Hope You Enjoy - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

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Here is Angel Dust playlist. Lol again, I went overboard with the songs and added over 100, but hey, better than none at all. Enjoy everybody

@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic

@cookiekyo , @demoarah , @danveration , @beebsbea ,

@veethewriter , @forbidden-sunlight , @pinkcrystal44 , @luujjvi ,

@unholycheesesnack , @saturnhas82moons , @jyoongim ,

@aceofcards0-0 , @ghostdoodlen , @yourdoorisunlocked ,

@starshipcookie , @ainsliemac , @aria-tempest , @nobuharashinyao

, @sweet06tart , @blakedbeanss , @ihyperfixatedagain , @ktssstuff ,

@yakultt-art , @mooniee123 , @nightmarenaya , @darischerry ,

@sadnessiscoldtea , @alastorssimp , @imacollasaltitan ,

@dilucragnvindr-my-beloved , @batmanmonstarr , @felice-jaganshi ,

@justchillaine , @crazed-flower , @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog ,

@akiooshizuka , @lokis-imaginary-friend ,

@themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @futureittomainn ,

@christinaatyourservice92 , , @just-trash-yeah-thats-it ,

@angelinevalentine89 , @yunimimii , @staryosh1 ,

@mihawksdemoness , @crystalreads , @blahblahbruhmeow ,

@madam-strawberryrose , @inkslayer , @azazel-nyx , @lixanjewel ,

@artemisandhunters , @thereeallink , @ask-theradio-demon ,

@lousypotatoes @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco

@lillylovesalastorsm1 , @alastorthirsty , @yukiinee ,

@daydreamtoropov , @cosmiccoralz , @genderlessdude92 ,


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8 months ago

@5sosmukefan asked: Can you do one please where Conrad and yn are together and in med school and he get sick with flu or strep and yn takes care of him till better please even when tries say he's fine but she shoves him lay couch and shoves thermometer under his tongue please.


Ofc! Sorry this is literally so late but I tried my best and I hope you like it!

(Tw: throwing up, sick, flu, that's really it I think but if I missed one tell me!) I tried to not gender the reader to much but idk if it worked cause this is my first fic and IDK what I'm doing but anyway I'll stop yapping please enjoy! šŸ˜

@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get
@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get
@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get

It was a cold winter night at Stanford as you had been in the library all day studying for your SATs making sure you knew every bit of material you could possibly need to try and get the most perfect score you could. Conrad knew this and knew that you took school really seriously just like him and wouldn't settle for anything but the best score you could get. So when Conrad saw he had fallen I'll with the flu, he decided it would be better to not tell you until after the SATs were over so you wouldn't have to worry about him.

@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get

When you got home you called out for Conrad but there wasn't a response so you got a little bit worried "Conrad? Are you home?" You yell into the little dorm apartment you guys had as you walk further into the apartment putting your keys down you heard the faint sound of something in the bathroom like, gagging? You get confused and walk into the bathroom and immediately get hit with a pang of sadness and confusion as you see Conrad crouched over the toilet vomiting "omg! Baby are you ok??" You ask as you run over to him crouching near-ish him as he leans back on the bathroom wall "yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it baby.. just ate something funny I guess..."

@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get

But you're not stupid and Conrad's always been a bad liar so you quickly stand him up and walk him to the couch, not without him protesting ofc "y/n I swear I'm fine-" "no your not! Now lay down I'm taking care of you, let me be ur doctor" you say with a slight smile finding it cute to take care of him even though all he does is insist hes fine but the red nose from tissues overall look of being tired tell you different. as you lay him down on the couch and put a blanket over him letting him out whatever he wanted on TV as you walk to the medical closet grabbing a thermometer and medicine as you walk back you wave the thermometer in his face.

