pinksobg - Kelly

she/her; tarot reader and intuition learner 🌿 ⸜(q˃ α΅• Λ‚ )⸝♑ I write sometimes

189 posts

Late Night Conversation: Characteristics And Simple Messages From Your Fs

late night conversation: characteristics and simple messages from your fs 🌌🌷

Late Night Conversation: Characteristics And Simple Messages From Your Fs
Late Night Conversation: Characteristics And Simple Messages From Your Fs
Late Night Conversation: Characteristics And Simple Messages From Your Fs

mostly for fun and for reflection: would you like a fs like that? would you like the things said? πŸ’ŒπŸŒΌ

let's go for the tea? πŸ‘€


pile 1:

characteristics: oooh, good in my opinion!! you got: confident. knows how to take care of themselves in a good way. patient, knows to wait and respect opinions. they try their best, pile number 1.

professional field or passion: veterinarian, agriculturists, editor or design field. oh, took a little of a jump, right? πŸ˜…πŸŒ· or maybe not? take what resonates to you please. :)

messages: they may like to talk, my pile mumber one. "yes, and?".

"I like what I see" huh πŸ‘€πŸ˜…. "I like it". ok, they like something.

"Do you find me attractive?" oooh, I find it cute that one.

"Can't wait to see you again".

"I swam and the water was cold".

"Date". "Party".

"I'm sorry".

"I wonder how it is like to be loved by you".

"Bet you will be the one with the ring on the finger".

songs: 5 seconds of summer songs. cindy lou who. jΓ£o songs. eletric love.


pile 2:

characteristics: resilient. optimistic, sees the good. prudential. loving person. maybe cool and collected as well. introvert vibes.

professional field or passion: waiter. teacher. mentor. psychologist. or maybe work in the care field.

messages: "you are attractive/hot, sorry"

"do you find me attractive?"

"I feel seen around you"

"You light me up"

"It's hard to breathe when you look at me"

Maybe your fs might been passed to a heartbreak not a long time ago.

songs: espresso. dandelions. that what's makes you beautiful by 1D.


pile 3:

characteristics: calm. altruist. do certain things or most of them with ease. very calm energy.

professional field or passion: architect. nurse. journalist. maybe can have multiple interests or mostly likely to have more than one passion.

messages: maybe you don't know them yet my pile number 3. this is a good signal for you?

"Kiss me" wow, straightforward.

"Secret admirer" oh!

Oh. oh. oh. An advice! I wasn't expecting it. Maybe it's a call out. Maybe your standards are down right now. Or maybe you are giving much energy for something you shouldn't. Maybe you are waiting too much from emotional, romantic love to happen right now. And maybe it isn't the time yet. Oh! I wasn't expecting an advice. It is really from someone who loves you. Please, take what resonates. So, darling, it's okay, sometimes we mix something up. I remember a phrase from a kinda long time ago. It's something like: when something is missing, we try to overdo something to try to "fulfill". Darling, I understand. It's hard to heal something but it's time to recognize if something is wrong. Right? Like much social media, waiting too much on romantic love, feeling stuck on life...

My friend, when you are going through a, uhn, let's say - rollercoaster. There is some time that it is linear, right? To give impulse. Sometimes, so it's life. Maybe something is like stuck for you to try or focus on something else, something you love or it's good for you. Take care my friend. β€πŸ’žπŸ’Œ

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More Posts from Pinksobg

9 months ago

Hi, can I Join your new game? I'm N and the song I recommend is Cry for me from Twice

My ask is about my future spouse's career

Thank you so much 🀍

*Followed all the rules*

hello! ofc! thank you for the song recommendation and for letting me read for you! <3 your reading is here:

Hi, Can I Join Your New Game? I'm N And The Song I Recommend Is Cry For Me From Twice
Hi, Can I Join Your New Game? I'm N And The Song I Recommend Is Cry For Me From Twice
Hi, Can I Join Your New Game? I'm N And The Song I Recommend Is Cry For Me From Twice

very interesting! Your fs career may be about making something better, linked to improvement and care. it could be something related to decoration, psychology, veterinary medicine - or something related to the care of animals, but it could also be an administrator or a business person (fell twice about). but in general, all of these professions have in common the main focus on making something better. it is must likely that your person will work in areas of improvement, strategy and/or care.

I hope you like it! <3 thank youu

9 months ago

Messages for Self Empowerment

Messages For Self Empowerment

Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.

If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.

