phoenixborn - 𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓲𝔁 bathing in ashes
𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓲𝔁 bathing in ashes

Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.

751 posts

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

The so far dormant entity's ear caught the words she's been looking for to hear throughout the nights. Open mic. A last moment check to make sure everything was beyond perfect:


The incredibly gritty howl reverberated throughout the palace, although instead of horns, wings broke free from her body.

“RAISE 'EM HIGH !” almost a battle cry, the entity glittering in gold and starlight made her way towards the stage with utmost ease & lack of care

“LET 'EM SOAR, LET 'EM FLY ” impossibly strong vibrato and effortless switches between clean and raw rasp vocals, without needing a microphone, her wings seemingly acting as an amplifier

“UP THROUGH THE HEAVENS, FOREVERMORE” fire began to envelop her body, obscuring the golden wonder from the eyes

“LET 'EM RAIN DOWN; RAISE YOUR HORNS!” Cindy reached the stage at last, stepping out of the whirl of cosmic fire in an entirely different outfit, the Cosmic Dusk.

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

“Now, that I have all of your attention,” grit still present in her speaking voice as well along with a cuttingly playful edge “I have to ask: do you settle for less? Less than what you could be or could get? Obviously not, if you are attending to this ball. I know most of you run for the hills at the sound of rock n roll, but don't bolt just yet. I have something digestible even for such fine crowd.”

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

The entity chuckled, yes she will be holding back, still a better outcome than trying and succeeding in outscreaming nobility. The rhythm although heavy, she was true to her promise and reigned the previously displayed raw force of her voice.

“I know what you want, I know what you like: You're obsessively undressing me with your eyes.” still without a microphone, her voice surrounding the crowd nicely “I know what you need, I know how to play. I know how to give without giving it all away.”

“I got all my moves! I know how to tease, I know what to do and wanna make you believe~” she broke away from the crowd for a minute to address the next lines to Beelza herself

“That you, baby, you're special. A whole 'nother level.” a ghost caress of her cheek with one of her radiating wings before stepping towards the crowd again

“And you wanna touch me, take me home tonight, yeah, you maybe I'll let ya” her own gloved hands skating across her body, head turning towards Beelza once more

“But I'll never settle, for anything less than special, special, special, special.”

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

“I know who you are, got your number down.” Cindy sat at the very edge the stage, allowing a demon to run his talons up her thigh high boots “I know how to turn you on” a purr before a sharp push with her heel as she stood “and turn your ego down.”

“And I hear all your friends, I know what they say: If you get dishonest promise I won't hesitate” a breathy, seductive tone in extremely sharp contrast of her first introduction of earth shattering vocals

“To put out the fire, to put up a wall! Don't ruin it by thinking you're the be-all and end-all.” an immediate slip back to the previous volume, playing with her voice so effortlessly as if it was as easy as breathing

“That you baby, you're special, a whole 'nother level.” this time the singer sought out a different member of the crowd, a beautiful succubus dressed in purple shades “And you wanna touch me, take me home tonight, yeah, you, maybe I'll let ya. I'll never settle, for anything less than special, special, special, special.” jade sprinkled with golden stars fluttered close at the guitar solo; this is what she craved. What she dreamed of. And she will be damned if she doesn't deliver.

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.

“I know what you want, I know what you like, trying to convince me with your ‘meet me backstage’ smile.” she wagged a finger with an all knowing grin, slithering down to a squat, close enough to touch; that if someone dared to with such wings looming above them “But I got all my moves, I know how to tease, I know what to do and wanna make you believe!”

“That, you baby, you're special like some kind of rebel.”

“And you wanna touch me, take me home tonight!” switching into a sharper, aggressive tone as the song eventually drew to a close “Yeah, you! Well, maybe I'll let ya!”

“But I'll never settle.”

“For anything less than special, special, special, special !”

Cindy allowed the last beats to close the performance, bathed in the spotlight and her own radiance

“Was that so bad was it now?” she asked, voice filled with smug with satisfaction

“Want to try something heavier? I can last the whole night.” the innuendo perfectly on purpose, although a glance at Beelza “Or as long as it's allowed.” she corrected, though she was curious who had the guts to perform after her.

@qveenofgluttony / @infernal-feminae

The So Far Dormant Entity's Ear Caught The Words She's Been Looking For To Hear Throughout The Nights.
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More Posts from Phoenixborn

1 year ago
The Cosmic Horror Has Arrived As Well. And Sure As Fuck She Isn't Glowing In Happiness.