@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get

"open your mouth" you say sitting next to him on the couch "no babe I'm literally fine you need to study-" you cut him off surprised"that's what this is about?!? Babe... I'd rather fail that than ignore the fact your sick now open you mouth.." you say prying his mouth open and putting the thermometer in his mouth and taking it out after it beeps and immediately gasping "Jesus baby! Your literally burning!" You say looking at the 106Ā° on the thermometer quickly running into the kitchen grabbing some medicine and making tea, and bringing him a tray of stuff he needs like medicine and tissues, and also stuff he likes when he's sick like tea and crackers (literally whatever as long as you give it to him #simpšŸ¤­) and for the next week you take time off studying and cancelling plans or study sessions with friends to stay with Conrad. taking care of him until he's better always checking on him and everything cause your just so anxious that he's gonna need you and you won't be there so you just decide to always be there for him.

@5sosmukefan Asked: Can You Do One Please Where Conrad And Yn Are Together And In Med School And He Get

and that earns you the nickname of "my favorite little nurse" from Conrad, who will never stop teasing you EVER. But definitely expect that after that week when he's feeling better all he's gonna do is cuddle and do everything for you trying to pay it back cause he feels bad he couldn't do all that by himself but also so thankful for you, cause he just loves you so much, his little special nurse<3

(I can't think of a better ending omg šŸ˜–šŸ˜)

I have no idea if this was good or not and I'm so sorry if it's bad since this is my first fic, I tried to like add dialogue but omg its so hard for me. I hope it's not to short but I just really wanted to write it cause I felt so bad for being busy all the time and not doing it so I hope you like it!!

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10 months ago

I made a webtoon :3

I Made A Webtoon :3

Jk, I haven't made an actual episode yet, but- I did make the thumbnails and actual thingy-a-bob.

"Master" our original title, has turned into "Dimensionless24" so hopefully people will enjoy it when It comes out!

ANYWAY: Mr. Pink hair here is main character named... Dundunadunda dunadum QUINCE, his name is Quince and I love him. Our magical floating ferret is his companion and yeah! More to come.

Also... I hate the vertical Thumbnail and will redo it once the fifth episode is released. Probably. It was just rushed and feels like a bad reflection of what I want this to be.

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1 year ago
That's Great I Hope Woman Kiss Me On The Mojth (with Tongue) For This One

that's great i hope woman kiss me on the mojth (with tongue) for this one

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1 year ago

When, Not If


Ao3 link here!

Synopsis: Caine reflects on abstraction after the Kaufmo incident.

full fic under the cut!

Caine didn't know what to do the first time this happened. Why would he? It'd never happened before.

Screaming was all he could hear. His wonderful performers screaming at him to do something, anything. What could he do? There was no protocol for this. There was never a protocol for this.

So, instead of doing something useful, he just watched. Trying to figure something out, anything out. But what would work?

Caine decided to make a cellar. It was a rush job, but of course it would be. He'd touch it up later.

So very unfortunate. He'd only known that performer for a few months (or was it a few years?).

The others followed in their footsteps shortly after, and soon he had 4 abominations in there.Ā 

He had decided to call them Abstracted, as they weren't abominations, that word left a bad taste in his mouth.

Soon he'd discovered that Abstraction was a matter of when, not if. He wasn't sure if that made this whole situation worse.

Every time a performer would Abstract. Every time a new performer would take their place. Every time Caine had to throw the Abstracted performer in the cellar.Ā 

Every time Caine lost a little more of himself.

Kaufmo wasn't the final nail in the coffin. He was the penultimate nail in the coffin.

He didn't think he could take another Abstraction. He hoped he'd never have to see another abstraction.

But he knew that he had no choice. After all, it was a matter of when, not if.

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1 year ago



Isnā€™t he cool?? This man can make you pickles and chill with you!

Some more photos for fans:


(based on my ideas btw)

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6 months ago

TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I donā€™t have him before Lawsuit Arc, but we all know itā€™s just a re-color of Luigi. Anyways Lore time!(gasp)

Trigger Warning:BLOOD AND DEATH

Arc One/After Lawsuit Arc

TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I Dont Have Him Before Lawsuit Arc, But We

This is Cole, another Luigiā€™s SMG and Luciaā€™s Guardian partner. Unlike the other three, heā€™s more serious and prefer not to be in some trouble every other day. Lucia and Cole have a sibling figure bond and Cole acts like a big brother to her. After Lawsuit Arc, he stays away from any chaotic stuff and tries to relax himself after basically dying and such. Though, not everything will go the way he wants with the whole ā€˜Itā€™s Gonna Be Perfectā€™ thing with the castle being taken down by SMG4ā€™s mistake.

