the words alternative payment was impossible to ignore. Nor she planned to.

Your Species Have Nothing To Do With The Natural Distrust Life Taught Me, What The Fuck Do You Perceive

The situp was color blurring quick, her weight supported by her right arm despite the silent protests of chiseled yet quivering muscle. The exhaustion wasn't mirrored in cutting jade eyes fixed on him with a piercing stare of judgment itself. Something else lurking beneath her orbs, not quite infernal nor celestial; it shifted with unnerving fluidity like magma rolling from volcanic mountains.

Only after the silent conclusion did she allowed herself to fall back, finally listening to her physical aches as well.

“I will think about it. You are attractive.” blunt instead of playful, she was tired to play the games she usually entertained herself with

Your Species Have Nothing To Do With The Natural Distrust Life Taught Me, What The Fuck Do You Perceive

For @phoenixborn​ from (x)

For @phoenixborn From (x)

“Nothin’ more than to know you’re okay, ain’t often folk look ready to fight a whole ring and at the same time appear to be workin’ on fumes and the willpower of a God
 Hard to believe an imp would want nothin’ but ya best for ya huh?”

Striker continued to caress her head, the hair felt silky smooth as it trailed through his fingers. Knowing more than most, he knew how the strong would hate to be perceived as weak or in need of attention by anyone they didn’t trust, yet Striker was in the unique position that he often had gotten to be good at in getting into situations where folk would trust the bartender/saloon owner, he was a public figure, but one people could feel safe with talking to, at least in an emergency.

“If it’s impossible to think so, then let’s say a kiss on the cheek, that’s the alternative payment if Nothing is not good enough for you.” A chuckle before a soft hum escaped him, some people demanded to be able to pay, either to feel better about themselves or that they didn’t trust the imp’s -no payment required- option.

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1 year ago
Jaw Muscles Clenched With Force That Actually Threatened To Fracture Her Teeth, A Small Twitch Of Her

Jaw muscles clenched with force that actually threatened to fracture her teeth, a small twitch of her right hand at the explanation.

“Certainly noticeable, their wonder isn't...artificial. I can almost feel it.” too bad hellborns didn't have a soul, Cindy would've bet hers would shine so bright, just like her- no that's a path she cannot go down yet.

Instead she focused on the lady's hands, gentleness in every movement, nowhere a forced or faux gesture that would be expected from shopkeepers. She was aware she haven't picked the most expensive flowers yet she wasn't coerced into possibly buying more or picking a bouquet. Cindy judged beings by her own- by the Universe's eyes and this woman was more of an angel than many born in Heaven.

The silent conclusion brought the tiniest of smiles as she took back the delicate flowers. Upon the words they were gone. Everything, from wrapper to petals disappeared in a flash not even leaving the faintest trace of ash behind.

Jaw Muscles Clenched With Force That Actually Threatened To Fracture Her Teeth, A Small Twitch Of Her

Cindy stared down her empty hands with shock and disbelief, her vision blurring with each passing moment.

“I...That shouldn't have happened, the temperature was way too high without morphing, I don't know. This never occurred- I didn't do it on purpose I'm sorry! ” arms now back to their original position with nails harshly biting into skin without care. Don't touch anything. Don't think. Reconnect. Control.

“She...” won't be able to tell “her name was Viola and...she indeed would have.” Don't cry. Who knows what it will set off in this state.

“I will pay for them of course. I didn't-” her voice gave out at last, unable to bring her glowing gaze to meet the shorter lady's, afraid what would she see in them

Jaw Muscles Clenched With Force That Actually Threatened To Fracture Her Teeth, A Small Twitch Of Her



Her voice was kind. That was the first conclusion; melodic, pleasant to listen to with an interesting lilt to it. Jade flickered towards the mentioned object, a quick glance at the now seemingly harmless fingertips. It would be awfully rude to ask the lady for such mundane task, on the other hand so is accidentally burning down her shop because she’s a mess.



Instead Cindy decided to occupy her mind with other details instead her own misery as she reached for the violets which had a slight blue tint in their petals.

“Everything is so
heavenly. No, that’s not a good comparison. Heaven is barren compared to all this wonder.” she was quite surprised she managed to form complete sentences, the possible hints of what she exactly is slipping without care. She probably won’t see the flower lady ever again
even though she seemed to radiate familiar tender kindness.

