Wildfire roaring in my veins, the entire universe blazing in my eyes.
751 posts
Cindy Is The Spirit Of Vengeance, Although There Would Be Better Alternative Methods.

Cindy is the Spirit of Vengeance, although there would be better alternative methods.
Her personal traumas are extremely deep rooted, no one would've punished her rapists because of their position and to avoid distrust among people. Technically, nothing would've stopped them from doing the same to an another girl. So she chose the permanent method, furthermore, one brutal execution was carried out in front of his wife and children. She was extremely raw and damaged, she doesn't do this often anymore nowadays, but freshly back from the grave she was even more vicious then she is today.
She has experimented with letting them go with a scare of their lives, watched them walk out of prison and found at least 80% continuing where they left off. This led to her simply not calculating the remaining percentage and chose the immediate and permanent solution without remorse. Her protection extends to not only children but every age and ethnic group, the amount of atrocities committed every day is incredibly overwhelming and staining her already damaged psyche. It took great fine mechanisms to learn how to use that crimson bladed sword which leads her to the scene, to the victim and about to be killer/rapist/abuser.
Cindy is well aware how her methods can effect survivors, but in her opinion better if they are afraid of a flaming terror murdering someone than if they are dead or worse. She doesn't have time to save so many lives under such span without murder. Kill, sword signals the next victim, race to them, kill. Repeat for 8-12 hours a day.
Singlehandedly she had cut down 30% of violent crimes globally, her estimated headcount is way past millions. And she doesn't ponder further on the morality of her methods, she's a killer and she's at peace with it. Furthermore she doesn't murder for her own amusement but for a purpose to save lives.
phoenixborn liked this · 8 months ago
winters-club liked this · 2 years ago
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He seemed honest and much more kind than the usual demons she had encountered despite the stony look.
“Fender?” curiosity and intrigue mixed in her voice
“Is it a Fender Stratocaster by any chance?”

It's been ages since she has heard the iconic sound, even though she heavily preferred Gibsons, the Explorer model to be exact. Then came the crushing realization.
“...Hell uses a different currency than the human world doesn't it? Warmed up for nothing, great.” the spirit scoffed, well it was worth a try

@phoenixborn said: (Hi my rocker spirit is coming for your rocker gargoyle)
The usual hop down to Hell for a strut and investigation of how this pocket dimension operated went as always: a little bit of trouble here and there, nothing too major yet.
“Hey, do you know where to get Gibson guitars here?” it was a sudden impulse to ask the tall demon, urged by her gut feeling

The gargoyle raised a brow at the woman, having been caught in the middle of a smoke break. His expression was neutral as he took a slow drag of his smoke. He assumed the fiery-haired woman was new in Hell, and luckily for her, she asked the right person.
“There’s a place called Core Guitars couple blocks down.” He replied, exhaling the grey vapors as he spoke. “Got my Fender there. It’s good quality.” And it cost him a pretty penny but it was worth it.

“Can't say there was any effort to get know me besides the good old 'murder is bad' finger waggling. I have a task what I do restlessly without helpers. Then I have to polish my skills and my powers to always be in tune with them.”

Exactly what she was talking about. The implication not lost on the entity, jade eyes narrowing into a feline slit.
“You should've done that centuries ago.” she countered immediately, there was just something so unbelievable about centuries, millennias old beings not able to come to an understanding where both parties get what they need
“They weren't a bit reckless, they were DYING.” her gritty voice carried both the power and the pain equally as well. It wasn't an accusation, it was worse than that: the truth.
“And I-”
“I can't be everywhere.” the second crack in her composure
“I don't need you or any of you to tell me I'm right. I know I am. He was starving from the lack of belief, which I'm sure now you know how it feels like. And what starved animals do? Bite. Viciously. Voraciously.” young she was, yes. Yet war was so deeply engraved in her blood.
“I only can say what needs to be said. I'm the Executioner, not the Judge nor the Jury. It's not my place to have that discussion with him and for the sake of the children attempts should be made. There is a much worse force than him lurking in the abyss.” Toothiana was right, she indeed needed a signal as she was difficult to reach, always lost in her job or practicing.
“My permanent residence is a castle in the forests of Northern Italy. My holiday castle is in the heart of the Sahara. If any of you can fire a beam of light shaped a sharp V, that will do it. No one except from you will know who's coming.”


“ ‘Best decision’?? It shouldn’t have been a decision at all! What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?!”

Two weeks. She took two bloody weeks off as vacation after non stop working only to come back to this mess.
“You should’ve called from the start. Underestimating your enemy is always the first and fatal mistake. I would say many older spirits could strengthen this claim, but you see, they can’t.” flicking off the young spirit even before she became the Eternal Fire resulted in a lot of defeats and deaths; she had to prove her stand, her power to not be remembered as the angry victim.
“I was working since I was resurrected. I protected this godforsaken planet with the risk of dying twice. I thought I deserve a vacation, I thought the Guardians surely can keep order for two weeks while I’m away.” she avoided to say recovering. Cindy couldn’t let anyone know how even cosmic regeneration struggled to keep up with her insane, intense bright burn of a lifestyle
“Even if I don’t care about you, I thought I’ve made quite clear I care about the balance.”
“I know it’s easier to overlook me as the reckless young murderer, but I believe I’ve proven to cherish balance to the point of risking my life to protect it. After your glorious victory, children weren’t afraid of crossing the street without looking around, teens stupidly going clubbing in the darkest hours, accepting drinks, drives to ‘home’ from strangers, reckless stunts leading to death or permanent injuries. Just to name a few.” but of course that didn’t matter because toddlers got a good night sleep
“Like it or not, Pitch is needed for the balance. Which doesn’t give him the right to tip it in his favor either, but I thought immortal beings are capable of discussing this as such.”

“I was simply using your words.” Surprisingly no rage in her tone, some frustration and even a little offense taken but no genuine anger.

“And like I said. We didn’t know how to contact you Cindy. We don’t know you and we didn’t know where you were. We didn’t even know you had left for a vacation until it was too late.” Perhaps they could have tried but still that felt like there was no guarantee of an answer, but like she said she didn’t know Cindy.
“I know Pitch is necessary, we didn’t kill him. We don’t do that.” Something in her tone suggested she meant ‘I’ instead of we, “And we had to spend weeks getting things back in order after the mess Pitch caused and almost KILLED us. Sorry we didn’t think to hit him up asking 'heyyy wanna scare kids a bit more since their getting a bit reckless’-” she sighed, hating that feeling of how powerless she felt. Her wings didn’t even work.
If Jamie didn’t continue to believe she would have been gone. Simply put.
“You’re right though. We underestimated him and we endangered children even if that wasn’t our intention, we weren’t being very good guardians. Pitch had never attempted anything like that until that point, we got used to handling him. Never thought he’d finally pull the rug out from under us.” Bunnymund, Jack, and North would be too prideful to admit to their mistakes, but Tooth? Not so much. “Pitch is…complicated though. Discussing things with him in the past has never turned out all that well.”
Oh the tales she could tell this woman.
“Did you just come to lecture me?…If you want to avoid what happened ten years ago you can tell me how to contact you when you leave.”

Made by the amazing @winters-club
Pitch's robe is only held together by the power of PG rating.
Honestly ppl complained that ROTG made Jack Frost hot but no one talks about Tumblr Sex man Pitch, How Santa is a buff daddy, Bunnymund is a furry wetdream come true and the fact that the Tooth Fairy is thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
For a Blog all about fire Winter's Club sure is on here a lot (this is a tease I'm not serious)

What can I say my wife is both a great person and writer.