He was PISSED at SMG4, blaming him for everything that happened and the destroyed castle, but he stopped himself from yelling and slapping him on the face. Despite his serious and sarcastic tone, he did helped Mario or ā€˜Martyā€™ with the Pizza Place along with Lucia and also accept Lucia of being a trans female. He finally started to feel in peace and relaxation after working and finally have the new castle rebuild..BEFORE he was dragged and join the crew to the Wild West.

After Western Movie, Cole, again, getting pissed at Meggy for dragging them into a traumatized situation, and this time, he yelled at Meggy for being so reckless and so stupid and ended up having a fist fight with her til Lucia and Tari break it up and Cole just stays at the Mario Brothersā€™ house. During the new castle times, Cole wanted to plane a way to kill Mario and stop this chaotic world heā€™s in.

Arc Two/WOTFI ā€˜23 and Aftermath

Art, SMG-K(mentioned), and Shared Idea by @echostarsys

TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I Dont Have Him Before Lawsuit Arc, But We

During his planning, he was having trouble of HOW to kill Marioā€¦or at least get a reasonable closer to him without giving away. He soon see how SMG4 and SMG3 fight about SMG3ā€™s notebook and noticed Mario being all questionable lately. Cole mark his chance and get closer to Mario, asking him whatā€™s been going on. After getting Mario to speak, Cole learned that heā€™s playing to get Smg3ā€™s notebook and steal the pizza recipe. At first, Cole actually thought Mario was insane when he heard it was Martyā€™s idea, but once Cole got to actually see Marty(after the pizza work) and surprise to hear him talk..he plans to get close to Mario by Marty and then stabs him in the back once the plan is done. Though, he knew itā€™s risky for anyone to know, so he hide behind a red cloak and tricked Mario into thinking itā€™s a stranger that wanna helped Marty and Mario with the plan.

During WOTFI, Four, Three, Lucia, and SMG-K went to the casino to get the notebook back, but K got split up from the other SMGs while being chased by Chris and Swag. During that time, K went through the casino and see Marty alone with a strange red cloak figure. K couldnā€™t do anything, before Cole pull out a gun and shoot K in one of her arms, before he rush and use his dagger to cut part of her left ear off. Cole was manage to injured her tail and slice her face, making her half blind with two hits of his dagger.

Before he could finish her, K use her cat claws to attack him which really fucked his face up, giving him the same scars and losing one of his eyesight and such. Fortunately, Cole turns away from her face to cover his face and not reveal himself and barely escaped with his life. Once he escaped and left the casino, he could barely feel his face and had to bandage his face up by himself. By the time that heā€™s finish bandaged himself, Mario and Marty were in jail and Three got his notebook back. He went to check on the three SMGs, but not see K anywhere..he didnā€™t care anyways, that was the least of his problems.

For the few days, he stayed away from the crew..he couldnā€™t let anyone find out about what happen..course, this worries Lucia, but Cole just bush it off, saying that he just have a small cold and just need time alone. Once the scars are healed enough, Cole came back to hang out with the group and tries to plan another way to kill Mario, but the other problem was that no one will stop asking him what happened and how he got the scars, Especially SMG4 and Lucia, which he always avoid and act like itā€™s personal to him. It took a while for him to get used to being half blinded, but after a while, he got used to it and learned how to still fight and all with being half-blind. After sometime, he begin to tries to plan again to kill Mario..but he had no ideaā€¦yes, he knew the world was gonna die, but if that means he can be in peace for once..so be it.

It wasnā€™t until after The PuzzleVision Movie that he remember Marty existed. He hate Mr Puzzles, but he got to admit..he glad he was there to remind him of WOTFI ā€˜23. Whenever heā€™s not with the group, he would visit Marty in prison and plans revenge against Mario for leaving him in prison. Course, Cole didnā€™t had money to bail him outā€¦so as anyone would, he grabbed his old red cloak and break into prison with his gun and dagger to break Marty out of prison. Soon they both plan a revenge on Mario and kill Mario for good.