Pile 1

The World, Judgement

Look at what you accomplished. You have dared to show your true colors, and boy did it turn out great! Remember how scared you were in the beginning? How uncertain things were? And yet, you did it. You heard your calling and answered to it. It might have taken another shape than you first expected, and granted, that can feel like a hit to the ego. No one likes to be wrong. But you listened to your intuition and pushed through, even when doubts were drumming your heart and mind. You deserve to be proud of yourself. You deserve high praise. Enjoy the fruits of your labor - the next chapter is just around the corner.

Pile 2

4 of Wands, 5 of Cups

Return to your safe space. You took great care in creating it, and you deserve a little peace of mind for now. Turn to what's cozy and familiar, and leave the big leaps for another day. It might not look as heroic as you'd like, and maybe even guilt will creep up once you step away from the noise, but trust in the power of the pause. You need to fill your own cup before rushing to the next big thing. Do easy things. Be soft. Go the path of least resistance. Maybe a good cry is overdue and will feel safe enough to show itself once you settled down. Let it take up space inside you as long as you can bare, and I promise you will feel better afterwards.

Pile 3

6 of Cups, The Star

Nurture your dreams. I don't mean the ones you escape into when the real world gets too dull or harsh - I mean the ones you said out loud with your chest when you were a kid. Maybe the exact details of the dreams changed, because your grasp on realism wasn't the firmest back then, but this dormant flame inside of you wants to be fanned back to life. What did you want to be once all grown up? Why did you want that? How can you take a real life step towards this today? The tiniest bit counts. Open up to a trusted friend about your aspirations, or research about that old obsession you had. Reconnect with that innocent sense of hope, even if it feels scary. You have the means to protect it better than ever now.

Pile 4

Queen of Pentacles, 5 of Wands

Congratulations on your open heart and calm mind amidst the stormy seas. There was quite some tension and quarrels inside and around you recently, and despite a few hiccups along the way, you managed to give the right impulses for a peaceful outcome. Continue with your nurturing towards others and yourself. Find a piece of nature you can ground yourself with - a park, a forest, maybe just a little weed on the sidewalk you can greet everytime you walk past it. Remind yourself of the interconnectedness of everything to not take on 100% responsibility. It's not just you out there. You aren't the only factor, and that's a relief.

9 months ago

I hope you find so much peace that it becomes impossible to trigger you.

9 months ago

oooh this one is smash right? feeling proud of my little blog I like so much reading for you guysss 🌼 made a lot of blogs in my life i was thinking, i did fanpages, writing, editing, moodboards, pretty much things hehe, this one I like very much yaay, thank you all β€πŸ€— beyond grateful

Advice from your feminine side πŸŽ€ + self care advice also from your feminine side (long reading, with topics)

talking about studies, job, relationships, self care practices

Advice From Your Feminine Side + Self Care Advice Also From Your Feminine Side (long Reading, With Topics)
Advice From Your Feminine Side + Self Care Advice Also From Your Feminine Side (long Reading, With Topics)
Advice From Your Feminine Side + Self Care Advice Also From Your Feminine Side (long Reading, With Topics)
Advice From Your Feminine Side + Self Care Advice Also From Your Feminine Side (long Reading, With Topics)

choose an feminine energy you would take advice from, connect with yourself and your highest energy you want. for reflection. πŸͺžπŸ«§

pile 1 > 2 > 3

Pile 1) πŸͺžπŸ«§ Welcome to your reading

College/studies/school/skills: the tower. strength. 9 of pentacles.

It represents the changes you may go through, leaving your comfort zone, changing your routine.

Strength suggests the protection of our objectives, our ability to face and pursue our own desires, with focus and determination to face challenges.

The 9 of Pentacles symbolizes the end of a cycle. It suggests that you may have worked hard towards goals and now it is time for the cycle to end, indicating success and obtaining rewards.

In the card, we see a beautiful woman enjoying her conquests, walking through a winery surrounded by coins.

In summary: the advice is to focus on your goals, work on adapting your routine, define priorities and/or even leave your comfort zone a little; pursue your performance, your goals in a healthy, balanced way and with a lot of willpower.

You will have protection from your feminine side on this journey and a good path will lead you to a wonderful harvest; even if it seems slow or even difficult; consistency, rest, balance, fight.

Job: empress. 7 of swords.

Empress! Oh my! The advice is clear, for you to deal with clarity, strength, inspiration, organization and power in your work. Fighting possible negative energies, which could be difficulties at work, with grace and self-confidence, self-knowledge, self-control, self-healing. Not allowing yourself to be degraded.

Relationships: 9 of cups, queen of swords.