“That would be all
I made sure there are some left for others after me. I just
need plenty of violets.” the entity glanced at the small bouquet protectively yet gently cradled in her hands


Scarlet had been complimented on her shop before, but this was the first time someone had said it was more beautiful than Heaven.” She blinked, taken aback at first but her same warm smile returned to her face, genuinely touched by Cindy’s words. “That’s awful sweet of you to say, hon. These flowers are my pride and joy and I treat them like I would a child--With love and care.”

She nodded and gently took the violets from Cindy’s hands, wrapping them up in colorful plastic wrapping and then tying a pretty bow around the stems. After ringing Cindy’s purchase up, she handed them back to the cosmic entity. “These for your mother? I’m sure she’ll love them.” Scarlet said conversationally. It was Mother’s Day after all so she assumed that’s what Cindy was here at her shop for. This was one of Scarlet’s busiest days of the year after all.

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1 year ago

Mother; sweet, only mother

Mother; Sweet, Only Mother

She waited till moonfall as always; the silver light of her former reliever illuminating the silent steps of the once only Spirit of Vengeance. Even the scythe of the crescent moon seemed mournful, well aware what evil had been committed 33 years ago.

Once kneeling at the grave, Cindy began to arrange the flowers of bouquet she always brought, handpicked, only the best for her mother even in death. She did her best to remember flower language she explained to her on a humid summer afternoon with pictures so bright in the aging book. First, the crown of lilacs for family, white daisies woven close for innocence, blue hortensia petals covering the center for gratitude the way she raised her. A white lily interwoven with a lively pink orchid: Cindy's never passing mourning along with Viola's everlasting image of a graceful, beautiful, loving mother.

Her hands shaky by the time she was finished with the little altar which was always more appealing in her imagination than the final picture. Her legs no longer could support her, the marble cool even under her touch. Today she wasn't the Fire. The Creator and Destroyer of Worlds. Only a child who lost her mother.

“Happy- I don't know if this day is happy for you.” more rasp coating her voice than usual, three days in a year Cindy visited. Mother's day, on the day of Viola's death and on the day of her death. A child running to her mom for safety from harm that already befallen.

“I...I got the violets from Hell. From a very kind lady who- reminded me of you.” and every day she would talk until she passed out from exhaustion and slept through the remains of the night, curled up next to her headstone. Safe.

“Yes I have been going down to Hell for fun. I know how it sounds but I'm actually staying out of trouble...mostly. Well, better than I do up here.” the child admitted, a shaky hand reaching out to caress the orchid

“And I met someone.” glowing orange flowed from her fingertips, the ghostly flames swirling gently.

Slowly they took shape of a woman in a long, flowing dress and the gentlest possible expression on her face, also sitting on once pristine white marble gravestone with a pure smile and soft glint in her eyes. Deep down, Cindy knew it's only her magic that could make these moments as close to reality as possible; her tears always began to flow like a restless river of pain.

“His- His name is Erebus. He's...not like anyone else I've met or been with. He's kind. Gentle. Respectful. Talented, shy, guarded and mom, he's so beautiful.” inside and out but she couldn't say more per moment. Viola silently smiled and waited for her daughter to continue as she always did.

“He's an artist. A musician as well. We've both been helping each other in different yet so similar ways. He both can sing and play the guitar and he definitely didn't expect my voice.” the tiniest laughter before emerald blurred with liquid fire glanced up the radiant woman

“You would like him. I love him and I think...he feels the same. I really love him mom.” Cindy hasn't admitted it out loud so clearly before “I only didn't ask him to come with me visit you because...” because I'm not sure if he can. If he would get hurt for getting out of Hell. And I don't know the depths of horror I would unleash if he's harmed.

“Maybe an another time? If it's alright with you” the figure didn't respond no matter the agony pooling in the eyes that held the very universe within

Cindy unconsciously moved to hug her, desperate, foolish and hopeful that one day, it might be different. She passed through the semi transparent glowing stardust of a figure; an inhumane yet so human wail of agony tearing from her throat. Rivers of fire began to flow uncontrollably, her pain searing into the marble as swirling burnt orange with faint stars trapped within.

Hours passed till she somewhat could regain composure, after all she wasn't done yet. Haunting melodies carried by the wind filled the empty cemetery, a soul beyond repair singing her unquenchable sorrow. She sang without regard of strain, not when her only audience could never hear the true depths of her gift.

Sang until she collapsed against her headstone, trembling hands slowly readjusting the flowers of the crown while half conscious. It had to perfect. Just like she was. Cindy couldn't remember her eyes falling shut, her body giving away a year of exhaustion as she slept undisturbed, safe from night terrors, cradled in her mother's lap.

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