Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
An Important Psa:
An important psa:
If there is one thing you all should know about me, it’s this
I am ALYWAYS a up for AUs
And when I say always, I mean always. I have more AU ideas than I can count. Check out my verses page, or ask if I have a particular verse already. If I don’t chances are that I will get excited and make it happen. Never feel shy or bad about throwing an au idea you’d like to do at me, or if we’re mutuals just write me the starter, or send the message. I will sit in my chair and probably scream a little bit because OH MY GOSH AUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!
We can do one long thread, or we can do several short threads. We can have several threads in the same au! It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re happy, and I’m happy, and we get to have fun!
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More Posts from Phoenixborn
I headcanon Cindy BITES into her ice cream not only because she's warm enough that it probably doesn't hurt her teeth but also to intentionally freak others out
Make a headcanon!

...I haven't considered her ice cream eating habits but her temperature is definitely too high to calmly enjoy it so, yeah she does before it melts. And after witnessing the reaction it only fueled this approach.
Status: approved✅ with the addition that she definitely plays the typical 'licking the ice cream sensually' too.
Female lean bisexual noises with an utmost chaos of a pansexual muse
Pride may still be half a month away, but I'm changing my icon early in solidarity with @winters-club

send me a 🍓 and ill compliment u!
@phoenixborn said: 🍓? ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

JASMINE MY BELOVED!!!! Your writing is just god-tier. Your characterization, your world-building, your headcanons!!! All so fucking detailed and thorough that I’m honestly kinda jealous!
You have so much passion for the world your created for your murder gals that I love it when you reveal another of your lore to me whether it be in one of our threads or in the DMs. Also, you’re just one of the best people I know. I love talking to you and I can’t imagine not writing with you, or not knowing you. You’ve become an important fixture in the RPC for me and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

Jaw muscles clenched with force that actually threatened to fracture her teeth, a small twitch of her right hand at the explanation.
“Certainly noticeable, their wonder isn't...artificial. I can almost feel it.” too bad hellborns didn't have a soul, Cindy would've bet hers would shine so bright, just like her- no that's a path she cannot go down yet.
Instead she focused on the lady's hands, gentleness in every movement, nowhere a forced or faux gesture that would be expected from shopkeepers. She was aware she haven't picked the most expensive flowers yet she wasn't coerced into possibly buying more or picking a bouquet. Cindy judged beings by her own- by the Universe's eyes and this woman was more of an angel than many born in Heaven.
The silent conclusion brought the tiniest of smiles as she took back the delicate flowers. Upon the words they were gone. Everything, from wrapper to petals disappeared in a flash not even leaving the faintest trace of ash behind.

Cindy stared down her empty hands with shock and disbelief, her vision blurring with each passing moment.
“I...That shouldn't have happened, the temperature was way too high without morphing, I don't know. This never occurred- I didn't do it on purpose I'm sorry! ” arms now back to their original position with nails harshly biting into skin without care. Don't touch anything. Don't think. Reconnect. Control.
“She...” won't be able to tell “her name was Viola and...she indeed would have.” Don't cry. Who knows what it will set off in this state.
“I will pay for them of course. I didn't-” her voice gave out at last, unable to bring her glowing gaze to meet the shorter lady's, afraid what would she see in them


Her voice was kind. That was the first conclusion; melodic, pleasant to listen to with an interesting lilt to it. Jade flickered towards the mentioned object, a quick glance at the now seemingly harmless fingertips. It would be awfully rude to ask the lady for such mundane task, on the other hand so is accidentally burning down her shop because she’s a mess.

Instead Cindy decided to occupy her mind with other details instead her own misery as she reached for the violets which had a slight blue tint in their petals.
“Everything is so…heavenly. No, that’s not a good comparison. Heaven is barren compared to all this wonder.” she was quite surprised she managed to form complete sentences, the possible hints of what she exactly is slipping without care. She probably won’t see the flower lady ever again…even though she seemed to radiate familiar tender kindness.
“That would be all…I made sure there are some left for others after me. I just…need plenty of violets.” the entity glanced at the small bouquet protectively yet gently cradled in her hands

Scarlet had been complimented on her shop before, but this was the first time someone had said it was more beautiful than Heaven.” She blinked, taken aback at first but her same warm smile returned to her face, genuinely touched by Cindy’s words. “That’s awful sweet of you to say, hon. These flowers are my pride and joy and I treat them like I would a child--With love and care.”
She nodded and gently took the violets from Cindy’s hands, wrapping them up in colorful plastic wrapping and then tying a pretty bow around the stems. After ringing Cindy’s purchase up, she handed them back to the cosmic entity. “These for your mother? I’m sure she’ll love them.” Scarlet said conversationally. It was Mother’s Day after all so she assumed that’s what Cindy was here at her shop for. This was one of Scarlet’s busiest days of the year after all.