Arc 3/Betrayal Arc

TIME FOR A SECOND SMG4 OC INTRODUCED!! Meet LSMG2 Aka Cole! I Dont Have Him Before Lawsuit Arc, But We

After a long time of working and planning, they finally made a cult that makes poison spaghetti sauce. Cole was FINALLY gonna have Mario killedā€¦but there was a problemā€¦he knew Mario been poison a lotā€¦he knew he need a planā€¦a MURDER planā€¦so he pretend to be a cop and told someone that a terrorist escape and purposely send Mario to the cult with a spaghetti poster to trick everyone.

Once he got to the cult, he acts normal and rush in to see Karen tackled Mario down and acts like he heard chaos nearby and ask whatā€™s up. When Karen found out about the poison, Cole was dragged by SMG4 to Karenā€™s house where they see K with the kids and..with Marty..which kinda shocked Four, because he havenā€™t seen K since WOTFI. Before he could do anything, K and Cole make eye contact for a hot second..before K realized..HE was the cloak figure from WOTFI. When SMG4 realized of them having similar scars..he looks shock and surprise, before Cole grabs his dagger, but Mario quickly kick Cole to the ground.

Cole would just laugh and explain that itā€™s all part of his plan to end Mario and finally have some peace, even if it means killing his avatarā€™s brother. However, The crew defeated them and Marty and Cole escaped and that when Cole changed his outfit. His next plan was to try to get Lucia to his side and get more information of Karen and K, so he breaks into the castle and breaks into Luciaā€™s room when everyone is sleepingā€¦only to have a gunpoint at him by Lucia.

Four told Lucia about everythingā€¦how much he was a traitorā€¦how much he planned to kill Mario. Cole tries to explain his actions to just to ā€˜have some peaceā€™, but Lucia didnā€™t want to hear it. She TRUSTED him..like a brother she hadā€¦to only wanted to kill the only avatar that could kill the universe by just dying. She just yells at him..saying that she trusted him and loved him like a big brother she ever had..but now she hate him and justā€¦couldnā€™t let him do his killing.

With a moment of hesitation, Cole grabs the gun and twisted Luciaā€™s arm, before he slam her to the ground. ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦.but youā€™re in my wayā€¦..ā€ that lineā€¦that single lineā€¦made a differenceā€¦before a shot to a head happened..he tried to get her to listenā€¦he tried to reason with herā€¦but nothing will be enough for him, will it?ā€¦.After the final blow, Cole flee the castle, before anyone walked into the room and see his former sisterā€™s bloody body.

FINALLY!! This took me whole day! I really hope you enjoy this lore and thanks for @echostarsys for the collaboration and shared idea with Cole and their upcoming OC, SMG-K. If you have any questions, please be free to ask. Have a good day

If you donā€™t remember Lucia, this is Lucia.

Made first ever SMG4 OC
So took me a while to think, but her name is LSMG(Luigiā€™s Super Meme Guardian), but she called herself Lu. She was a yellow re-color version

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10 months ago

Yandere Orignal Character

sooo the poll ended and a lot of you wanted some yandere oc content so here is it!

Warnings: There isn't a lot of explicit Yandere content since this is an introduction post, obsessive mentions, stereotypical Yandere shit, I don't know how to write him as a Yandere lowkey, no scent kink mention, mention of kidnapping,

as per usual lmk if I miss any warnings and gammerly can only do so much to save me.

as well as send in some requests about Bu if you want to learn more about him :)

word count?!: 602

Yandere Orignal Character

You always noticed him, I mean how can you not? His staggering height and muscular body frame were enough to draw anyone near to him, it was enough to make himself the center of attention. Especially with the curly messy green hair that was always in a giant bun. If it wasnā€™t his appearance that captivated the general public of your college, then it was his dynamic personality. He always made people feel at home, that someone he just met can feel like a lifelong buddy. It was soā€¦ off-putting, but no one seemed to mind. Not the students, or staff, not the professors, who are enamored by the handsome boy with vitiligo. Top of the class and always doing just enough where he can excel.Ā 