The cosmic horror has arrived as well. And sure as fuck she isn't glowing in happiness.

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11 months ago

Hope Cindy wasn't doing anything important because she's getting scooped by her boyfriend and twirled around in the air. "Missed ya, sweetheart." He coos, pressing his lips to her forehead. (@infernal-feminae) <3

Hope Cindy Wasn't Doing Anything Important Because She's Getting Scooped By Her Boyfriend And Twirled


It was good, but not perfect. For most people it was perhaps perfect. Yet Cindy always wanted more: break through every limit, rule, boundary set by humans and by anatomy itself. Give her all for a glimpse of the reactions. The freshly recorded song has been blasting in her headphones for more than a half hour by now, trying to figure out what was missing and from where.

Hope Cindy Wasn't Doing Anything Important Because She's Getting Scooped By Her Boyfriend And Twirled

She had no complaints with the instrumental parts, the guitar solo always beyond perfect; which at first brought a ghost smile to her lips before shocking her with the revelation.

Dashing in front of the microphone in a crimson blur, one ear still plugged; she needed to hear herself not just the feedback. It started as a low, growly rumble, then her voice started to climb in perfect symphony with the electric guitar, a seamless, loud, brightening glissando. The highest note held effortlessly, allowing the guitar to fall back into its own rhythm while rock n roll still poured from her lips till she felt enough.

Yes. That was missing. Cindy laughed to herself at the fact and success, rare and full of mirth in the lone recording room- till she wasn't alone. Body, mind and soul relaxed immediately, melting into the surprise embrace with radiant warmth.

Hope Cindy Wasn't Doing Anything Important Because She's Getting Scooped By Her Boyfriend And Twirled

Jade eyes sparkled so brightly, small giggles slipping from her instead the previous vocal acrobatics at the loving gesture.

“Missed you more” she cheekily quipped; childish? Yes. Did she care? No.

Still curled around Erebus like a kitten, she simply loved to be...held. Kept safe and cared for.

“Did you get lost in the guitar store again?” Cindy chuckled, genuine teasing mixing with curiosity

Hope Cindy Wasn't Doing Anything Important Because She's Getting Scooped By Her Boyfriend And Twirled

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1 year ago

Lil help in deciding: Rozália's and Karma's damage are unavoidable, because they don't have any control over it (Rozy only can turn the heat down to a 'manageable' level) nor can the injuries be fixed.

Cindy, while having near perfect control she's still a galactic terror and emotionally volatile. a violent, deceptive sociopath. It is entirely up to her whenever she chooses to chop the dick/finger/tongue clean off for her own amusement.

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1 year ago



Her light by now exceeding a supernova's; she soared past, then with a sharp curve dipped towards Heaven, celestial wings spread just above the realm to slow her descent, well aware the consequences of her current form could cause. A tremendous tremble of the realm as her feet touched its ground, a feeble protest against her visit. So its very essence continued to thrum wildly to the rhythm of her determined footsteps.

Wings still outstretched, the edge of her flames further lightening from blinding golden into arctic blue. Her shadow whispy, almost nonexistent and ever flickering just like fire's, infrastructure disappearing in the cosmic entity's path. Not even a trace left behind, only the overwhelming, cleansing heat, well past the measure of holy.

The creature of the Universe driven by ancient rage at the audacity of someone, something so much lesser meddling with the balance It tried so hard to keep caught the flickering sense of untainted holy essence. Interest awakened, It turned the route towards the source, the path lined up by dead, tortured bodies. The fire erased them as well from existence.

It appeared to be a prison and someone worthy was still alive in there. It made the decision to shrink its frame, returning mostly humanoid form to fit inside the building instead of destroying it as well. Guards still present, refusing to stand down even after everything became nothing in her wake. This wasn't a normal response, even from the most trained. They weren't protecting their loved ones from her to stand against sure death so uncaring, so ready but not eager. Almost...robotic.

Miniature stars shimmered and arranged themselves into her true preferred weapon, a double bladed scythe: one end pure, glowing white hot, the opposite shimmering deep garnet. The Phoenix danced, beautifully deadly, brilliant flashes slowly but eventually extinguishing the guards' light one by one.

The scythe dissolved, back to where it was called from, her flames starting to stretch further as she approached the heavily locked door where the essence was held. Lock easily giving away at the faintest brush of her fire, along with the door eaten away by them before she could've reigned it to stop.


Her light flooded the cellar near blinding, searching for what ultimately diverted her attention. And in front of the Archangel stood the true Higher Power.


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