Basically The Reason The Vghvrys Were Born Was AUs Getting Out Of Hand. - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

An important psa:

If there is one thing you all should know about me, it’s this

                                   I am ALYWAYS a up for AUs

And when I say always, I mean always. I have more AU ideas than I can count. Check out my verses page, or ask if I have a particular verse already. If I don’t chances are that I will get excited and make it happen. Never feel shy or bad about throwing an au idea you’d like to do at me, or if we’re mutuals just write me the starter, or send the message. I will sit in my chair and probably scream a little bit because OH MY GOSH AUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!

We can do one long thread, or we can do several short threads. We can have several threads in the same au! It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re happy, and I’m happy, and we get to have fun!

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