Like everyone, you fell for the striking boy- felt it a strong word. More so you appreciate the eye candy whenever you cross paths with him, itā€™s sad really, you donā€™t even know his name

But, lucky he knows yours. He knows everything about you.Ā 

Bu is enamored by you. Obsessed? Is just a simple word to describe the feeling, the way his body heats up as his heart beats just a little bit faster as Bu catches you staring at him in the library you both study at. The way he appears to be the sunny calm man as he presents himself, his always seemling closed eyes pinched into a never-ending smile. But inside his head, in his heart is a completely other story

But is a very relaxed person, he can come off as cocky, overconfident and jealous people would even say egotistical. Can you blame him? He never failed at anything in his life, never got less than 98% on a test or assignment, never was picked last for dodgeball, and was never able to get something he wanted. Everything was within his reach, Bu made sure of that.Ā 

He is going to make sure that you are never out of reach, never unachievable. Because he wants- no, oh god no, he needs you and he will make sure he gets you.Ā 

Donā€™t mistake him though, he isn't going to kidnap you and store you away in a cozy cage locked in a temperature control room with all the commodities you can ever imagine. He isn't completely senile, but he is going to make tabs on who you hang out with, who is a potential love interest, who made you upset, etc. Bu is going to insert himself into your life in the most extroverted way, and use his popularity and then the underlying crush you have on him to his complete and ultimate advantage.Ā 

How can you know not to feel flustered and anxious when the moss hair boy you have been eyeing for months now, comes up and asks you about the upcoming math 111 test? You both well know that Bu can easily pass the test, but it's a good opportunity to see if you need any help, and oh boy are you not going to pass up this opportunity to spend one on one with the campus candy. Bu couldn't be more thrilled when you agree to meet up with him for coffee the next day to review,

And you couldnā€™t be more happy, that you not only managed to land a hangout with the monstrous sunny boy, but also his phone number and name.Ā 

ā€œI canā€™t wait, I will see you tomorrow Bu!ā€ you gave Bu a bashful smile, before turning and walking towards the door, Bu waved you goodbye, as his smile reached his seemingly closed eyes.Ā 

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1 year ago

Okie. (怃ļ¾‰Ļ‰ļ¾‰) @shycroissanti

š“—š“¾š“°š“°š“²š“·š“° š“šš”‚š“øš“³š“¾š“»š“ø š“—š“®š“Ŗš“­š“¬š“Ŗš“·š“·š“øš“·š“¼

Okie. () @shycroissanti

His hugs would be firm and tight like a business handshake. Its warmth and love still provide you a whole bunch of comfort.

When you are alone and hugging, he is like a puppy who craves your love and attention. Leaning into every touch of the hug, giggling like a teenager that just discovered kissing.

He sways your hips to feel you rubbing against him. And tells you how beautiful you are and how he loves you.

He caresses several parts of your body causing you to giggle. It tickles you so much.

He hugs you whenever, wherever you want.

He gives the best hugs.

Hug him now!

100/100. Hug or die.

Okie. () @shycroissanti

a/n- enjoy

What would you love for Kyojuro to do with you?

Oh? A hug? (怃ļ¾‰Ļ‰ļ¾‰)

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4 years ago

Have a picture of my kitten. It may or may not brighten your day.

Have A Picture Of My Kitten. It May Or May Not Brighten Your Day.

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4 years ago
Have A Happy Caturday From Starbucks (left) And Evie (right).
Have A Happy Caturday From Starbucks (left) And Evie (right).

Have a happy caturday from Starbucks (left) and Evie (right).

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3 years ago
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy
I Actually Did Something For Once! This Was My First Time Cosplaying, And It Was A Lot Of Fun. Enjoy

I actually did something for once! This was my first time cosplaying, and it was a lot of fun. Enjoy my 707 cosplay!

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3 years ago

Giant Byleth Fic


"It is most rude to interrupt a moment of repose. Very rude indeed."

Byleth could do nothing but stare in silence at the green haired girl sitting atop the throne in front of him. A million questions ran through his head. What happened to his usual dream? Was this even still a dream? It seemed like a dream, but something about this felt so real... and almost familiar in a sense. Byleth was broken out of his thoughts when the girl spoke again,

"Now come to me, I wish to have a look at you."