Look for pure and true intentions in your relationships, on the part of yourself and others. Bring out your best, take good care of yourself, and try to heal negative patterns that can harm your relationships. I don’t know why I’m thinking this but therapy and/or connection and open, healthy conversation seems important here. It must be the queen of swords, with her assertiveness. Think about your purest and truest intentions and discover your power of healthy communication.

Self care practices: DIY, manual work, crafts, contact with nature, contact with your interests.


Pile 2) πŸͺžπŸ«§ Welcome to your reading

College/studies/school/skills: ace of pentacles, 7 of pentacles.

The ace of pentacles suggests your success, your good performance, the abundance that will result from your work.

The 7 of Pentacles suggests that you should stop for a moment and evaluate everything you have achieved so far before moving forward.

Evaluate the obstacles that remain or what is stopping you from taking the next step towards your growth.

In short: you will reap good results from your efforts, or you have already achieved beautiful things.

The advice is to evaluate your path, celebrate your achievements and plan your next steps, what needs to be done, perhaps even the pros and cons; to be able to find better direction in your studies and practices, find techniques and ways to do what needs to be done and be happy with your achievements, dreams and determinations. (what a long ride I feel you have done, thank you so much and congratulations).

Job: 8 of cups, 5 of pentacles.

It suggests detachment and innovation. Illuminate your mind, seek inspiration and follow the path that you think is best and most prudent for you in your work.

In the Mythological Tarot deck, the Five of Pentacles Tarot Card presents the following image: This tarot card presents the image of a man wearing a cloak and supposedly leaving a house. Five gold coins appear in the image. It's night and there is an intense full moon.

In summary: caution may be advised with certain types of investments and/or negative thoughts (or even negative actions) about yourself and/or other matters that may bother you at work.

Seems pretty specific, doesn't it? May not resonate completely for a part of pile 2.

Relationships: hierophant, queen of wands.

The hierophant card suggests commitment, values, traditions, inner and spiritual contact.

The Queen of Wands symbolizes stability, focus, security and also a woman who has the power to help in a time of need. In the card we see the Queen on her throne adorned with lions, symbols of her courage and power.

The Queen of Wands means a time with more focus and determination to achieve goals or resolve situations.

The card indicates love and passion, both for resolving issues and for others. It is a card that suggests courage and strength to pursue what you want at the moment.

In summary, for more practical advice: it is advisable to establish what your expectations are with your relationships, what your values and/or traditions are, work on them with affection, care and courage; in addition to helping your loved ones when they need it whenever possible. (You are a very abundant person, I wish you all the best).

Self care practices: contact with your interests, aromatic diffuser/candles/etc; yoga, meditation. Spiritual: contact with your feminine side/balancing your energy.


Pile 3) πŸͺžπŸ«§ Welcome to your reading

College/studies/school/skills: high priestess, ace of wands.

Yay! Love this energy. The advice is to connect with yourself, connect yourself to your ideas and ideals. Think big, trust yourself, work on your skills and cultivate all your good energy, learning and ideas. The advice is for you to get down to business with faith in your abilities and confidence. Congratulations! We see new projects and great ideas on the way, trust in yourself and continue well and firm; vibrating loudly. (wow so refreshing energy).

Job: 6 of swords, king of pentacles.

The 6 of Swords signifies a moment of transition, which tends to be positive. This transition can be physical, emotional or spiritual, depending on the situation.

The card also talks about and suggests overcoming challenges, forgiveness, being forgiven and forgiving, ending conflicts and finding new solutions at work.

The King of Pentacles indicates that success may be just around the corner. In more comprehensive consultations, it could mean a promotion at work or an opportunity, where your wisdom and intellect will guide you to the right path. It suggests good control and there is trust involved.

In summary: it is advisable to move forward with overcoming challenges and obstacles, forgiving and being forgiven, ending conflicts and finding new solutions that can bring you joy and well-being. suggests the support of your intellect, security and confidence in your work.

Your feminine side will support you; ask for clarity if necessary.

Relationships: 6 of swords (again?), 6 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, knight of pentacles.

The 6 of Pentacles means that some difficult situation will improve. The card indicates a moment of generosity where things tend to get back on track.

It suggests that harmony will be restored and your life or the issue in focus has everything to balance again.

In short: it is advisable to seek justice and balance in your relationships, with generosity. There is growth in your relationships soon or is already existing. The knight of pentacles, mainly, suggests working on emotional security in your relationships, whether with a sincere conversation, therapy, conversations about issues or old hurts if necessary.

Seek justice and generosity from your loved ones is advice.

Self care practices: games you like, positive self talk, writing about memories/journaling, skin care, exercising/pilates if it's possible. πŸ€—