Not knowing what else to do, Byleth obeyed the girl and stepped forward. The girl on the throne, who had been looking down this whole time, was taken aback when all she saw were a pair of boots. Her head jerked up and met with Byleth's face.

"Huh... I have certainly not seen the likes of you before. Who are you anyway?"

Byleth was silent at first, his forehead wrinkled as if he were struggling. Finally, he gave a shaky "Byleth" and pointed to himself. The girl's expression softened upon hearing Byleth speak, quickly realizing that the giant boy must not speak often.

"Huh. I shall not ever grow accustomed to the sound of human names," she mused, "I would like to know your date of birth as well, but that seems like something you would not know." Byleth shook his head in response.

"I see. Well," she yawned, "I think it may be time for yet another nap... It is almost... time to... begin..." As the girl on the throne trailed off, everything began to fade away into nothingness. Then Byleth heard a different voice, a familiar one.

"Hey. Time to wake up."

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2 years ago

Saeran Choi x Sizeshifter MC

It's almost winter break which for me means playing Mystic Messenger because I actually have the time to do so. I was feeling inspired so I wrote a little scenario that I've been thinking about for awhile now. This is very self-indulgent, but I hope that you enjoy.

MC was strange. Ray had known that since the beginning. They had answered his call and allowed themselves to be blindfolded and taken to a place they had never been. They never doubted his sincerity when he lied about RFA, and continued to trust him even after he admitted to lying about it. They never once stopped believing in him after Saeran came out and starved them. It never occurred to him why MC acted this way. All he cared about was the love that MC had given him. His second chance at life. Of course, in order decide what his next step in life would be, the newly whole Saeran needed to get he and MC away from Mint Eye.

They had been running for hours now. The abandoned cottage was within their sights, when MC suddenly let out a pained yelp and fell to the ground. Saeran asked MC if they were alright before actually turning around. Looking at them it was clear to him that MC was not alright, as they were on their hands and knees with a vacant look in their eyes and a pained expression on their face. He knelt down beside them, but before he could say anything MC let out a pained groan. And that's when the growth started. Saeran stared in shock as he watched them grow. He had to crane his neck and move backwards more and more just to keep looking at them. They were clearly in pain, but Saeran was helpless as he watched their face get farther and farther away from his. Then, just as suddenly as it started, the growing stopped. Saeran just stood there, his mouth agape, staring up at his lover who now towered over him. MC began to blink, trying to bring clarity back to their vision. When they finally locked eyes the comparatively tiny Saeran below them, MC's face turned from pained to terrified. Saeran could feel their breath wash over him as they muttered to themself things like, "Why is this happening again?" and "I thought this had stopped." Tears began to well up in MC's eyes, worrying Saeran even further. Things had just gotten a whole lot stranger.

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8 months ago
I Seriously Dont Know Do I Like It Or Do I Hate It!! I Spend So Many Time On This And I Did So Many Different

I seriously donā€™t know do I like it or do I hate it!! I spend so many time on this and I did so many different versions of this artwork but and I donā€™t know which is final version

But I really like this colour paletteā€¦

Anyway!! šŸ¤™šŸ»

I decided to add it here because Robin is my favourite one piece character and every time I see her and my heart grows šŸŒøšŸ’—

Hope you like it šŸ„°šŸŒø

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7 months ago

Forgot to post this yesterday, but the chapter is (finally) out! Itā€™s a bit long, so be warned! Thank you all for waiting so patiently!

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4 years ago

ch 4 is updated! Heads up for those that missed the update from earlier today!

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Masterlist

Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamuā€™s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didnā€™t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

Disclaimer: this story contains major manga spoilers, so if you donā€™t wanna be spoiled, kindly yeet yourself away before i make you sad (cause then i will be sad)


Ch 1: the predicament

Ch 2: the duplicate

Ch 3: the unexpected reunion

Ch 4: the celebrity and his con man

Ch 5: the graduation celebration

Ch 6: (TBA since itā€™s highkey a spoiler for the customers) (Coming soonā€¦)

ā€¦and more to come!

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